out of cage

Chapter 837 Chapter 19.18 Betting "Correctly"?No!Choose "Correct".

On March 3, Iron Star's legion in Medog began to disperse and deploy.

It only takes four hours for the Sun King, which takes off from Vernon, to reach Medog by air.During these four hours, the main force of Iron Star is destined to be unable to transfer.

Wei Keng read the war at the end of the post-ancient industrial era, and understood that for people in the early [-]st century, nuclear war is the end, but this kind of objective thing will happen sooner or later.Therefore, from the moment of the birth of nuclear weapons, "unlimited compromise" is impossible, and we must think about how to curb the will of "nuclear war initiators".

At 9:08 in the morning, Iron Star made a strategic teleportation, but only ten units came back this time.Among them, apart from the Longbow self-propelled artillery vehicles stationed on the front line, the power systems of the two Xinglong armored transport vehicles have been destroyed by the enemy. Now there are sandbags piled up around them, and there are enough canned materials stored inside, which have become fixed vehicles in the area. Temporary refuge bunker.

As for the longbow artillery, this is a tracked vehicle with a tonnage of [-] tons, equipped with four super-long barrels spliced ​​together (similar to the Gushan cannon in modern times, this is a quadruple installation), and it is a precious weapon in front of Iron Star. Maneuvering projected power.

But overall, those super-heavy armors that exceeded [-] tons were all abandoned.This is a full eighteen land cruisers, because these are too heavy and consume too much transmission energy.

The equipment is secondary, the primary is the personnel.Since then, 25 combat personnel have begun to help evacuate civilians in the Medog area, and have begun to establish evacuation channels for women, children, and technical personnel.

…Although the people of Medog have prejudices against Iron Star, whether to do certain things does not depend on these prejudices, but on "right" and "wrong"...

An armored cruiser code-named "Judgment" is stationed in the city center of the Medog area.

The equipment is a centaur robot weighing [-] tons, with a large radar system to detect the surrounding airspace, and [-] anti-air missiles (can target the ground, but it is not cost-effective).The two mechanical arms are loaded with [-]mm caliber laser emitters, and a circle of lines extends from the mechanical arms to the barrel.

Iron Star is broadcasting a warning to the whole city—everyone must hide underground as close as possible and stay away from war units.The Iron Star broadcasters were not as gentle as the female voices of Valor, and there was anxiety in their tone, even reprimanding.

In the Iron Star broadcast, the Medog personnel were hiding in the basement under the leadership of the soldiers left behind by Iron Star.There are many of them, the troublemakers of Vail, opened fire on the soldiers maintaining order on Iron Star, and claimed in the crowd: "Don't listen to the Osima people, they want to blow up the city and kill everyone .” Such rumors.

And this brought huge damage to the people left by Iron Star.In the central building of the city, the Inquisitor mecha straightened its back and searched the sky.

Now there are a lot of shrapnel scratches on this large mecha, no, with the impact of stray bullets near the tall buildings, there are more scars.

Regarding Medog's "braveness" at this time, there are many speculators of all kinds trying to obtain capital.

In the inner cockpit of the huge Judgment Armor, Ming Nan (Wei Keng split) used the ether radar to scan the entire city, and the chaotic crowd of all colors sighed.At this time, the "Sun King" will arrive at the best launch site in 10 minutes, when the first nuclear strike will be launched.

Ming Nan, as a colonel-level officer, was not originally the commander of this city.As the first batch of first-class meritorious service winners who rushed to the central area of ​​Medog City and took down Dichat a few minutes ago.He could have evacuated, but he is still staying now, as the Iron Star "Watcher" in the Medog area before the nuclear strike is coming.

At 9:33, seeing the sudden fluctuations on the radar, it was determined that it was caused by the opening of the "built-in bomb bay". Ming Nan issued a notice to the Iron Star soldiers in the city: "All personnel are ready, and those who are irrelevant will be dispatched within 5 minutes. Enter the safe area to hide, 5 minutes! Emphasize, you only have 5 minutes!"

