out of cage

Chapter 828 Chapter 19.12 Mire in the South, Fire Pit in the North

During the period from October to the end of the year in 3253, the smell of gunpowder wafted from the chimneys of the Wanlun mainland industrial country.

Of course, since the industry is mainly concentrated in the northern countries.Here, since the birth of the three gods of "industry, technology, and machinery" in the multidimensional plane, the old dirt left over several epochs ago should be cleaned.

The north is the place where the decisive battle begins, but it is not the place where it ends, because in the southern old continent area, new forces are also bursting out.

In terms of productivity standards, the vast majority of countries and regions in the southern continent are still in the transitional stage of "the first stage (primary steam era) technology to the second stage technology (electric power technology era)".

According to traditional economics, the Old South Continent is not qualified to touch the main contradictions of the current Wanlun Plane. If the Old South Continent can develop independently, then the establishment of an enlightened business and capital system is the top priority.However, during the thousands of years of colonization in the north, the Anglos and Vails forcibly transferred their contradictions to the southern old continent. The society of the southern old continent has always been facing the problems of the industrial age.

Wei Keng: People can't choose problems, so they have to choose ideas.

After referring to the failure of the aristocratic bourgeois revolution for thousands of years, the Saturn Alliance of the Southern Continent now slightly bypasses the stage of economic development, and directly adjusts the "modern industrialization" of the social model.

This is a bold innovation, because according to the "five-stage theory" of "historical materialism" expounded by the sky iron star movement theorists:
1. Primitive tribes, ruled by gods;
2. Two-tier status of heroes, lords and slaves;
3. Freedom feudal lord property collection system;

4. Commercial capital contract system;

5. Co-production of human self-generated productive forces.

Ma Michao, Iron Star critic in the north: The old southern continent is still in the late stage of the third stage and the early stage of the fourth stage, and economic relations are not suitable for such leaps and bounds.

The Northern Continent Iron Star revolutionaries have always been "rational and objective" and believe that the development of any region should first complete objective accumulation in the economy, and then make ideological progress.

However, Chide and others in the Southern Old Continent believe that the reason why the "new economy" produces "new ideas" depends on the "new contradictions" produced by the "new economy". giant).

Whether "new ideas" have the soil to grow depends on "new contradictions".

When the northern colonists transferred their industrial conflicts to the south, the old southern continent should be armed with "ideology".

Red: Although the southern land is still an agricultural society, it does not mean that it is not qualified to carry out industrial society revolution. Where there is oppression, there will be resistance!When the colonists threw the contradictions of industrial development to us, are we still discussing whether we are qualified to deal with the revolution of industrial development contradictions?Isn't it ridiculous?
..."Argumentation of contradiction" and "historical materialism" do not conflict.Old schoolers try to hold back the tide with old theories...

On November 11, 14 kilometers north of Golden Oak Port, Saturn's troops occupied this small place called Fort Rock, where the new regiment was stationed and began to open an infantry academy to formalize the education of guerrilla officers.

In terms of civil affairs, social transformation is carried out in the area.

First, the superstitious altar of the will of the people in the castle was destroyed.The altar built by a wealthy businessman in the area 100 years ago was pulled down by the local civil affairs department.

They yelled collectively and exerted force three times neatly. The wall shook slightly at the first blow, shook with the second blow, and collapsed with a loud crash at the third blow.

After the altar collapsed, the bones piled up on the foundation were dug out and recorded. When everything was illuminated by the light, the mysterious information field that filled several towns here collapsed openly.

After the altar was knocked down, the town of Yanjiabao, where the rivers meet, became a blank sheet of paper, and the new industrial structure could be better built.

After all, when Wei Keng came to the multidimensional plane last time, he had seen that the most terrible thing about the development of primitive industries was some circles that existed independently in the society, creating mystery and blocking the unified mobilization of industries.

In the ruins of the altar, Yu Run looked at his palm, which was entwined with some mysterious power, with a serious expression.

These altars on the southern old continent have been used to produce "sky knights" for hundreds of years.

Wei Keng has used this method of strengthening his physique a long time ago. Of course, this thing is different from the "original version" when Wei Keng and Sainz were on mission at the same time.

In the process of Wei Keng's promotion to Sky Knight, he adopted the most conservative method, cutting off his vitality, and using the life essence of the most orthodox grains, fruits and vegetables, and the meat eaten by the people as offerings.It often takes seven or eight months, or even ten months.Progression is very slow.

In these altars in the southern old continent, the rituals that can be completed in only a few dozen days are very eager for quick success.

