out of cage

Chapter 826 Chapter 19.11 Against God's Will, Knowing the Number of Heavens

Fire pattern calendar January 3253, 10.

The Dragon Blood Gendarmerie led by Seagate welcomed Her Royal Highness on the northern coastline.

Most of the current members of the Dragon Blood Gendarmerie are over half a hundred years old, and most of the current iron stars also have their own family businesses. When they heard Seagate's call, many people refused. Empire pays the risk.

What's more, Her Royal Highness lived an aristocratic life covered in gold and silver in Anglia, and for more than 20 years, they have been treated as a negative lesson by Iron Star time and time again, criticized, suffered a lot, and have not received any feedback. Now it is a disaster Next, I thought of them again.People's hearts have long been cold.

When Seagate was completely disappointed in the loyalty of the old department, it was Liusi who paid a large sum of employment money to reunite the "knights" of the old Sky Empire.

...badges will rust, and allegiances will expire...

After Seagate met Shirley, neither of them could believe it.

After Seagate settled Xuelis, she walked into the carriage and looked at Liu Si. (Note: At this time, Liu Si did not meet Xue Lisi directly, but avoided it. A certain Hongluan line missed it for the second time.)
Leaning on the driver's seat, Liu Si took off the straw hat on his face: "I have notified the ambassador of Ver, and you can arrive in Ver to apply for asylum later."

Seagate said silently, "Thank you."

Liu Si drove the car around many panicked urban areas on the border,
The streets along these urban areas are dirty and messy, as if they have not been repaired and dilapidated for several years, especially when passing through the bridges that have no guardrails and are comparable to scrapped bridges, they also encounter mobs blocking the road and looting.These robbers saw that they couldn't pry the trunk of the car, and couldn't take away the supplies. They were angry and threw excrement at the car window.

Canglan knows etiquette, but at this time it is as shameless as animals, because these Anglo refugees have been completely forgotten.

Wei Keng: This is why the lower class sometimes calls for war, because war can make the lower class be demanded by the ruling group and thus be taken to heart.

As the tires crushed over broken bricks and rotten tiles.

The group finally came to the area of ​​Val and joined the team of the ambassador of Val.

At this time, there was another shock from behind, and everyone looked back again. With the lightning, thunder, and dark clouds, the city that had ended the disaster tens of kilometers away a few minutes ago has regained its blood-red color again, and the city above In the sky, that monster door.However, after a few minutes, the dark cloud disappeared, and it returned to normal, but when will it switch to the demon world next time?No one knows.

Ambassador Faner murmured: "We have fought hundreds of years of war, and now we are going to implement the aid plan?"

…as the Anglos used to say in order to amortize the cost: this is a catastrophe for all mankind, and now Versan agrees that the Anglos need military “help”…

The situation in the world has changed. A year ago, as a veteran colonial empire, Anglo was sitting on the most powerful fleet, enjoying life, sucking blood and saving lives from weak countries, and its politicians are still waiting for a catastrophe on Iron Star, ready to use the name of the savior at any time , to complete the occupation harvest.But now, reality is finally turning around in ironic fashion.

Throughout October and November, demons descend directly upon the great Anglo cities!It took away the industry and resources of the entire city in a very cruel way, and began to expand outward like pus.The Rebellion War has begun.

Within the borders, battle lines, royal fleets and ground combat armor are at war with evil mechanical weapons covered in red flesh.The Anglo soldiers were under a lot of pressure when they faced the rusty but armed with chaotic spiritual radiation.

The church bells in Vail rang, and as the priests lit the sacred runes on the giant armored vehicles, the "Holy Rescue Corps" rolled into Anglia.

In terms of firepower, humans have the upper hand.The warheads produced by the big industry were ejected one by one by the barrel, blowing up the front line into a sea of ​​flames.

After the demons pollute the factory and control the city's industry, the artillery with multiple bone thighs is not enough to compete with humans in terms of continuous firing times and range. The only advantage may be that after being bombed, Its flesh and blood are attached to the parts, allowing bone to grow in the metal, which can quickly repair damaged parts.

