out of cage

Chapter 836 Chapter 19.17

Yuzui Port, Fleet Commander An Jiexin has arrived here. 20 years ago, the low plants that stood on the ship and caught her eyes have now been completely flattened by the large-scale construction, and the entire military base is very tidy in appearance.

Cleanliness is the appearance, and internal affairs reflect discipline.The iron star with red lines was wiped spotless and hung in the most conspicuous place, reflecting the floor tiles on the surrounding ground.

An Jiexin vaguely remembered Enma's words back then: If the guard post is in disorder, it is almost a modern industrial army, and if someone in the headquarters is playing cards, this army is basically a feudal army.

It is now March 3th, and a large-scale battle against Medog is underway.The chubby large transport plane landed, and the combat troops came down in a file. Everyone's movements were very consistent, without any redundancy, and they looked very capable.The transport vehicles in the entire base went their own way without any stagnation.

On the aerial turret, the radar emits electromagnetic waves non-stop. Although there are no enemies in the monitoring position, the shift personnel stare at the screen 24 hours a day.

In this time of combat alert, the air defense post is not just about watching when others come!It is even more important to know your own air force well.

At this time, during the high-frequency deployment of Iron Star's own air force, each aviation post of Iron Star must verify the dispatch frequency of its own air force at this time.

The notifications sent by the Iron Star Air Force are all monitored by ground radar stations and kept in touch with relevant air traffic control departments for verification.Its digital screen went up to mark groups of surface-to-air missiles, all recording the forces flying overhead. (The misfire of the U.S. military was caused by the lack of coordination among the various services)
It can be said that the troops flying at high altitude are not only a matter of the Air Force, but there are traces of duty records in the entire system!In other words, if there is a situation where it is difficult to identify the enemy or the enemy, you can quickly check the records of other adjacent air defense posts, and you can know whether it is the enemy or not after only one minute of communication in the self-communication.

It will not happen, a false hit caused by a system error!The linkage of multiple systems also increases the difficulty for enemies to sneak in.

Such a complex and cumbersome system is serious.It was the "serious" battle summary of the air general in Osima after various "lively" tactics in a large number of exercises. (Master Wei's split body, in which he did a lot of summarizing work, tried his best to make Zheng Nian "restrain" many exaggerated styles of play)
...In the confrontation involving life and death, the axis is used as the background board, and it will never just shout "Niu Liuliu" after the operation of the "skin" of the side,...

The stronger the modern warfare, the more complex the communication system will be.Requires highly educated, highly responsible talents, and a very good communication culture.

At the end of the ancient times, the military equipment of the American emperor was backward, which was to some extent a shortage of talents.Neglect of middle-level talent.

Under the green card myth, enough Asians and people with good basic education in Latin America can be seduced into engineering positions.However, these highly technically difficult positions are often the most serious ethnic problems, and are at the bottom of the cultural contempt chain.

When Asians occupy an important position in technical positions, their voices are generally "lower volume" in communication, so that problems are reflected, but difficult to deal with.

What, why not let other ethnic groups come?My God, first generation Asians are the only group that values ​​education under the arrogance of the West.

Even white people are polarized. The rich study to become lawyers, doctors, and financiers, while the poor lie flat.As for blacks?The education rate is the lowest, and it is also busy fighting for power.

…In Zhengnian’s words: Sometimes, it’s not just individual ability that determines success, but a platform composed of many people, so don’t tear me down…

The frequent dispatch of the air force in the Yuzui Port Air Force Base is just pointing at Medog!
A seemingly solid defense, but in fact it is a "dead place" without modern warfare capabilities. The "poison" of capital in this dead place is comparable to a petri dish at [-] degrees Celsius, and it corrupted all modern rules and regulations in just one week.

When the war went on for 75 hours, 470 kilometers away in a straight line, in the canal port where the largest river in Medog criss-crosses, now the place is filled with gunpowder smoke, and the entire large metal defensive fortress is burning with black smoke, and everything hovering in the air is iron. Star Force.These fighter planes poured glide bombs from the air, strangling all the defensive positions on the ground.

On the whole, the technological gap between the two sides is not that big. The key lies in the technological gap between the military commanders of the two sides.The tactical thinking dominated by the old military bureaucracy is too slow in the new era.

No. 30 hours after Iron Star started the air attack, from the map, the largest natural lake embraced by the Medog region of the Val Corps has all fallen! ! !

You must know that the transportation vehicles in the city of Medog were hundreds of years ago, and the railway system of many road systems is very backward. The entire Medog relies on lakes and waterways for mineral mining and transportation.Strictly speaking, if the lake is lost, the whole of Medog will be completely finished.

As a foreign occupying force, the Vail Legion did not have a defensive awareness of the core value goal of "social operation".

At 3:3 on March 13, within three hours of the start of the war, Iron Star directly airborne and took down the three most important "water police battalions" on the lake.The dirty blue blue wave flag on the square was torn down, and Iron Star's movable fence lights (similar to the lights on the aircraft carrier deck to indicate landing) were turned on to provide an air representation for one's own side.

