out of cage

Chapter 847 Chapter 19.23 Wanlun Northern Final Kill

On May 5th in the Wanlun Continent, the third major battle in the north has come to an end.

The flexible defense strategy of Osima and the Sky Iron Star coalition after the Battle of the Tuomu Plain at the junction with Val made the victory more and more stable!He even cheated the Anglos who came to speculate.

In the northern part of the Tuomu Plain, on the north coast, a heavy army composed of more than 100 land battleships from Anglia landed here, landed on the front foot, and the sea supply line was locked by the Iron Star Air Force in the open sea on the back foot.
The Anglo heavy army group could not get support on the shore, and after enduring bombing and starvation for half a month, they failed to achieve any results in the end, while the combat groups on the two wings had been divided and surrounded, so they had to choose a "big retreat".

In this great retreat, which was defeated by the Anglo Provisional Government, 15 Anglos lost all their equipment and fled in small boats.

Note: If you don't retreat, wait until the Iron Star has settled the two wings, and then encircle the pincers, that is the end of the "Battle of Stalingrad" against Paulus.

Perhaps, as the fat Lord of the Admiralty at Anglo Whitehall put it: this retreat was to keep the Anglos "vigorous."The Anglos will continue to fight in the air, sea, and land.

But in fact, this was the correct decision before Iron Star carried out a complete plan to destroy Anglo.

Iron Star really wants to hit Anglia hard, not a hasty amphibious landing, nor a continuous offensive air strike, but a blockade. Iron Star has never had the arrogance of "destroying an industrial country in three months". To win an industrial country, you must survive its strategy exhausted.

Wei Keng: Submarines are used to block the ocean, the fleet patrols the shore, and thousands of large rockets are mass-produced, and tens of thousands of them are bombarded at the docks for three or four years, reducing the efficiency of its fleet.Locked strategically.This is how the British played the Dutch in the age of sail in the main world.

...Wei Keng: If you are not sure about the war of destroying the country, don't start it, keep a margin to suppress it...

In the current situation, Commander Poma of Valor will not be so stupid that he can't even understand the situation.
After the frustration of the Anglo landing fighters, he could only sadly order the Central Army to retreat quickly.But such a retreat means that the encirclement and annihilation of the two wings of Vale is a foregone conclusion, and a total of more than 50 land cruiser units will be completely wiped out.

…The Holy Great Wall is cruising in the sky, monitored by ether concept satellites, there is no safe launch site in Vail, and Poma can’t use nuclear weapons…

In Osima's battlefield factory on the Western Front, fifty "light tanks" (one-hundred-ton level) are quickly supplied to the front line every month, while the large mountain giant armor is four per month.

On Vail's side, six large land cruisers roll off the production line every month.

The industrial production capacity of both sides is more than half a catty.But the loss rate is already one to three, which makes it absolutely unbearable for Vaner.

At the level of super weapons, the two sides have also come up with their own technological systems to confront.

When Poma led the Vernon College of Engineering, completely released the "chain reaction upper limit" in information obstacle avoidance on a large scale, and released mass-produced nuclear bombs.

Iron Star has played with the "quantum tunneling" technology, and with the strengthening of aerospace technology, it has developed the "Sky Furnace System".

Wei Yun: Let me explain. This system is based on the satellite outside the atmosphere to store energy, and emits an ion beam with the heat of 1 tons of standard coal per second to the bottom to strike for one minute.

On the northern front, the Vail land cruiser only launched six nuclear weapons, all of which were fired from cannons. The range of the nuclear bombs was [-] kilometers, but after each launch, a fiery beam of light would fall from space, penetrating the land where the nuclear weapons were launched Thick armored cover on top of cruiser.

…Wei Keng, who read the time-quake space-time (command and conquer area) weapon information: Conceptual construction of weapons, let's do it. …

Outside the battlefield, at the diplomatic level, the two major groups are also mobilizing all available forces.

Faner seems to have many allies, but after the fight, it is confirmed that these allies are already overwhelmed.

Saturn comrades in the southern continent of Iron Star, although they are all poor brothers at present, but Saturn is holding back other imperialist colonial countries to dispatch resources from overseas for Iron Star.

If it is said that any industrial country in the northern continent fought against the old overlords like Anglo and Vail in the past, it was tantamount to fighting against the whole world. Now the linkage between the iron star in the north and Saturn in the south has cut off the supply of Vail and Anglo, allowing them to fight against the whole world. At that time, there was no world imperial power, and it became a regional industrial country.

...Wei Keng: But in essence, this war against imperialism was fought correctly...

For a group of countries, when it is in its own right and strong, it feels that "correctness" is a burden, which prevents itself from exercising coercion as a hegemony, and wants to usurp and add more meaning to it.

But when power is no longer dominant, such as Vail and Anglo, now facing Iron Star, the old colonial officers from top to bottom are increasingly discovering that in this mutual confrontation between you and me, how can you stand? Struggling in all aspects is useless.Because it is no longer possible to call on people to work hard for a war that divides the interests of a few people.

St. Great Wall, the guy who knows how to find the right posture to attack, has introduced in detail in many battlefield leaflets that Val is a war between big nobles and big capitalists.

The leaflets will not make the Armed Forces of Vail look away, but after many defeats, the Armed Forces of Vail are in a state of complete rigidity without any improvement.Because improvement requires people to participate, and if people want to participate in building new things, it is necessary to ensure fairness.

Just like a game where you want to create a guild, if the distribution in your guild is unfair, everyone may not quit because there is no other guild to join, but they will definitely not respond to the event.

Therefore, in this war, the armored forces did not have motorcycle formations to detect before the war, and they still do not.Aviation forces attack in the airspace according to their own plans, but they do not coordinate with the ground.

The Vanir airship aircraft carrier sat and watched many times when its own armored forces were wiped out after they left, but shirked responsibility and couldn't coordinate because the ground did not protect the area's air defense.

Even though there are a few stubborn Vaer youths who want to do something, after entering the battlefield, when discussing how to change the system, they find that they are all lazy dogs.

Facing the suggestions of a few young men, these lazy dogs in military uniforms confessed in their hearts: You want to develop new tactics, how can you prove that your new tactics are useful?Why don't you let us try it, in the end it's our fault, and by the way, it's yours, I'm an idiot, right?

...Vaner elites will only blame their teammates for being too low-matched to keep up with themselves, but they don't think about themselves at all...

On the leaflet, Zheng Nian ridiculed Fan Er who was jumping up and down on the radio broadcasting and preaching Fan Er's light and justice: In this kind of war, after you die in battle, you expect those fat-headed people to put you first, oh?No, no, they always put their business partners in the first place whether they can monopolize resources and markets after the war. Whether you will get your death pension is not certain!

Zheng Nian imitates the tone of bureaucracy: because the archives have been deposited for a long time, "accidental" loss occurred, oh, this may be blamed on our Iron Star, because of irreversible factors in the war between Vail and Iron Star, many "important" (yin and yang strange air cavity ) are lost, not just your pension files.

…Narrator: The archives of any country will definitely be lost, but the more interests are involved, the more serious the commercial and private involvement will be “deliberately” lost…

Wei Keng concluded to Zheng Nian: "He is a professional in murdering and punishing people. Hey, and he himself always demands to be correct, and he will not be broken by the same questioning! This victory was achieved by him, and the follow-up people Don’t dare to forget him, and forgetting him is tantamount to denying your own legitimacy.”

On May 5th, the final descent was already taking place on the Northern Continent. With a super-large sacrificial ceremony, a super-large-scale concept field from outside the sky is descending. This is the divine descent.

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