However, some special dark units, even though they fell apart during the artillery bombardment, quickly scabbed and turned into rusty shells as the pus flowed out.

Moreover, these evil mechanical soldiers also have many strange pollution methods, which have brought great psychological pressure to the soldiers on the defense line.After all, if it is accidentally infected, pustules all over the body, and then octopus suckers grow, or densely packed shark teeth and other weird mutations, then life is worse than death.

On November 11th, a large dark demon unit even appeared on the line of troops. A black armored vehicle that looked like a pyramid-style observatory seemed to be propelled forward by countless bloody legs and feet.

In this process, there is no crawler moving forward, but the front fleshy legs and feet grow out, the bottom moves, and then they are crushed by the black pyramid and move forward, and then new legs and feet grow out, continue to be crushed and continue to move, and the places they walk , the bloodstains followed like a shadow.

Such a dark existence, which looks gloomy and cold, actually exudes intense information radiation, making all the human soldiers who come up to try to fight back feel weird.

When such a disaster happened in Anglo, the Vermilion Army, who originally wanted to act at the right time, had to let go of their selfishness and start fighting side by side.

Iron Star also rarely asked diplomatically if he needed material support.Of course, Anglo accepted Vail's support, but he coldly rejected Iron Star.

Anglo's past remarks about the "call of evil" were all attributed to Iron Star. If he accepts Iron Star's assistance now, it is tantamount to admitting that his previous series of justice accusations against Iron Star are false, and Anglo is now the weakest At that time, a little authority could no longer stand doubt.

In the episode, after Shirley and others entered Vail for refuge, they were quickly picked up by the Anglo Navy, and then Shirley was invited into the temple and joined a project called "Descent of Light".

And in fate, there will be staggered.

...In 3253, the academic circles of the whole continent were discussing divergently. Theologians and scientists all interpreted this event from multiple angles...

Politicians in various industrial countries in the northern part of the Wanlun Continent are panicked by this sudden disaster.

Because the devil's gate opened, a big city was instantly destroyed.Then the whole city became a base camp of demons after being polluted.

The theologians on the right bank of Val declared that this is the guide of "evil pollution". Now as long as they find the "prime of pollution" and seal this kind of thing, this disaster can be ended.

But then, Iron Star's "World Science" magazine gave a more scientific explanation of this phenomenon: information enrichment!

Sky "Artificial Craftsman" Science Magazine: After too many "unsolvable questions" appeared in human society in a city, the society gathered these "unanswerable questions" to a certain extent, forming a quantum blockage in the ether world.

Enriching information can interfere with the occurrence of objective phenomena.

Narration: Anglo because some people (high above) almost evade all reasonable doubts from the lower level, and then accumulate too much unreasonable thinking power, forming more and more concept accumulation (spiritual power), and finally under certain special conditions, breakthrough The critical point opened up the ruins and corpses of the "final civilization" in time and space.

Wei Keng made a note in his own system information: In the multidimensional plane, the information congestion in human gathering places reaches a certain level, similar to the accumulation of nuclear reaction materials to a certain upper limit, and finally explodes.

The same type of principle, and the ancient legendary-level arcanists, use the huge information power collected in meditation to communicate with natural thunder, mantle volcanoes, or the flow of large rivers to complete "super spells". This is also the principle.

…In order to verify information enrichment and its impact on reality, Iron Star scientists have completed open objective experiments…

On the Iron Star Newspaper, scientists constructed two scientific riddles to attract the attention of the whole people to two natural sciences that are currently unpopular, to see how the information enrichment generated by the attention of the whole people affects these two natural phenomena .

These two riddles are: 1. There are a lot of flammable ice in the seabed. 2. There are large "oceans" deep in the mantle.

There is no doubt that in this era of newspaper media, most people in Iron Star do not know or care about these two natural knowledge points.But now, by verifying the reason for the arrival of the devil, the attention of the whole people can be concentrated on this knowledge point.

After Iron Star scientists announced these two riddles, within two weeks, various strata in Iron Star began to discuss enthusiastically, allowing big names from all walks of life to speak freely and carry out "pseudo-science" narration.And all official academies were asked not to reveal the answer to the riddle.

