out of cage

Chapter 816 Chapter 19.04 Shining Star

Chapter 816 Chapter 19.04 Shining Star
After the swift-mind kingdom's counterattack ended, the anti-Bohan alliance led by Orr quickly pushed back Bohan.

On May 3253, 5, on the southeast side of Xunmin King's Capital, Bohan's army was defeated. A large number of trucks that broke down along the way and damaged cannons that could not be taken away were scattered on the road, broken tracks and cracked and distorted barrels. scattered in the grass.

A country like Bohan, whose own industrialization is incomplete and relies on external imports of a large amount of military strategic materials, embarks on the road of expansion, and will inevitably embark on the ending of "warriority must die".

Judging from the military deployment in the first half of 53 alone, Bohan's "top-heavy" was like a fist stretched straight to the straightest point in the final stage. It looked aggressive, but it was not powerful at all.

As Orr's regiments prepared to strike back, they had to come to a screeching halt as the Anglian fleet reached Bohan's port.

The "Southern Old Continent Coalition Army" led by Van Er began to confront the Anglo forces on land.

The steel corps of Orr, who looked like a mansion in the perspective of the literati in the Xunmin Kingdom, stationed in the fifty-kilometer group in the direction of Bohan.

When the local forces in the southern old land began to divide into two camps and brag about how great their suzerain was, when the two superpowers faced each other again, they were not as brave as they were 20 years ago.

Whether it is the admiral of the Anglo Fleet or the staff of the military group in Poma, they are now hesitating "whether to directly launch an all-out war for small country conflicts".

It's just that the defeated party is absolutely not worthy of any sympathy. After the defeat, Bohan launched a coup. The Bohan royal family who was exiled to Anglo was asked to step down, and then the power was transferred, and the generals formed a military government to carry out the transition of power.

The interest groups behind the Anglo political sticks are now reluctant to part with the blood-sucking and squeezing model established by Bohan.

Faner reported the investigation, a large number of gargoyle factories were exposed, and the information was released to prove the legitimacy of the war.

However, at this time, Orr got on the ship and was recalled to Val, and at the same time, Kisuo was also recalled.This is an order from Poma!

As a traverser now supported by the system, Poma has confirmed that Ji Suo's identity is Wei Keng.

After disembarking, Ji Suo was secretly arrested, detained in the Imperial Trial Prison, and two months later, Ji Suo was killed.

As for Orr, nothing is known about it.He mistakenly thought that Kisuo had been transferred to work in other teams in Val, but he didn't know that Poma then conducted a large-scale investigation in his army, killing all the people who sympathized with the "Iron Star Thought".

...Poma: You can't move the general before the battle, but you don't need to worry about it after the battle...

Orr came to the factory, saw Poma, and also saw the thing behind Poma.

It was a battleship with a length of 300 meters. Unlike the airbags on the airship, which were mostly supported by frames, this was a floating battleship made of pure aluminum alloy structure, relying on large turbofan engines to provide jet thrust.The painting style of this thing in this era is like the Nautilus sodium battery submarine that appeared in the North Atlantic in 1866.

Of course, this creation supported by the ultra-future "magnetic fluid control nuclear power" engine still has many problems.

This is definitely a super weapon in the third-level world.Poma stood on the super floating ship and said to Orr, "This is the Sun King battleship."

Orr opened his mouth and looked at this great creation, which was indescribable for a while.

...The future era has come in a hurry, but some people's direction is to consolidate power, while others are to establish fairness...

On the other side of the Wanlun Continent, at four o'clock in the morning on June 3253, 6 in the fire pattern calendar, Zheng Nian came to the newly built laboratory of Osima Iron Star.Here, he saw Iron Star's latest information-based production facility, where carbon-silicon crystals formed under the confinement of superconducting magnetic rings were synthesized with nanometer precision.

The crystals produced by synthesis are fist-sized crystals. Although they are not as good as the soul crystals produced through sacrifices in ancient times, they can be mass-produced.

