out of cage

Chapter 856 Chapter 19.28 Head-to-head contest on May 5

Chapter 856 Chapter 19.28 Head-to-head contest on May 5
On the morning of July 5.

The Zhengnian assault group took the teleportation array and quietly embedded in the rear of Verda, almost at the border with Anglo, preparing for the "shielding plan".

At the same time, on the large frontal battlefield between Iron Star and Vail, a general front strike operation began.

On this front, more than 70 divisions of Osima and Sky Iron Star began to respond to the second wave of military adventures in Vale.The gathering of so many troops by Iron Star will not advance the front line, but like pincers, it will target the military group that Verna has invested in for revenge.

Su Ni: As long as this military group is destroyed, the basis for Poma to maintain the power of God in Verne will be gone.

The combat plan set on the 25th began to be implemented.Various logistics transport teams of Osima shuttle between the forward train station and the backup combat readiness warehouse.

The Osima port train dragged missiles to the front line and ran back and forth three times.

The missile force launched a total of fifteen waves, 340 and seven ballistic missiles.Oh, this thing does not necessarily have to be absolutely high-tech. In today's basic industry, as long as the standard is lowered, it can be mass-produced.

How low have the standards dropped?It is completely liquid fuel missile level.

The pre-war launch required a sufficient two hours, and it was impossible to achieve the speed of erecting and launching within 10 minutes.

Liquid fuels are diesel and nitrous oxide. The 13-meter-long rocket body is generally a steel shell, and its range is only [-] kilometers instead of [-] kilometers.

If there is peace, Osima will take pains to make high-strength plastics or carbon fibers to reduce weight and extend range in preparation for the next war.

Now this is a V2-level rocket. In the [-]st century, only one large company is needed to produce it in an industrial country. This thing can be done by a core team of college students and a group of junior high school students.

Oh, it is still very difficult for third-rate countries in the [-]st century, because it is possible to collect [-] million or [-] million. Third-rate countries really want to gather thousands of serious engineering professionals to form a team to carry out "dangerous" research and development. America's intelligence personnel infiltrated, bought, and assassinated the core backbone.

In short, rockets are not difficult. What is difficult is a series of guarantees for society, logistics, and personnel organization and management in industrial countries.

For example, now, the reason why Osima can make liquid rockets form a key combat force in this war.

First of all, the production and manufacturing process has repeatedly reviewed the family and ideological orientation of all personnel.Then they offered enough high salary and benefits, even family members, education, and pensions were all covered.

The free economic commentators in Anglo have repeatedly criticized Osimah for the high salary and easy work of certain jobs.It does not take into account that if personnel are too "complicated" in the name of freedom, for some positions, even if they are capable, they are unstable. For the social management structure, the cost of "identifying people" is also a cost. a non-negligible cost.

The second is the frontier transportation of missiles. The entire launch equipment and dozens of tons of dangerous things have to be transported to the front line for [-] kilometers under the enemy's various investigative forces, without any mistakes in the middle!
Osima dispatched the missiles to the front line. The train station, truck drivers, and transportation departments along the way mobilized more than 10 people. They kept radio silent throughout the whole process. They didn't know what they were transporting, only knowing that it was the highest-level transportation task.At the same time, there is one's own air cover to protect it 24 hours a day.

When they finally arrived at the front line on time, the soldiers risked their lives to assemble the shelter nets within two hours.

Therefore, even with the performance of the missile, there is a possibility of being hit during the launch step, but the excellent organization controls it very firmly, and the Mortals can't use the time window to fight back at all.

The missile launch process is proficient, and the surrounding troops are covered and defended, which belongs to the complex battle system.

In the twenty-first century.If you want to fight a fast-paced war centered on missiles, let alone those third-rate countries that failed to complete the second industrial revolution, even second-rate countries such as Germany and Japan that have been castrated by bald eagles cannot do it!
Don't look at the second-rate countries that have done a good job in components and are bound to the hegemonic military system, so they can buy some high-tech.But as a human civilized society, the consensus on dealing with such "civilized normality" events as war has been abolished.

...Osima is against Val, a young man with vigor penetrating his dantian violently beats an old guy who is paralyzed...

On the morning of the 25th, after Su Ni backed up the command center, he moved the first command system to his tank, and began to patrol the forward positions.
At this time, more than 60 groups of mobile vehicle radars within a few hundred kilometers around have been networked, and the "circle" radar scanning surfaces on the system interface are overlapped and covered on the map.

Iron Star's Dragon Guard system prepares for combat in the air and conducts standardized briefings with ground forces.

The frequency of this notification ensures that both sides in the air and ground know the characteristics of their own armed forces, so any foreign force entering the airspace at this time will not only be locked by the ground system, but also the air system will come to intercept it.