The various reliefs on the altar recording the appearance of the girl obviously went astray.The more important fact is that this thing now wants to tempt Wei Keng to inherit this power.

With a click, Yu Run crushed the thing, and said coldly: "Trash."

That's all, Wei Keng opened a can of orange-flavored carbonated drink and drank it down!Then he opened a can and continued to work after eating.In labor and looking to the future, the rapid circulation of organic matter energy in the body is far more meaningful than "malignant hyperplasia".

Wei Keng is not uncommon for "strength brings power". If he travels to a different plane without any missions, Wei Keng is more willing to lie in the tranquility of time.

But every time he travels, things backfire. Wei Keng always wants to break something or protect something.

But it will never "pursue personal power", and the direction of travel should look forward to "exploring possibilities" in the pastoral era.

…When did the environment become dirty?When you are eager for quick success. …

In Yanjiabao, the civil affairs department arrested the owner of the old altar. This local tycoon who has accumulated wealth for more than a dozen generations claims to have the inheritance of a "knight". He is Saturn's staunch enemy when he is fighting internally and externally.

This guy has forty heavy-duty motorcycles and automatic armor in his house.Of course, there are still some vacancies in the garage. After interrogation, those cars were given to the mobilized army that suppressed Iron Star.

This "knight" prides himself on justice, and his favorite sport all the year round is to use a spear to pierce thieves on his territory.

Of course, why there are so many thieves in this territory needs to be savored carefully.

The knight hid in his jungle hut, facing the surrounding military and civilian cadres who had surrounded him.I don't speak for a long time.

The knight took out his steam sword, preparing to make a final resistance according to the "heroic deeds" of anti-Iron Star recorded in the northern newspapers.

However, at this time, the Iron Star siege troops drove a forklift directly into his wooden hut after several times persuading him to put down his weapons and accept the trial to no avail.

The bucket hit three meters directly into the wooden house, and at the same time the "Don Quixote" hit the bucket with his knight sword, the whole wooden house collapsed.

The knight who fell to pieces in the room embraced the naked female statue that fell from the wall.However, before he could enjoy the moment, he was picked out by armed cadres in green camouflage uniforms.

And then, tied up, he was branded and sent to a truck for trial.Because of his attitude of "resisting" at the end, which belonged to the category of "serious punching", he was eventually pushed to the ground and executed.

... Chi De: We are not acting for the justice of a few big figures under the high hall mirror, but fighting for the survival and development of all people...

The Anglo, Vail, and Xiroll areas in the north, the mainstream industrial civilization areas, labeled Iron Star as evil.

And this concept of "evil" spread in every big city in the Southern Continent.

After all, these compradors have to keep up with the trend.But precisely because of the influence of compradors, they can only call the wind and rain in the city.Iron Star's equivalent of evil "advanced concepts", unable to infiltrate backward areas they despise.

In the rural areas on the Southern Continent, Saturn has now removed the 'backward lords' one by one.

So when the "civilized people" such as Anglo and Van Er who think they have the scepter of the world are enthusiastic and think that they should inherit God's blessing and accept everyone's obedience, the idea of ​​struggle is not only in Osima and the sky, but also in the vastness of the southern continent. Urban regional development, confrontation with the old forces!
On November 11, Saturn represented the pan-progressive camp in the south of the mainland, and communicated with the iron star in the north.

These include sending knowledge worker groups to study in factories, and at the same time inviting Northern Iron Star experts to go south for inspection and guide industrial assistance.

The Northern Iron Star Group also felt that a pan-continental war was about to break out after October 53, so they were willing to support the uprising in the south.But it needs to be inspected and given information based on reality.

Northern Iron Star's support to Southern Saturn is limited, which means that it is impossible to directly provide "Land Cruisers", Dragon Guard mechas, and dozens of old division equipment.

Experts in the sky believe that even that old Land Cruiser equipment is a chronic problem for the industrial maintenance capabilities of Southern Saturn.If the rebel army in the south of the Wanlun Continent cannot play the role of assistance well, then it is better not to provide assistance.

Regarding the "stinginess" of the Northern Iron Star, the Saturn rebels were obviously well prepared, so they fought for the conditions they needed.

According to the situation in the area already occupied by the base, Saturn reported the data of three areas with industrial bases, and then handed over the part that is currently in short supply.

Ammonia synthesis, three-acid and two-alkali production chains lack qualified reactors and large-scale equipment for underground mining.

