out of cage

Chapter 835 Chapter 19.16 Battle of Medog

The Broken Valley area of ​​the Northern Continent belongs to a small place called the Principality of Medog.

2000 years ago, this place was still independent, and it used to be a country founded by mercenaries. Of course, as Val and Osima gradually became superpowers on the mainland, this small principality has been torn back and forth by the strength of the two parties. The original feudal lord of the principality could not bear it. , because there will be retaliation for whichever side you turn to, so it gradually splits and becomes a company parliamentary system.

Of course, this is also related to the balance of power. Since neither Valer nor Osima will allow this area to be controlled by the other party, it is also a buffer area by default.

However, in the past few hundred years, the national powers of Osima and Faner have ebbed and flowed, and it is impossible for Medog to be neutral.

In recent years, various industrial countries have discovered the enrichment of hydrocarbon resources (oil) in sea basins in the deep layers of the continent. This small country was a huge freshwater lake in ancient times, and it also enriched a huge amount of hydrocarbons. As a country with oil and mineral resources, Medog's "dignity of the common people" is also impressive.

Unsurprisingly, as various parties intervene in Medog, gangs are running rampant here, and the law and order are extremely poor.

Over the past 200 years, Medog can be said to have watched Osima and Val confront each other within the range south of their own border, and they lived happily.

They guarded their first mine economy and remained neutral, and they had enough financial resources to build their homeland defense a little higher than the standard of the southern line. The thickness of the concrete fortress in Osima on the southern line was three meters, and they built ten meters. There are sixty anti-aircraft guns for each fortress on the northern line of Vernon, and they have one hundred.

It has to be said that such a tough bone really makes it more prominent in the defense line. When Val and Osima were still in the empire era, the generals of both sides were careful to calculate their own strength, and they were unwilling to let their military strength be knocked down by this slightly. On firmer walnuts.

Small countries can maintain long-term peace by relying on stacked armor during the smooth transition period of the world's military technology.But once they enter the next period of technological competition, they cannot afford technology.

For example, the defense of the Medog stack is still the old system, the communication of the fortress is still a microphone and a telephone line, and the digitalization of the LCD screen has not been completed. (Compared to the telephone line, the digitalization of the LCD screen seems to be only a gap in the working tools of the soldiers, but the improvement of the firepower distribution operation in the battle is a qualitative difference)
When all of Osima's offensive technologies have been greatly improved, such oldness has changed from walnuts to crispy chips.

Especially—these small countries are still obsessed with the speculative operations that they used to stand in front of the big countries. They don't know that they have no capital and continue to do it.

...with the help of the history of the end of the ancient industrial age...

In the late 30s, it was a period of technological leaps for large powers. Of course, the first echelon is of course the superpowers on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, but this first echelon is also separated by tens of thousands of kilometers of oceans, large-scale land battles I can't fight.The real main battlefield is still in Europa!
At the end of the twentieth century, anti-tank missiles, bazookas, and urban concrete street battles all proved their power in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Twenty years later, small and medium-sized countries suddenly feel that they are a walnut, an important bargaining chip that can drain big countries.As a result, the group of small countries in Oudong are quite confident.

But then, with the advancement of electronic technology, the prices of parts for drones and mechanical dogs dropped sharply.

The democratic arsenal in the New World, and the world factory that has emerged for 50 years, have invested a lot of money, and the times have changed rapidly, and the military's new combat effectiveness has been developing with each passing day.

Mao Xiong, who has mastered energy and large resources, and old European Germany, France and Italy who have mastered traditional mechanical processing patents. Although these medium-sized countries are unable to keep up with research and development, they still have the capital to purchase and introduce related production chains from the East and the New World.It can also be transformed into a new type of combat power after the 40s and 50s.

So when the thinking is still stuck in the [-]st century, leading politicians in those small countries think that they can "lead" those "stormtroopers" with fierce street politics, relying on a few drones used in street fighting in concrete buildings to guide them , and then let people carry anti-tank missiles to the old dream of giving big countries a heavy setback.It turned out that they were carrying anti-tank missiles in human flesh, and encountered a mechanical dog carrying missiles and shooting each other with them.In the end, a whole generation of young adults died.