Zheng Nian was very satisfied with this: "Air-to-air is a net, and ground-to-air is also a net." Then he said to Su Ni: "Why do I feel that your technical route seems to be targeting me." Su Ni: " Well, be prepared."

Industrial countries attacking non-industrial countries is to reduce dimensionality through industrial output, while fully industrial countries attacking semi-industrial countries is the crushing of the social system.

In the air force, the Wei Keng splits mixed in the battle queue drove the deformed mecha, and took priority to rush to the front to complete the reconnaissance mission.

With the reply of a group of data, the position of the enemy's position where the smoke column of destruction rises is finally determined.Each of these destruction points corresponds to the marked position.

Wei Keng, the chief statist, gathered his will and muttered: "Oh, this is the war I am good at."

Wei Keng's most suitable battle is when mortals stand on the high ladder of the times and look down on the geniuses standing on the floor.The ridiculous bouncing of those "big talents" who stomped and collapsed the basics.

Why make a hero when ordinary people can solve things with organizational skills?In other words, "heroes" don't have to be made through mortal stupidity.

In the battle on the southern front on May 5, in just 26 hours, the Iron Star military system accurately destroyed [-] enemy targets, that is, after each missile was hit, there were aerial bombing units behind it to make up for it. knife!Then the land raid force quickly rushed to the front line and cleaned them up one by one with shells.Zheng read how the landing assault on the northern front was played, and Wei Keng gave an enlarged version of it on the front front.

The victory belongs to the devotees under the entire Iron Star order, such as the transport workers on the railway, the safety and quality inspectors in the factory, and the missile failure working group that followed the truck team directly to the front line for maintenance, and promoted the camouflage network in each road section Volunteers, these are anonymous people who cannot be publicized.

In contrast to the always busy Iron Star area, the unbusy Vern area, oh, from south to north, thousands of kilometers of fronts have been bombed like chickens and dogs.Afterwards, they were continuously rounded up by the Iron Star mechanized troops who "just happened to" arrive.

Master Wei did not learn from the bald eagle's "sent out to the ground and I lose", that kind of method that tries to solve the problem only by bombing.

This, like "zero casualties", is a gimmick created by laymen.

War is pragmatic, and it is the most realistic struggle of "life and death". In order to reach the victory node faster and better, the variables are minimized.

After the air force bombed, it was to strengthen the army to carry out cohesion operations.

Narrator: The U.S. imperialism is like that. After the air force bombs, the squad infiltrates, or sends a combat group to attack.In the early modern era, when bloody small countries were tormented, it could be boasted that the air force was too powerful. However, in the middle and late modern era, after the myth of its invincibility was shattered, an objective analysis of the weakness of the U.S. military showed that the "navy, army, and air force" had weak coordination in battles.

Speaking of which, this is an old problem in the Second World War, and the air force's accidental bombing has not been solved for a long time.Therefore, the gimmick of "zero casualties" is just that the US Navy and Air Force cannot coordinate the Army, so they let the Marine Corps squad controlled by themselves complete priority ground tasks.This can be done against small and weak countries, because under intense confrontation and the superiority of the U.S. air force, there are very few tasks to be done on land, but if it is against a country of the same size, the navy and air force will not be able to overwhelm the radar network and missile stronghold on land at one time. When the team goes ashore, they will be washed by drones.

In short, the U.S. military's "zero casualty" gimmick means that all the questions I didn't do well in the exam were kicked out, and I got a perfect score.

In the battle on May 5, Iron Star did not advance the front much!It just highlighted a few tiger's mouths and swallowed several groups in one gulp.

Within 70.00 hours, the three Valerian heavy equipment groups and fifteen divisions were all surrounded by the encirclement!And hit disabled [-]% of the heavy equipment!
This is the strategic purpose of Su Ni's iron star military staff group, not to advance, but to collapse the Vail front.

...Wei Keng's "love" towards Poma: I'm not trying to destroy the country, I'm letting you die. …

Therefore, on the 26th, the Vernon headquarters was bombarded by the situation that came from the front, and the enemy and friend marks on their maps could not be clearly drawn out, because Iron Star's integrated operations were too fast, and their frontier combat marks were all marked. It's not sure how much combat power their troops have left, and of course, it's even less clear how many troops the Iron Star has interspersed with.

All in all, on the 26th, the courage and arrogance of Ver's generation were buried here.Memories of tragic military adventures will be engraved deep in the souls of all people.

After the big annihilation battle on the front line, even if there is an intelligence report, there is no way to care about the little flame that popped up on the buttocks of the back line, even if there are caring people in Valle to pay attention to it!At this time, the entire Vall command group was too busy.

Wei Keng, a villain among mortals, has made great progress in his destiny here, and he is determined to bow his head to God.

(End of this chapter)

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