out of cage

Chapter 806 Chapter 18.33 Summer worms don't speak ice, well frogs don't speak sea

Chapter 806 Chapter 18.33 Summer worms don't speak ice, well frogs don't speak sea

In Wanlun Continent, near Kaidi City, in the Osima and Sky Joint Space Interstellar Exploration Base, a huge spherical radiation tower is rotating, locking on the planet 670 light-years away in the starry sky.

The planet's light signature, seen now through a telescope, was as it was 670 years ago.An eerie halo surrounds the planet's surface.But by increasing the power of the hacking frequency band, we can understand that 80.00% of the time on this planet is repeating the appearance of the end of civilization 4000 years ago.

Abyss: It is a world at the end of civilization "struggling in an infinite cycle of reincarnation".The information of the doomsday civilization supports such reincarnation. A reincarnation is only about a few years to a hundred years. This is the last moment of the collapse of this doomsday civilization. You can see how tall buildings are burning, and how human beings change from well-dressed to full-faced. Toothed beast.The great demons who were originally born here can be resurrected in time after time, while the little devils are completely desperate and become chaotic eggs after falling into this world and reincarnating several times.

Narrator: As a mortal, don’t think that you can work hard in the abyss, and you will eventually become a great lord. Reincarnation is like a game, and equipment will not be inherited in the next game, even if it is a celestial angel. "Sense of justice" and "anger" are addicted to it, and they will also become lunatics obsessed with killing.

Think about it, people who play games will start to kill npcs after many games.The so-called persistence, how many times can rationality persevere in repeated doomsdays and aimless survival?
The latest discovery of interstellar exploration made the interstellar scholars on Wanlun Continent infinitely sigh.

Abyss, gods, hell, the three mountains of human thought, because the past is not connected with the real world, so they are "isolated" and can only be connected by subjective imagination, becoming a sea of ​​mysticism.

Now that the breadth of cognition has been improved, gods, devils, and demons are just objective phenomena that affect the development of "human civilization" in different physical environments and in the quantum field of space-time in the universe.

Narrator: This is like the human civilization in the main world, because it is difficult to encounter aliens and geocentric civilizations, so during the industrial civilization period, imagination soared, and the idea of ​​alien invasion and super-ancient civilization invasion came up.In the ancient industrial era, people, like the Arcane Plane, superstitiously interpreted various mysterious phenomena.

When information and energy are compressed to celestial-level numbers, there will be a condensed state in theory, that is, information and energy will break through the threshold.Quantum information transmission will be carried out.

Regarding Meng Xina, well, of course it was impossible for Master Wei to raise her to death, but because of the plane detection, Master Wei sent the devil to the abyss.This is the arrangement after Master Wei promised to restore her to her original form.

But jumping out of the biosphere, higher intelligence is to absorb all foreseeable negative entropy!

Liu Si let out a sigh of relief and said, "I came back this time to pick up things, and I need to go on a business trip soon. As for the tortoise, I raised it to death. So I changed it."

Just like the people on earth in ancient times, they may not know that the earth is round. At this time, if the kings in the God Realm do not look out and only immerse themselves in the quantum level to build eternity, they may not be able to find the quantum negentropy giant they are in. The source is actually a high-energy star that ordinary people can look up to.

Wei Keng gave the planet in the abyss, the future plan, which is to carry out "engineering design", coordinate the resonant body on the planet, and make this big cycle through the construction of regular planetary dams and underground spring systems in the 6000-year cycle. Chaos tunes into a hundred mesocycles.

At this time, after 6000 years, a new round of cycle reversal will make these systems turn back like an hourglass. Some of them are extremely abundant and develop towards "decline", and some of them are extremely depleted and slowly return to development after each mid-cycle.

This year in the tides, a consciousness is dreaming ignorantly.In the dark pool of blood, I seemed to be awakened in the fight, and then I looked at the surrounding scene blankly. I lost my mind and was penetrated by the surroundings. I fell into awakening again due to the pain. In the chaotic nature, a wave of hope.

In December 3252 of the Fire Emblem calendar, Osima and Sky signed a series of peace memorandums.