Humans will be afraid, but mechanical dogs will not, and the high degree of informatization allows mechanical dogs to directly mobilize the perspective of drones in the sky, and can reflect perspective, and soldiers of big countries will spend a lot of money on personal data links, that is, to switch sky perspectives through vr glasses.Ordinary human soldiers in weak countries whose only mobile phones are digital devices, relying on combat experience to judge with their brains, how can they be as fast as computers.

An era behind, the overall armament of a small country is like the shotgun soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, facing the muskets, bayonets, and steel cannons of the same period in Europe.The wave of the level of a powerful country in World War I encountered the torrent of steel in World War II and Germany.

...On the old southern continent, Chi De: Backward technology is not terrible, what is terrible is backward perspective and arrogance. …

Right now on the Wanlun Continent, the Medog area is such an area. Its upper strata, which are earning a lot of money from hydrocarbon resources, have also followed Van Er on the road of anti-Iron Star in the past few years.

And Osima Iron Star is also backing down step by step, ignoring it, but strengthening the strategic backup.

Osima backed down diplomatically and Medog believed that he had completely attached himself to Val, and could become a hound of the Val alliance to participate in biting the Iron Star and gain benefits.

However, the military strategists of Faner believed that the small country of Medog was no longer qualified to exist.It should be used as a tool for asking questions.

Because in terms of new combat power, the so-called defense of this small country is too fragile in the confrontation between big countries.And what Faner hopes is that Medog can absorb Iron Star's strategic offensive power.

But Tie Xing didn't waste any strategic offensive power here in Medog. Master Wei: "You're all armored, and the entire military force is covered with a shell. Use the shell to fight. I will send a small team to fight at the border. Just look at you and pretend to be aggressive, don't you need to waste your teeth?"

When Ver declared war on Osima, Osima ignored Medog, bypassed Medog, and directly counterattacked Ver in the south.Keep counterattacking strategic maneuver forces in Vail.

This made the strategists on the Poma side feel very embarrassed.

Osima's "main battle tank" armored force, a total of [-] divisions, [-] [-]-ton heavy tanks, did not attack the strong fortress in the Medog area, and then stagnated, and was hit by the righteous firepower of Val annihilate.

On the contrary, on the northern front battlefield on March 3, when the Verland land cruiser was slowly attacking, the Osima Iron Star Armored Regiment came first, and the single-turret main battle tank, at an incredible speed, "1 hours a day" "Hundred kilometers" moved to the flanks of the Vernon offensive corps, cooperated with the Dragon Guards air power assault, and aerial projectile firepower, and won in one fell swoop, Verruze Fortress, cutting off the rear railway supply line of the Land Cruiser.

The Ruize Fortress encountered a "three-dimensional" war. When the fortress encountered at the same time, the enemy's land armor assaulted at [-] kilometers per hour, and the roll call of [-] guided firepower in the sky, at this time, the defense of the fortress is not a large-caliber weapon. The problem of not being able to penetrate armor is that there is no time to operate at all, and the firepower points on the defense line are pulled out, leaving a relatively complete defense line empty.

The Ruize Fortress fell, allowing Van Er's 20 troops to advance forward, which was disadvantageous from the beginning.

During the emergency military meeting in Poma, under the oppressive atmosphere, the generals sweated profusely on their foreheads, and finally simply used a pencil to draw a new supply line on the strategic map.

This supply line runs across Medog.

The military and civilians in Verer have always believed that Osima Iron Star will be the villain who attacks Medog, and they will be the saviors who liberate Medog. The folk sentiment on Medog is also on Verner’s side. , Mu Qiang's Medog people even proposed to vote to join the Vernon joint military alliance.

But the reality is that Val made this "villain" himself.

Just like the farmer who smiles at the chickens and ducks in spring, at the end of winter, he starts to boil the water and pluck the feathers, and the laughing vision of the chickens and ducks thinking that they can join the farmer’s table finally joined, but it’s not the same as what they thought .

