out of cage

Chapter 811 The Collapse of the Moral Cornerstone of Chapter 19.01

Chapter 811 The Collapse of the Moral Cornerstone of Chapter 19.01

The morality of the social system is established based on the balance of interests.As the traversers of multiple planes become increasingly closed, a set of social morality is formed.

The nervous Wei Keng finally began to realize that he was an "outsider" in the multiverse.Hostile by all (gods), considered a "disadvantage"

So Master Wei Keng made a summary of his task on the platform of the traverser public system: the important balance of interests formed in the development of civilization.At first the "divine right of kings" was established only among the slave owners of the tribal chiefs.

Then go to the feudal class with a large amount of land to determine the just kingship.

Then in the industrial age, the interest class that owns capital determines the constitutional rule.

Under social rule, the working class united manifesto.

The progress of social productive forces is accompanied by the progress of production relations, which is to determine a public interest balance among the ever-growing "cooperating crowd".

The subtext is, everyone (many colleagues from multiple planes), you are not willing to cooperate with me to complete the increasingly serious "information pollution" problem in multiple planes, and you will be responsible for the consequences.

...Wei Keng doesn't expect to win the battle of gods completely, but before he is exhausted, he must leave something for the morality of this multi-dimensional society traverser...

Wei Keng stares at the so-called gods in the dimension: If the "public cooperation mechanism" collapses, the morality based on "balanced distribution of interests" will no longer exist.

Weikeng is partly separated, and will set "long-term and sustainable" cooperation goals in the abyss.So these "heavenly" gods talk about morality with Wei Keng?It made Wei Keng feel ridiculous.

Human civilization (multiverse god society) deliberately breaks the "cooperation mechanism" and willfully destroys "win-win interests", then sooner or later everyone will be in "chaotic mutual trampling".

Wei Keng consciously began to look back at planes like the Wanlun Continent, and left the last sentence: Just like the ancient times. "Apocalypse"-themed film and television works are best-selling. Now that there is no "public cooperation and win-win" rules and regulations, human consciousness will tend to "reverse" the possibility of destruction.

For example: the weak at the bottom imagine "executing zombies" and "purchasing for zero yuan at will" without any moral condemnation.The real "monsters" at the top want to do the same.

…Compared to the individual people, the country is a giant beast. When the people relax their thoughts on order, the "brains" of these giant beasts are also untied and moving towards gunpowder...

In the entire Wanlun Continent, the balance of interests of the northern powers has been broken. Iron Star, Vail, and Anglo each have new technological directions. The citizens of the three parties have no interest in maintaining the traditional old world order.

Today, with the emerging technological revolution, all three major powers are undergoing expensive military equipment replacement processes.

Iron Star's military reforms are focused on the tactical group combining air transport aircraft and Dragon Guards. Regarding super-heavy units, Iron Star has not only maintained a large personnel carrier such as the Mountain Giant, but also has light armor, light firepower, and heavy equipment for heavy equipment. Motorization, that is, changing a large number of combat units into personnel carriers that fire 120mm caliber armor-piercing projectiles and have a tonnage of about 220 tons.This is in view of the fact that urban battles require heavy firepower as an element of tactical support.

As for Anglo and Vail, due to the needs of the huge colonies, they continued to take the overweight route in the technological progress of the power system. The minimum lower limit of their land combat units has reached more than [-] tons. Unit, continuous research and development.

Wei Keng, who was undercover in various countries, looked at the various industrial behemoths rolling off the production line in the roaring factory, as well as the people on the street eating black bread and wrapping newspapers to fill their clothes. He concluded: Such abolition of old equipment and replacement of new equipment In the process, the loss is huge.Representing the resources invested in the tactics in the early stage, almost all of them were sent to the water by a large margin!

...Wei Keng's thoughts drifted to the 21st century...

From the middle of the 21th century to the 50st century, military thinking changed almost every ten years.However, the military platforms, warships, tanks, and fighters that the major powers undertake tasks cannot easily replace the basic weapon platforms within four to fifty years due to huge cost issues, and only add new subsystems based on basic needs.

The active main equipment of the major powers can only be formed with a wave of population.If this population boom is missed, there will be no funds to start anew.

After the double millennium, Russia's main equipment system was formed in the 80s, and then the population declined, so it was unable to replace the new combat system, all of which were loaded with information under the old equipment technology system.Because there is no technical ability, a new system will be opened outside the t72 production line.

