out of cage

Chapter 813 Chapter 19.02 Stranding, Blood Mill in the Southern Continent

Chapter 813 Chapter 19.02 Stranding, Blood Mill in the Southern Continent
On March 3, in Bohan's palace, he faced questions from all parties in the southern continent, as well as an ultimatum from the kingdom of Ver.

King: "What is the attitude of the Anglos?"

The aristocratic official in charge of diplomacy on the side: "Anglo claims that when necessary, it will give us all the help we need." (Anglo's classic empty check promise.)
The king nodded.So a council of war was called.Inquire about the possibility of a military conflict against Xunmin.

However, at the military meeting, a person in charge who had always played a key role in all the previous military planning suddenly became cautious at this time, claiming that it seemed that the war against Xun Min would have to wait.

This person is the third son of King Bohan and one of the travelers who came down this time.

He completed the construction of military technology in Bohan, and instigated all plans for the collection of military resources in the early stage and foreign wars.

Theoretically, he has completed Bohan's advantage in betting on the country's luck. If he accepts it now, in the next round, he may not be able to change the fate of only weak countries in the southern continent.

But this is a high-end "war of gods". He has taken the first two steps of fate, and the subsequent development of fate will not obey his orders.

Your Excellency the prince, the hero level is now level five.Has command of five legions.

However, in the battle meeting room of the royal palace, he heard that his father had confirmed that he was going to attack the Swift Kingdom (Val's sphere of influence), and he felt dizzy for a while.

The prince actually paid attention to the threat of the Swift Kingdom very early on. A year ago, he emphasized the need to attack from the very beginning. With lightning speed, he defeated the corps (Ouer Group) stationed at the mouth of the Huayu River.

And as long as Faner is defeated, the next step will be piecemeal, gradually eroding the surrounding weak forces, building a buffer zone and developing for a few more years.

However, King Bohan did not follow this strategic plan. He did not dare to challenge the Vernon colonial army at first, but chose the soft persimmons around him.By now, the bargaining chips have almost been played, and now the war potential has been consumed by the huge new occupied area, and the Faner side at the Huayu River Estuary has also become vigilant, so we will fight again at this time!Even with resource advantages, the shortcomings are too obvious.

The prince believed that Bohan should not trust Anglo's promise and provoke another powerful country when he repeatedly jumped between Vail and Anglo in diplomacy.

If Mr. Wei knew about the various small calculations of His Highness the "Prince", he would definitely ask him, "Who is it that gave him the idea to dare to speculate on his fate under the eyes of a bunch of old foxes in this world."

...travelers who have never fought a war between planes, do not know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth...

You must know that Wei Keng was at the bottom when he was in Iron Star, pushing the tide step by step. Basically, he dared to stand up and forcefully push forward fate when there were seven or eight backup routes. After that, he immediately retreated, such as "Enma", Wei Keng did not dare to let this identity continue to stay on it.

And these traversers were originally arranged to come to the marginal countries of Wanlun. Oh, these small marginal countries have no ability to control their own destiny. The kings of the main world arranged them outside the fate line. Sent in the main battlefield.

They still managed to jump to the main battlefield now, thinking that they had stepped onto the big stage of fate, but in fact, the place where everyone was looking at was the center of the battlefield where the firepower of all parties was targeting.

...When the traversers compete, it is often the guys of the same level who get involved...

On the Huayu River, Orr looked at the combat forces under his command, a total of 23 land cruiser units.

Of course, more importantly, Orr has a wave of strategic mobility. He has established a large number of port areas in the estuary, and these port areas are moored with hovercraft. This hovercraft has an "ice shield" (after all, Orr comes from the iron star).

On April 2000th, about fifteen such hovercrafts went directly southward, transporting nine camps and [-] people.The soldiers in these cabins were dressed in individual power armor, carried machine guns, and [-]mm mortars, and assaulted the dark laboratory established by Bohan at the front.Greatly supported the military resistance movement in the Bohan occupied area.

It can be seen from this that Orr, who was born in Iron Star, was deeply influenced by Enma, and he has a very profound insight into how to "let the Resistance Army" consume the energy of strategic opponents.

Back then, when Enma fought, Orr served as a militiaman, undertaking the mission of raiding and harassing.

...Competition between speculators, often the person who makes the move last has the advantage, because the one who makes the move first exposes his cards...

On April 4, Orr waited for Bohan's "military invasion" to come.With burning eyes, he pressed the counterattack button.

Your Excellency the third prince, led the main force to quickly advance in the Huayu River Basin, trying to cut off the support of Governor Ver's reinforcements to the capital of the Xunmin Kingdom.Generally speaking, his strategy is the best way to execute the shit-like strategy in the Bohan Kingdom.

In the current stage of the Bohan Kingdom, the other two main armies are attacking Xunmin, and the third prince promised to give them a week.As for a week later, the whole army will retreat anyway.

However, when he watched the troop group mobilized by Orr on the airship platform, his expression turned livid.

