out of cage

Chapter 805 Chapter 18.32 Fan, Dao, Misunderstanding under the filter

Chapter 805 Chapter 18.32 Fan, Dao, Misunderstanding under the filter

On the abyssal planet 001, Wei Keng split after interstellar travel, and landed on this dangerous planet wearing a ceramic spacesuit.Wei Keng looked at the thick radioactive clouds in the sky and the modules of organic life forms that were devouring wantonly, and felt in a trance for a while that he had come to the plane of Pandora.

The entire Pandora plane, the boundary line where the chaotic biomes meet, and the border where the two genetic communities radiate are just as chaotic.

Under the interference of Hun Louan in the abyss, Wei Keng strengthened his mental protection, eliminated the feeling of trance, and picked up the device. This is a piece of information node sent from Wanlun Continent.This information node is an Iron Star information crystal and an energy structure composed of the power supply of four cities.

This energy structure is connected to the intruding light emitted by the Iron Star region of the Wanlun Continent towards the starry sky.

Wei Keng clicked on the "Iron Star Badge", and groups of data and images appeared on the interface.Wei Keng clicked on the interface, and a physical detection structure flashed out from the interface. After being collected and verified by the robotic arm, Wei Keng confirmed that there is a basic physical effect here.

Then click, and a model of the light blade was pulled out.After this model came into contact with this world, it quickly formed a solid body like a celestial metal blade, and a solid light blade appeared in Wei Keng's hand.The arcane inside this light blade can be naturally condensed from the sand base material into a fine obsidian blade, which can be newly formed into a long-range attack like a sword light.

On alien planets, there are many dangers, without two brushes, one cannot survive.

As an alien explorer, Wei Keng raised his sharp blade. At this time, a blind fly flew over and just hit the blade beside Wei Keng, and soon the wings separated from the body.

This weird insect is as tall as three people. In the abyss, it has always been a nurse who bullies the weak and helps the powerful abyss monsters eliminate pustules.

The veins on the wings were stripped off, and then broke into sections like mosquito coil dust, and disappeared in the air.

The shell on the body is separated from the organs, and the organs and blood vessels are scattered all over the place. Because the anatomy is too thin, they have become countless small building block structures.It looks like it still has a shape on the outside, but there is no cohesion inside, and it becomes a "pump of mixture" when it falls on the ground.

Wei Keng put away the "self-defense" sword separately, and began to look for other team members who descended on the alien planet, and to carry out exploration work.

..."Middleman" accepts the rules where there are rules, but where there are no rules, their own survival is the rule...

This time, Wei Keng is carrying a "badge" that unfolds the interface. In ancient times, this thing was a "legendary proof". As the name suggests, it is a concept condensed by legendary mages. .

Multiple planes, condensing such "information nodes", are "otherworld summoning gates" in the era of swords and magic, and are only mastered by a small number of great arcane mages.

In the second-level civilization and the third-level civilization, the same "information condensation structure" is the interstellar portal, but because it has become common sense that "quantum information can break through the space when it gathers to a critical point", this technology is mastered by the country.

This is the technological path that the civilizations of the multi-dimensional world will inevitably take when they explore the outer space in the plane area illuminated by the light of modern technology. This is similar to the development of space technology in the main world.

At the end of the third type of civilization, when entering the "golden age" in the early days of the starry sky, many human sages opened the portal into the universe with such "badges".

According to the predecessor of "technology" is "arcane".

The "exploration of other worlds" by arcanists in ancient civilizations is to build information nodes to reach other worlds (planets).

"Magic" is the application of physical rules that are not "observed" by the general public, except for arcanists.

Since it is not known to the general public, it can only use its own mental field to measure quantum periodic fluctuations.The power of an Arcanist alone is far from being comparable to that of the industrial age.

Of course, because of this, the ancient arcanists don't have to worry about other people's spiritual pollution, which makes the quantum field in the interstellar space weird, and finally condenses weird things.

This is the same as the Internet in the 21st century. The forums were very clean in the early days, and only technical personnel communicated. However, as various people joined, some merchant trolls began to take the rhythm, and it became like a cesspit. Then a new generation uses it and it starts to turn into a place of chaos.

After all four-level space-time worlds and all interstellar civilizations passed the golden age, they had to prohibit a new step of technological exploration and development in the later stage, and started scientific and technological archaeology instead.

…Right now, the No. 001 abyssal planet discovered by the Sky Iron Star Space Exploration Team is just the end of civilization in the electronic age of science and technology…

Wei Keng quickly determined the location of the other team members, but due to the different arrival points, they could not meet up, so he could only complete the task alone and then return.

The boundary between mystery and science lies in the cognitive boundary of human civilization.With the deepening of human cognition, some concepts that were originally generalized will begin to be subdivided.

