out of cage

Chapter 810 Chapter 18.36 What does it have to do with me

It is useless for anyone (supervisor, Sissy and other angels) to threaten Wei Keng with "the end of the world".Wei Keng is not a kind person!

At many moments in this battle, Wei Keng's body was cornered.It has also been defined as worthless by the world countless times.

Therefore, Wei Keng felt that the so-called great destruction was nothing to be afraid of, "the world is not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog."

Half died and half died, ninety percent died and ten percent died.

It is nothing more than that the "beautiful" structures at the top of the order created by the gods were destroyed and could never recover.Wei Keng didn't care.But keep in mind that "a healthy gentleman strives constantly for self-improvement".

...you create your end times, I build my humanity, ...

At the end of 52 years.In the sewers of many industrial cities in Anglia, demon species have appeared, and degenerate culture is also pervasive in the red-light district casinos, and things like succubi are also walking in the upper class with their tails up.

Just like the "truth" narrated by the Anglo side in recent years' shooting of strange movies: the demons are not satisfied with occupying evil areas, and have extended their tentacles to the "just" Anglo.

Oh, and the evil area here is the dark poke pointing at Iron Star.

The effect of the "Mechanical Demon" book made the new lay leader of the Ministry of Magic feel that it could be used in confrontation.

In the new Gu-style movie, the doomsday comes suddenly, and all parts of the world have completely fallen, and Anglo is the last pure land and hope of mankind!

In reality, Iron Star has almost eliminated the possibility of "devils" raging, and there are no slums, homeless shelters, and the decline in unemployment has also cut off the environment of the devil itself.

Anglo is still stubborn, that is, he believes that "evil" leaked from Iron Star.Unconsciously, they began to become existences that covered up the truth, and they began to be suspected by their own people.

[Just like in ancient times, millions of people died in the Beacon of Freedom, but they believed that the plague came from the East. Their defense was successful. More people must have died in the East. The evil ruled with dictatorship and concealed information. 】

When the movie trend started, Anglo obviously had bad intentions in making this kind of movie.

As early as when Wei Keng arrived at the initial development of the multi-plane (industry, technology, machinery) last time, Sainz (Technology) tried to use "network information" to influence reality.He is the initiator.

Now, this generation of Anglos wants to use virtuality to reverse reality, but they fail, and if the real side is strong enough not to be affected by mystical concepts, then virtual construction becomes deception. (This is like casting a curse, it can be successful for ordinary people, but it may be counterproductive for those with stable luck)
If Mystery could use virtuality to interfere with reality indefinitely, the boss who raised ghosts to get rich back then would not backfire.

That's right, Anglo was backlashed, the devil came, and so did the devils.

On the Siyang planet, the mecha cannon made by someone bombarded and killed the demon lords who refused to accept it, making the demons feel that they could not stay at home anymore and wanted to open up overseas markets.

The demon lord began to follow the plane coordinates of Wanlun Continent. It is worth mentioning that at this time, the Anglo side was also looking for the edge of the fallen area (a large number of film and television works depict demons appearing in Iron Star, trying to do this), and the demons began Keep opening small portals.

...In the Anglo city, all the statues were smashed, perhaps because the eyes were bleeding at night, or the expression was getting uglier...

The Anglo Tay Times began to print a series of stories about the increasingly common presence of evil.

"This seems to be just the beginning, right?" "There should be ups and downs, right?" At the end of the reports, these doubts will be transferred to Iron Star inexplicably, and even the doubts will be distributed to Iron Star.

At this time, the habit of Anglo has been shining with brilliance, and the country that will never fall can always combine reality with the plot fantasy in the movie.He thought that he should not be the key care object of the disaster, but he was the first to discover the clues, and the disaster should eventually collapse those countries that were far inferior to him.

As everyone knows, this kind of dark consciousness has just begun to resemble a demon.It's a good match.

Wei Keng: I have been used to being the protagonist for a long time, but in the end I lost the blessing of God, and I am nothing, and I have no ability to deal with disasters at all.Continue anesthesia, but will suffer greater disasters.

...Every demon world is an existence in the cracks of time and space. This is the "video tape" taken for myself when that civilization was destroyed...

About the price of bread in Anglo cities, when the hourly wages of four hours a day can only buy a kilogram, the demons are ready to start offering sacrifices.

Well, within the scope of the demon's influence, it is difficult to accurately judge the time.

Time can only be judged through the "cycle" of other things.Under the influence of the power of demons, many things are reincarnated. The clocks in the hands of mortals will always stop at several special numbers such as "7", "6", and "3". Of course, there is no "order" in the world of demons.
On the street influenced by demonic forces, people who strayed into this place occasionally picked up a newspaper and glanced at it. The content on it could not see the sky, Osima, such international affairs, but only a series of stories about the scandal of the Anglo royal family.The chaotic world can be regarded as an independent time and space, but the chaos in this time and space really wants to drag in more people from the real world and expand its own chaotic world.

In the south of Anglo, in the abandoned factories on the south side, it is gloomy and chilly, the smell of corpses fills the whole environment, and the sounds of various insects form a restlessness like fingers scratching a blackboard.