At the same time, the United States had the best economic situation in the early 21st century, and it was also the most turbulent.After Mao Xiong broke up, the strategy laid out by this bald eagle around the world is so crazy.How embarrassing is the replacement of its equipment system after 30 years, and the most reliable equipment is still the tank that was finalized in the 90s, the F22 fighter jet, and the Bert class, which are the most cost-effective military platforms within 20 or 30 years. , Upgrading informatization on these platforms is the best choice, but the U.S. imperialists want to toss new cross-age armaments, so the Navy has come up with "Zumwart" and "Coastal Combat Room", and the Air Force has come up with an air force that can't be empty. Excellent "fertilizer electricity".

Wei Keng: "The construction of the military system is complicated. "Planning" must be considered in terms of workload. Only the number of people who work can be able to arrange how much workload. Buildings should be built according to the workload that the engineering team can complete. It’s not about aiming too high, opening blueprints, and failing to deliver the building in the end.”

The second half of the 21st century is the period of decline of the bald eagle. The total number of immigrants in full swing conceals a population problem that is far more serious than its competitors. The bald eagle can be called the "main nation", a population that can carry out industrial mobilization group is decreasing year by year.Playing "diversity" and "emphasizing minorities" have completely failed to create a "fully equipped engineering team".
A small number of programmers have no ability to "refactor" at all, so they can only continue to mend (continuously modify) and have been using it for half a century, waiting for the next wave of population and baby boom to continue before the next comprehensive technological update.

However, the construction of the military system is to achieve strategic goals. The ruling group is too bad, and the delineated strategic goals remain unchanged, which leads to the "reconstruction" of the existing military system.

The Bald Eagle was unable to transfer its industry to nearby countries due to improper reasons for gaining the country, so it had to radiate outward strategically to control external "valuable" industrial dependent countries.This has led to the need for military equipment that "overwhelms competitors by a generation". If it cannot be completed, the three pillars of his national system (military, economic, and technological) will all collapse.

It just so happened that in the 90s, the baby boomers in the East were able to complete basic reconstruction.Put the 99th, missile boat, and artillery digital system thinking on the new [-]a, destroyer, and aircraft carrier platform.Invisibly raised the threshold of the United States' military goal of "one generation higher than the opponent".

Wei Keng: By the way, in the follow-up history, the fate of the J20 has also been supported for half a century like the 59 tanks. It has been modified again and again. This flying platform is equipped with a drone command system and a near-earth satellite network data link. Because of the population boom passed.

There is no ability to update the platform.Indiscriminately updating the platform and seeking new equipment indiscriminately is Maozi's style at the beginning of the century. All kinds of sensational equipment produced have no follow-up.

But fortunately, the East has not set unrealistic military goals, because after the economic upgrade, the transfer of traditional industries is at the doorstep.

When the "mines" are all at the doorstep, there is no need to cross the ocean to overwhelm the opponent for a generation. For the small neighboring countries, the advantage of the huge number of equipment is enough to achieve the strategic goal of peaceful control of the field, and the advanced equipment only needs to be at the same level as the distant strategic opponent. That's it.

...The strategic summary of the 21st century, Wei Keng thinks so much, is because the current experience is applicable...

The strategy of Vail and Anglo lies in the entire Wanlun continent. They maintain an international balance strategy and are unknowingly involved in the military competition of all emerging countries.

The sea and the air are advancing side by side, and the quantity and quality must be maintained, which has consumed too much national power of Anglo.The former surplus of national power disappeared quickly. When it was discovered, it had to transform and shrink its strategy, but it was obstructed by die-hard conservatives.These conservatives who are unwilling to give up the "dignity" of Anglo when it was strong will not allow Anglo to suddenly persuade now, and force the strategy to remain aggressive.

Ever since, in the process of updating military equipment this time, a large amount of old equipment was thrown to their "reliable allies", or in other words, "controllable subordinates".Those warlords went against the grain, holding wine glasses at various banquets, looking like amiable gentlemen, but when they ruled, they skinned and chopped people's bones to frighten them.

On the southern old continent, Wei Keng's sects were indeed "fearful" of these turbulent semi-feudal groups, but after the fear, they were determined to overthrow all of them.

...The history of the 21st century also shows one thing, that is, military aid is risky, because mud cannot support the wall...

On the Southern Continent, after 3251, various kingdoms suddenly bought a large amount of "advanced equipment" in the market.These "advanced equipment" dropped out of thin air, because there are also "outstanding" traversers in these kingdoms.So I fully understand that this means that this is a "window period".

The entire south of the continent is now under the double disaster of demons and demons.The upper "intellectual culture" class, which had been stable for thousands of years, began to completely decay.

