out of cage

Chapter 827 Chapter 19.11 One way to the black

In Wanlun Continent, in early 3254, the forces blessed by the gods (Val, Anglo) are still strong.

Although the sudden disaster evaporated a lot of property, it also allowed a large number of people to work in their posts. Similar to running water, a large number of people suddenly flowed into the management class, which also guaranteed incorruptibility.

In the checking calculations of the (lower) gods of torque, steam, and precision: success or failure in history is a wave, and if Iron Star can be suppressed, everything will return to calm.

Of course, they will no longer care about the future of the interstellar era.In the thinking of these lower gods, with Wei Keng being such a point, the civilization of this plane should be able to go a little farther in the interstellar era, right?

The gods are trying to get back to the negotiating table with Wei Keng, trying to reason.

Of course, if they can't be suppressed, the gods will have no room to kneel down and negotiate in this plane of time and space.

…On the multidimensional plane, it also abides by the reality that the "excellent historical line" squeezes the observability of the "backward historical line". …

At the end of 3253 in the Fire Emblem calendar, in the Palace of Mirrors in Val, as Poma who decides the fate of the continent, he looked at the three-dimensional sand table of the entire Wanlun continent.

Now that Anglo suddenly collapsed, a large number of industrial forces have all shifted to near the border of Vail!
For a while, Valer can now mobilize the number of industrial furnaces, which is [-] times that of the Iron Star side.

And now, the entire Anglo port is plagued by disasters, and most of the colonial supplies are transferred to the mainland through the port of Ver.

At this time, the national strength of Van Er was stronger than ever, and he won the scepter of the world.

Poma is measuring the future in his mind: he is short of going through a war to overwhelm his opponents who are still "unconvinced" and wear the real "crown".

Of course, what Anglo gave to Ver was not only a gift, but also some diseases of wealth.

First of all, in the cities in the west of Vernon, the law and order points have dropped by four points. The industry that accommodates young prostitutes has begun to be chaotic for a long time, and the gangs that accommodate thieves are also expanding.
And the governors of these cities began to "let a hundred flowers bloom" and opened up their own words of awakening the world.

This is the posture of forming a political hill inside Val!

Perhaps it is not possible to talk about rebellion now, but there is a possibility of "Southeast Mutual Protection" when necessary.

…Under the capital order, whenever the goal is achieved, one must think about “overdrafting” everything…

Just like the benefits brought by infrastructure construction, corruption will inevitably breed in the flow of the bureaucratic system;
And when large-scale devouring external interests, it will inevitably reduce the country's "reasonable allocation of finance to production" (In ancient times, Wall Street became fatter and fatter every year, and became less and less willing to deploy domestic industrial production.)
Poma clicked on the system, and on it was the gods giving fate warnings!
The "disaster of the abyss" that Anglo is currently encountering may not happen in Vere.

Because from a scientific point of view, Iron Star cognition is relatively close to the truth and objective.For political needs, Vail now wants to accept Anglo-industry, but if he does not recognize it, then it is indeed blocked with "mystery", which accumulates "information potential energy".

If Val can't solve the doubt, he can't eliminate the doubter. (Either to answer the question, or to eliminate the person who answered the question.) The collapse and release of "information potential energy" is certain.

…Painkillers cannot cure the disease. As the contradictions in the Wanlun Continent become more and more intensified, the pustules in the etheric world are still expanding and may burst at any time...

In the hall where the tiles in the hall are world maps, Poma turned around, looked at the emblem of the God of Torque in the palace (a Newton's pendulum hanging from the top of the palace), and nodded after tens of seconds of silence.

Then he opened an agreement in front of him, which was a foreign diplomatic document that comprehensively condemned the "Iron Star" of the entire continent, and set up opposition.In this, the descendants of the old sky empire should be used as tool people.

...Poma, dispatched his own intelligence team, to start "funding" Sky Restoration. …

On the Anglo Navy Fleet, Shirley communicated with her daughter who stayed in the South Old Land laboratory in the communication room on the central bridge.

In the steel ship cabin, Yun Li, who appeared in the projection, felt sad when she saw that almost half of the family servants were missing, but she shed tears of joy when she saw that her mother was still there.

Xue Lisi comforted her daughter: "Don't cry, don't cry, I think it must be your father who blessed us so that we can meet again."

After the fleet reported safety, Shirley welcomed a huge team. The team sent by the Anglo Navy faced the lady with the etiquette of meeting the royal family.

As a princess from the sky royal family, Xue Lisi is familiar with royal etiquette, she frowned, although she has been away for a long time, she now understands at a glance that she will be used as a "tool" again.

Xue Lisi glanced at these people and asked, "Where are you from?"

The servant on the side (Fen is arranging) wanted to explain, because this is the "restoration team" that Anglo recruited for her

Narrator: After learning that Shirley survived, the upper echelon of Anglo established the Restoration Organization in the name of Yunli to invite Her Royal Highness to restore the sky to its former glory.

Seeing Yun Li's letter, Xue Lisi frowned, her eyes fixed on the golden crown, as if it was a red-hot torture instrument. (Fen is currently at Yunli's place, so the authenticity of Yunli's letter was actually distorted by Lance)
Xue Lisi thought to herself that her silly daughter had no idea how deep the vortex at the top of the empire was.

At this time, the guest said: "Your Highness, you are the sole heir of the Sky Empire."

Xue Lisi stared at him. At this time, the lady's eyes were shining with deepness.The once pure white princess has now grown up.The gentle and elegant woman now has anger, and her temperament also has a hint of the demeanor of an empress.

Xue Lisi knew that when she was enshrined as the royal family of the Sky Empire one day, it would definitely not be supported by the people of the Sky Empire.Instead, Anglo and Vail are trying to start a war, trying to find a cover.

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