Afterwards, a large number of bee swarms were released from the Judgment Mech, and at the same time, the aerial drones were released to search for incoming missiles on a large scale. In 5 minutes, beams of laser beams shot out from the Juror Mech.

This 30-meter-high centaur mecha emits a large number of missiles from the left and right sides.The missile shot towards the sky along the trajectory of the laser cannon.And after a moment, it can be seen with the naked eye that a dark red dot is approaching in that direction.

Immediately afterwards, the warhead formed a fiery sun at an altitude of five kilometers! (Interception is useful, otherwise this warhead would explode at 1000 meters.)
In the planning of fate, the gods will carefully design the fate line of one or two people, but now the gods have given up millions of people, but they are intercepted by heroes, fate no longer belongs to the god of fate...

The angle of view returns to 9:02. At this time, the headquarters of Osima in the rear is already full of voices, and air combat orders are being issued one by one.

Regarding the interception of this epic-class air battleship of Val, the Iron Star has only one chance at the moment. In the control area of ​​the communication control tower on the left, Liu Yina is looking at the real-time monitoring interface of the frontier city of Medog.

The area was erected in the center of the city square as the Wartime First Command's Judgment Armor, a sign that the Iron Star still controls the city.

However, the radar beams radiating in all directions are like shining lanterns. Liuina can imagine that this mech is extremely clear in the observation of the enemy's air arsenal ship.

At this time, the hall door was pushed open!Su Ni dialed the forward combat department, and under Liu Yina's gaze, Su Ni and Zheng Nian had a battlefield dialogue.

Su Ni's first sentence was: "There is one good news and one bad news."

Zheng Nian over there sat in the cabin and rolled his eyes.

Su Ni: "Let's talk about it first. I took down the No. 424 highland and deployed a missile launch site there. You need to push the enemy over."

Liu Yina, who was watching from the sidelines, had the radiation circle of the missile launch range on this high ground, and combined with the surrounding situation, she immediately understood that this was to establish a blocking position, so that the enemy fleet could not go further after bombing Medog.

On the interface, Zheng Nian's voice came: "The bad news is that our army will encounter a wave of nuclear weapons in the Medog area."

Su Ni was silent, because to be precise, his side would encounter at least three to four nuclear weapons in the Medog area: "In the current air defense system, they only have one chance for a nuclear strike. The damage is in the budget, and the reduction in our military strength is not enough. There will be more than 4000 people."

At this time, the base received a piece of data information, and Liuina, as the secretary, ejected a map projection with her fingertips, and then floating objects appeared in the area above the map.This floating object has a heavy concept field shield. In the center of the concept field, the seven turret features are very eye-catching.

Then in the sky, there appeared red strike lines of one's own side, as well as the standby area of ​​the nearby Dragon Guard's mechs.

Su Ni glanced at it and said solemnly, "What do you want to do!"

Zheng Nian said: "When the first nuclear bomb explodes, an electromagnetic pulse will be generated. If the height of the nuclear explosion is high enough, then the electromagnetic pulse will affect the shield of this battleship (Poma's Sun King). According to my Through the radar field irradiation process, the data obtained estimate that the battleship’s shield will have a gap of 5 minutes under the fluctuation. These 5 minutes, if it goes well, is enough for me to do one thing.”

Zheng Nian made a sign that he wanted to get close to the range of the battleship to weaken the "chrysanthemum" (propulsion system) of the Sun King

The entire hall became quiet unconsciously. Everyone looked at Su Ni, who was making a serious decision with a dignified expression.As a friend, Wei Keng naturally didn't want Zhengnian to carry out such a dangerous task.

But now it is a public occasion. Although I am the commander-in-chief of the battle, the freedom of the "front-line tactical leader" must be given full "respect" during the battle. To increase the possibility of victory in the first line, we must be bold and encouraged!
"But, this is God's beard!" Wei Keng thought to himself.

