out of cage

Chapter 848 Chapter 19.23 "Insect Removal" in Southern Old Land

POV returns to the south.Also on the 29th, a "biochemical and necromancer crisis" trying to ruin the world is being indulged, and it happened in the southern continent.

Nudge began to station troops near various water sources, and then opened unknown iron cages and poured them into the water sources. Afterwards, a large number of biological mutations appeared on both sides of the southern continent, but they were quickly discovered by the local guerrillas, and a large amount of information was transmitted to the Southern Saturn.

Thanks to Yun Li standing on the human side at this time, the laboratory quickly obtained a piece of information, and it was determined that this was necromancy. Special organic bacteria infected by the virus were sprinkled into the water, and these bacteria came into contact with After reaching humans, there will be gene editing, which will mutate normal people into genetically polluted creatures!

After testing the water quality in the laboratory, Yunli showed: Of course, this process is not incomprehensible to human beings. It only needs to sprinkle three thousandths of salt and boil it to solve it.

Of course, the cases in the Iron Star medical group have also proved that even if humans are infected with the power of the dead, as long as they are adjusted in time, the virus can be suppressed by consuming corresponding food and exercising.The death rate is about one in ten thousand.

Biao Ke interrogated Yun Li deeply: After the virus infects and weakens human beings, will it make it easier for other matching bacteria to invade?
As a biochemical expert, Yun Li answered everything she knew, and she also cooperated in making a verification experiment design for what she didn't know.

In this bio-chemical war, the southern Saturn coordinated all the base regions to do a lot of work.

65 related biological scientific research projects have obtained extensive data collection, including focusing on the speed of various biological mutations at multiple spreading points, and daily sampling of water sources.

Citizens of non-industrial countries always feel that this is too "rigorous" when they look at the steps of industrial countries.

But now that Saturn has completed the transformation of thinking and cognition, cadres have recorded these seemingly "difficult" projects proposed by scientists one by one, assigned tasks to the following, and carried out unconditional execution.

This kind of excellent execution ability and the posture of submitting and gathering the materials made Yunli silently admit a reality: the southern continent will not be colonized in the future.

...The millennium's dark night will eventually come to an end...

On May 5, Saturn on the southern line carried out a battle against an Anglo regiment-level undead army at Blacksmith Port, an inland river port.

These undead soldiers are fearless in operating industrial machinery.

There is a large black steaming robot, and its observation system includes a fan-shaped observation window on the front, mechanical eyes like two headlights, and an observation point hanging like an anglerfish. Green glow.

Of course, on the frontier, Saturn used the "necronomicon code" obtained from Yun Li to interfere with the Anglo's spiritual frequency band. Within 10 minutes, these necromancers fell into chaos and began to attack freely without any clue.

So in this chaos, a mortar shell fell into the charging undead army, and the dexterous wire sprinkled in front of them also blocked all these mindless living undead, and they were shot by guns. die.The guns hit these flesh and blood bodies, and the flesh and blood were blown away, but the bones were black, like an apple with a broken core and blackened.

There were no prisoners during the whole process. Although they were flesh and blood after being bombed to death, they were still dead spirits in essence. If they didn't judge by themselves, they would eventually be blown to pieces under artillery fire.

After winning this battle, Saturn obtained the most precious sample of "Necromancer Agent" in the armored core vehicle, which was the key to Saturn's subsequent victory in this "Necromancer Biochemical" battle.

…Wei Keng: There are always some guys who lose their way, neglect their supervision, go against the law, and blame the destiny not on me...

On the other side, the ambush in which thousands of undead soldiers died was not in the eyes of the Anglo commander.

Nudge is worrying about the economy under his command. He has initiated martial law in all cities, and forced rich people from all parties in the city to enter the meeting and borrow money. Well, he locked them in the house and forcibly seized them to hand over the funds.

In order to raise funds for the military, Nutrient has already started to "kill dogs to feed their hunger". The compradors of each family were broken into by soldiers, and then there were odd jobs and women crying.

Of course, he has severely damaged the commercial rule of the Valor Kingdom here, and even broke the tacit understanding between the army and the Oak Harbor Governor's Mansion.To use Anglo news reports: the behavior of the commander of the southern colonial army is shocking.

Biao Ke complained: The truly frightening undead plague was easily passed by Anglo's wartime mouthpiece.

...Biochemical warfare is to deceive people and self, and it will do more damage to cities with high population density. …

By June 6, how serious was the plague of death after the outbreak?As an Anglo ally, Siroll could no longer bear it, and began to unilaterally shrink its forces, and its strategy also shrunk.

And the panic caused by this contraction has also caused a large number of refugees, and a large number of people began to rush towards the port of Xirol.

Of course, Xi Luoer has no ability to discriminate, they can only send dozens of hundreds of soldiers to block the key arteries, and then fire shots to drive them away!But still unable to stop the dense crowd of refugees, they began to flock to the city.

...Silore has no strength to respond to Ver's request now, and launched an attack on the north...

This shows the difference in governance capabilities. For industrial cities such as Yanjiabao under its command, Saturn has completed multiple diversion areas in advance, allowing them to wait in multiple areas to receive food, and at the same time mobilized more than [-] cadres to screen refugees isolation.

In short, in the Saturn organization, there are many people with various attributes, but there is no confusion.It was a wartime system at work that was no less industrial than the modern state of the North.However, those northern pioneering countries did not have the ability to rule in the colonies.

In the cities liberated by Saturn, those spirits who had accumulated in the aristocratic class for thousands of years first used old methods to flatter them: for example (Saturn) General xx was far-sighted.Wear high hats like "love the people like a son" and "a great benefactor in the south".Trying to get on the bus.

When Saturn doesn't give them the fast lane, they collude with the outside world to wreak havoc.

For example, between June 6st and 1th, several rescue sites in some cities on Saturn were attacked by these reactionary forces. These people deliberately robbed supplies and killed grassroots cadres.

The Saturnian cadres in the area mobilized massive militia forces to begin dealing with these headwinds.

Of course, Saturn was not polite about this, and rose to the class level, taking this opportunity to start a general liquidation of the local feudal class, and began to clean up these intertwined relationships that have been entrenched in the country for hundreds of years

At this critical moment, there is no time to screen out this class one by one, so in the process, this class that is holding back the society has the obligation to clarify itself.

Beginning in June, these regional groups of feudal ideology panicked and distanced themselves, began to seek self-preservation, and of course some began to resent, and began to actively collude with the Anglo colonial army in an attempt to retaliate against this tide.

After the landowner was confiscated, he was so angry that he ate the same cornbread like a mud leg, so he started to do it.

At the temporary decision-making meeting on the east side of Yanjiabao, Red: On the southern continent, we need a clear counterattack against imperialism.

go to bed early.

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