out of cage

Chapter 790 Chapter 18.19 Emperor liar tailor, new clothes, little boy troublesome

Chapter 790 Chapter 18.19 Emperor liar tailor, new clothes, little boy troublesome
With Osima and Sky at the same time, a new model of "commodity sales production and marketing system upgrade" was ignited.

On Wan Lun Continent, the Goddess (Goddess of Finance) arranged for the survival plan of other capitalist countries to fail.

The speculators in the Wanlun financial circle saw no hope of "new market development" (harvesting), and the Anglo-economic crisis could no longer be contained.

The hope of returning the "investment" is gone

Wen San pushed the pancake trolley, passing by the largest "casino" (stock exchange) in this plane, looking at the glass building, red and green lists flickering, those group of gamblers in suits and ties gathered, sweating profusely and mobilized feverish emotions.

At this time, on the LCD screen at the side of the building, some experts at the symposium were still talking about the crazy economy, declaring "good" and "still hopeful"

Just ten kilometers away, in the Anglo Parliament, many members of the Anglo Parliament asked for leave to go home and escaped from their own funds.

Master Wen San looked at his stall, he never speculated in stocks, he always kept silver dollars in his pocket, and recently prepared more flour, sauces, and fresh goods from the butcher shop.

According to Wen San (Wei Keng split body), the situation is about to change.

Narrator: Although the "royal family" and "large chamber of commerce" that have information resources occupy enough material wealth resources.

But every economic problem is definitely not the reduction of wealth controlled by these top-level people, but when more than 90.00% of the people are increasingly disobedient to their control under their "big head" order.

They urgently need to find newer classifications of external resources.This includes launching military operations against internal opposition within the adversary.

It's just that after each foreign war, in the process of redistribution, in order not to hurt their dominance, they still hold the big head.

…Wei Keng looked at the terrifying concept field in Anglo’s direction: “It’s you who have been trying to kill yourself and keep squeezing the problem, don’t blame me”…

Fire pattern calendar January 3252, 4.

In the hotel of the palace, these people who had just attended Lance's funeral a few days ago held up their red wine glasses and discussed high-class and elegant topics.

For example, finance, how these people with thin gold chains on their spectacle lenses can effectively use the system to create wealth, oh, in short, it is to create value concept bonds.Then let the bond be recognized in the running of the business.

And in the royal palace, those "bards" in the literary world are also telling stories vividly. They will dig out the emotions in every corner of society, and even treat every animal around them, such as pigeons in the square, stray dogs in the garbage dump, Will attach their own identified emotions.

"Value" and "beauty" are often evolved here.

Lance's condolences, since the hypocrisy is over, the next thing is "too busy."

And there is no corner on the east side of the banquet.The generals in military uniforms were discussing the concept of "powerful".

The military has come up with a brand-new upgrade plan for the empire's armed forces, and will begin to develop more heavily armored combat units. In some factories that forge land battleships, the latest workshops have reached the level of old-fashioned battleship factories.

Anglo is whispering about so-called "next-generation armaments," but it's already being tested in R&D centers.

The Anglo's new equipment is stronger and larger land armor.

The Imperial Research Institute has developed the latest thermonuclear power source. It no longer uses water cooling with low energy density, but uses lead cooling. When higher density energy is released stably, this means that the size of land armor equipment can be further expanded. .

At this time, the Anglo officers, after the war with Vail, were obsessed with heavy units.

These bearded generals with cigars in their mouths and gorgeous noble military uniforms are still arrogant about the "light mecha" that appeared in the recent "armor fight" against Osima and the sky, thinking that it was hastily remodeled by the peasants "Light crossbow", only the thicker armor they have developed is the warrior who decides the outcome on the battlefield.

Oh, by the way, the daily cost of grooming the beards of the Anglo nobles is the two-month salary of a motorcycle soldier.So they had reason to laugh at it. Iron Star's gang of turkeys upgraded their weapons too badly.

Narrator: Iron Star now also has the same nuclear-powered heavy equipment research project. After all, the bigger the combat platform, the better, but instead of directly wearing armor and carrying the gun, it is used for temporary support on the battlefield, providing supplies for the Dragon Guard group during long-distance combat assaults. .Similar to aircraft carriers and supply ships.

At the banquet, the Anglo marshal was standing with the cabinet speaker, talking and laughing happily, while the waiter stood aside politely isolating other participants.

These two men were talking about "major national affairs," decisions about millions of jobs.

Because of the Anglo-military business complex, they still have ideas about the area on the left side of the "T"-shaped continent, and are planning to launch a wave of coastal suppression on Iron Star in the next two to three years.Conduct political and economic blackmail.