And Wei Keng originally planned to do this task of attacking by himself.However, Zheng Nian confirmed that this matter was righteous, so he slipped away and caught him all at once.

…That year, Liu Si warned Zhengnian not to take risks for any petty profits and forbid gambling; and Zhengnian nodded and swore: never for profit, take risks...

Biao Ke is now at Poma, and he is already preparing to do something, while the Wei Keng group is preparing to dispatch [-] dragon guards by himself when Poma is the most arrogant, that is, when the battle line is gradually pressing down on Medog. Bo beheaded.Of course, in Wei Keng's plan, the casualties will definitely be huge.

However, now Zheng Nian has given Wei Keng a new plan, this plan has much fewer casualties.

But for some reason, Wei Keng wanted to find fault with this plan and didn't want it to pass.

Unknowingly, Wei Keng has become accustomed to watching this vigorous young man win again and again. As long as he lives in this world, there will be light and hope. It seems that he is not alone in the dark.

Wei Keng was already reluctant to let him go on with the mountain of swords and flames ahead. —— Wei Keng's rationality told himself that he had gradually become numb to the death of his separate body unconsciously, which was a sign that he was stepping into death.

Just when Su Ni was hesitating, Zheng read: "I have reached the tactical position, and I will pass through the opponent's radar network in ten seconds. Well, if I am unlucky, live well for me." The last sentence shocked Su Ni.

Su Ni looked at Zheng Nian, who was no longer able to "turn back" on the airspace screen: "This mission is very risky, do you have any last words for me?"

Zheng Nian thought for a while: "Tell Uncle Liu Si to help me take care of my mother (Seagate). She looks strong, but she has a kind heart."

Wei Keng took a deep breath, that bitch Seagate had already gone west to lick the princess.

Master Wei is so angry that he can't fight.

Then Zheng Nianyou said: "Also, my father is a hero! If I die, please rectify his name." Wei Keng paused slightly, Zheng Nian's father was the veteran of the Swan City Uprising in the Iron Stars in the Sky, but it was a pity Encountering Shirley missed her life.

Su Nizhen nodded: "Got it, General Ludis has always been a hero. There is no doubt about it. Of course, I also have a word for you."

Zheng Nian waited, Su Ni: "If you leave me this time, if it is the last voice and smile, I will do whatever it takes to make them pay with their blood. This will be my highest justice."

Dimples appeared on Zheng Nian's face, and he nodded in praise: "It seems that when I have been doing the right thing, those people who usually look ordinary will also have the courage to walk with me." (The so-called ordinary people are Su In contrast to the usual self-deprecating.)
Su Ni nodded, and finally couldn't help but said: "Be careful, don't be caught by a missile."

Zheng Nian: "Well, as long as I'm fast enough, the missiles won't be able to catch up with me."

…On that day, I saw the light, so life has a reason to continue to live, sprout and grow…

After the communication ended, it was now 9:08, and Su Ni looked towards the hall: "Everyone is ready, all departments are now on emergency standby, the wartime map has been adjusted, ground missile troops, air radar early warning, fifteen base stations at the front, all Connect me."

Liuina immediately started the work at hand, all doubts and other hesitation disappeared at this time, and everyone else was like her, after clearing the direction, everyone was only responsible for dedicating wholeheartedly!Everyone is looking forward to a miracle!

If they win, the damage of the Iron Star soldiers in the Medog area will be greatly reduced.

And in Medog, the fate of millions of civilians will be saved accordingly!Perhaps no one will praise these people in the present age, but those who participated in the selection are in their twilight years, and when they look back at this moment, they know clearly what is the right thing to do.

Years later, Liuina recorded this moment in her memoirs and wrote this sentence: "People in high positions in the war don't need any extraordinary intelligence, what they need is the will, the will to pay for the right."

…Wei Keng: Travelers are too lofty. At this moment, they need to hear "The time is mourning? I will die with you"...