On March 3, in order to deal with the "common" threat, Van Er directly sent a corps directly into Medog to "assist in defense".

The Medog people have finally waited to join the economic alliance with Val, and the long-awaited economic assistance should come, right?It's just that the upper echelons of Medog suddenly understood that everything has a price to pay, and these prices will be borne by the lower echelons of Medog.

Even if it is a powerful country, it is not easy to stand in a war that has no direct interest in itself, in order to have more choices.However, weak countries have few choices, but they are eager to perform for the interests of other countries, and they completely lose their autonomy when they stand in line.When a weak country is a piece of fat, when the whole falls into the jaws of a strong country, can you still ask the other party to "chew slowly"?

In short, local scholars in Medog originally thought that the defensive garrison that came this time was only [-] to [-] troops.

In order to maintain the value of Medog's allies, Faner will help Medog arm 10 troops, and then in order to fight against Iron Star, he will milk and support Medog's economy.

But they thought too good?In the current situation, what right does Medog have to consume Val resources to arm himself? It is because they are "strong in combat" that they can have an army that can sweep Osima?Or is the national will strong enough to be nailed there like a stone?When the court is full of speculators, and speculators have lost their dignity, it is a soft persimmon.

For Ver's military, instead of investing in Medog's "high-risk, uncertain" combat power at this time, it would be better to eat all of Medog's resources and turn it into a shield.

After Ver's 30 troops were stationed, the armed forces took control of Medog, and the follow-up Ver's capital business group completely controlled all the material supplies of the entire small country.As for the original government of Medog, it was preserved.

So why not simply take over the government of its small country?Because the Medog government was originally an inefficient money-losing product.

...In the imperialist war, the military relied on its own business and private parties to supply supplies, and in response, handed over the leadership of the occupied areas to the commercial and private parties...

So in March, when Val and Iron Star were fighting, a series of operations in the Medog area was a standard way to lure wolves into the house!

When the Vaer Legion was fighting for righteousness in the final battle against the Iron Star, members of Medog's parliament were still jumping up and down, wanting to stand on the side of "justice", and then logically approved the entry of the Vaer Legion.

On March 3, the councilors of Medog specially opened the city gate and watched the 2-ton super land cruisers crush their street lights and enter the city.

Then came the officers who greeted the "justice", and all the MPs were "escorted" home.

And then, nothing. Then, I never saw these congressmen again. Those in front of the stage were collaborators supported by Vaner's business and private interests.

The commanders of Faner carried out extensive commercial division of the entire Medog area.

It's just that Medog's local currency cannot be purchased from local stores that are out of stock. Only the military tickets issued by Vernon can be purchased in the supply stores of the Vermilion military.

The wealth of the entire country, just like that, was quietly transferred to foreign countries when everyone was not paying attention, without even a single protest.

…No matter how stupid you are, there will be a huge price. If you coax together with a fool, you will often be met with bottomless despair. …

On Iron Star's side, in the entire general combat command hall, Su Ni was looking at the big red screen in front of him. In front of him, the No.16, Eighth, and Ninth Iron Star Armored Groups had already firmly locked down Ver's land cruiser formation. .

The current military system of Osima and Iron Star is integrated, and this alliance was arranged five years ago.

The military combat system of the dragon guards in the sky and Osima is a joint training, which is to prepare for the final battle on the mainland.

At the beginning of the war, the air raids in the south and the defensive counterattack in the north were good. Now the main force of Ver (Poma) wants to take back, so they can only go to the Medog area.

The main battlefield of the two sides may also be in the Medog area.Poma can only launch a large-scale attack on Iron Star from the Medog area.

Wei Keng: As long as it was Val who started the war, Medog politicians speculating in Ver will lose their independent leadership over Medog.

