out of cage

Chapter 809 Chapter 18.35 Don't perish in silence, just explode in silence

Chapter 809 Chapter 18.35 Don't perish in silence, just explode in silence

In the Anglo overseas garrison base in Cyrol, the young general wore the Anglo royal golden laurel headdress, and his eyes gleamed with compelling white light.He stared at the blade knights who were being maintained in the glass cover of the force field.

At this time, Fenzheng has gradually lost his ability to think and began to act according to his father Lance's will. If he takes off his armor at this time, the black sun symbol will be reflected on the skin of his chest, releasing patterns continuously.

And now Fern is trying to use this dark pattern to "instill abilities" in his subordinates, but such "instill abilities" lacks a key element of control.

Fenzheng, or "Blackened Lance", through Lance's arrangement, he found the ring left by the princess who made the Blade Knight commit suicide, and used the remaining information on the ring to complete a spell .

The lines of corruption are stretching, and the blade knights finally lost their minds in the black dip, and the originally exquisitely patterned armor was entwined with bloodshot pollution magic.

Fern was looking at the guardian spirit of his sister, and hesitated for a moment. Lance's will reappeared from the dark lines on his chest, and said to his son, "Eat him!".

Fen just finished hesitating, he stretched out his hand, entered the force field, and then twitched like an electric shock, black energy entered his blood vessels, and then quickly turned into a clear-cut "dharma vein" system.

Unlike Zheng Nian and Wei Keng's dark blue dharma veins, his dharma veins are purple.

Seeing this scene, Lance Will's pupils flashed with envy. He now believes that his son can deal a fatal blow to those guys from Iron Star. This is his long-cherished wish. How much he wishes he could do this himself everything.

Lance can do this, it is hard to say that the gods have nothing to do with such a fate.

When all fate becomes uncertain, orderly justice sometimes turns into orderly evil.

The "law of cause and effect" of multiple planes, justice and evil are formulated by the gods.

Most of the time, the existence defined as evil has really degenerated into evil.In the subjectivity of gods, many things are inexplicably associated with ugliness under colored glasses.

but!Fortunes reverse when a massive resistance shatters the world's chains.The definition is reversed, but the opposition still exists. When evil cannot be defined, some gods can't stand firm by themselves and start to fall into evil.

...Wei Keng: I don't care about your (lower god)'s current tricks. …

In the Republic of the Sky, a large fighter plane slowly took off at the airport. This bomber plane is the dawn of replacing airships.When it flew into the sky, it was like a steam-powered ironclad ship appeared in the age of sailing ships.

As people looked up, they watched the air fortress that had huge wings and soared in the sky with propellers.A strong conceptual field is spreading around the world.Propeller, the dawn of the jet age is emerging in the etheric plane.

In the large aircraft airport, a Tailong Guard mecha is in the folded cabin, ready to launch, and in the Dragon Guard mecha, the drivers are waiting in full force.

The Wei Keng Group on the Wanlun Continent obviously knew that "Fenzheng" in the Southern Continent had started pirating Dharma Lineage.

Wei Keng: This kind of "as soon as I develop it, the opposite side will lower the price" has happened many times, and every time it reminds me that I should continue to make a roll.

...The concept of "industry" is not the speed of "technology" and "tools", but the efficiency of human beings in the organization and cooperation mode...

Ever since.At the end of 52, Zheng Nian received a mission from Admiral Wei Yun of the headquarters to train a group of troops that can adapt to airborne strikes as soon as possible.

The selection was difficult from the beginning, because the Dragon Guard would break the sound barrier during the dive, and when the swept wing switched to the flat swept wing, there would be unstable turbulence, which required perfect coordination of the human body.

Zheng Nian himself does a kind of gymnastics called "fixing body", which is a kung fu practiced from childhood to adulthood.Through continuous high-difficulty sports, determine the proportion of your bones and the degree of control and maintenance of your muscles.If this model of training from childhood is to be promoted, the selection will be more rigorous than astronauts on Earth.

Regarding the selection mode of "competing for the future", Wei Keng can only say that he is preparing, preparing.

In the sky, there are already [-] teenagers who are training and selecting, and Osima will also start a juvenile selection competition of the same level this year.

In the process of personnel selection and training.Wei Keng is doing his best to guarantee the "low-threshold operation of the Dragon Guard Mecha".

