out of cage

Chapter 807 Chapter 18.34 Interrupted Fate Line

Chapter 807 Chapter 18.34 Interrupted Fate Line

The No. 001 abyss is officially named the "Siyang" world, and Wei Keng has already born some individuals in the "Siyang"!
These individuals crawling out of the abyss are theoretically the "obsessions" of civilizations in various star regions. In fact, there are multiple worlds within a thousand light-years, and each world has a complex society.

People who fail in gambling, those who want to get love but can't get a girl, all desperate obsessions will eventually come to the abyss to continue their "desperate" after the demise of "unwilling".

"Obsession" and "hope" are sometimes very similar.Wei Keng made a very clear demarcation.

The pursuit that is unrealizable and violates the objective law of life development is "obsession".

Obsession is destined to be broken and destroyed.

However, what conforms to the objective development law of life, is determined to invest continuously, and develops positively step by step, this is "hope".

On the planet Siyang, the frontier base station built by Wei Keng has a huge helipad with the pattern of yin and yang fish.Different from the uneducated Koryo stick and eyeless Tai Chi in ancient times, this image is complete, where extreme yin generates yang, and extreme yang generates yin."Great Hope" and "Great Possibility" are born in a place of despair.

Now Wei Keng decided to have a good fight with the demons of the abyss.

Master Wei, as the new "Devil Lord" who came here, began to mechanize the suppression of the surrounding demons, and began to put mechanical shackles on them, transforming them into labor force.

The lower limit of Master Wei's morality in the abyss plane can indeed be reached. In order to survive, he tacitly allows himself to backstab other individuals.This is something that Wei Keng failed to do in all the planes in the past.

Before all the rules were born, Mr. Wei had no taboos.For the sake of efficiency, try to release your unlovable nature when you are not growing up.

Unpromising space-time lines, under Overworld observational standards: these would narrow and flow super fast.This is the phenomenon of space-time contraction after the "lapse of consciousness".

As everyone knows, the God of Destiny is even more incomprehensible before the "Destiny Loom".

... Yan Beixiang looked through Wei Keng's early materials of the Second Plane War, and the materials were soon placed here with Michaelena.

Note: At this stage, in order to suppress Wei Keng and prevent Wei Keng from further projecting his willpower, these gods directly sealed the boundary of the multi-dimensional plane.Of course, they also sealed themselves in it.Because they originally thought they could accomplish their strategic goals, but something happened.

Narrator: The Wei Keng group has thought about the possibility of their own betrayal, so there are confidentiality regulations for information transmission in the system.

Reason 1: Because if it is interference, as the present is approaching step by step, the unobservable boundary of fate will continue to advance towards the future, and now this unobservable line stays motionless in the world of God Wars, and continues to proliferate to Other worlds that may be involved.

In terms of going to extremes, Wei Keng has extremely strong potential.In the science and technology base, Wei Keng of the demon species has a metal body, and all kinds of technological weapons are on standby in the base, but the steel tyrant (Wei Keng split) here is wearing a watch with many hands.

You must know that in the past, if the number of gods was reduced by [-]%, it was enough to cause internal chaos and war of gods (similar to an economic crisis), let alone shrinking to [-]%.God knows what will happen if the results are really made public.

Wei Keng: For the honor I got by working hard, I must arrange for me to wear a big red flower.

Reason 2: All the fate lines are cut off, but one fate line extends out. This fate line is the Wei Keng line.Of course, what is the future of stretching?This is obscured by the multitude of possibilities.

"The posture of a middle man" Master Wei felt that he was not noble enough, so he also acquiesced to this kind of backstab, and began to get used to it.

No, other demon armies opposing the "Steel Demon" had just entered a canyon area, and a mushroom cloud of nuclear explosions rose slowly, and wiped out together with their own squad that lured the enemy.

Therefore, the result of Michaelena's prediction is not how much the godhead is lost, but the destruction of the order established by the liberals in the multiverse since the third plane war.

Once the battle is lost, all the existing concepts of god positions will fall, and the importance of a large number of priesthoods will decrease, and there will be mergers, which may eventually reduce the number of god positions to less than half.These consciousnesses that have lost their godhead have to think about how to maintain their own consciousness during the period of "the crystal wall is blocked and the passage to the main world is cut off".