But the Anglo and Van Er generation strategists in the Wanlun continent: it doesn't matter at the moment "who is crazy, who is evil, and who is justice" to the various forces in the southern old continent.The important thing is who (which group in power) on the Old Continent can take over the huge investment made by the major capital groups in the north this time in the last round of military reform.

Such a "short-sighted" strategic layout is just like the random suggestions given by their (Ver, Anglo) economic experts.When going downhill, the so-called analysts still took out a few data to promote, proving that they are still "stable and improving".

These bricklayers don't care at all. The so-called "stimulus" strategy they are carrying out to pull important so-called data is killing the chicken and picking the egg.Because they plan to change ships in the future.

With Wei Keng's middle-of-the-road appearance, he can now clearly see the current situation of these small countries!

Chi De (a branch of Wei Keng who was farming in the old continent): Wanlun Continent is now an absolutely utilitarian international society: Weak countries should give up all naivety, and don't expect the so-called "culture" and "ideology" to get closer to a strong country. Aid, they act like angels of mercy, but they are not.

The so-called people who will be the window to the outside world, dressed up as "strictly adhering to justice and loving Anglo civilization" will not save us (the old southern continent).In their eyes, you have to be a qualified pawn.Only by beating their opponent's pieces, and you have to beat them if you want to be a chess player.

The proxy template of "Israel in Modern Times" was dug out from the Wei Keng database.

Although throughout the second half of the twentieth century, the Judahs did all kinds of things that other people did not do, but the large-scale propaganda of their camp gave them a tragic image of a race with high IQ and excellent persecution by De San.The so-called "science and technology, civilization" completely interrupted the entire modernization process of Arab Platinum.

As a proxy, Judah fought in the region, creating a large number of refugees, as well as ideological confrontation, cutting off the normal economic development of agriculture and industry.

Wei Keng sighed: "Sacred Great Wall" who stands up bravely and wisely to stand up against mistakes is rare after all.In the main world, even in areas with a deep civilization, it will appear once every few hundred years.

…The Southern Old Continent was at its darkest before the arrival of the Red Dawn. …

At the end of 3252 in the Fire Emblem calendar, the noble mages of Bohan Principality began to secretly set up their own "biochemical laboratory" behind the backs of Anglo technicians.

Anglo originally asked them to cooperate, but these nobles who were out of money and status in the early years had a disturbed conscience in their later years and were about to wash their hands, so they quietly developed biochemical technology independently under the supervision of Anglo.

Under the slogan "For the Principality", these nobles continued to manipulate the "old business".

Just like any slogan will start to deteriorate due to the eagerness for quick success. In the early years, prisoners were still used for experiments.But now for the Principality, they decided to go one step further. For the Principality, they began to select those low-value beggars and sick people in the country for mass production of biological weapons.

At present, in this secret laboratory in Bo Khanate, the most successful biochemical technology belongs to gargoyle technology.

According to historical inheritance, this is a scientific type of undead arcane art.

Using modern technology to explain the undead arcana is not just the study of carbon-based life, silicon-based, molecular robots, any technology that can transfer life and soul to continue, all belong to the "undead series".

The ancient arcanists regarded these microscopic particles that can store information as a kind of vitality, but in fact they used "microscopic automatic programming" unconsciously.

For example, find a tiny lichen fungus that parasitizes a broken body like a skeleton. It can absorb the remaining organic matter in the bone to construct a nerve-like line, and then build a transmission structure between the bones.It is like countless tiny robots that make a skeleton transmission structure in the shape of a human body move, and build a white phosphorus energy information computing system in its empty brain to store simple thoughts.

Iron Star is also doing scientific and technological research on necromancers. After all, the best defense is to recognize.

Compared with the freedom (no bottom line) of the Anglo academic atmosphere, all related technologies of Iron Star are limited to the progress of experiments on insects and mice.

But human experimentation, especially human experimentation, is too insane.This experiment is first used for key organ replacement.

And in view of the human base theory, critically ill patients must be selected for use.

In short, it is not that a powerful country cannot do it now, but based on the current mastery of advanced productive forces, it is necessary to maintain advanced production relations and must abide by morality.

...The reason why a weak country is weak is not that it is not strong enough to practice justice, but that it is unwilling to slowly accumulate strength through the road of justice...

In the Bohan Principality, in the laboratory, each healthy human body was injected with gargoyle liquid.Then one tube after another was inserted into the body, and the silicate and calcium components were injected into the body, and soon calcification formed on the surface of the skin.

If there are no subsequent steps, it will become too much calcium intake, and it will become a petrified corpse.