For example, the clouds in the sky were recognized in the ancient civilization period by using nouns such as "Lei Gong, Yun Niang, and Nantianmen" to generally summarize what one simply sees, and define them as concepts.

But in the era of science, "thunder and lightning are divided into ground flashes and cloud flashes; clouds are divided into three families: low clouds, medium clouds, and high clouds; outer layer".

In short, mystery is always general, while science breaks through the ambiguity and becomes clearer the more you look at it.

In the past, humans always thought that the demon world was completely chaotic.True, this is chaos relative to the areas inhabited by humans, but science cannot be subjective.

However, most of the time when human beings are invaded by demons, the demons often first build a "world pustule" belt at the level of the etheric world, sink into the real world and devour their souls, and then carry out the pollution level, and then drill through the gate of the real world to carry out large-scale invasion.

The huge concept source of the devil in the universe is supported by the physical material area.

Wei Keng explored No. for 12 days, and determined that the planet he was stepping on was involved in the "space-time vortex". It probably took more than 600 planetary rotations as a cycle, infinitely reincarnated in time and space.Various organisms grow during this cycle, then disappear after the cycle is over, and then grow again.Only a small number of great demon lords can allow their consciousness to enter the next time cycle.Of course, repeated repeatedly, even the consciousness of the end of civilization of these so-called "big devils" are all chaotic in the cycle of reincarnation.

Wei Keng: No wonder they want to find a normal planet to invade in time and space, because they want to escape this reincarnation.

Wei Keng inserted various instruments outside the devil's city, and the instruments showed weak negative entropy.

This shows that the ground under the feet is following the universal gravitation, belongs to a planet, and has an unstable but existing rotation period.Because of the special circumstances, it becomes the "low-lying" place in the ether realm in the universe.It has become an ominous place in the observation of other stars in the universe.

…Note: On this day, Wei Keng scribbled down the project of “Mending the Heart” in his notebook. This technology shined brilliantly in the Fifth World War…

Eight days after Fire Emblem Calendar No.20.

Wei Keng, an alien explorer, built an unmanned automatic metal production base in the abyss planet No. 001, in the Grand Canyon area. The artillery that is ready to drive out the surrounding zombies is as crazy as the Pandora beast swarm.And even though a large number of demons were killed in the yellow sand, they squirmed forward, grew into legs, and then gradually formed into inferior demons, devouring each other again.

When this wave of monsters receded, a huge eye emerged from the gathering point in the distance, roaring and asking about its ally, a humanoid female demon.This demon, in appearance, has long legs, a slender tail and membrane wings, but she is not a succubus.

The succubus is beautiful, and it deliberately caters to your aesthetics in order to make you confused in desire, similar to letting you eat shit, deliberately sticking gold foil and perfume on shit.

As for the female demon lord, if you have a deep understanding of her, you will find that the shrinking jagged mouth in her chest is like the mouth of a sea anemone, which is to make all human beings clearly lose any desire.

Her slender limbs are characteristic of high agility in combat.It's like some male demons have big muscles, just out of application to meet the "aesthetics" of human beings.When she is fighting, these long legs will stretch out and become like a spider, and the membranous wings on her back will turn brown. Oh, when the time comes, she will look like a flying cockroach. No normal person would want to "stick it".

The one-eyed troll muttered his thin vocabulary, speaking like a swamp bubbling: "Why, no, rush over completely, and leave, this guy."

The female demon lord retracted her sharp claws into her fingers: "The existence hidden behind the metal city wall (Commander Wei Keng) has a strong spiritual power, and his spirit is hard to die, so his weak body may be just an illusion."

As soon as the words fell, rows of rocket launchers appeared on the steel position on Master Wei's side to bombard and wash the ground, and then a group of steel chariots and demon mobilization soldiers who were mechanically transformed and shouted "Long live the emperor" began to countercharge.

The one-eyed existence said: "A new round, the tide of chaos has begun, and I don't want one more threat."

Female demon: "Yes, a new round of chaos tide, a new round of devils will appear in the chaotic sea, and I don't want to cause extra problems."

...During the bloody battle in the Wanlun Continent, how many demon consciousnesses sneaked in while taking advantage of the madness and chaos of human beings...

At this time, in the base, the proton cannon was fully charged and fired towards the sky.In the majestic beam, an entire eerie cloud full of large tentacle jellyfish was blasted open into a void.At this time, an observation rocket rose from the ground.

After penetrating the cloud layer of the devil's atmosphere, as the rocket entered the high altitude, in the outer ionosphere, suddenly, a huge mouth of the abyss condensed in the empty space, and the huge vortex energy in the huge mouth shredded the rocket.

The rocket failed to break through the atmosphere, but in an instant, Wei Keng caught a glimpse through the rocket observation system.