This laboratory is presided over by Wei Keng's second-generation individual, which shows that Wei Keng started the scientific and technological research and development plan in this area at least 20 years ago.In the area of ​​"volume", Mr. Wei can accumulate over the years.

The latest weapon of our time, the ballistic missile.The missiles stored in the concept field can already overcome the thermal barrier, launch an attack of hundreds of kilometers, and after approaching the enemy, they will actively emit hacking rays.Technology has developed from passive guidance to active guidance ten years ago.

Of course, all equipment is designed to win future wars, and to win future wars, you need to listen carefully to the opinions of soldiers.

After Zheng Nian was brought into this laboratory, he then passed the information he gave in the tactical exercise to the person in charge.

After reading it, Wei Yun, the person in charge, said, "Within one year, you can add this kind of quantum information storage crystal to your mecha."

After loading this kind of magic storage structure, some detection-type arcane techniques that release information particles can greatly save the mental processing power of the mech pilot.

Of course, a master like Zheng Nian gets more support. After all, the scale of his field beam is much more complicated than that of other recruits. Zheng Nian's continuous combat for one second longer will achieve better results than recruits for one minute longer.

Three hours later, Zheng Nian, a cutting-edge military expert, made great gains after fully communicating with the military industry system.

Zheng Nian, who walked out of the military laboratory, suddenly raised his head to look at the direction of the Phoenix constellation, his eyes were inexplicably puzzled.The star that only he could see seemed to be brighter again.

Zheng Nian looked at the calendar on his watch, June [-]th, Zheng Nian paused, it was his birthday.He muttered, "I have to have a good meal." '

Half an hour later, Zheng Nian came to the cafeteria, Liu Si was still preparing meals as usual, Zheng Nian: "I want to have a good meal."

Liu Si looked at him, let out a sigh of relief and said, "It's fine to order directly, and don't say words like 'a good meal'."

Zheng Nian: "What?" Liu Si lifted the soup spoon, poured the mushroom and chicken soup that had been stewed all night on the steamed dumplings, then sprinkled green onion and served it to him, explaining: "You, you are almost 20 years old You're dead, and you're still flying dangerous moves every day, and a certain meal I don't want to cook for you will become your last meal."

Zheng Nian poked the bottom of the bowl twice with a spoon and made a "da da" sound: "I want chili sauce. Braised shrimp oil." (Liu Si taught Zheng Nian not to knock on the bowl since childhood.)
Liusi looked at him, shook his head, put the lid on the pot and scolded with a smile: like to eat or not.

Wei Keng is now the fourth generation of split body, and he is already following Zheng Nian to learn the body fixing technique and related mathematics knowledge.From Wei Keng's point of view, Zheng Nian just needs to teach his successor well, but it can be felt that he still seems to be trying to fight on the front line in the future war and explore the limits of combat skills.

Wei Keng didn't know what Zheng Nian's personal limit was, so he could only hold his own.

However, Wei Keng knew that Zheng Nian was now ahead of him. At this time, he was as handsome as Lin, and he had already begun to bear the calculations of the gods in the battle of gods.

Wei Keng: At the age of 19, he has endured things that he should not have endured at his age.

Regarding the gods, Wei Keng never dared to underestimate them.Any victory over God requires the price of survival.

Looking at Zheng Nian who walked in front of him from Wei Keng's perspective, he couldn't help but feel a little "complex", and wanted him to stop a little.

After the dumplings were dried, Wei Keng took out another plate of noodles, on which slices of white-cut chicken were placed and sprinkled with hot scallion oil.

Liu Si: "By the way, Zheng Nian, you are almost 20, do you want to fall in love?"

Zheng Nian picked up the scallion oil noodles, bit his fingers and thought for a while, shook his head and said, "In this era, there is a war, after that war is over, and the things that my generation has ended, I will~"

Liu Si: "Go and eat noodles!" Wei Keng flicked his little ear, interrupting him from standing on the flag.

(End of this chapter)

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