With the injection of nano-robots, these human blue-purple corpses began to twist and move, and the teeth and bones began to grow hideously.The metal restraint system is then placed on the skeleton.Finally, after packaging on the production line, these mechanical warriors whose thoughts and desires are controlled, roll off the assembly line in the factory.

Of course, these initial products will continue to be processed.Welding it directly into the body of a diesel-powered mechanism seems like a good option!

In recent years, Anglo and Vail have transferred a large amount of old military supplies and various immature military experimental technologies to these small countries.But small countries will find some "new gadgets" in the market to supplement their arsenals.

Iron Star's industrial development has made some civilian diesel and electric machinery very affordable.These industrial products are just like the gas tanks and drones sold outside the East in the 21st century.

…Before the contradictions of the powerful countries are confronted in an all-round way, the chess pieces first jump out and fight to ignite. …

In 53 years, the all-out war on the southern continent started like this. The Bohan Principality planned for five years, developed the technology of immortality, and imported a large number of military facilities from the Anglo side, opening up the war against neighboring countries, especially those attached to Van Invasion of the state of the Seoul economy.

On the border of the Principality of Bohan, a righteous detective infiltrated some "labor centers"

Witnessing these dark soldiers, and in the sky, the modified rocket fighters, the hideous faces under the metal helmets,
In the abnormal photos taken one after another, in the smoky barracks factory, how the victims were injected with blue transformation liquid every day to maintain their strength, so that the transformed victims changed from madness to calmness.

The reporter fled back to Anglia, and prepared to release the information to the public.

But the reporter was still too naive, and the Anglo security investigation team directly intercepted the report in advance.He even tried to assassinate the reporter, but the relevant information still escaped with a sanitation worker.

Then, there's the bit more legendary drama.

The health worker of the Anglo investigation team came to Verne and handed such "important information" to Verne, and the generals of Verne will be "prepared".

Keng from the perspective of a bystander: Heh, Van Er made military preparations because he got the information?

The behind-the-scenes (god) of Val: The story of "cleaning personnel saving justice" was created to add "drama".

Everything is not the hand of fate, everything was doomed ten years ago, 20 years ago, when Poma planted many intelligence personnel in the old southern continent as dark threads!

... The energy of Poma, the traveler, was also used in these places.In the eyes of speculators, honest axis farming is stupid...

In March 3253, Ver began mobilizing public opinion. Based on such a just cause, Bohan, who condoned large-scale human experiments, violated Wan Lun's morality.

Under the instruction of the Anglo side, Bohan naturally denied it flatly, announcing that this was not a human experiment, but a human body refinement.

Human Body Refining: When Wei Keng came to the Arcane World last time, he completed the refining of life activity through a large amount of positive energy food and the energy of creatures in the forest and ocean. This is also the mode for many upper-class people to increase their vitality in this era.At present, there are so many handsome men and beautiful women in the upper class, and it is because of this technology.

Obviously, Bohan was arguing that the cost of refining the human body was so high that it could never be used for all soldiers, but they just killed them in one bite to reduce medical costs, and started to fool the past.

…Xiu said: In the chaos of the feathers everywhere, the more we must be vigilant about our own situation…

In the war of words sweeping the North, Iron Star officials have neutralized due to a lack of information.

Based on the defense of public opinion over the years, Iron Star has formed a response process, which is to make standardized statements about right and wrong.Draw a line with mistakes.

The Iron Star Announcement opposes all forms of militarized use of necromancer technology, and opposes human experimentation and kidnapping of human beings. (This is a classic in diplomacy: discussing things regardless of people, and is often used to express positions that have nothing to do with oneself. But warn the surrounding countries that want to learn to do it, and be ready to repair it at any time.)
The sky knows that there are also developments similar to "body modification military technology" in the south of West Rolle and Anglo.

Su Ni was afraid of being impulsive, and specifically explained the reason: "All the madness in the world right now is about to be reversed. Instead of taking out the sledgehammer of justice at every turn, it is better to retain the power of justice and be ready to defend yourself at any time."

Zheng Nian was at the missile base, learning about the latest thermal barrier materials. After hearing Su Ni's words, he rolled his eyes and asked, "Am I the kind of person who follows other people's batons?"

Zheng Nian pointed to his own brain: "We are all adults, and we should have our own discernment. My first target has always been those guys who will not die if they want to kill me."

Wei Keng was relieved when he heard this.

Zheng Nian said leisurely: "I know, you are thinking about when the so-called 'justice' of the hypocrites (Val, Anglo) will accumulate to the highest level and point their "ignorant" power at us."

(End of this chapter)

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