out of cage

Chapter 812 Chapter 19.02 Bloody Economic Recovery

Chapter 812 Chapter 19.02 Bloody Economic Recovery

During the three months of the battle, Bohan has annexed many surrounding countries in a row. The kingdom relied on a more efficient management model than the surrounding areas to digest the territory here very quickly.

This kind of efficiency does not mean civilization, sometimes it is cruel.

Rows of Bohan soldiers in khaki military uniforms led the civilians who were designated as "rebels" to the open space with ropes, and launched the "plague ray" to shoot. With the surge of green light, all the civilians' bodies Dried up and turned into skeletons, then bulldozed into mass graves,
In a certain form, an efficiency management system does not necessarily serve the public.

If the aborigines on a land have not developed advanced ideas that keep pace with the times, the foreign "efficiency" system may bring about more effective massacres.

In the Resistance Army of the Old Southern Continent, Chi De (Wei Keng split) called up the materials of the Shenzhou plane Shengyang Empire in Latin America from his own database for reference.

...with a gun in your hand and a cannon in your mind...

Under the feudal system, the indiscriminate massacre of a tyrant will make a large number of the same feudal nobles rebel against tyranny.Because the "tyrant" is just one person.

But if the feudal nobles faced a semi-corporate capital group and sent troops to massacre and suppress it, these nobles who once opposed the tyrant and had a "sense of justice" would compromise and cooperate honestly.

In the words of some "barking" guys: because the brutal power under the capital company system is too strong.In order to preserve the vitality of the Darling family, we should cooperate with these "outsiders".

Master Wei found his information on the plane of Shenzhou: So, the Sun Empire can maintain a stable rule and extract resources from the occupied area.

…dimensions are different, but things are not new…

In short, Anglo is unable to directly control the southern continent in this way. It is because Anglo's overseas business is highly monopolized, suffering from the disease of large enterprises, and the administrative rule at the end of the colony is inefficient.

As for Bohan, a family business, it is very down-to-earth now, killing what should be killed, promoting what should be promoted, 52 years belong to their initial stage of entrepreneurship, and there are no disadvantages.

However, the new colonial rule also brought new ideas of resistance.

In the agricultural and rural areas of the old southern continent, Chide's guerrillas began to quietly establish large-scale bases.Because the exploitation of northern colonialism is extremely blatant in this era.

...Mortals are the soul fragments of gods, Wei Keng: In several epochs, there are multiple planes, there is no "where there is oppression, there is resistance", it means that I am extreme, but you are sick...

In March 53, after the Bohan Heavy Armored Mechanized Corps completed the annexation of the entire eastern countries, the total industrial output value tripled.

The original 64 legions are now planning to expand to [-].

On the largest city square in Bohan, the prince, who is an important promoter of the reform this time, watched the rumble of firing armored groups, and groups of soldiers with bloodthirsty eyes lined up "venting" style with violent thoughts towards tomorrow Shouted in unison, showing a satisfied smile.

According to the new organization, each corps has three [-]-ton overweight units, and the rest are a large number of light armored artillery and light tanks.And such military expansion is naturally inseparable from Anglo military support.

In order to purchase this order, Bohan sent a large amount of grain and raw materials to Anglo one by one.

As for grain and various minerals, as well as exports of primary processed products surged.Oh, that's because Bohan has squeezed the residents of the occupied area thousands of times to achieve economic success.

In the dusty trucks transporting ore, the ore is mixed with the bones of mine victims.

Although Bohan has carried out preliminary asset reforms at this time, he still has a huge amount of feudal remnants. His aristocratic status is still respected at all levels of society. Relatively speaking, those with low status cannot completely change their status through skills.

So Bohan is still unable to complete the reform of the industrial chain.

...Of course, during Wei Keng's observations, the traverser of Bohan has already been identified, but Master Wei feels that there is no need to pay attention to him...

On Wanlun Continent, behind the sudden end of the Anglo-economic crisis, there are people who are suddenly "hardworking" and willing to burn for the capital system.

Bohan's war started, and there was no overcapacity. The war lunatics were crazily burning and consuming, and even human beings had turned into burning war potential.

The exploitation of resources in the old southern continent adopted the concentration camp model. The laborers sent here had to work efficiently in order not to be beaten, scolded or killed.

Anglo-Economists praised Bohan's economic achievements.

In the primary industry, which requires no brains and only needs quick hands, if industrial upgrading is not considered, eventually driven by the interests of capital groups, the industrial model will eventually become a concentration camp model.

In those large iron and steel factories in Bohan, a large amount of pig iron was smelted every day, and then processed into crude steel, which was transported to Anglia. For every hundred tons of pig iron, one person died in a production accident.

Capital never thinks about the blood of the "weak".

At this time, Anglo Industries also has abundant orders, processing high value-added products in exchange for a large number of low-value-added products.From this, you can become rich again.

Now with the unfair economy of the Southern Old Continent, the dozens of times the profits can make Anglo production have enough enthusiasm.

The land cruiser engines, power packs and other core parts that Anglo sold to Bohan can be exchanged for several times the raw materials.

Wei Yun, who is engaged in the industry in Iron Star, commented that the production line under the Anglo-capital system is like an "addicted patient", who has become displeased with the production organization with too low profits.

Only when the profit is high enough can it be restored to productivity.

But how can there be "high-profit" businesses in the special period of war?
Anglo is already on the path of destruction planned by the gods.The biological and chemical weapons they stored could destroy the entire northern civilized area within a few decades in a new war.

...the rest of destiny is turning, and it takes great heroism to stop this rest...

Bohan's large-scale war in the southern continent can be regarded as a complete harvest for Anglo.Drain all the population here by supporting a reign of terror.

Like all bosses, they want to give their employees work, and the employees had better get down on their knees and say "thank you" while working hard to the death.

The Anglo side also hopes that when earning money from the Southern Continent, it hopes that the Southern Continent will still beg itself to maintain the transaction.

As for the apex that Bohan should expand, these Anglo strategists calculated very precisely.

These continental balancers are preparing to win over Xiluoer and help them restore the colonial glory of the "Old Continent".

(End of this chapter)

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