In the starry sky outside, there are four suns!
And this is enough for Wei Keng to understand this world that has been mistaken for a lava underground.

Wei Keng: "There is a degree to the chaos of the universe. The small-scale chaos is chaotic, and the large-scale still conforms to the order. Otherwise, it cannot exist. Therefore, as a life to develop upward, one must observe the sky."

After Wei Keng's equipment detection, first of all, the atmospheric pressure of this world is equivalent to 57 times the atmospheric pressure of the Wanlun Continent.Atmospheric regions with carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrides, with thick clouds.

Moreover, because it is in the low-lying place of the quantum concept field, the thick atmosphere makes the organic matter start to combine abundantly, and there are a lot of mica-like flying demons inside.

Moreover, in the ionosphere of outer space, high-energy particles are devoured and transformed by the "atmospheric life" produced by the doomsday civilization.Oh, they are the "life devourers" hovering in the atmosphere - Omens.

Since ancient times, various human worlds have opened up these "time-space reincarnation doomsday planets" through the ether concept field.

In a world like Wanlun, demons are projected from the ground onto the surface of the planet Wanlun.In the past, when the arcanists came to the abyss, they were projected from the sky portal to the abyssal planet. After the arcanist came to the abyssal planet, they couldn't see the sky, so they mistakenly thought it was underground.

Let human beings mistakenly think that the integration of the abyss is the "integration of strata".

Wei Keng: In fact, the level of the abyss is the "mathematical concept of gravity".The planet with greater gravitational force is the lower layer of the abyss recorded in the past.The problem of the direction of the portal is the direction of "entropy". The chaos of the abyss planet is too high, and it absorbs the negative entropy of the surrounding space. Therefore, the portal to other order planets is opened from within the star, and the planets of Wanlun Continent rotate periodically. , compared to the surrounding space universe, it is a source of "negative entropy", so it is opened from the sky to reach other planets with a high degree of chaos.

One-sided cognition makes human beings understand the chaotic civilization of the doomsday as "the abyss".

But once science completes the cognition, the explorer Wei Keng can determine the scope of the 001 abyss, which is about three to four times the gravity of the Wanlun Continent.

But here comes the question, what is the use of knowing the abyss?

For most mortals, their "soul", that is, the willpower of life, is not enough to fill the gap between the sources of "negative entropy" in the universe and create a smooth path.

Narrator: For primitive tribes on the equator, the growth, development, and results of life are a kind of "negative entropy" order cycle for the primitive tribes of the equator. Only by studying and understanding the geography of the location can we establish a farming civilization that "stores food" and "settles".

Wei Keng projected willpower on this plane, which is the longevity species that can forcibly survive the end of winter and find "spring".

In the dimensional space, Yan Beixiang, who is currently occupying the supervisor's position, is watching the work of Wei Keng, who has established a "farming point" on the abyss planet.

Yan Beixiang: Oh, in the era of great traversal, the velocity of time and space in each plane is different. The concept of "longevity" is difficult to compare objectively.

For example, on some planes, some people survived for tens of thousands of years, but the main world is only a few decades old.For another example, when Wei Keng let Pandora get stuck, more than a year had passed on Pandora, but it had only been 90 years since the peak main world.

Therefore, from the perspective of the macro dimension, the soul of the traverser should be compared according to "who is more resistant to entropy increase".

Yan Beixiang looked at the current rising and falling in the high-dimensional space, and said a little lonely: But, after the second war of the planes, Wei Keng went to the distant place for in-depth development, and did not appear in the third war of the planes. body, and many gods in the contemporary multiple planes also came to power in the third plane war.

…Wei Keng is very ordinary, but every time he evolves his own technological system, he is magnificent, because the technology drilled by the "middleman" is universal...

Therefore, in today's society of traversers in the main world, most of the traversers who claim to have mastered the "common sense" of the gods' route lack understanding when facing Wei Keng who "later has multiple planes and has not kept up with the times" of.

"Who is the summer worm" and "Who is the well frog".Before there is a real collision, most of the parties with the right to speak are often interfered by filters.

Now, Wei Keng appears as a mortal most of the time, which is the biggest "filter" for outside observers.

Master Wei now has a super-macroscopic perspective of "crossing the ancient times and reaching the interstellar era" for the multiverse.

In fact, Master Wei's original purpose of coming to the multi-dimensional plane was not to "find trouble with the gods".

Wei Keng regards time travel as a "job". As a qualified employee, no matter what mood he has, he must complete his work goals.

Wei Keng's "work goal" this time is: the development of the multiverse has reached a bottleneck state, and in the fourth type of world and the interstellar era, it can no longer go through.