Chi De: The urgent shortage of supplies in the struggle at this stage must be resolved, so whether the Northern Iron Star will directly teach the local area to build it, or pass on the key parts first, and then send engineers to assemble them and build them. These are urgently needed. fixed.

In the current full-scale confrontation of Pangea, whether it is the south or the north, there is Wei Keng in the active part.

…Anglo’s demonic backlash brought Wanlun’s northern colonial system into the weakest period in hundreds of years, but the colonists were unwilling to give up, so they began to support agents…

In January 3254, the first war between the old school and the Iron Star in Wan Lun Continent was in Xiluoer.

The old overlord of Xiluoer, whose southern colonies were divided up by Anglo and Vail in the early years, still has the ambition to regain "glory".

So, over 200 industrial aids were made during the communication between Iron Star in the north and Saturn in the south.

Cyrol felt that this was a "threat".For this old empire, it is also a "justifiable reason" to prevent the expansion of Iron Starism in the southern Old Continent.

On January 1th, the military commander of Xiluoer was the military commander Kelisi (the summoned blood count) sent by the Anglo. She had just arrived at the position with the legion to suppress the demons in the Anglo, but she was asked by the rear base camp Go in another direction, prepare another force.The other force is obviously the Iron Star.

The military chief looked at the calculating reports of the politicians in his hometown and sighed deeply.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, Xi Luoer also issued a notice that eight legions and [-] troops were preparing to conduct strategic exercises.

Within an hour of the dispatch of the Cyrol Corps, an announcement was made to Iron Star.

But this announcement is not to eliminate misunderstandings, but a stern warning that Iron Star will explain the "Demon Comes" event.

Apparently, Xiluoer was trying to cover up his invasion to the south and preemptively strike the public opinion.

Such accusations spread throughout the Sky Iron Star, and the people of Sky and Osima felt that this was a great insult.

From everyone's point of view: It is obvious that the colonists squeezed the world and created a lot of injustice, which led to the information disaster, but now they are screaming.

However, in view of the current battle situation, the Sky Iron Star is now ensuring its strategic focus. It did not send troops to attack Siroll in a hurry as it did when Willie was in power. It only carried out 12 battles one hundred kilometers behind the southern border. Dispatch of Fire Armored Regiment.

Because at this time Iron Star's strategy formulation is in the hands of Su Ni (Wei Keng).Wei Keng would never take risks.

Although the military system of Sirol is still at the level of land cruisers 20 years ago, Iron Star's new generation of Dragon Guard strike group has determined in many exercises that it should be possible to disarm Sirol within a week.

Wei Yun: But what about after disarming Xi Luoer?Optimistically assumes that Sirol submits and signs the surrender agreement.No no, Anglo and Val are behind Xiluoer. As long as they give some hope, Xiluoer may survive no matter how bad he is!

(Just like Chang Shenkai's performance in the Anti-Japanese War, Wu Kelan showed amazing resilience when dealing with the Russians' crushing. The resilience of the comprador group comes from the little hope given by the Anglo-American group.)
And if Iron Star can't resolve the battle within two weeks in the south, and falls into more frictions of troop expansion, then other current most important strategic directions will be weak.

…No matter how huge the difference in force is, the use of force still depends on the timing, wrong timing, wrong conditions, half the result with twice the effort. …

Therefore, the Northern Iron Star not only did not send troops to the south, but accelerated its technical assistance to the southern military.

Oh, compared with the military technical assistance to the South, Sky is now mainly focusing on the integrated combat information platform established with Osima.Let the two combat systems work together.

In 3254, the 720 Dragon Guards of Osima conducted drills in the west. Under the Dragon Guards' reconnaissance and information-based missile air supremacy, the mechanical troops whose land armor changed to the direction of the main battle tanks began to drill under "new combat conditions" Quick transfer.

Under the new tactical conditions, it is required to move rapidly for dozens of hours under the rhythm of "Dragon Guard High-speed Assault Force" and "Informatization Suppression".Key points: The rhythm is based on the new turn-based system of "high-speed assault force" and "information suppression", rather than the slow turn-based system of the old land cruiser.

Such a new tactic is for the Vaner side, and the old-fashioned military strategists on the Vaner side may not understand it, but Poma, a traverser, can definitely understand it when prompted by the system.

At the same time, Northern Iron Star once again issued an invitation to the Vail and Anglo camps in terms of diplomacy: "We are willing to temporarily put aside our differences with other forces and jointly defend the human world."

Of course, this kind of speech was buried by various technical terms in the Anglo and Verse media.

It is difficult to learn the yin and yang of the aristocratic style.

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