Today, with the efforts of technicians, Long Weibing has completed the cockpit transformation, upgraded the "neural operating system", and increased the proportion of pilot selection for the future.Now it will greatly enhance the strategic strike capability of the old troops.

…Zheng Nian commented on this. In war, the “leading soldiers” need to be elite, but the direction of technical efforts is to allow “fools” to cross the threshold and join the battle...

During the entire exercise and training, the long-distance bombers that provided supplies for the Dragon Guard Group traveled [-] kilometers to deliver across regions.

When the bomber arrived at the destination, a group of 60 Dragon Guard mechs dropped directly into the air, made a surprise attack close to the ground, guided more than [-] missiles launched from the airship, and penetrated the heavily armored targets in the shooting range.Then he floated away, left the battlefield, turned on the rocket to accelerate and re-drilled into the belly of the large bomber, and returned.

It only takes 10 minutes for the Dragon Guards to disengage from the aircraft, hit the target, and return to the aircraft.

It took five to 10 minutes for the plane to issue an order, take off, go to the battlefield, and then return.

This also means that Iron Star can now use this bomber crew to "start and end" a regiment-level battle against the battle target within an hour.

This mode allows a regiment-level force to complete four such strikes in one day!In the short term, the tactical effect of the division level will be exerted. (High-frequency air raid operations cannot last long, and ground advancement is still required as the base of the campaign.)
And because the entire battle process of the Dragon Guards is simplified in this way, more air strategic platforms such as drones undertake the task of sending hacking light, which simplifies the battle process of the Dragon Guards and does not require high-quality Dragon Guards to conduct close-range fire detection. The battle threshold of Dragon Guards has been greatly reduced,

In short, under the new mode, Dragon Guards with high standards of "fixing body" such as Zheng Nian can only serve as the navigator in a regiment, and the rest of the assault combat positions can be composed of three people who have been trained by the "hand system". Years of intermediate pilots to operate.

According to the strategic estimation of the staff department, this regiment-level force can exert a division-level military effect within a day.And in the longer term, in the course of a battle that takes weeks as a scale, the number of firepower output by such a Dragon Guard group with guided missiles can reach the original scale of four to five divisions.

Osima, it is impossible to build only one regiment!

After the exercise, when the large strategic transport plane stopped on the strategic flight platform, young military officers began to jump out of the egg-shaped cockpit and began to summarize the results of this training.

Zheng Nian reviewed and scored one by one, and some outstanding combat members have been recognized as competent for battlefield strike missions.The rest of the staff are making plans, supplementing bases, and filling in shortcomings.Strive for a successful graduation in the third training week!
Zheng Nian is obviously also preparing on the basis of "big fight, special fight".He didn't think of himself as the only Optimus Prime who could turn the tide.

...The curse of the gods cannot be seen in Zheng Nian, and Wei Keng is sure: Zheng Nian has the good things of his father (Ludis), but he has removed the arrogance. …

"Victory" is the easiest thing to be proud of.Especially in this continent where various devil conspiracies have appeared.

However, just when everyone thought that "Holy Great Wall" should be proud of his achievements, this young boy, very sunny, gave his skills to his comrades without reservation.

"To achieve great things, we must establish great faith", Zheng Nian said this sentence to Liu Si again when he was gnawing on a pig's trotter recently.

Liu Si watched this adoptive son with a super appetite rambling about his thoughts, and understood that what Zheng Nian wanted was not only to preserve the current "reputation", but also to seek a greater ability to "make troubles".

For example, in the future, due to strategic needs, it is necessary to resist the invasion of superpowers, and it is necessary to use long drives to counterattack. In a battle, [-] to [-] Dragon Guard regiments, thousands of kilometers deep, lead hundreds of ballistic missiles. Thousands of cruise missiles followed, dissected with surgical precision.

If the Dragon Guard in the past was a long spike that directly penetrated into the eyes of a big empire like Anglo, then the handsome Zheng Nian now wants to exchange for a "crowbar" heavy hammer.

...Zheng Nian's scheming is only told to Liu Si now, because the feeling of leaving Si to Zheng Nian is very reliable...

Liusi is thinking: In terms of the planning of such a big battle, tactically, it is necessary to dispatch dozens of major departments such as "intelligence", "weather", "traffic", "missile" and "satellite analysis" to cooperate, and hundreds of regional units to cooperate. Three hundred kilometers command, each command transmission must be completed within 1 minute.