This is like: people in the tropics who do not change the seasons can’t imagine that people near the Tropic of Cancer can carry out labor planning according to the “year” cycle; those politicians whose social culture stayed in the feudal state in modern times can’t imagine that some industrial countries can use Ten years, 20 years, set long-term development for the cycle.

Wei Keng speculates based on the observations of existing physical phenomena: So the God Realm may be on a massive celestial body such as a white dwarf or a neutron star.If it is assumed that there is a "thinking body" emitting information in the quantum field on this kind of celestial body, then this kind of existence is the same as the result of humans seeing "gods" now, coupled with the modification of the mysterious perspective of mortal humans, it should be properly That's it.

Meng Xina saw that Wei Keng, a "mortal", had no fear and a calm expression after projecting his soul.She asked silently, trembling in her heart, "Are you a god?"

When Mengxina was thinking about how to seduce the second master, she suddenly realized that she was not in the human world. After turning back into a human body, she sniffed the disgusting air around her and found that she was teleported to the "chaos and evil" base camp of her mortal enemy.It felt like a "roller coaster".

In the early days, the young little devil did not have wings. It had to form powerful claws and wings after devouring four or five people before it could climb out of the cliff-like sinkhole.

Of course, it will take at least 5 years for the entire "shithole" planet to be perfected.

However, even if the "partial mesocycle" is completed, this planet is no longer a "depression of the quantum field", and the abyss is likely to be "filled" in the quantum field of the universe.

When the resources are exhausted (the negative entropy is exhausted), there will be an apocalyptic mass extinction.That is the wrong cognition that people with unclear "life goals" fail to find the next step after a stage of development ends. ——In terms of Taoism on the plane of China.This is because the "Dao Xin" is not firm.

The star where Abyss No. 001 is located is a famous demon star in astronomy. It is composed of at least two super red giant stars (in fact, there are two white dwarfs). Due to the overlapping phenomenon during the rotation process, there will be flickering flickering , and because it is blood red, the implication to creatures is evil and unpredictable.

For example, some "high-ranking angels" in heaven slipped into chaos in the abyss of crusade, and finally all divinity collapsed, leaving only a little bit of burning "resentment and obsession" conceived and becoming a great demon.

Wei Keng, who has flourished from the pastoral era to today, belongs to the kind of weirdo who thinks about how to grow food in one bite from the barren soil, and at the same time thinks about how to "breathe and breathe" on a long-term time scale.It is impossible to understand, or even imagine, the newly rising traversers in the past 200 years.

Chaos Sea, the name is an ocean, but it is actually a loose and porous underground area.There are several huge tiankengs on the surface in these areas. Looking at the inside of these tiankengs hundreds of meters deep or even one kilometer deep from the outside, there is the sound of splashing water, and the demons think that under all these tiankengs, there is a The entire ocean, which is what the ancient magicians called the "chaotic sea"

In other words, on this planet, if you live less than 6000 years, the world you see is chaotic and unpredictable.This cycle is so long that it is impossible for the vast majority of beings to set up plans and absorb the negative entropy of this cycle!

In the abyss base, Wei Keng said leisurely: "Maybe we human beings are sometimes demons. When there is no hope, we destroy crazily until we find hope again."

The "it" here is the devil, Mesina.

Wei Keng: Do something great, isn't it good?
Mr. Wei, who is used to farming, started to build canals and power stations.So much so that it is only natural to transform the ocean (Divine Plane) and create a star control system (Dark Plane).

The abyss comes from a massive, periodically unstable star.

Hell is from a parallel time and space.

Wei Keng: The long-term "pursuit of possibility" will continue, continue, and gradually become a "normal" thing.

...The traversers who have been selected by the merit-based criteria in the main world for hundreds of years will lower the threshold to "steal" and "rob", but never engage in "low business" such as excrement...

Note: After the main world intervened in the multiverse, there were many cases of angels falling, and these angels were also obsessives summoned from other planes.

Demons and demons come to various mortal worlds through quantum transmission in the universe, which does not mean that they are really isolated from the real universe of human beings.

When the human civilization on all the habitable planets of a thousand light years near this red giant star regards it as "accident" and "chaos" from their own perspective, then a huge information depression is formed and becomes a "garbage dump" .

