out of cage

Chapter 814 Chapter 19.03 Who controls the ups and downs?

Chapter 814 Chapter 19.03 Who controls the ups and downs?

On May 53, 5, Wei Keng's split "Ji Suo" (4 years old) looked at the railway line ahead.

The place he was looking at was a good place for an ambush.Here the railroad just goes around a hill.In this regard, the occlusion of the mountain will give the Railway Corps a blind spot in perspective.

In the upper reaches of the Huayu River, the Bohan invading army was still unable to occupy the northern highland No. 034, which made the operation to encircle the capital of Xunmin always expose a gap in the north.

On the Western Front, the First Land Armored Fleet of the Orr Group held back the Three Princes Corps, allowing Xun Min and the Allied Forces of Faner to always pass through this strategic gap and provide ammunition and supplies to the guarding legions of the capital.

Although the royal family and nobles in Xunmin's capital have been exiled, the military government in the capital circle is now under the sole command of Orr.If it weren't for Orr's airborne reinforcements to oversee the battle, the fast-moving military government might have reached a peace agreement.

…At this time, on the stage of the Old Continent where you sing and I come on stage, no one pays attention to the tiny local resistance army...

On the west coast of the old continent, Bohan's offensive has declined. Although it is still expanding its troops frantically, the supply line is too long.The same is true for the whole family. At this time, the one with the longer supply line of the two warring parties will have more prominent weaknesses.

The commanders of the two armies belong to the foxes, and even now that the war has reached the level of 'mutual harassment supply lines', the team's organization and discipline are extremely important.

At present, Orr, the native, seems to be better than Bohan's traverser.To be precise, the fanatical Bohanist soldiers gradually fell into a disadvantage in the face of the defending Xunmin United Army.

Bohan's side is implementing the black rule. How should I put it, the third prince, the time traveler, was prompted by the system.In the matter of "anti-clanking", he did his best and was definitely not weaker than Chang Shenkai's "anti-red".

But just like the rulers of the main world encountered a "paradox": while wanting to be "absolutely loyal to the individual" below, but also hope that the below can be flexible and agile, this is impossible!

Keng is the posture of the middle man, belonging to the mainstream, the most common, only when the real fairness and freedom are truly given, will the subjective initiative explode, otherwise it will be lying down.

Anyway, in this battle, Master Wei did not stand on the side of the "Three Princes".

It wasn't that Wei Keng deliberately separated from the younger traverser, but that the younger traverser had set up numerous "reactionary barriers" and successfully forced Master Wei out.

Master Wei: "I don't leave my master here, I have my own place to keep my master, I don't leave my master everywhere, I go to dig a hole."

…Wei Keng can revolutionize at any time, but as the leader of the resistance, he needs a change of mind...

As the local military leader of Xunmin who "religed" to Orr, Kisuo looked at the depth of the ruts of the armored trains carrying supplies from Bohan in front, calculated the strength in his hands, and began to prepare to launch an attack.

Ten minutes later, on the Bohan side, batches of heavy ground armor began to come down from the train with a bang!
This is Bohan's new equipment, a large three-legged robot.The tonnage is about [-] tons, it is used for hovering, and it can fire cannons.This thing is used to suppress rebels who lack heavy weapons, and the effect is excellent.

However, Jisuo's side has also created its own "agricultural version of the deformed mecha", and the air form is a rotor helicopter with its back spread out.The main weapon is a machine gun, and twenty rockets.

More importantly, the communication system of the company-level command can be maintained through the UAV relay station.

This kind of aircraft with three jumpers can jump from one hill to another.As for the form of combat, after a wave of rockets burst into the face, they quickly landed and fought hand-to-hand.

In short, this is the beggar version of the Dragon Guard form.The data system is weaker and cannot support large-scale operations at the regiment level, but it is more than enough for company attacks.

Narrator: Zhengnian's game is too high-end, and Wei Keng's best at learning the basics, and then using simple methods to achieve advanced tactics in small-scale battles!
So although Kisuo's troop equipment was not high-end, Bohan's logistics troop was immediately overwhelmed by the firepower.