And strategic preparation is even more necessary. Tens of thousands of personnel are trained,

The development of the Dragon Guard arms in Iron Star is not only the construction of dozens of air force bases, but also a part of the long-term strategy of the aviation industry.

Of course, this requires a strong country with a belief in justice to endorse it.

In short, Zhengnian exchanged his military achievements of the Holy Great Wall for his reputation, and inspired Osima to change the key direction of sky defense. He is no longer a simple emerging technology general, but a sharp spear point.

Zheng Nian: To achieve a great event, you need to establish a great faith, and after you have achieved a major event, you must continue to establish credibility and invest in a greater cause.

Zheng Nian is the head of the gun, and Wei Keng is the wax rod behind the head of the gun. If one day the head of the gun falls off, who says the rod can't kill the god of death.

Not to mention, how many "Wei Keng" have been mixed into the above-mentioned military departments and defense industries.

The fourth generation of Wei Keng individuals who have entered the Osima officer corps now has a total of thousands of individuals. Currently, Wei Keng has mixed into six of the backbone of the Dragon Guard Corps.

Oh, this ratio, out of thousands, only six people can reach the "excellent" standard of Zheng Nian. Wei Keng feels that his appearance as a man is really hurting.

However, seeing that Zheng Nian, who currently sets the standard of excellence, is still underestimated by him, Wei Keng still feels that God rewards hard work.

Wei Keng couldn't help but recall that when Zheng Nian was practicing the fixed body technique, he was smiling all day long on the surface as if nothing happened, but occasionally, when Wei Keng saw him, he would be secretly annoyed, and at the same time there were tears on his cheeks, maybe he wiped away the tears secretly Keep practicing.

It is certain that Zheng Nian has also cried, and Wei Keng is more clear that this road is not dominated by some genius, but that the middleman's capital has not paid enough price.

...In any predicament on any plane, as long as the group of Wei Keng can see the possibility of victory, it will be like a grass encountering rain and spring breeze, and it will grow endlessly...

Wei Keng has now proliferated in the Wanlun Continent, and the fifth wave of splits has occurred. This fifth wave of splits shows no sign of exhaustion of consciousness. Instead, the bigger the body, the more vigorous it is.Endless!More and more Wei Keng took their positions and began to work hard to form a stronger and stronger joint force.

In the calculation of the gods, Wei Keng clustered in the first wave of planes (thousands of planes including Wan Lun), and now his luck value has reached more than +4.

This may be the characteristic of Wei Keng compared with a large number of other traversers in the multidimensional plane.

Although it is not the most successful mainstream "god-making" system at the moment, Wei Keng's "grassman tenacious" consciousness is growing more and more in the plane, and the wildfire is endless, making the ancient traversers of the "Pantheon" feel cold sweat Straight up.

How should I put it, Wei Keng's character and thinking, just entering the plane, seem as ordinary as grass mustard, but after a long time, they are also as tenacious as grass.

Yan Beixiang's latest report: Wei Keng is now in a stage of crazy explosion in this plane, directly competing with the gods of this world from all angles!
Traversing kings trapped in multiple planes have defined this confrontation as a new round of "plane wars".

…just as SpongeBob SquarePants doesn’t know that he’s causing confusion to Squidward, Wei Keng doesn’t know that he’s fighting a plane war…

A battle of planes started by one person.This is unimaginable for the kings after the third plane war.

Mediterranean travelers always think that "a person can only represent one personality, and the representative of diversity is greater than that of a single personality. And diodes, they always think that you are not diverse enough or conservative, and you may miss the precious." (Vatican system cognition. Misunderstanding.)
But now, Wei Keng: Between heaven and earth, is it like 橐(tuó)籥(yuè)?Virtual and unyielding, moving and out.

It is better to keep the center than to talk too much.

Wei Keng, who has always followed the trend in the normal era, has always said that he is a normal person, standing on the relatively unchanging "axis" of everything, and has always been facing the rising side trend.

In the face of abnormal many stray currents.In the early stage, they will be submissive and dare not speak up.But will keep digging,
Once he grasps the "Tian Shi" avenue, Wei Keng can grasp a certain element in the process of operation at the first time. At this time, Zhongren becomes the master of the times without knowing it.