As for the three Medog water police camps, if calculated in terms of total assets, they are not as good as a building in the central urban area of ​​Medog. Its most important component is dry production, 73 ships on water, and Medog still uses steam for these ships. Power, burning heavy oil extracted from here.

A thousand-ton marine police ship like Medog is already outdated on the Northern Continent. This is second-hand equipment that was eliminated during the infrastructure upgrade of the Sky Iron Star River, and then bought by local commercial departments for refitting.

But precisely at this time, these ships are the vehicles with the strongest tactical maneuverability on this almost closed freshwater lake.

The heavy armored troops that came after Iron Star, the mountain giant engineering vehicle directly ejected the mechanical arm, and 120mm self-propelled howitzers were welded on these water police ships.

These water artillery fleets played a more effective role than the artillery firepower of a division in the next urban battle against Medog, the largest commercial city.

...Simplicity is crude, but the place where it appears is the key, and many advanced equipment indicators are to be able to arrive at the key place at a critical period...

In Medog, where the ten-meter-high concrete buildings are stacked, when the commander of Vaughan drove land cruisers one after another, crushed a large number of urban obstacles and arrived at the city crossroads.

The auxiliary infantry in front of and on the left and right sides of the Vail land cruiser had long been demolished by the high-explosive bombs projected by the marine police fleet in the river!

As the Iron Star reconnaissance company appeared behind these Vail land cruisers, they fired smoke indicator bombs, red, green, and yellow smoke. After being identified by the Iron Star aerial reconnaissance target, they reported it to the rear. Immediately after the Iron Star command team, it was Immediately follow the combat procedures, and use one after another [-]mm missiles to hit these high-value targets on the battlefield identified by the scouts.

After a new round of technical updates, the steel hull of the Land Cruiser has liquid protection capabilities, and its armor will camouflage various false "fragile" windows.

However, Iron Star is also updating its information system. The scouts have successfully approached and launched the hacker warhead to scan the steel shell.

With the guidance of the drone information of the Iron Star soldiers, sometimes the [-]mm caliber rockets carried by the jeeps in the field can penetrate the gaps in the steel shell and directly hit the key points of the Land Cruiser.

In the end, stacked armor still couldn't hold back the progress of "eye" and "spear".

During the period from the 3rd to the 5th, there were already 27 or [-] wrecked heavy vehicles in the large area of ​​Medog City that was captured by Iron Star!In the entire street, there are a small number of Iron Stars at the nodes, approaching step by step!


By the 9th, the annihilation battle of the Val Central Armored Group was a foregone conclusion.

The legion that Ver took over Medog was divided into three parts. Among them, the part where the general headquarters is located has only five land cruisers. Of course, there are seven destroyed ships that can be used as land combat bunkers.

At ten o'clock in the morning on the 9th, Val's commander, Tichale (level five hero), was sitting in the bunker, and the dust falling from the bunker at regular intervals showed that the artillery fire was getting closer.

His radio was playing the Iron Star "Prairie March". At this time, the southern reinforcements were still 120 kilometers away from Medog, and they were advancing at a speed of three kilometers per hour. It was destined to be too late.

While the adjutant at the side was asking for help in an almost cursing tone, Di Qiale had already drunk himself with red wine to anesthetize the shame of his defeat.

On Wanlun Continent, the most popular epic novel "Falling Gems" has such a plot: that is, when the human empire forces described in the novel, the most prosperous commercial street was invaded by barbarian forces, after the barbarian forces invaded, Bewildered by the dazzling silk, porcelain and all kinds of exquisite accessories, they began to rob, and finally caused chaos, and were burned to death by the human counterattack.

Almost everyone on the mainland laughed when they read this novel. The bumpkins and barbarians have never seen the civilized world, and ended up ruining their lives for their own stupidity and greed.

But modern people can always satirize the ancients on the basis of modern values, but they don't know that the modern is relatively ancient, and many of them are just a different concept, and the contemporary people can't tell the difference.

The robbery of the feudal barbarian army led to its collapse.

After entering Medog, the capitalism army of Fan Er was obsessed with commercial and private interests, and forgot to prepare for war?

Looking back a week ago, what was Tichale's headquarters doing during the crucial 24 hours?
Di Chiale was busy answering domestic calls to report victory.

Then he held a reception, and with his own business and private group, he began to control the important "banks", "energy building headquarters" and "seaport terminals", and counted the goods.

If they knew today's ending, they would have taken the lake sailors back then.

You must know that at that time, the chiefs of water security in Medog were trying to curry favor with the occupying army in Verl, but Tichale was very busy, and only the adjutant of Tichale's adjutant came. Allegiance to taste. (Narrator: The leader holds a meeting and asks to love the company, but this meeting does not have dinner, and there is no gift, although the employees can get verbal support, but in fact it is just to give the leader face)
Di Qiale took down key figures in the region and gained power control, but he didn't think about it at all!The turbulence of the hearts of the people is not only the upper class, but also the lower class,

If there is enough time, Tichale can gradually complete the control of the lower layers of the city, but Iron Star didn't give him a chance.

