out of cage

Chapter 846 Chapter 19.23 God's "Punishment for Disorderly Teaching"

In the pantheon, the god above the gods finally revealed the future and destiny to everyone.

The gods looked at the line of fate cut in half, and the future where all knowledge was finally determined by an axis.They were all silent.The God of Destiny told you: "The ending of the twilight on these planes is already unchangeable."

In the lower position of the temple, the God of Finance (Li Yishuang) wants to speak.But the superior Michaelena knew what she wanted to say, suppressed her with rules, and prevented her from struggling in the end.

The God of Knowledge took off the emblem, and said to everyone realistically: "Now, as a time traveler, we need to think about the ending now!"

Judging from the current situation of the traverser war, in this situation of plane isolation, this belongs to the plane deathmatch mode. In the second plane war, Wei Keng opened this mode for the first time to face the challenge.

In the Second Plane War, the ones who came to challenge at the beginning were just a small-scale conflict between the traversers in the plot, but in the end, Master Wei forced him to survive until the late stage, and the entire space-time area was overturned.

The God of Knowledge looked back at the records he had neglected when he first met Wei Keng, and realized that the duel was irreversible now.

As an existence from the pastoral age to the present, each has its own core of will, and there is no such thing as "ordinary".And he mistakenly regarded Wei Keng's "plain and ordinary" as gravel that could be crushed, and now he has turned a small conflict into a catastrophe.

Wei Keng's side (only Wei Keng's side) has already occupied the current multiverse area, with more than 6000 planes, of which the first batch of planes also has [-]. Because Wei Keng adheres to the concept, he developed freely. A cognitive system that is "unified and perfect and inconsistent with the old diversity", and the battle has involved all the gods!
There are not many choices left for the gods now! (Neither Wei Keng nor a certain Pi gave the gods a satisfactory ending)

surrender?It is absolutely impossible. After the godhead is created, it cannot be bent unless it falls.The collision was bound to be someone falling.

Compared with the God of Knowledge, he felt at a loss for the collapse of the foundation of the building.Michaelena's side recognized "finality" and began the final peace.

On the Temple of Destiny, certain incarnations of fate (auxiliary personalities) have already been cast down in the world.

Michellena couldn't help reminiscing about Bai Linglu's dialogue, and concluded: "No one is wrong, what was wrong is that the confrontation was not stopped from the beginning." (But if you follow this logic, Li Yishuang is still wrong)
Surrender is absolutely impossible, so we can only set off the "chessboard".

The current "chessboard" is the space-time zone where the first wave of more than 1000 Wei Keng descended. The gods (middle and lower ranks) must end these planes. The reason is: "Humans have done too many mistakes. They should destroy."

Among the more than 1000 planes defined by these traversers who are unwilling to admit reality, there is the Wanlun Continent!
The reason given by the gods to the imminent destruction of the old civilization in the Wanlun Continent is: large-scale use of necromancy, misinterpretation of the meaning of the gods, failure to correctly move to the next generation of planes, and fierce wars.

…God wants to take hold of His own interpretation of certain things, …

The dimensional space broke free from some shackles. Bai Linglu smiled when he saw these decisions.Travelers under the god system made a huge mistake in thinking.

What is best explained?Things that are singular, unconnected to the outside world (mysteries of isolation) are best explained.

But now under the "Da Dao System", everything is connected. Distorting a thing can only cover up one side, and the things connected to it will fully falsify the distorted thing.

The past thought line of multi-dimensional planes is to isolate things one by one and establish a "mysterious" barrier.However, these cognitive barriers are now broken by Zhongrenzhizi.The information framed in boxes by multiple planes flows again and becomes a Tao of mutual generation, mutual restraint and connection.

At this time, in the interlayer of space, Bai Linglu is holding an ink brush, and a yin and yang fish is drawn on the tip of the brush, the anode, the yin, and the cathode, yang.

Bai Linglu: There has never been a doomsday, only replacement, the old things die, and the new things come to the stage.If life wants to adapt to replacement, it needs to find a relatively constant axis in the change of all things.Instead of holding on to the past and engaging in "doomsdayism".

Narrator: The gods of multiple planes have acquiesced to the fact that they have made a major mistake, but the result of the treatment is to try to destroy the planes affected by them one by one, and pay the price! (It's very similar to the monopoly of the cultural circles in the ancient times, but when something goes wrong, it is the reflection of the whole society)
Every time after experiencing a calamity that had to change, after everything passed, he suddenly stood on a high profile and said with compassion: "This war is a tragedy. There are no winners and losers. Everyone is irrational!"

It's like, a brat who couldn't afford to play, asked to change the chessboard when he was about to lose, but when they moved the chessboard together, he deliberately didn't cooperate and smashed the chessboard.Then ask for a replay.

…After Bai Linglu taunted her, she was re-sealed in the interdimensional layer by fate again…

After the meeting in the Pantheon, in the mezzanine of the space, Bai Linglu shouted to the incarnation of Michael Lena (Mi Jia): "You are not solving the problem, you are creating the problem."

Michaelena stopped in her tracks. Covered by the high collar of the divine robe, she turned her head, and then turned back, as if she didn't want to hear.She had already prepared her own escape pod at the end of the reservation.

Bai Linglu continued: "Do you think you can blur the past!? My traverser is very awkward! When your mistakes made him suffer too much, now you can't escape!"

Michaelena, not listening, hurried away.

Bai Linglu smiled as he watched Mi Jia walk out, and Yan Beixiang who followed each step and began to hesitate.This smile has the meaning of "punishment".

In the withdrawn dimension, goosebumps appeared on Yan Beixiang's smooth spine.

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