out of cage

Chapter 817 Chapter 19.04 Behind the scene

Chapter 817 Chapter 19.04 Behind the scene

The southernmost tip of Wanlun Continent, Golden Oak Port.This is the southernmost Anglian settlement.

During the war season, batches of warships in the naval port were resupplied here, and the black smoke from the chimney made the place full of fireworks.

The international situation changed suddenly, which brought about the prosperity of trade.

Although the Anglo military system still exists, due to being far away from the center of the empire, the prosperous trade here is not under the jurisdiction of the Anglo native Whitehall, and a large amount of strategic materials flow out to the opposite side of the empire every month.

The Anglo-style old-fashioned battleships in the port are still supporting the facade in the port, singing "God will always bless the king", but in fact everyone is digging corners of the empire.

For example, the equipment of the rebel army in the entire southern continent is getting better and better. The rebel army has long not used old rifles with smoothed rifles to resist the empire. With the latest technological innovation in the northern part of the Wanlun continent, a large number of civilian trucks, welded steel plates The installation and loading of the rocket launcher, as well as the rotating base plate for the cannon, have become a headache for various colonial empires.

The Anglo and Verse colonial officials also "do as the Romans do" and began to learn feudal corruption techniques.No, for the price of selling one armored vehicle to the regular army of the local vassal regime, you can buy ten trucks of the same tonnage.

Moreover, the military equipment sold by Anglo is still the monkey version!This severely weakened the military authority of the proxy regimes supported by the colonial empires.

Now in the southern Old Continent, the local warlords who originally vassalized Anglo also had to consider the changes of the new era.

"Corruption in the arms trade" contradicts Anglo-Imperial policy.

The upper echelons of the Anglo-Tarot Empire seem to feel that the cake has been lost. The military giants of the House of Lords even want to pass a strategic material control plan to conduct a unified review of exported industrial machinery.

However, Anglo overseas businessmen don't care about these prohibitions. As for the stability of the empire's colonies, in the eyes of the businessmen, that should be something that the imperial soldiers consider. As small businessmen, they only need to make money.

As a result, Anglo merchants with "adventurous and pioneering spirit" continued to import "civilian industrial products" from Iron Star and Vail to smuggle them into their colonies.

Obviously, Golden Oak Port is the hardest hit area.The rats are fat and fat on the pier.

The Anglo-colonial empire supported the puppet regimes everywhere. It cannot be said that "the morality of martial arts is fragile". It can only be said that if there are no weapons that are more than one generation old to maintain the system, their ability will not be able to deal with the resistance army.

In the local resistance army led by Chide, there are many engineers with ideals and aspirations. In rural factories, civilian vehicles are equipped with steel pipe rocket launchers. Although crude, but mechanically, they are no different from regular tanks.

This is like the scimitars and arrows of the northern nomads. Although they are not as good as the armor of the Song Dynasty, there is no generation difference.

The rebels came and went all over the place, and the little nobles knew that the order under the Anglo colonial rule would not last long, and there would be problems in the future, so they started the competition of "stealing" and "occupation".

Therefore, behind the era of prosperous trade in Oak Harbor, there is madness, full of strange phenomena of various models.

...In the multiple planes, people's hearts are becoming more and more perverted, and it is easy to breed superstitions, and superstitions will create mystery...

Detective Forworth, from the Anglo capital, is a mystic who can't get along in his own country.Of course, when he came to the southern port, he was doing his own gold digging.

In May of 3253 in the fire pattern calendar, he received a case today, got out of the car in a hurry, and looked at the deceased.

The deceased was well-dressed, his pocket watch and rings on his fingers had not been removed, and his identity was an advocate of economic liberalization in the House of Commons.

However, his "accidental" death before an important bill was about to be ruled has aroused speculation from all sides.

That's how the detective was called in to investigate the case.

Howworth wiped his glasses, looked at the compass in his hand,
Because the big compass broke down near the Anglo capital, all directions stopped.Therefore, people can only habitually use their own simple compass for divination.

Howard took a deck of cards and looked at the detailed explanation on it: "Under the calm water surface, huge waves are bred." He let out a sigh of relief, this divination reminded himself that it would be bad luck if he checked it.