At 9:28, on the Sun King battleship, Poma saw that his own battleship had entered the coordinates on the interface, and began to launch the nuclear strike plan.

The first nuclear bomb has entered the launch tube above the "Sun King" floating battleship.

In the launch tube, in the energy grid, the shell of the nuclear bomb is covered with an energy film, which can reach five times the speed of sound after being discharged. This is the world's first electromagnetic gun.

Watch the tick as Poma presses his finger toward the fire button.At this time, although Poma's stand-in is calm and calm, a large amount of energy protection has been invisible around him, and other people outside can definitely not interfere.Of course, Poma really hoped that Biao Ke could make a shot, because in this case, it means that the opponent is nervous, and the opponent is nervous, which means that he is doing the right thing.

However, even after he pressed the button, Biao Ke still didn't act, and Poma didn't know what to do.

At this time, Biao Ke looked at the clouds outside the Sun King's glass window, and with the launch of nuclear weapons on the hull, there was a "buzz" tremor. He estimated in his heart that the current energy reserve of the entire battleship could support the "shield" level, and Biao Ke quickly moved What I observed separately was uploaded to the self-cluster (Wei Keng cluster).

Boma said: "Soon, in Medog, you will feel a huge sun. Biao Ke, what do you think?"

Biao engraved: "I, uh, ah, yes, yes." On the coordinate map of the battleship, the trajectory of the nuclear bomb is rapidly approaching the target.The time is now 9:33.

... Biao Ke knew that after a while, the difference in mortal status would have no effect, and then in the process of dying, the souls of the two parties would collide directly...

At this time, in the quantum space constructed by the system, the two talked like this.

After Biao Ke confirmed that the nuclear weapon had been launched, he asked Poma: "There is one thing that I am curious about."

Poma: "Huh, huh?" (Probably means "you said".)
Wei Keng: "I was told from a young age to uphold justice. Well, although, as an adult, I generally feel that I can't do it, but I don't deny that it is correct."

Speaking of this, Biao Ke looked at Poma, who showed a reviewing attitude like a "psychological consultant", as if he was keen to solve Wei Keng's psychological defects.

Biao Ke continued: "I think that a person's life is to pay attention to a correctness, whether he succeeds or loses, he must be correct. In a war, if the opponent wins, naturally the opponent has the opponent's right, and I also have mistakes. , but you give me another answer."

Poma kept smiling, but said nothing.

Biao Ke looked at him and said very reasonablely: "Now, you know right and wrong, but you choose to win. Because after you win, you think that you have the chance to correct your mistakes. In other words, after you defeat me, you will become bright Justice! But what if you lose? Will you just fall into darkness without turning back?"

[In the world of the fourth stage, Wei Keng has read a lot of "tragic" heroes who will not pursue justice after failure, or in other words, after failure, they must continue to be a character and persist in failure.And is this situation similar to the current traveler? 】

Poma's expression suddenly restrained, and then he continued to be sarcastic to Wei Keng: "Are you now assuming another history for your own failure?" Consider this question.)
Wei Keng stared at him: "I want to know if there are any constant and correct values ​​among contemporary time travelers!"

'Victor' Poma looked at Wei Keng, and suddenly he felt that Wei Keng was pitiful.A guy who sticks to the "old concept", facing the ending created by power, still wants to die without repentance.

However, just as he was thinking about what kind of victory declaration he was preparing to give Wei Keng a fatal blow, he suddenly felt that in his information sense, the first nuclear bomb was being intercepted by a laser missile over Medog City.

In the end, among the lasers and missiles, the nuclear bomb began to bomb ahead of time when its shell was about to fail, bursting into splendor and flames.

As the electromagnetic waves flooded all communication bands, the entire Sun King battleship stood still in the pulse with its protective shield on it, and pretended to be a criminal, welcoming the artificial doomsday sun in the sky.

However, at this moment, fifty kilometers away, a diamond-shaped (stealth design) group of dragon guards was approaching the floating battleship like a dagger.

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