As a result, 48 hours later, the Motuo water security forces had just declared their allegiance to the military government formed by Ver. As a result, under the storm of the Iron Star Airborne Mechanical Infantry, these security forces dispersed, leaving all the ships to Iron Star!
What, why don't these sailors stay and resist!Think about it, in the 21st century, when a company boss ran away, and the debtor came to smash the windows, why didn't the employees stay and guard the company's property!
In the words of a certain leather goods, "to achieve great things, you need to establish great trust", that is, only by making a sincere promise of great reputation to the middle and lower levels, can they help you achieve your reputation at critical times, and Medog's reputation comes to Verner. When taking over, it has changed from a country to a company.

The members of Medog, who were passionate about the Iron Star Group, had already been "castrated" when Vera attacked, and began to defend the soldiers of Vera: don't resist, but defend the values ​​together!Denying the sanctity of Medog's "independence".

These sailors have families and wives, and there is no guarantee that "Medog" can give substantive feedback for their resistance. After all, when Verner came, Medog expressed that "lifting the skirt" was worthless.If you were beaten to death after resisting, and you really asked for "feedback" from above, the gang of big guys defined a voluntary behavior for the resistance of the little guy, wouldn't the little guy cry?

After taking Medog, Di Qiale did not incorporate the sailors into the regular army of Vernes for reorganization, and used Vers reputation as a guarantee, nor did he directly send troops to control the navy station.It is doomed that they will disperse under the attack of Iron Star.

In fact, the imperialist army established for plunder controlled important "commercial assets" and failed to perform timely control of "strategic assets".It is the realistic version of "the barbarians are dazzled".

Di Chale, the commander of Vail, has now realized his various strategic mistakes, but he still hasn't reflected on the essence.

He regrets it.But does regret work?If regret was useful, the gods would have reminded him long ago.

As long as he goes back to a week ago and dares to let go of those important assets, the capital forces of Valor will immediately change from the attitude of "requesting to do things" to "threats to do things".

[Wei Keng: "Val vs. Medog is essentially a war of capitalist invasion. No matter how many times the lies are claimed to be for values, the actual profit-oriented and main purpose is to control strategic assets, so when entering Medog In the first 24 hours of taking off, it is doomed not to fit the local area.”]

In the early morning of March 3th, the war came to an end. Di Chiale’s bunker was blasted open. During his transfer, he was attacked by a reconnaissance team. After his armored vehicle was hit by dozens of rounds of heavy machine guns, his legs were maimed, and he had to raise the white flag. surrender.

At six o'clock in the morning, the corps of the other three modules were also wiped out in the storm.

Before the start of the battle, the main force of the entire left uppercut was completely wiped out.

…Biao Ke on Verner’s side, Biao Ke on Poma’s side, let out a sigh of relief, smiled and said to this old enemy: “If you don’t play cards, you will have no chance”…

On March 3th, a gorgeous battleship took off in the sky. This floating battleship with seven turrets, two up and down five, is the super car that Poma has focused on building in the past 12 years.

This vehicle belongs to the Fourth Aerospace Commander, and beside him at this moment is Biao Ke (Wei Keng split body). Under pressure, almost unarmed, and every inch of movement is monitored.

Poma's stand-in is the commander of the battleship named "Sun King".

In the projection, Poma adjusted the course of the warship, which was heading north at this time.

The two sides entered into a quantum dialogue again, and Poma leisurely said to Biao Ke: "You played beautifully, but!" He pressed the row of gem buttons on the left.

The battleship raised its gun barrel and emitted layers of light beams, killing them in the distance. In the air, the Iron Star reconnaissance plane was shot down.Poma: "My arrangement is actually to annihilate your northern strategic force."

Biao Ke paused, and after a little deduction, he understood: After his side annihilated the Poma Group in the Medog area, Boma also tried to destroy the entire Medog area.

In Poma's hero template, the biggest move is "Nuclear Destruction". At this time, inside the Sun King, there are six super nuclear bombs weighing eight tons. A wave of continuous shooting is enough to destroy all Iron Star targets in the Medog area.At that time, the battlefield that was originally dominated by Iron Star will be reversed.

Poma sighed: I originally had high hopes for Tichale, but now that Tichale's surrender is just enough for me to make up my mind.

Biao Ke looked at this seemingly calm, but actually crazy traveler, and nodded his "understanding".

If Di Qiale is determined not to surrender, Poma can't bomb with his own people!As a commander, the biggest taboo is unfair rewards and punishments. If you fight bravely and are deliberately covered by your own artillery, then the morale of the army will be lost. But if you carry out such firepower bombing on the timid and surrendered, it will be the effect of "supervising the battle team". .

Wei Keng (Biao Ke) looked at Poma and kept smiling.

Because of Wei Keng's reticence, Poma smiled self-deprecatingly: "Yes, I also plotted against my side, but in your words, 'kindness does not rule the army', right?"

Wei Keng nodded: "Yes, you have your reasons, and I have mine. Both sides have reasonable reasons, so there is a war." If this is useful, then is it necessary to fight?)

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