Master Wei patted Meng Xina and motioned her to enter the working platform.At this time, there are a large number of mechanical suspension interfaces on the working platform, and a scene of an entire alien development base, which is completely inconsistent with the painting style of the Demon Lord Corps hundreds of meters away, holding rusty cannons and large cold weapons.

The two parties reached an agreement to redefine the ancient battlefield in the central area.In this regard, Su Ni and the chief of Osima made a phone call to discuss the management of the demilitarization of the central region and cooperate to establish a joint exploration department.

And the God Realm!Whether there are also "objective" landing points that can be observed by mortals.

Narrator: Right now, Wei Keng is just deducing, because even if the main world traveler has obtained the godhead, he can't observe the connection between the gods and mortals outside the "quantum concept field".

After Zheng Nian saw Liu Si, he first asked, "Have you stayed here for a long time to work steadily?" Then saw Liu Si changed to a pet turtle.Curiously asked: "What about it?"

Wei Keng is currently performing various physical calculations based on the information transmission scale of several miracles in history. There is a more high-energy "critical point" at the information "critical point" of the quantum transmission of devils and demons.

With bloodshot hands and a calm expression, Liusi said to Zhengnian, "Are you staying to help me cook, or go to training?"

The abyssal planet is affected by the solar storm of the surrounding stars, and a large amount of hydrogen is stripped away, only a small amount of water is hidden in the underground tiankeng, and a large amount of carbon has accumulated in these tiankengs, and under pressure, it becomes Petroleum-type organic matter, and under the influence of gravitational tides, organic matter will generate carbon-based living matter and begin to breed into life.

...If Bai Linglu is there, you can see it. This is the "negative entropy" theory of the dark plane. It is the transformation of the immortal array from "absolute", "trapped", "killed" and "killed" to the "life" system...

And Wei Keng, who came from Wanlun Continent, looked at the ocean in an airship, and decided to mark "projection" after thinking about it.

Wei Keng looked at the starry sky and whispered, "Summer worms don't talk about ice, and well frogs don't talk about sea." This sentence is for colleagues who have come to multi-dimensional planes in the main world for 200 years (earth years).

In this way, the originally extremely difficult-to-use large-cycle negative entropy will be gradually changed, and a large number of carbon-based life forms can use the negative entropy of the "small-cycle system".

During the joint training camp of Osima and the Sky Dragon Guards Group, Liu Si returned as a cook again.

…Axis: Who said that the abyss cannot be farmed, but the cycle is a little longer and the steps are a little more complicated. …

As a high-level devil, Mengxina felt for the first time that she was involved in a huge "conspiracy", which may involve several gods.As a devil, it is his nature to seduce mortals, but Mengxina dare not now, as if there is a dark pit in front of her.

As for Liu Si on the chopping board, he just started to use his knife. He quickly dragged out a group of swamp villain turtles with fangs and sharp teeth from another breeding pool, turned them over, and took advantage of their heads to stick out Chop off the top floor (want to turn it over) with a knife, then throw it into a bucket of boiling water to start processing the "dead skin", then remove the shell and cut the belly to get the meat.

Until nothing is clear, back to the body.After the Wei Keng split returned to the human body, he really didn't know which species he killed became him, or whether he just became one of the demons.

Zheng Nian paused, looking at the turtle eggs that had been placed.I opened the meal calculator and did some calculations: "I'm going to train, I'll eat more new dishes today."

...Liu Si looked at Zheng Nian who was just like before, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.Liu Si, who is thinking about getting rid of the implicated ones: it hasn't deteriorated yet, it's great,...

When this "orderly evil" devil thought about restoring his form.Has been sent to the No. 001 abyss.

The universe is always turbulent, and entropy increases forever, but after the physical quantity "consciousness" leaves, time and space shrink, and "negative entropy" reappears.

Zheng Nian looked at Gu Liusi's pot: extremely suspicious, Liu Si put that thing in the pot.

Now in the interlayer of time and space, the abyss world changes in a whole cycle, which should be as long as 6000 years!The planet naturally 'breathes' every 6000 years.

Completely disappeared, in the abyss system of human civilization.

After flying out of the earth, it draws negative entropy for the star cycle from the stars (all mining of star resources must use the ladder cycle to bring resources out of the stars)
And the civilization that has developed to the top of the universe is thinking about absorbing negative entropy from the vacuum zero-point energy imbalance, which is a more common area.