Huge blood-red magic circles were shining with light. Some people who were still beggars a few days ago wore black robes and knelt down around the demon summoning circles.

In the hospital, in the cold morgue, a person suddenly woke up. This person is the heir of the Anglo-South colonial family. Because he was dissatisfied with Anglo’s colonial rule, he has been causing trouble for Anglo. After that, he was identified as “suicide” by Anglo’s detectives. ".

As for now, let's call him still alive, he has no heartbeat and breathing now, his pupils can barely feel the light and darkness around him, but he can't distinguish the colors.However, I am quite sensitive to the breath of life, such as the cockroaches lying in the corner, the spiders on the ceiling, and the rats in the sewers blocked by wires. This is a feeling of wanting to swallow them alive.

He has turned into a demonized creature, and all his desire for active life actually comes from the stimulation of the erosion of active cells by the hyphae in his body.

Just when he was a little confused about this rebirth, a mass of purple fire floated in front of him.

"Mr. Bobby, how does it feel to be a freshman?" Jie Jie's laughter made people feel uneasy.

Poppy: "You, you, are you?"

Demon: "I can make you live, or you can die. Your soul is in my hands." A flame appeared on his claw. The flame wanted to escape, but it couldn't escape the sharp claw of the devil.

...the chaos is starting to infuse...

Fifteen days later, Bobby returned to human society. At this time, blood appeared on his face, and he could not be seen as an undead creature.

He recalled what happened the night before. First, he became an undead creature, and the purple flame turned into a black mysterious symbol and sank into his heart, making the undead creature return to the feeling of flesh and blood in an instant.

Demon's warning: "With a devil's heart implanted, you are still an undead. If you cannot transform into a demon as soon as possible, your soul will dissipate in your flesh and blood.

As for how to transform the demon?Of course it is to create chaos, devour flesh and blood, and create power.

Six days later, he came to Anglo's factory, and first released poison gas to kill everyone here.Then use the power of the dead to "resurrect" the humans here.

A large number of walking corpses in the factory were working. He cut his own blood vessels and bleed black blood to these "undead". These corpse workers began to flash black light.These piggies who were squeezed and forgotten in the old southern land became excited, and their pupils glowed red. This is the most common servant army, the natural disaster force, when demons invade.

The demons once again came into contact with the key resources of this world, such as steel, coal mines, and bearing transmission machinery.Mortals are still not vigilant.

…For the demons of the Siyang planet, the current age of Anglo may be the most intoxicating dark age...

Similar to the era when gods fell in ancient times, priests couldn't cast a single divine spell, and mages were cut off from the magic net.At that time, all mages and believers lost the guidance of fate.

The brilliance of the major temples in the contemporary era is still shining, and all the spells of fate and prophecy are also incorrect, and fate has become random again.

Wei Keng clustered: "Damn it, you don't have any allowances, you deserve it, you fell into the pit."

Wei Keng's "you" here is not one or two people, but the collective consciousness of human civilization and the country in the entire continent.The so-called "noble" class lacks the courage to create their own destiny. After being played by fate countless times, it is like a piece of good mud.

For example: In the era of swords and magic, some countries rely on their own strength, pile up expensive magic legions and start to expand outwards. Although they are powerful for a while, they will soon be tricked by fate.

Many twists and turns have succumbed to fate in the multiplane.

Event 1: The powerful head coach of both magic and martial arts, was aggrieved by a lucky hero from a humble background who found his weakness and killed him.

Event 2: Some sealed dragons were released to raid the imperial city commander.And the weaker side will survive the dragon flame with the blessing of all kinds of luck.

Wei Keng, who never touches adventures, is on the background board "I am unlucky, keep silent, and continue to dance with shovels", that is a wonderful thing.

Ever since, mortals in multiple planes have become more and more accustomed to gods controlling the field above the clouds.As long as you follow God's instructions, the worst will not happen anyway.

…Wei Keng is getting more and more awkward, and these strange things are becoming less and less intertwined…

The beginning of 53 years was the worst year. On the one hand, the Wanlun Continent has not yet realized that the demon army is very close in the interstellar distance.

And Anglo and Vail, two powerful industrial countries, started a new round of competition on the Southern Continent.

In Xunmin Country, a country in the southern continent with the Huayu River Basin, the most prosperous area is controlled by Val.Oh, and the governor of the zone at this time is Orr.

In the industrial age, the massacres of the old era no longer exist, and small countries have been annexed without restraint.

Because after the annexation, personnel exchange is required, so governance is quite a big problem.After annexation, it is tantamount to swallowing loneliness if a large area of ​​ethnicity is turned into a low-level circle and not allowed to move in the original area.

Oh, the annexation is over, and the aborigines are killed.Nice idea.

But in fact, the history of modern times has proved that killing the aborigines and looting the country is not righteous, which is equivalent to leaving a bad precedent when conflicts multiply hundreds of years later.How crazy he was when the country was established, and how miserable it was when the country was destroyed. After the 28th century, the United States was basically devoured by Indians and Latinos.