At this time, behind His Royal Highness is a blue crystal flickering one person tall. This is a crystal composed of carbon and silicon structures, which is used to store regular quantum phase states.Of course, it is also the arcane asset he relies on now.

After the full-scale necromancy battle in the Bohan Kingdom, His Royal Highness, like the Lich King, can link every soldier with his mind. Of course, the side effect is that he is easy to lose himself.Normally he doesn't use this trick.

The soul crystal embedded in the flesh and blood on the prince's chest hummed and flickered like a broken fluorescent lamp, which meant that his thinking was overloaded.

After the third prince confirmed the size of the enemy's total force, he immediately fell silent.

Orr is a wave of the whole family, going head-on.On the front line where the Bohan Legion had just arrived, the "blizzard" set off by rows of howitzers slammed on the position one after another, and the burst of fire and smoke flooded the entire combat battalion.

…Under the absolute storm of steel, biochemical transformation is vulnerable. …

An hour later, Oll looked at the wreckage of a group of beaten-down invasion regiments.

These are modified "gargoyles", the body is fused with the motorcycle, or the "turboprop engine" is loaded on the back, and the mechanical wings can be deployed for a short distance (300 meters to 40 meters) to glide.

These equipments are based on the increasingly developed electrification production and export in the world.
Iron Star has a large number of industrial exports here, and most of the international buyers are South Old Land.

There are quite a few traversers on the South Old Land. They are engaged in "I love inventions". There is no doubt that this primary industrial product is like a pickup truck in the [-]th century, which was flexibly developed by the people in the war-torn area.

Now, Orr can't help sighing that the war has changed. Even ordinary infantrymen are no longer fighting with rifles and mortars. The elite troops of major powers are bound to develop towards light mechs.

... Oll, I feel a little homesick, thinking of the country my uncle created.Drifting outside, what should be broken through, has been broken through...

In the first half of the year 3253 of the Fire Emblem Calendar, the war on the southern continent aroused great interest among observers from the northern powers.

The war situation was different from what they had imagined in the past. Among them, the number of super-heavy equipment bombings and exchanges of fire was very sporadic. Each land armor encounter between the two sides lasted no more than half an hour, and the weaker side left the battlefield.

This may be the same as the situation where both sides are poor imperialists, and there is no capital to spend on large equipment.

The Old Continent War in the South is very different from that in the Northern Continent.

For example, during the stage of the Iron Star Rebellion, even the weak Iron Star Rebel Army had the confidence to lose more than ten Land Cruisers, because they could forge related equipment by mastering the industrial furnace and the industrial crowd.

But on the old continent, the warlords wrapped in thin iron sheets and carrying machine guns and tanks, although they couldn't fight a decisive battle with large equipment, both sides were very creative in various light equipment!
The two sides formed a large-scale turbofan flying vanguard. The number of such "rocket flying soldiers" under the Progressive Legion of Bohan (the army commanded by the third prince) quickly increased from a few hundred to two to three thousand.

These mobile infantry with turbofan propellers welded on their backs can often play ten times the effect of light infantry in action.

Although numerically, the scale of the elite fighting forces of the two sides has become smaller, but judging from the firepower and the distance of the moving lines of the fighting forces, the scale of the fighting between the two sides is unprecedented in the Old Continent.

Just like the mobilization of more than 21 fifth-generation aircraft for a surprise attack in the 200st century, it is far larger than the mobilization of thousands of propeller aircraft.

The battlefield of two hundred fifth-generation aircraft is the western Pacific battlefield thousands of kilometers away. In a few days, thousands of bases and hundreds of warships on millions of square kilometers will be destroyed.

And two thousand propeller planes are just "no waves" military raids.

... During this war, Orr felt that his uncle was with him. …

On April 4th, after another artillery battle between the Vernon colonial army and the Bohan Kingdom army.

Orr's Mechanized Armored Regiment found Bohan, a sneaky interspersed unit preparing to do something at the border, and quickly dispatched aerial drones and road mobile truck guns.

Following a flurry of bombardment, the two battalions guarded by the sneak attack force quickly retreated, allowing Orr's mechanized infantry battalion to quickly pass through the rear.

This skirmish was typical of a series of conflicts during this period.

In this battle, the [-] mech gargoyle troops of the Bohan Kingdom were annihilated and lost a large number of scouting forces.In the Orr Corps, there are many tactical and agile commanders from Val.

Wei Keng's narration: Because the Bohan Kingdom has recently started a "big cleansing", the Bohan nobles took advantage of the faction of the third prince's new faction to be put aside, and started a black reign of terror.

All in all, this group of people is actually the same kind of people as Xi Lina in the "public opinion chaos" period of Sky Iron Star. They did things under the rule of law of Sky Iron Star. cruel.

The Wei Keng splits began to flee during Bohan's big purge.Soon he joined the army led by Chi De, received ideological education, and started to start again.

Yes, in this Southern Continental War, the Wei Keng Group actually took root and came in as backup.

(End of this chapter)

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