However, just when he was about to retreat, he met another person, Yun Li.Of course, also his senior sister.as a little detective.In the end, Fuhuasi could only inherit his own family's small inheritance, and pass on magic to detectives.

But Yun Li came from a noble family, and the Blue Whale family controlled the industry behind it, which was one of the four major military giants in Anglia.When the black military team brought by Yun Li sealed off the entire crime scene, he should have bowed his head and handed over the documents to leave, but suddenly he had a sudden whim. After seeing a strange smiling face on the embossed in the hall, he rubbed his eyes and looked again but found nothing. up.He suddenly understood that he was inseparable from this case.

Ever since, Fu Huasi took the initiative to come forward and expressed his willingness to assist in handling the case.

It's just that at the scene of the case, Yunli didn't pay much attention to this little detective at first, but during the information discussion session, she learned that this guy graduated from the imperial capital, and Yunli showed him elegant aristocratic etiquette.

Forworth: "You are taking over this investigation, isn't it of an ordinary nature?" He tried his best not to be restrained, just like a salesman in the 21st century who wears a suit and maintains an "influential" attitude.

Yun Li smiled sweetly: "Mr. Bona, it is true that he has some conflicts with the conservatives, but it is not enough to assassinate." Yun Li was telling him not to think about it.

Forworth didn't get the inside story, and the pocket watch in his hand trembled. This is a magic-level arcane technique.

The pocket watch vibrated, letting him know that this senior sister had obscured personal information in terms of arcane protection to prevent others from prying.

Fu Huasi pinched the hair on his chin with his fingers, thought for a while, and told Yun Li about the abnormality on the relief that he had just seen.Yun Li immediately stared at the relief, her eyes fixed on something.

On Forworth's side, he took out the divination compass he brought with him when he came, and the hour hand broke suddenly while turning. He paused and looked at the direction the broken needle was pointing at last.

Yun Li: "Your magic is very good."

Forworth: "I just don't want that thing to stare at me." After that, he asked the "system gem" in his heart.

...The multi-dimensional plane is closed, which makes other travelers in the main world very curious. Haotu naturally uses "probes" to understand it. Of course, this kind of probe is irrelevant to the current overall situation of the multi-dimensional plane. …

Six hours later, the two came to the direction pointed by the pointer, which was an abandoned park. Because the dam collapsed ten years ago, sea water was poured in, and it would be periodically flooded by tide water, turning it into a mudflat.And in the middle of the park, there is a building.The leather boots stepped on the mud, making the investigators feel uncomfortable.

But soon, Yun Li found something, and immediately sent people back, but at this time, an unknown monster with festered flesh suddenly appeared in the mud in front of him, this kind of dirty and invisible thing rushed forward, There was a muddy smell, which immediately made everyone in the investigation team panic.

They picked their guns, but the bullets couldn't kill the sludge monsters.However, as the light beam swept across, these sludge monsters all lost their moisture and turned into dried and cracked sculptures.

The beam of light came out of a hexagonal crystal in Yunli's palm, but Yunli, who had easily resolved all of this, looked very serious, and she murmured: "Evil." A silver cross dart full of precious stones appeared in his hand. With the flash of the spell, the dart turned into a silver light and nailed towards the evil creature.

"Evil" is the existence at the bottom of the abyss, a living organism that failed to mutate.The appearance of lemurs in the mortal world means that someone is conducting demonization experiments, and this is where the failed products are placed.

Forworth saw something gleaming in the slime monster.He picked it up and saw it was a ring.He immediately thought of something, and told Yun Li his guess.

This ring is a pair with the ring worn by Bona who was assassinated, so the predecessors of these ghouls just now may be Bona's family.

Yun Li silently judged in her heart: The Abyssal Demons may have contacted Bona very early, but apparently recently they finished using Bona and started to clean up.

This case is considered closed, but the deeper secret behind it makes everything more mysterious.

Yun Li didn't know that these evil spirits avoided her when they attacked, and she didn't know that Bona had contact with one of Fenzheng's assistants before his death.If she wanted to investigate further, it would hurt the sibling relationship a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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