out of cage

Chapter 855 Chapter 19.27 May 5th, God has no backup

Chapter 855 Chapter 19.27 May 5th, God has no backup
On the morning of May 5th, outside the upcoming main theater, the ants were ignorant of fate.Even some so-called "heroes" don't know that they are about to face their fate as pawns.

At the junction of southern Anglo and Val, there is a glass sand dune, which used to be an ancient city in the end of the Dharma era. In the heroic descent ceremony nine years ago (Chapter 17.31), the mystics of Val were unearthed in the east of the glass sand dune. Ancient heroes were summoned from the altar.Then there are a large number of sand monsters as followers of ancient heroes who rebuild ancient factories here.From a microscopic point of view, all the particles of the sand monster are tiny nano-robots.

The predecessors of these sand monsters are very clearly recorded in the glass sand dunes. They were nobles who lived in this city in ancient times. Because of their pursuit of immortality, they finally became this kind of monsters.

Those nobles who pursued immortality thousands of years ago obtained the result of "immortality" after untold hardships, which was also a black joke made by the gods indifferently, but after living for so many years, it seems that they have received some kind of enlightenment again , reincarnated as Vail's contract ally in the southern desert area.

For this non-human being, Poma, the ruler of Val, provided a robot body transformed into a human form, allowing them to regain the perception of heat and cold, and the human perception of color discrimination. Of course, these mechanical bodies still cannot distinguish between sweet and bitter.

This kind of "peaceful coexistence" of humans and robots living in a mechanical city is regarded as a model by the Valiant bureaucrats, and many Romantic Valiant writers also come here to enjoy "equality" and "fraternity". atmosphere.

Yet the world is bloody, and any covenant between two groups rests solely on so-called friendship.Sooner or later it will break.Because friendship is often maintained by interests,
Val provided these sand monsters, a large number of industrial machinery, um, of course, to mine the rich non-ferrous metal minerals in the local underground.

Of course, if you rely on interests to maintain friendship without rational planning, the interests generated by the alliance will breed greed at any time.Greed will expand infinitely.

The wars in Val these years have repeatedly required the sand monsters here to speed up mining in the contract, which made the patience of the local ethnic groups less and less.And as these southern elemental sand monsters gradually began to replicate industries underground, they began to move around.

So at this moment when "friendship" was faltering, a saint descended at this time, adhering to the will of God, and let the sand monsters here serve Valer again.

...The story of the sand monster is actually not important, what is important is this land, which is also a suitable place for the gods to descend...

Duke (Poma's stand-in) came here by train, looking at the pyramids in the desert along the way, as well as the flickering metallic animal clusters, silently thinking about something.According to ancient mysticism, the sand monster is a gravel puppet, but according to current science, it is the silicon element in the gravel that forms a semiconductor, and then turns into a nano group.

Today, these flowing nanoswarms began to enter the bodies of the original large animals here. After the semi-mechanical and even electrical transformation of the organisms was completed, the ecological changes in the south were disastrous.

People can see a corundum eye that can be opened and closed on the forehead of a lion with a quartz sandy skin, which can emit strong laser light. In the river, there is a hippopotamus creature with a yellow sand texture. This hippopotamus does not have any long-range attacks. Power, but the spikes that pop out from its back are enough to cut through any large ship.

Biological hardening, this is a term put forward by Faner scholars after the investigation two years ago. They believe that this kind of hardening has brought a lot of impact on ecology. All high-end species will use inorganic information particles in this evolutionary competition. become a necessary condition for survival.

But no one knows what it feels like when this organic body becomes a mechanical body.

...on the multiplane, all immortality comes with a curse...

At present, there are all kinds of magnificent rock pyramid buildings on both sides of the railway, large petrified statues, and the real phenomenon of biological golden blood in the literature.Of course, it is recorded in the literature that because of being obsessed with such magnificence, it led to inexplicable disasters, and everything was attributed to the tragedy of Huangsha.

In recent years, with the advancement of industrial technology on the mainland, industrial products have spread.

The "sand people" here are also taking advantage of the technology of this era and the increasingly strong material production industry to start tinkering with some things that do not conform to the style of this era.Here organic human beings also have geometric edges and corners, both men and women have awl faces.

Among them, some of the animals domesticated by them began to grow in size while their organisms hardened.

These war elephants with a body length of more than 30 meters, semi-erect giant snakes, lasers and particle beam weapons carried between their brows, began to increase in power.

According to many natural plots in the past history of this world, a new force is about to debut, and then it will shine in this world. When the mortal world cannot cope, a certain human being chosen by God will complete the trial.

Today, this plot is more like a hero selected by the gods to awaken this ancient power, ready to intervene in the battle of contemporary humans, and curb the expansion of the contemporary "evil" here.

At 27 o'clock in the morning on the 7th, in front of the core pyramid, Duke stepped off the train. As a heroic force chosen by God at this time, he appeared on the stage holding a holy object. The sandstone immortal priests who have been cursed for dozens of centuries At this time, the electronic eyes began to flash blue expectations.

The appearance of this holy object is the forgiveness of God.

However, these days, what God said doesn’t count. Just as Duke was carrying the holy relic to the steps of the pyramid, a radar scanning beam appeared in the sky. Duke stopped in front of the steps, his face twitching.

Hundreds of stars fell from the starry sky, and then burst into flames that burned everything.central pyramid,

The ancient hero looked up at the God Realm, and the expression in his eyes returned to the helpless anger at the end of the curtain.This era does not belong to the golden race, and was once again abandoned by the gods, and burned into a glazed state in the raging fire

(End of this chapter)

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