The armored train was suppressed by waves of rockets, and Bohan's large three-legged robot failed to protect the vulnerable side of the carriage after getting off the train.Instead, he was suppressed by the firepower on both sides of the track, hunched over and unable to move.

This is the characteristic of the puppet army. For two or three taels of bread every meal, there is no need to work hard, and you will hide when you encounter bullets.

And Jisuo's assault corps had already pressed down under the cover of their own firepower.

The drivers in the glass cockpits of these three-legged robots were shot face-to-face by machine guns, and finally fell to the ground after being penetrated inside.

Bombs were installed at the bottom of the train simultaneously, and under the force of the unified bombing, they derailed.

The logistics troops recruited by Bohan are recruits from the puppet army, while Jisuo’s troops are middle-aged peasants from Xunmin. They were originally forced to be bandits, but now they are trying to survive in the flames of war in a big country, and their fighting will is higher than them.

…After the battle, Ji Suo, holding Chi De's theory, began to enlighten the soldiers like Xun Min for the first time. …

Kisuo explained to the comrades who would have become bandits in the "destiny" under his command: We fight to survive, not to prove that we are strong.After defeating the opponent, we should not vent wantonly, but clarify our reasons and principles.In this way, our discipline and will to fight will be stronger than our opponents in all subsequent encounters.

During the trial, Kisuo killed the few diehards who were stubbornly resisting, and at the same time captured the remaining members of the Bohan transport force and successfully persuaded them to surrender.

Fifteen minutes later, the transportation team near the surrounding railways rushed over and transported a large amount of materials on the truck back.

There is no shortage of fuel, food, and chemical fiber cloth.

In the slogans and slogans, these combat troops immediately turned into a transport team, and began to push carts to help the reserve force transfer the spoils.

...Ki Suo reported this small battle to Orr, who was suffering from the inefficiency of the Xunmin military government, staring at this information, his expression dazed, and he recalled something...

This is just a small case in many battles at present.But it added to Bohan's defeatism.

Orr is fighting more and more smoothly in this war!The third prince, the time traveler, was tortured until he bleeds.

When the third prince was fighting for two weeks of attack time for his pig teammates, these pig teammates kept giving excuses like "just add another brigade" and "just give one day", procrastinate, procrastinate.

And Xun Minnei's tenacious resistance also made the third prince wonder if his opponent was also a traverser.

He even began to want to use the information to get out and kill Orr directly.

Of course, in the exchange system of the third prince, the score of "Ore" was set quite high, so high that the third prince Bohan could not afford the information enthalpy.

This is a battle of gods!While Goddess of Destiny is suppressing all the time, Wei Keng's multiple backups are also activated.His little grasshopper is not qualified to jump around.

If Orr was really assassinated, the entire Orr army in the southern colonies would be disintegrated, and this disintegration would not make the struggle disappear, but instead change to a newer route.Engage in rural revolution.

Wei Keng Cluster: Gathering is a ball of fire, scattered is a sky full of stars.

In the calculation of the gods, if that is the case, then the entire Bohan's ruled area will experience a protracted war.At that time, with the current political situation of the third prince, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

Therefore, under the rules established by the gods, the Bohan invasion campaign led by the third prince can be lost on the frontal battlefield, but it must not be won by insidious means!

...Just like the gods and Buddhas in Journey to the West, the most accomplished spells are to draw people in circles. …

In the Val military base, Orr met Kisuo.In the clean battlefield meeting room, there are mud marks on Ji Suo's leather shoes step by step.

As a newly rising military officer in the southern region, Orr admires this officer with means and ability, and is ready to pass on his mantle to him as a substitute.

In the foreign land of Verne, Orr has always been an outlier in the Valerian military system. His military theory is biased towards the Iron Star system. Therefore, Verne's Continental Army system makes him an isolated existence.

The rise of Ki Suo made him see his past self.

Bohan began to be heavily armored during the beating, while Orr was strategically mobile and began to be light and digital.

The digital equipment is the beggar version of the Dragon Guard. The information bandwidth cannot support large-scale information exchange, and the large amount of data cannot be analyzed intensively. It can only rely on the quality of the combatants to quickly see the situation from the data list.

