out of cage

Chapter 815 Chapter 19.03 Standing upright at the bottom, thumbing at the top

Chapter 815 Chapter 19.03 Standing upright at the bottom, thumbing at the top

On May 5, there was a turning point in the battle between Bohan and Shunmin.

The Bohan invading army gave up the bloody meat grinder offensive and defensive battle in the capital of the Xunmin Empire, and suddenly launched a surprise attack on Orr's main group.

The third prince tried to use a pincer attack to cut Orr's formation of battleships on land along the river into two pieces.

The largest land battle in the southern continent in 300 years began, and heavy artillery from both sides began devastating shelling.

At the crucial node of Lingyu Town.

Bohan's side attempted a surprise attack to cut off the center of Orr's armored group.However, between the 15th and the 17th, Lingyu Town built ravines and ravines, which were compressed from [-] kilometers to [-] kilometers, and Bohan's assault troops were still unable to penetrate.

When the Bohan chariot rushed into the position, it was damaged by a large number of wire-controlled bombs.

Orr's Colonial Legion, after Bohan's shelling, faced the crazy assault of Bohan's thousands of gargoyles, showing iron determination.

This army defending the position is the army led by Kisuo.In order to ask for "industrial assistance".Ki-soo and Orr have a military agreement in this regard.

So that for a while, the troops that made the third prince think that they could still counterattack quickly under the smoke of gunpowder had done more crazy biological transformation than them.

Wearing a general's uniform, he stood on the bridge of his land cruiser, holding up his binoculars and looking incredulously at the mortal troops fighting with undead creatures with bayonets in the distance.

After repeatedly confirming that the one who stopped him was a mortal, the third prince became annoyed and demanded to throw gas bombs.

At this time, the faces of all officers, including Ji Suo, were covered with black ashes and blood, and the non-commissioned officer death rate reached 70.00%.

Kisuo's request: The non-commissioned officer must first determine whether all troops want to return to the position.This is the best way to preserve vitality under enemy bombardment.

Kisuo's non-commissioned officer corps, with iron will, stood firm on the most dangerous position: Seeing that the Bohan artillery was about to fire shells in the distance, they immediately led the team to stay on the position, strangled with the gargoyles, and asked the deputy to lead the big guns. The troops hid in the anti-battery holes.

Since ancient times, the brutal army armed with material by the upper will has been tormenting mortals, and now the waves of the mortal world have returned
The 34-hour defensive battle has piled up various concepts on the three hottest hills.There are cowardice and madness, crying and excitement, but of course the most shining thing is fearlessness.

There were corpses everywhere on the battlefield.Under the machine gun fire and the bombardment of defensive grenades, the gargoyle transformed soldiers were also paralyzed in the mud and resented on the spot.

The fire blocking formed by the bazooka and the heavy machine gun is a perfect meat grinder.Fight off those crazy Bohan soldiers who reload themselves shouting "Kill Hey Hey"

Soldiers of the Xunmin Allied Forces, the "W" position moved back and forth, and the position they held could maintain their vitality in the face of an enemy artillery bombardment. This position is like steel.

Until the end, Bohan's army still failed to pinch, but was divided into two parts.

...Wei Keng's soul spreads in the descended plane, just like his own genes are sown in the organic radiation frequency band in Pandora...

After the 18th, Orr's main force encircled the troops on the left.The 16 Land Cruisers of the Bohan Kingdom were trapped in the encirclement and began their defensive battle.

Pokhan's politicians ignored various unfavorable factors before the war, and made a serious misjudgment of their own military chips.

On the 19th, in Lingyu Town, Bohan's artillery positions were still tens of kilometers away, but the crisis had been resolved by this time.

Ki Suo looked up at the medical airship floating in the air.

The airship with the symbol of Holy Cross in Valle used "searchlights" for medical treatment. Under the blue-green light, the wounds of the soldiers healed quickly.Of course, a large number of arcane nanoparticle tools were mixed in, which restored the "durability" of the artillery and equipment on the ground.

These airships under the protection of anti-aircraft firepower made Wei Keng sigh with emotion: "Good guy, the progress of Val's technological system has also advanced by leaps and bounds in the past few years.".

On the 24th, Bohan's corps ran out of ammunition and food. Under the continuous bombardment of powerful artillery, Bohan's left wing was wiped out, and then Orr's corps turned to the right.

On the 25th, the third prince looked at the approaching gunfire, his face was livid.This war has left him confused, all kinds of idiots are slowing down, and the opponent's increasingly sensitive strategic counterattack is simply a "plot killing against him".

The traveler's complaint was connected to the interface of Poma, the veteran traveler, through the system.

Poma at the headquarters in Vernon responded coldly to this idiot: "It's not against you, but you have always been at the second-rate level. It was just fate helping you. Now you are really facing difficulties."

(End of this chapter)

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