Because after Fan Er went off the field directly, Medog politicians dominated the public affairs unilaterally and did not defend Fan Er. All the "bad things" (medical companies, food companies, and military companies) in Faner's country would eat up Medog like a virus, and Medog Politicians blindly beautify their allies in the team, and at the same time, they are dominated by "allies" in the military. When the Medog people are drained of their belief and strength by the capital forces of Valor, the Medog people no longer exist as "local" variables.

In other words, if Iron Star launches an attack first, and Medog politicians are forced to get involved in the battle, they will have the power to lead the Medog people to fight. The various economic forces on one side can still have the authority to bargain and draw rules for the Vale Corporation to curb the bottomless behavior of Vale Capital in the war.

Therefore, over the years, when facing the increasingly radical politicians of Medog, the spokesperson of Iron Star is like a repeater: respect the choice of the people of Medog.

Wei Yun, the leader of the Austrian Railway, faced all the conflicts on the Medog border, and his strategy could be controlled on a small scale. He resolutely refused to shoot.Just don't fall into the trap, and don't take the initiative to launch a large-scale attack.

Tie Xing jumped up and down in every incident with the Medog political sticks, and he always sat firmly on the Diaoyutai with the appearance of "I can't come here, do you dare to come here?"

It can be said that the politicians of Medog knew that the two camps of Wanlun would inevitably fight.

They were betting on war, betting that Iron Star would advance aggressively and be defeated by themselves, but this bet was destined to be fruitless, and they didn't bet on Iron Star's unrest, and they couldn't help it until Faner.

After the soldiers of Faner poured medicine to welcome the female students of Medog and shouted to enter, this was purely the big bad wolf that the little sheep dedicated itself to in vain.

Wei Keng: Now that most of the citizens of Medog have been eaten up, used and abandoned, their morale has long since declined again, and their morale has long been exhausted.Will he still spontaneously stand on the side of Val to form a resistance army against the Iron Star?Resist Iron Star and continue selling blood to Val?

One "correct" slogan after another has been used rottenly, and the "slogans" are as useless as adrenaline to a completely exhausted body.

You know, the Faner military has already operated a blood selling station in Medog, calling on Medog people to donate blood enthusiastically, and then the blood will be sold privately by merchants.

Wei Keng has always kept one thing in mind, that is, Poma has a nuclear bomb.

Speaking of this, Wei Keng couldn't help looking at the fronts in the south of Val and Osima at this time, the vertical and horizontal offensive lines, these are the attacking directions of Osima's dragon guards at this time.

Su Ni looked at Zheng Nian on the information communication interface.And the huge information battlefield behind him seemed a little helpless.According to the original plan, he would undertake such high-risk interspersed combat missions in this decisive battle.

But when the battle started, Zheng Nian led the general military attack of the whole army with the posture of the center of light, and at the same time issued a mocking declaration of war to the opponent.Wei Keng is basically in the second echelon of the Dragon Guard's division, step by step, and removes each of the important strategic targets of Faner.Fighting is like training, without any accidents!

This made Wei Keng, who was used to being interrupted by God and having side issues, a little at a loss for such a "smoothness".But Wei Keng knew that this was not the kindness of the gods, but that someone blocked the darkness ahead for him.

..."liberation" means that a person has long been used to carrying a mountain and is removed by another person...

On March 3nd, at 2:4 p.m., in the territory of Val, the central combat command plane where Zheng Nian was located was issuing orders quickly.

The seventh attack team, in the southeast corner of your front, there are signs of train movement, please send a combat team to the point I marked, and drop mines, within 5 minutes.

The third attack team, keep an eye on the combat vehicle at all times, yes, plan to bite the tail, chase the opponent and make the enemy run (this is to make the enemy accelerate forward unconsciously in order to avoid the fire from the rear. And there is no way at all Send someone to get out of the car and go to check the tracks)
The No.15 attack group is preparing to meet with the seventh attack group, waiting for the command of the seventh group commander, and launching a surprise bombing (the seventh group has dropped landmines, and once the train steps on the mines, the violent bumps will make the anti-aircraft fire chaotic and ineffective. In the air, then it is time to attack the top)

Seventeen minutes later, a huge train derailed on the supply line leading to Medog in the south of Vernon, and the crooked turret fell to the side of the track, and several sections of the train in the middle were bombed and burst into flames .