Digitization is the foundation of informatization.The "foundation" here is not only in equipment, but also in organization and thought.

Digitization allows telephone switchers to calibrate dozens of key information for each sub-department within 5 minutes. Informatization is to list items that need attention on the screens of all sub-departments, and the system can display them instantly in wartime All the red and yellow targets will be displayed, and the "operation plan" will be prompted.

The initial source of all information systems is based on digitization, and the manual steps are continuously simplified into electronic steps.

Even the digitization of the beggar’s version is a sign of modern military combat power. With system advantages, it is a complete abuse to attack a second-rate country with an incomplete government structure and a military command that has just been separated from the feudal aristocratic system!

Of course, digitalization also requires "personnel quality and organizational framework", which are not owned by second-tier countries.Thousands of core personnel who strictly abide by discipline and do not use bureaucratic accents are needed to drive tens of thousands of people to wait for dispatch orders at any time and do a good job in logistics.

...Giso meeting Oul is like Asako meeting Shiro.Orr was one of the bombs that exploded at the end of Sky Empire...

After inspecting Kisuo's country bumpkin troops in the command post like a copycat, Orr's evaluation of Kisuo was: "A person who does things, but not an official."

Of course, Orr now needs someone who can do things, who can fight, and who can be the mainstay to support the situation.

In the general combat base, Orr gave permission for the military logistics requirements and a series of personnel arrangements put forward by the base lock.

Now in the transoceanic telegraph system of Vall headquarters, various instructions are given to Orr three times a day.

Orr is already making plans, that is, to make Kisuo the next governor of the region after he leaves.Of course, under the framework of the "military government" he set.

Of course, Orr secretly reminded Kisuo many times about this, he should be more tactful.

Ji Suo (Wei Keng) still doesn't know about Enma's nephew's future plans.Of course, Wei Keng is not interested in knowing this, becoming the governor in a marginal area?Oh, in fighting the gods, power and all that is a fleeting bubble.Only by truly advancing in the direction of the great cause of mankind, oh, that may be a real accumulation when looking back on a lifetime.

Jisuo asked Orso for the technology of the heavy machine gun and the processing technology of the [-]mm gun barrel.

That's right, from the perspective of Kisuo, after defeating Bohan's invading army, the next step is to disarm the entire region.At that time, it is better to have your own if your father has your mother.

As one of the rare "conscientious people" in history, Orr wanted to have the ability to produce heavy industry in the region before the war, but in the end he was directly challenged by the "low bureaucracy at the upper level" and the numbness and unconsciousness at the lower level. Obliterated.

Wei Keng, on the other hand, understands that "industrialization" is not about eating a fat man in one bite,
It is impossible for the impoverished and weak South Old Land to directly catch up with the mainstream of the world in terms of industrial equipment manufacturing.It is necessary to do a good job in production organization in a pragmatic manner, and at the same time understand that within the scope of one's ability, one can satisfy those "simple" needs by oneself.These production capacities are then planned and promoted.

First, first of all, we must produce our own guns.No matter how weak the guns are, they are better than being unarmed when it comes to real fighting.However, in kingdoms like Xunmin, the nobles immersed in the old age have never thought of crawling in the mud to fight for their lives in the past when they struggled with external forces. They just want to maintain the spirit of chivalry and fight, so they only look at the advanced Armaments, I don't want to spend effort to create primitive and backward armaments.Even, they dislike these weapons, which will make them ridiculed in battle, so they give up fighting efforts in this area.

Second, food self-sufficiency.Chide is inland, and a series of planting and production bases have been established in the mountain villages on the back line.

Note: At this time, the godhead of industry is still unowned, but it has been wiped in the sky so that it shimmers extremely. Wei Keng does not take this godhead, but now the gods of all walks of life can't even touch it.Because of the core concept of "joint production and common industry", Wei Keng stepped on the mortal world with a large number of splits, and practiced it to the end.

Today's Jisuo and Chide, compared to the "progressive" nobles in Xun Min's past, are like the Wei Keng group in the dimension at this time compared to the gods who want to seize the highest industrial godhood in these epochs.

No industrial god can do this, because this is a process of being trampled and hit, and it must be done to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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