Wei Keng: In this idealistic world, star regions will also undergo corresponding changes due to judgment.

After the medium-period is stable, then every medium-period system is interspersed with a small-period system.

Master Wei, who positions himself as "the posture of a middle-aged man", can't figure it out: because the human intelligent life in this world has not fully evolved, the scale of consciousness is limited, and it is impossible to imagine the vast starry sky, but as the traversers of the main world, why? In the past 200 years, I have been busy with "political struggle" (continuously creating gods), and never thought about large-scale exploration and expansion?

Narrator: The alternating drought and flood in North China is a cycle of 12 to 18 years. A good water conservancy system can welcome the arrival of the flood period when the drought reaches the extreme. In the small cycle of "one year", the steady use of "smooth weather" negative entropy is what Master Wei does.

"Nursed to death..." Zheng Nian was stunned for a while: "This devil-changed creature was raised to death, who is the devil?"

Leaving the God Realm aside, now regarding the abyss, observers of the "Chinese" in the Wanlun Continent have already grasped sufficient evidence.

Human beings eat meat, but the whole process of human eating meat is to synthesize nitrogen from chemical industry, spray pesticides, interfere with the primary producers, and absorb the negative entropy given by the sun.

Oh, after the end of the one hundred mesocycles, it happens that the self-coordination system of the mesocycles on the planet has reached the limit where the general balance of "partial extreme depletion" and "partial extreme abundance" will be destroyed.

Demons, even big ones, have only one end when they enter the sea of ​​chaos. They are disintegrated in the endless chaos and return to the original "devil eggs". Only a very small number of demons show their characteristics at birth, and they are brought under the command of the great demon lord for cultivation. .

...Chinese people, after arriving in a place, think about localization. …

The time and space around massive celestial bodies are distorted, so it is difficult to find the source of the gods' emission information in the starry sky from the perspective of a mortal!
To really observe the truth, it may require the level of interstellar civilization in the dark plane, which is about to break through the essence of time and space, and the promotion of the civilization of the arcane world by the main world is stuck in the fourth type of civilization stage.

Wei Keng, who is in charge of exploration on planet 001, now builds an interstellar base on the wet seaside.

When the chaotic tide arrived, countless small bugs cocooned in the ground, forming in the ground with only a gap of one or two centimeters, and devouring each other.When it grows up after phagocytosis, it wants to burrow outwards and cocoon in relatively open ground cracks.After a certain number of times, it will become a little devil.

Of course, the plan set by the "Axis" is to complete the initial completion within 400 years, and the initial transformation of the abyss.

At this time, Wei Keng has mapped out the rotation period of this abyssal planet and the degree of deflection as the orbits of the four stars change.

"Life feeds on negentropy. In the organic biosphere, higher life eats high negentropy. For example, tigers must eat the meat of large herbivores.

The devil on the side, Meng Xina looked at the lunatic in front of her with a pale face!She has already determined that the "mortal" in front of her is an anomaly.

Projecting souls towards the chaotic sea?This is even crazier than "reasoning with the devil" and "hoping the devil will be fair".

In short, it is this four-star system that is collectively "stormed" by the human planet within a thousand light-years around.Become a gathering place for quantum information pollution.

(In fact, Meng Xina still dare not think that Master Wei involved more than one or two gods in the lower plane, and the entire pantheon is now vomiting blood due to the trajectory of the "originator".)
...The chaos in the abyss is like a cesspit that makes Master Wei uncomfortable, but with the needs of development, the work of "digging dung" is also necessary...

After the initial filling of the abyss, there will be no sudden loss of birds and flowers. The orderly and evil devils will be delighted to find that the great man of the planet who created the "medium cycle" facility has the potential to degenerate into a tyrant.Of course, that's another story.

Wei Keng wanted to leave a template for the world to solve the swarm:

In the interstellar era, if a civilization encounters insect swarms, in addition to confronting forces head-on, it also needs to have a heart that can suppress only "eating and eating organic matter".

Master Wei: "As long as I grow each planet and the negative entropy system, rogues like swarms dare to compete with me for the number of organic matter!? Dare to compare the complexity of organic matter technology with me? How the hell do I make them sing and dance well. Evolving towards a cute pet."

(End of this chapter)

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