Zheng Nian, who launched the attack, had already shifted to other targets before the Valerian airship arrived.

Although Faner still maintains an advantage in frontline firepower, the air force represented by Zheng Nian is destroying one hundred important targets per hour, and raiding day and night.

This kind of attack is far away from big cities. It can even be said that apart from the beginning of the war, Zheng Nian interspersed directly and gave Faner a "willing volley". After shooting down an air battleship, he never fought in the city again. , It is purely installed x and ran.

Of course, Zhengnian has finished verifying the "combat mode", and all the rest will be the process of the people in the follow-up in-depth development of details.

As early as two years ago, through continuous military exercises, Zheng Nian came up with a formula:
If the air power can strike more than 1000 targets every day, these targets include "dynamic trains", "ground transportation teams", "temporary deployment of material supply stations" and other support targets that support the forward movement of the legion.Then it is equivalent to temporarily capturing the city where the enemy supplies supplies for the large army!

After calculating from the logistics planning, Wei Yun made a determination: from the urban logistics base to the frontier army, there is a process.

The traditional land cruiser ground corps attack is to occupy the relevant cities, and it follows the "battle" formula, that is, in a large-scale attack, the opponent's main military force is eliminated at one time.

With the advent of air power, the form of warfare is different. The fast-paced side directly makes it impossible for the opponent to complete the assembly.

In fact, Zheng Nian also has an important point to think about about Fan Er, and that is the "super bomb" that caused a huge crater in Fengyu City.

...Xihuo has decided to limit nuclear weapons to a small area of ​​the mainland, while Fuhuo decided to take the lead and lead the team by himself to contain the nuclear crisis at the least cost.

Returning to the general strategic perspective of Su Ni, due to the rescue of air power, fast and diligent, interspersed behind the Vaner heavy army group, and repeatedly cut channels, this made the military operations in front of Vaner very slow.

This made the huge attack group composed of more than 240 land cruisers on the side of Vaner very slow. If Vaner did not show that "hole card", it would be impossible to break the situation.

On the contrary, the heavy cruisers on the side of Osima and the sky have only one-third of their troops, and in some places one-fourth, but they can jump repeatedly, constantly appearing in the weak points of the Vail Corps, so that Vail can't keep his head down. To attack, you must repeatedly fill in the gaps and contact the friendly forces.

[Wei Keng sighed: If the Vernon logistics team has an indomitable spirit, for example, if a bridge is blown up ten times, it will be repaired ten times with the patience!Then I really met my opponent.But can those gods cultivate this supreme "life force"? 】

The reason why Fan Er went to occupy the Medog area regardless of his face was that in the process of frontal advancement, he was getting farther and farther away from the rear city, and the guarantee could not be smooth!Medog can only be taken down first, as a supply node for forward attacks.

It can even be said that within a week after the start of the war, all the main forces in Verner had to be dumped to Medog.

But this situation is similar to the battle of Yiling in the Three Kingdoms. When Emperor Zhaolie of the Han Dynasty led his army to escape from the summer and had to enter the forest to station, he fell into a passive position unknowingly.

Su Ni: Once you enter Medog, don't come out.

...After confirming that Poma does not have the vehicle capability of "heavy warhead ultra-long-range projection" in the first phase of the battle, then it has to be used...

On March 3, 3 land cruisers and 35 land armored vehicles of the entire Iron Star Army attacked from the northern line and directly outflanked Medog.On the afternoon of the third day, after defeating the seven land cruisers that Vaer was preparing to enter the city later, it was considered that the 27 troops on the northern line of Verail were completely trapped in the Medog area.

The key to the first phase of the battle between Ver and Iron Star was focused on Medog.

Iron Star's supreme military command issued a death order, and must take down the Medog Line of Defense before March 3.During this period, the rest of the defense forces fully cooperated with the encirclement and annihilation operations, preventing the various ministries of Verland from going north to the rescue battle.

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