Travelers of the free faction are now very good at using "historical experience" to harvest leeks in the mortal country round after round.

…the Anglos were a slice of leeks, but they now consider themselves reapers…

So both Vail and Anglo adopted a very classic colonial model.Accept the upper class to give them the same national status, and use the upper and lower levels in the colony to isolate most of the worthless population in the occupied area.

And in this way, excellent talents are continuously sucked blood, and all colonies have no modern industry. Not in 1000 years!
There is no talent organization, no road network, relying on a few or dozens of people, self-employed to accumulate, this is like the ancient river construction, part of the repair was washed away and part was washed away every year.

Faced with this kind of situation, the few "careful people" in its history finally succumbed to reality.

Orr is a "career" of the times.He wanted to expand industry at home, but found no disciplined workman, no organized management.He wanted to expand the ammunition yard, accidents happened and fires broke out.

Now, Orr is already in his 30s, but the more he gets to today, the more he realizes the significance of his uncle Enma's insistence.

Orr, who was just a year old, asked himself: Why did my uncle overthrow the sky empire and engage in industrial technology, instead of joining the sky empire and becoming the general who saved the empire with his outstanding talents.

Orr followed the map and looked upstream, the bustling city where the leaders of the Xunmin Kingdom gathered. This group of nobles can be said to be so muddy that they can't support the wall, so they pretend to know No.1.

After meeting them at several banquets, Orr roared in his heart: "What I want now is not a bunch of scholars discussing literature with me, nor do I want to discuss how different varieties of cocoa beans should be ground and brewed to produce flavor. What the fuck? They are workers who know how to screw on screws, how to operate chemical reactors, and how to control the precision of lathes."

Just in some side view:

Orr needs it now, but it doesn't mean he will respect those who need it.After these people responded to his needs, he would not speak softly, but wave away for efficiency, let alone hold dark hands.On the contrary, those high-class people, he doesn't need it now, but he will still restrain his impatience and never yell.

Wei Keng drove the forklift on the construction site separately, going back and forth in circles. As for this, he recorded it. After the recording was completed, he began his days of "grinding foreign workers" under Orr.

This Wei Keng split, when General Faner's uniform team was inspecting, saw Orr in a hurry, eating melons, while recording on the pseudo-system: "Why should I help him, I'm born a bitch and I have to admit it!" a master?"

Such "pointing at Sang Sang and Huai Huai" caused some gods in the Pantheon who tried to make conditions to stop their calculations in the name of "communication".

If Wei Keng doesn't help the so-called blood-related Orr, the gods will inevitably find other ways to help Orr.

Because Orr is now an important chess piece for the gods and must be kept.

…The "middleman" did not regard the existence of the higher class as gods after seeing through all the classes...

Throughout the 52 years, Poma's supply of strategic materials to Orr was abundant. Groups of ships sailed to the Huayu River Plain, and a large number of instructors were sent to assist Orr to form a colonial army more efficiently.

Of course, in this process, there is no shortage of spiritual injection sticks and leather whips.

The mobilization of the modern army is based on the promise of "the credibility of the group", while the modern army relies on logistical supplies and day-to-day repressive training.

[The gods want to deceive part of Wei Keng's body into building the Orr military, and make a promise of credibility! 】

The gods made the transaction on the premise that Wei Keng was "enthusiastic" about change.

God: "You, Wei Keng, are so passionate about xxx, now here is a chance for you to xxx. Come and help me".

However, the gods think too much. In a world like Wanlun Continent, as long as one or two countries move toward "higher possibilities", Master Wei will never waste himself on "lower possibilities".

Wei Keng, with a middle-of-the-road appearance, has never been "addicted" to anything, and will never still regard something as a necessity after getting rid of the embarrassment of survival and development.

This is also the reason why Wei Keng does not take "Industrial Godhead", because Wei Keng knows that after the industry has been developed, he no longer regards "Industrial Godhead" as a necessity for repeated accumulation day after day.

The gods may have mistaken Wei Keng's constant "backup" with this "enthusiasm".

Master Wei will back up a series of plans at a certain link in a plan.This caused the gods to misunderstand.

…Wei Keng: Some countries and societies that are not yet developed enough are not worthy of “selfless devotees” and are only worthy of encountering troublemakers…

In the south of Xunmin country, there is a peninsula country called Bohan Principality, which was a country supported by Anglo during the last war.

After the end of the last Val War, this country expanded its territory six times, so it was permeated with an arrogant big country sentiment.Of course, this kind of sentiment is also instigated by a certain "second-rate traveler" who has just arrived here. (Consul-level traversers are elites in most of the plane explorations, but they are reduced to second-rate only in the current battlefield where gods wrestle with each other.)
After the king returned from the temple, he looked at the statues one by one in the dark underground base, and said to the arcanist in the hood and robe beside him: "The Angles will soon be overwhelmed. We must protect ourselves. Before the Angles Finish the northern enemy (Swift Min) before you fall."

Bystander's record: The more dishes, the more jumping.

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