With a cigar in his mouth, the general pointed to the Anglo politicians on the map and said in pity: "The poor people in the sky will have to wait a few years before they can be redeemed."

...When the gods can't protect them, those who believe in the gods start to go crazy...

In a small compartment next to the palace banquet, the contemporary Anglo old king was resting in this cleaner environment with several of the more core figures of the empire.

A female general in a black military uniform is standing beside the young crown prince with her hands behind her back. The most obvious impression is that her leather boots are so bright that they can shine and her bright red lips.

As a summoned heroic spirit, Kalis was in 700 years and was married to the Earl of the River (from the Plain of Wind Whispers in Osima). The ogre hangs on the impaling thorn. (17.31 Chapter 2)

The virgin countess has since started her own way to power. She is well-known for her military exploits and administrative ability, but what later generations can remember is the story of her killing captives and bathing in the blood of mixed flower petals.

Callis' contemporary contractor is the Crown Prince of Anglo, who is following royal protocol carefully.

As a super talented mechanical designer, Kelly put her fingers on the sand table in front of her, and picked up a delicate model of a land mechanical fortress to look at.

At the court, when the knife and fork had to be careful when cutting the dinner plate, no one paid attention to her rudeness.

Because as a "polymath", she is allowed to be individual.

When the Angles created heavy armor, it seemed that they gave up mobility? ——No, they just felt that they could use other means to maneuver, such as the "Scroll of City Return".

Twenty years ago, when Anglo was fighting Enma, he remembered the unforgettable "group teleportation" tactic.

When trying to destroy Iron Star's "group teleportation" strategic ability, they first planned the assassination of Enma.Oh, this one did the trick.

Furthermore, it is to summon the ancient heroes to restore and re-develop conceptual technologies such as "group teleportation".This kind of concept technology needs to consume a lot of energy and condense one-time props. Compared with the concept of "Enma" as a hero condensed, it is expensive.

But for the war that is about to be launched now, as long as it can be created, the price of energy will be several times that, and it doesn't matter.

When Kalis lived, her science laboratory used electricity to directly move a castle into the north, but now after she is summoned, after reading the scientific and technological materials, she gradually uses the mode of an arcanist, Constructed a "transportation item" serving the Super Corps.

...a genius who was once ahead of his time, now given "super" attention...

At this time, the king of the empire and the ministers are whispering the top secret, that is, to attack the Osima area on a large scale.

The Prime Minister and several ministers gave plans to interfere with Osima:

First of all, 25 heavy cruisers must be moved to the most central lake area of ​​the Osima Wind Whisper Plain, which can play a role far better than three teams of land heavy armor (one team of 12).

At the same time, it is also necessary to prepare for the heavy armor transformation of the airship formation, airborne on the Wind Whisper Plain, and provide cover for the Osima defenders on the Wind Whisper Plain.

The last thing is to set up a teleportation array in the capital area of ​​Fengyu, teleport 120 five heavy armored units, and then cut off Osima.

The military described the above-mentioned plan to the Prime Minister: This is an action that allows Anglo to show its "confidence" in its allies, and at the same time effectively deter opponents.

…For presentations, the “effect” is often overestimated. Oh, in this era, there is no ppt…

Just as the king nodded slightly and stroked his scepter, Kalis suddenly stood up at the banquet table and removed the napkin. This action may not be common in workers' daily family dinners, but there are many maids on the side It is very inappropriate to carry a plate at a royal banquet.

Kelly didn't explain, but went straight to the window, looking very serious, looking at the sky.

The crown prince stepped forward to ask, and was thinking about how to explain her rudeness, but he came to the window, followed the direction of Kaliss' perspective, and saw the red flame meteor coming from the sky outside the palace suddenly, Also stunned.

Kelly stared at the distant sky: "Enemy attack!"

The ministers froze for a moment, their first reaction was that they were joking!But at this time, the anti-aircraft firepower that was half a beat late began to shoot lines of fire into the sky.Yet sky rockets have arrived.

…with a slingshot, the one who smashed the glass, here comes the skin. …

And there is light in the sky, which is the embodiment of the hacker satellite forcibly spying on the Anglo strategic location.

The royal palace is a zone protected by powerful arcane magic. In this era, it is not enough to describe the power of the king's capital in the industrial age with the so-called protective dragon raid.

Looking back at history, the most famous line of defense was when Anglo was surrounded by more than 400 heavy armored units in Vail 300 years ago. One month after the cannon bombardment, 30.00% of the buildings in the city were damaged by shells, but Suddenly, none of the shells hit the palace accurately.And the sporadic shells that hit the outer walls of the palace were also duds.

But today, under the prying eyes of hacked satellites, the incoming warheads are highly mobile.