All the people of Iron Star participated in the topic of "scientific riddles", and eventually accumulated a huge amount of information that can be called "mysterious".

Iron Star scientists have completed information stimulation in the etheric world.Aligned with two coordinate points in Wanlun Continent.

On December 12rd and 23th, a scientific research ship came to the northern ocean, and a scientific airship came to the eastern sky.

Under the interference of information, the combustible ice on the seabed is unstable and begins to spew out: large bubbles are stirred up in the sea, and the air bubbles burn on a large scale on the sea surface, and fire elements rise up.

The riddle of the Great Mediterranean Ocean is that a large amount of sulfur water vapor is ejected from a volcanic fault rock.

This directly accumulated the amount of information to an excess and interfered with reality. After the mystery was finally revealed, the ice on the seabed was high-pressure methane, and the ocean in the mantle was a combination of solid minerals and hydrates.

In the past two weeks, two pieces of popular science knowledge have enriched a large amount of information when Iron Star Sky and the people of Osima actively deduced unknown information with great interest.

It is enough to excite the water that can combine the seabed methane with the mantle minerals in the earth.

In other words, from a scientific point of view, the great demons raging at this time are just a type of "alien life". can be sent directly.

…Thinking necessarily produces, a lot of information. …

Iron Star is at the end of 3253. This scientific experiment to verify the "mystery" is destined to be recorded in history!The follow-up on this plane will have far-reaching effects.

At present, the scientific community of Iron Star has given a scientific explanation to the core reason of Anglo's "mysterious" disaster.

Iron Star’s cutting-edge scientific community lamented: “Thinking” of human beings is the same as eating and drinking of animals, if “reason” and “cognition” are restrained by “mysterious” influence. "Thinking" produces disaster.

"Mysteries" and "superstitions" linger on human minds, and a large amount of "blocked meditation power" will accumulate.

…Multiple universes, leaving traces of all things, are "lucky" and "unfortunate" for life. When life information cannot dissipate quickly, ugly corpses will remain. The "heat death" in the universe destroys civilization, and "cold death" Civilizations in time and space have always existed...

For a long time, all cities on the Wanlun Continent have "information drums".

Under any system, when the city is running, there will be "shady" information deliberately hidden by selfish people from the upper echelons.

Liu Si held the Iron Star newspaper and said to Seagate: "Of course, it's not easy for these "urban information drums" to accumulate to the level where demons descend directly."

The subtext is: for many years Anglo has been setting up some institutions to secretly sabotage other countries in Wanlun, so this is the source of accumulating information disasters.

And the current disaster may have been foreshadowed.Many Anglo humans should have been corrupted before their arrival and hid in the Anglo department, and the Anglo magic forbidden areas are all "sealed", which is also perfunctory.

Of course, it is impossible for the Anglo, who has a long history of scientific and rational analysis in the newspaper in Liusi's hand, to admit it.

However, due to its strategic interests, Faner will also be blurred. There is already an inertial thinking in the entire Wanlun Continent. This thinking tries to blame the source of all evils on Iron Star.

Because the old and new forces on the Wanlun Continent have already split up, and they will never stand up again because of objective reality.In other words, even if it is really objective reality, as long as the information that is not conducive to the party will be filtered out.

Narrator: Similar to the 21st century, Western public opinion has been actively digging into darkness, such as the origin of viruses and nuclear pollution, in order to prove that the opponent is sick, and once they find that the root cause of the disease is on their side, they immediately cover it up.

In fact, it is not only the Wanlun Continent, but also the gods of the entire multi-dimensional plane. The whole "multi-dimensional plane has a problem", and the gods try to attribute the problem to Wei Keng.

But the fact is that the multi-dimensional disease had already appeared before Wei Keng's arrival.

Under the pluralistic order, no civilization on any plane can break out of the shackles of "interstellar civilization".

Now Wei Keng has dug out the disease in advance at the end of the steam age and the beginning of the electronic age.These multi-plane travellers, taboo diseases and avoid medical treatment.

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