Yan Beixiang, who hopes to work with Wei Keng, is very clear now: In the process of solving the work of the "Xiaoren", the group of guys led by Li Yishuang thought that Wei Keng was targeting them, but they turned to confrontation step by step, and the result was Mr. Wei Zhou Sex condenses the "spirit" and really starts to be sharp.

This "shaft man" has certain problems in communication. Yao thought that in the empty twisting plane, Master Wei tossed the good-tempered Qin Xiaohan into doubting "whether it was on purpose".

What's more, Li Yishuang who did something "unfortunate", and Michael Lena who was later brought into rhythm.Oh, a large number of liberal gods led by Michaelena began to suppress, but they did not suppress, and now they are really afraid of "ghost knocking on the door".

In the supervisor's space, Yan Beixiang scratched the table with her fingernails, and smiled wryly in her heart: Actually, Wei Keng really came to solve the problem!

Wei Keng's view of multi-dimensional planes is that it is necessary to clarify the lines of cause and effect from the perspective of macro space and time.

Wei Keng believes that all the weird phenomena of the fourth type of historical period need to find the origin before they can solve the problem.

Example 1: The origin of the evil gods in the interstellar era is derived from the gods of knowledge who have been influenced by the philosophy of Tianzhu.

Monat only cares about "comprehensive, all-encompassing".Neglecting "the dynamics of the world, the ebb and flow, a lot of complicated things can't stand the test", this is why the Eastern civilization has interpreted Tianzhu's "Brahman", and is more accustomed to starting with "Tao".

When Wei Keng designed Pandora Industry, he started with "simplification from the avenue" and "advancing with the times", that is: the basic concept does not need to be complicated, but should be adjusted according to the changes in the number of days.

The contest between Monat's "Fan" and Wei Keng's "Tao" started a long time ago.

You must know that Sainz, the successor of the scientific godhead, had the least number of participants behind Wei Keng on the conference table he designed.Looking back now, that's the difference!
In Wei Keng's total industrial deity, "creating a complete industrial god" is rare, but requires "industry" to have the potential to change under the "number of days".

Yan Beixiang picked up another piece of Wei Keng's separate data: just like Wei Keng's knife skills, it was never a lot of Western-style kitchen utensils, but just a kitchen knife.

...Explorer Wei Keng is on the abyss planet, the eighth month of investigation. …

Wei Keng sent the information to Gao Weishang himself through his own system.

Gaowei Shangwei Keng began to summarize:

1. The devil is orderly evil.For example, the guys who tempt human beings that Anglo shuttles now.They come from civilizations that are still surviving in different timelines. (Similar to the end of the development of the Iron Sky Desan ruled the world, for the real world.) On the multi-plane, the interstellar age, it will eventually develop into evil gods such as "Khorne", "Nurgle", "Sex" and "Tzeentch".

2. Demons are chaotic evil.In the age of sword and magic, "Abyss" is still a human form demon called "Tana'ri".However, what needs to be understood is that in the records of arcane masters, the earliest demons in the abyss were not in human form, they were sludge monsters, and later they were humanoid demons.This is because the demon form still comes from the influence of the civilized world, and there is no large-scale genetic modification technology in the era of sword and magic.

In human civilization at different stages of civilization, the species of "abyss" that can be contacted are different.

The "abyss" that can be accessed in the interstellar era is actually the ruins of a higher civilization.The ruins of the ultimate civilization are no longer human beings, and genetic technology will transform all kinds of strange things in an eclectic manner.

For example, in the fourth-level world, the forces of the abyss that human civilization has come into contact with are "worm swarms", this kind of biochemical corps that is mainly anti-customer at the end of civilization.

Wei Keng concluded that once the interstellar era comes, the swarms of insects invade and devour all organic matter, and it is the invasion of demons that burns everything.

Before the invasion, they would send gene stealers to organize the "psychic sect" to create chaos, and when the demons invaded the human world in ancient times, they would preach the "demon church".

...In the multiple planes, the two endings of civilization, "Abyss" and "Hell", cannot be deciphered by gods...

Oh, by the way, most of the gods in the multidimensional planes don’t know yet: after Wei Keng’s mission in the Pandora plane ended, some of them were high-level traversers, um, that is, those who obtained high-level godheads in the multidimensional planes. Ask the relationship, find Bai Linglu and ask for it, how to deal with the swarm!
Tsk tsk, what they may want is "skill".

And Master Wei brought the "Tao" to this multidimensional plane, and the gods were perfectly invisible in the filter.

In the space alone, the vacillating Yan Beixiang reconsidered: If the gods were not taken into the pit by Li Yishuang and others, if the filter could be removed and the arrogance of the "gods" would be let go.

In fact, you will find that Master Wei came to multiple planes to help them maintain and repair the concept of plane development.It belongs to the "living Lei Feng" that only existed in the pastoral era.

(End of this chapter)

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