The powerful data chain invaded, like golden lines penetrating the interior of the palace from the outside, room by room.

Then a rocket bomb fell, and the king saw with his own eyes that a rocket bomb hit the next door, and then the gate was shaking, and several holes were punched by the shrapnel. Through the bullet holes, he watched the bloody Shura scene at the banquet next door.

And outside the gate is the place where the king held high-end banquets, where the imperial navy admiral and the speaker pointed out the country. This was a luxurious and elegant place a minute ago. Now at least 1 imperial figures have been shot to death by shrapnel, whether it is a graceful lady or a suave person. No nobles were spared.

The king didn't have a chance to express his emotions, so he quickly hid in the basement in a hurry to avoid this "evil" attack.

The announcement drone shining in the sky made a strong voice to the whole Anglia, "Our Osima Iron Star, accept your declaration of war on the 23rd (five days ago), and warn the Anglos to deal with the internal affairs of other countries in a grand manner. Military intervention can allow your military-produced shells to fall on the territory of other countries, but it will also encounter retaliation. Out of respect, we will seriously fight back."

evil?Is it evil? Perhaps this time, Anglo must take it seriously, instead of fanning the flames in the newspapers, making their "dignity" and "interests" untouchable. For many years, the Anglo citizens have been slightly damaged by business. The look of sorrow and hatred.

At this time, Zheng Nian took the aviation airship formation and crossed 780 kilometers. Then, [-] kilometers away from the open sea, he led the aviation dragon guard formation that fell from the airship, penetrated the heavy defenses of Anglo, and directly hit the most important core target of Anglo. save read.

Zheng Nian, as a holy Great Wall, pays attention to "everything happens for a reason and behaves well" when doing high-profile things.

Zheng Nian: "To achieve a big event, to establish a big faith, I said that we should resist, so we must resist! I said that we must save, and I would promise for a moment, and I would guarantee it with my own risk! I said that I must maintain justice. Just rub your hands, don't try to take advantage of me."

The rockets are divided into two waves. The first wave is to directly hit multiple groups of cores including the palace. This is a direct, precise and guided attack. It does not seek to kill or injure hundreds or thousands of people, but it is to smash your whole family.

The second wave spread to the residential area. This is a leaflet, and the Holy Great Wall justly announced that this is an action against the black magic of the Anglos in the territory of Iron Star.Good and evil are rewarded, today this time we only punish the head of the evil.

(Narrator: As for whether there will be a next time, whether it will expand next time, after all, black magic can make a whole city demonized to death. .)
...For the "Emperor" countries, only in the language they understand can they talk...

In front of the people whose rockets failed to hit the Anglo, the whole Anglo country trembled.

Before that, the Anglo nationals were angry because their fleet was attacked and sunk.Instead of themselves in other countries on the mainland, the scandal of the company conducting biochemical experiments was exposed.

Because of the research on black magic and biochemical necromancy outside, Anglo newspaper readers shrugged and said in a humorous way that it was "the company's personal behavior" and "the company's behavior is freedom", but in their hearts they didn't care. Because it won't happen to me.

"When the anger reaches the doorstep", they have to pay attention to whether their family is really researching black magic. After all, their "freedom of the company" can now be "free" back by external counterattacks.

Redemption: Attacking nobles instead of civilians, this kind of differentiation method must be followed when "fighting the strong with the weak".

If the "weak civilians" are hit, the powerful nobles will stand up and lead the anger.

And the nobles who beat the nobles and denounced them to the commoners are immoral!The commoners will start to think that this matter is caused by the nobles.If the hurt nobles still want to lead the counterattack, the Anglo commoners will "help" the nobles get justice in their mentality.Fulfill the obligation of "loyalty".

Just like the "loyalty" of employees in the 21st century, if you are willing to receive [-]% off your monthly salary and still go to work, you are already loyal enough.As for paying money to go to work in turn, there will be discussions about whether it is worth it in the mentality, and in the face of constant dispatch from above, the next will make excuses?

Now for Anglo civilians, if they want to avoid this "possibly unwinnable war", then their own top-level "black magic incident" can be an excuse for "not doing it".

Zheng Nian: The logic of the sluts is like this, "You didn't hit me, why did you help me?" "You didn't beat me, why do you say you were wronged."

Su Ni nodded in response to Zheng Nian's evaluation of the Anglo-aristocratic hypocritical thinking: "Heroes see the same thing."

...two people who are unhappy with the "night", start to sow the sun. …

The war between Osima Iron Star and Anglo began in an "unexpected" way.

In the Fengyu Imperial Capital, the puppet government in the capital circle overlooks the building. The top CEO heard the Iron Star raid on the Anglo capital on the radio. Tears filled his eyes. He celebrated with his students and party members, and lamented the tradition of Osima. Inheritance and glory are finally saved.