Yan Beixiang: And once this is really done for Wei Keng, and other "great" existences (the current concept gods of multiple planes), they cannot seize the initiative in this process.Then the entire "cosmic space with quantum traces" will usher in a scene where all the gods will fade away!
Yan Beixiang was very sad, because such an evaluation was Bai Linglu's evaluation of Wei Keng.In the end, she still couldn't get rid of Bai Linglu's perspective to grab the job.

After the third plane war, the generation of traversers who grew up in the main world, even though their abilities were insufficient compared to the previous generation.But it can also be seen that they have developed an entire era in the multiverse (200 years in the main world), and the ultimate means to face Wei Keng in this confrontation is a generation behind.

…Wei Keng: When playing games, you have to change your soldiers. Anyway, you will be resurrected again in the next cycle. I will take you to eat chicken...

As for Master Wei, he did not follow the order, such as "chemical killing wave", "electrode implantation mechanical fusion transformation", "neutron fragmentation death and decay ray", "gene stabilization medical experiment"...

The first stage of the war will last for thousands of years, and Wei Keng's construction plan for the mid-term periodic structure group of the planet will also be completed within 1000 years.

Of course, the Wei Keng group also left behind their native "demon" self to continue their plans in that technology base.

The major demon lords in the Siyang Abyss are very afraid of the "steel demon" (Wei Keng's split body), who can't be beaten to death, has formed evil principles, and works every step of the way.

Wei Keng, an explorer on Siyang Planet, returned to the Wanlun Continent.After returning to the human world, while Wei Keng was undergoing an examination in the hospital, he was negotiating with the leader about the honorary treatment for returning.

Since they never thought about the situation of "losing", it is possible to happen!So no "margin" (rear) preparations were made.

...Mi Jia has already started to make arrangements. For example, on Wanlun Continent, she began to respond to her true belief and began to transfer part of her consciousness...

Wei Keng: "If you are slack here, you should be eliminated by backstabs. If you pursue the 'big possibility', you must always be vigilant."

However, as for Wei Keng, he would also overturn.For example, there are a few "fat" souls of Wei Keng's split body, oh, most of the souls of Wei Keng who fell into the hands of the devil will admit defeat in a short period of time after they are sure they can live.Immediately sell information to save your life, and even make suggestions for the hostile demon camp.

The space-time line clusters of cosmic civilizations in multiple planes will immediately lose their variables and begin to converge, just like the Cambrian explosion and the mass extinction of the Ediacaran pancake creatures.

What Michaelena saw in the weaving flow of fate was that the fate of all the gods in front of him was cut off. He originally thought it was being disturbed, but now he feels more and more that this is not interference.

These Gods of Destiny marked the world that was involved, and Wei Keng didn't even come at the moment, but was only observed by the "portable dimension measurement" (that portable pendant).

In the abyss, an environment that lacks order and is full of entropy.

The God of Knowledge hid this data, and he looked at the Temple of the God of Destiny, knowing that the God of Destiny should also know about this grim possibility.

After seeing Wei Keng's long-term plan, the oldest and most powerful group of gods in the Pantheon finally admitted that they were lacking in "ability" compared to Wei Keng, a veteran traveler.If you can't exert your "creativity", you will be doomed to be defeated.

In the more accurate model of the God of Knowledge: Wei Keng has completed the ultimate "Multiple Plane System Update", and the priesthood will most likely be reduced to [-]%!He did not make this model public.

There are too many rules and regulations on the Wanlun Continent. If Wei Keng participated in the establishment, it would not be destroyed. But in the abyss, the demons are unwilling to abide by various orders.

but!All of us still have hope in the end, and to live without hope is to find a guy who destroys hope and perish together.

In the abyss, the devil must beware of the betrayal of his subordinates. Of course, every demon lord knows that his subordinates will rebel when he suppresses his subordinates forcefully, because they are all rebellious, but Wei Keng's betrayal still makes the devil bewildered .Because, when the demons are weak, most of them will be honest, and when Wei Keng is weak, he will also play self-destruct.

'Bomber' Wei Keng is the ultimate chaos in the entire abyss.Almost every one, um, every doomsday mixed reincarnation, the operation of the steel tyrant in the abyss is to make other great demons abused and want to gg in advance
Those Wei Keng who were lurking undercover failed to increase their strength, and were punished to become "bad devils" or something. In the eyes of Master Wei, they were nothing at all. He was ready to "take away a wave without loss" at any time.

This kind of "unpleasant" is so disgusting to the demons, that in the future, the great demons will collectively refuse to accept Master Wei as their subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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