The criteria for victory in a plane war are different. In some plane battles, victories are based on mutual compromise, but now Wei Keng has overwhelmed the gods of many planes. It is undoubtedly a victory with a very high gold content.

[Summary, obsession is made into a fairy artifact. Once it is cast, you must witness the fall of the gods in this plane]

On the multidimensional plane, when Wei Keng's dimensional will is planning preparations for the next 50 years (the main world), and in the upcoming war, those parts of himself that are ready to sacrifice at all times leave seeds for the future, multidimensional In the plane, the stiff "Time Travel Committee" began to report the latest situation in accordance with the Traveler's Knowing Act at this time.

And here it is—again the gods have sent a summation signal, this time the god of steam.

...Wan Lun Continent is one of the node planes for this human-god meeting. …

In the sky, in the Southern Feather Whale port, on a 94000-ton standard battleship, in the industrial steam area of ​​the nuclear power cabin, Mikael, as the maintenance director of the steam power maintenance concept field, guided Su Ni to arrive here. When the steam power flows through the pipes and fills the steam computer inside the ship. ,
The god found the quantum computing point and started a conversation with Wei Keng.

In front of the computer LCD screen, part of Wei Keng's consciousness also entered the God of Steam Kingdom along the Quantum Operation Point.This is a steam labyrinth with a lot of black iron running.

The steps under Wei Keng's feet turned into gears, rolling and sending Wei Keng into the huge steam tower. Wei Keng saw this human-shaped god in the convergence of countless pipes.

Steam God pointed to Wan Lun World, which is now more and more open to the dark world and then through the door: "The whole world is now polluted" (this guy still can't let go of his pretensions)

Wei Keng remained silent, and after a long time reacted, he replied, oh. (In my heart, Abba Abba Abba, outside Bibabu)
Steam God: "As a neutral existence, you don't want to see these ugliness."

Wei Keng yawned, looked at the airships floating in the steam ocean like whales in the ether world, and responded absently: "I don't want to see all the ugliness."

Steam God (probing): "Then~."

Wei Keng: "The war between us is still going on, besides, I don't care, you compare me to a devil." ——Anyway, I'm used to being hacked.

Steam God was silent for a while: "I'm sorry for the falsification of facts in the past. The falsification of facts in that respect was facilitated by the Goddess of Finance (Li Yishuang) and others."

After explaining the facts (Li Yishuang was sold out), the god of steam turned into steam and disappeared.

...At the moment, the gods dare not discuss with Wei Keng, only dare to pry rationality on the "emotion" in the corner...

In the (false) system space, a project member of Sissi's team asked Wei Keng, "Are you unwilling to cease fighting?"

Wei Keng, who was originally silent, raised his tone: "The fight must be continued. Now we are just seeing the results, how can we give up halfway."

Afterwards, the system then asked: "But war will breed ugliness, will your mentality be affected?"

Wei Keng was a little excited: "It's right to breed!"

Wei Keng's words were not surprising: "Ugly? Hehe, there are things in any world, but don't you think this is strange? Why are ugly things, such as pickpockets, liars, and thieves, often born from the people struggling in the mud?" Why, why can’t it breed on a large scale on the so-called noble people?! People are all the same, you may breed ugliness, and I may also breed ugliness!
But why should it be acquiesced that the resources of the whole world can be tilted to create a pure and flawless world for some princes and princesses, which is destined to be free from bad words and plots!
Why can't society's resources go downward, reduce the crime rate there, increase the literacy rate, and let a group of teachers who don't have the best food and clothing to teach right and wrong to children who run around? "

In the silence of the system, the energetic Keng continued to make up the knife.

Wei Keng: "Now you see the evil itself, because you were not willing to see the real world in a comprehensive way before."

The system (it took a long time to reply): "Well, the world used to be very stable."

Wei Keng smiled sarcastically: "Yes, the world was very stable in the past, because most ordinary people, facing the definition of being insulted by the representatives of the superiors and celebrities, kept silent and died in silence, so that the fourth type of interstellar In the world, the civilization is weak, and the wind and grass can't help it."

Wei Keng opened up the messy ending of "The Doomsday of the Interstellar Age" and showed it to these little angels.

Wei Keng silently added, as for me, I knew it in my heart, but I didn't say it, and broke out in silence - so, is this normal? "

(End of this chapter)

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