From the perspective of the lost dogs of Windwhisper Plain, Iron Star gave the Angles enough reason to send troops.And they can pull through.

As a result, Osima's group of party members who had lost the battle actively found the Anglo ambassador who was staying in the Plain of Wind Whispers at this time, discussed the "friendship" between the two sides, and drew up a plan to jointly resist Iron Star.

Of course, the group of reactionaries Fengyu stood firmly with the Anglo side in order to ensure.The mouthpieces of his subordinates began to "reflect" the rule of the Iron Star period with all their strength.

Started to preach that even though Iron Star deliberately instigated conflicts back then, in fact Osima was still kind at the top, and now is the time to restore his conscience!They removed all the iron star symbols in the capital of Osima Wind Whispers.

Individuals in the Wei Keng group who stayed in the city witnessed with their own eyes that this group of well-dressed "returning kings" took off the iron star symbol on the top of the parliament building under the heavy protection of their own military members.

Su Ni looked at the "intellectuals" in the newspapers in the sky who called "reasonable", "neutral" and "objective" to judge the Austrian Railway's "sneak attack" on the Anglo incident.

Su Ni: "I spared no effort to hold my thighs, but unknowingly lost the last stable cornerstone occupied by my feet!"

...The "God Belief" system has been unfair from the very beginning, and it has fostered "unfair" motivational thinking. …

Under the leadership of the gods in multiple planes, the so-called "national legal system" is a "simple concept" that a large number of rural people follow.

Zheng Nian's "dare to execute" is to see through the "cowardice" and "profit-seeking" in society.

For everything that involves the interests of the vast majority of people, Zhengnian never uses complex language to whitewash it, and directly defends the simple "right or wrong" with the courage that others dare not. The "legal system".

Wei Keng: "In the words of this monkey, it is to 'achieve great things and establish great trust' to accumulate capital, or even borrow capital, and then wait for someone to make a mistake, and a wave of charge will directly convert the accumulated capital and borrowed capital into' Legislation'."

And many senior intellectuals, who have read too much, are obsessed with noble "knowledge", adopt complex and delicate "checks and balances" for "governance", disdain for ordinary people to understand, and only want to design a "chessboard", Let ordinary people turn around in the grid like chess pieces.If someone dares to jump out of the grid, those so-called "chess player" people will claim to use supernatural power to suppress those "closed-minded" ordinary people.

[In short, when the emperor (high-level ruling) wears new clothes (esoteric ruling theory, but completely false and unrealistic), Zheng Nian is the little boy who dares to come up and expose the lie, and Wei Keng is hiding in the crowd "Ah, that's right, that's right," and then tricked the king into wearing it (digging a hole) until "winter" (when the contradiction is the greatest), and wearing a padded jacket by himself, to prove who is stupid]

Right now, the group of "think tanks" in Anglo and Fengyu Imperial Capital are the same group of smart liars who "make new clothes".

These humanoids are also the next era, providing the main force of belief for the God of Knowledge, and will create a variety of "knowledge" categories, regardless of whether these new clothes can be worn in winter, at least in spring, they can be said to be hyped, and in the next interstellar In the age of the universe, it is an important reason for fattening the degraded side of the God of Knowledge, "Tzeentch".

...knowledge is unlimited, but the value of knowledge depends on "time" and "environment"...

In Anglo Alley, Wen San, who is making rotten pork noodles, carefully mixes onion, ginger and garlic.According to the angle of invigorating qi balance, adjust six kinds of soups.Rather than the various random combinations of Anglo Empire dishes "salted fish with cakes and looking up at the stars", or the "scrambled stew" from a certain colony

Although Wensan only has soup types that are less than two hands, it can also be matched with a variety of flavors to appeal to everyone. Compared with the fancy recipes of the Empire, just like the Latin roots, the menu has always been bloated.

That book was published ten years ago, and it can no longer keep up with the latest taste trend of the upper echelons of the Yang Empire. The recipes have been stuffed under the corner of the table.

Article [-]: At present, the advancement of human civilization needs to pay attention to knowledge, which is knowledge that is "useful to most people", that is, knowledge of "middle people".The "knowledge" that is beneficial to the few (the nobles' self-proclaimed taste) might as well be put aside, and everyone can take elective courses when they are free.

This is the "road to simplicity".

The furry "Children's Heart" tore open a wound in the precarious "knowledge blockade" on Wanlun Continent, enough to make a god frown!

And Wei Keng is now starting to challenge (digging holes) the fundamental system of the god of "knowledge". The extension of the sharp blade in the information dimension cuts into the dying of the "god of knowledge".

(End of this chapter)

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