out of cage

Chapter 857 Chapter 19.28 Starlight on the Phoenix Constellation

Chapter 857 Chapter 19.28 Starlight on the Phoenix Constellation
The perspective shifted from the main battlefield of Verland to the rear, and Su Ni and Zheng Nian decided to destroy the latter (Poma finally expected a miracle) together.

In the early morning of the 27th, Zheng Nian had already led the light mechanized troops to the enemy's rear. Compared with the heavy blow with the big ax on the frontal battlefield, this is a steel needle!
At the same time, Su Ni, who had been in charge of fighting on the northern front for a whole day, also handed over the command to Iron Star to carry out the second phase of the operation, while he rushed to the southern front to stand by.At this time, Liu Yina, the combat force on the southern front, had already taken charge of all the work.

Su Ni connected with Liu Yina who was in the battle mech on the front line. Liu Yina was the divisional combat commander. After Su Ni entered the field, it was considered that the combat command system was fully connected and knew the content of the current "shielding plan".

In the military, Su Ni and Zheng Nian, as the "specific tactical execution" and "staff planning" of this military operation, have the highest right to know on the battlefield.

For the rest of the commands, in order to ensure confidentiality, all preparations are made in the subsystem according to the requirements, and then the wiring starts at the scheduled time node, (this is the same as during the college entrance examination, the sealing volume is only disconnected 1 minute before the exam ).

At four o'clock on the 27th, Liu Yina really understood what Su Ni and Zheng Nian, the two supreme commanders of the Dragon Guard system, wanted to do?
... Su Ni: I have to pull the god down, Zheng Nian: I have to stick out a bamboo pole and poke the god...

This lady who stayed up late sat in the mecha, and her whole body was connected to the induction motor in the cockpit.This young lady combed her single ponytail and stuffed it into the exclusive groove on the back of the mechanical suit. Facing the greetings from Zheng Nian and Su Ni, she nodded confidently and said, "The shield team is ready." Of course this lady knew , under this system, I am just a routine, and those two greetings to me are also routine.

Seven o'clock in the morning, that is, on the ground, Duke (Poma stand-in) just got off the train, in the silicon-based desert.

Zheng Nian is also waiting for an opportunity on the sea.It is here that the "God's Fall" event that Duke saw from a distance in the desert started.

Pa pa pa pa, Su Ni, who had just finished four hours of sleep, slapped his forehead fiercely with toilet water on his palms.After a busy day on the front line of the frontal battlefield, this mode can only be used to refresh oneself.

However, when he leaned back on the driver's seat, Su Ni's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly felt that the corners of Zheng Nian's mouth seemed to be a little bent on the communication interface.

Su Ni coughed: "This is a unique pre-war blessing ceremony in my hometown. It is said that the golden star on the head means that this battle can be won. Why don't you try it."

Zheng Nian: "Mmm, um, thank you for praying for me." He looked harmless to humans and animals, and his eyes clearly said: "You are a big fool x"

25 minutes later, in an area 27 kilometers outside the enemy's line of defense.

Su Ni was under surveillance, watching the clouds in the sky over Zhengnian turning upside down, and then asked through the comprehension technique: "Is this somersault necessary?"

Zheng Nian: "The radar beam from the opposite side is coming."

Su Ni was taken aback for a moment, watched Zheng Nian's operation of suddenly pulling up and spiraling around the radar beam, and frowned: "Obviously it can be avoided by diving at low altitude."

Zheng Nian: "In that case, the speed will drop." (The tone of the answer is particularly confident. Because this is his field of strength)

Su Ni let out a sigh of relief and said, "I heard that the deceleration device in the cockpit is brand new!"

Zheng Nian nodded proudly: "That device is just in case, but most of the time, stepping on the brakes will consume fuel."

A few minutes later, he deployed the field beam, and began to mark [-] active targets on the sky and ground (locked at all times), and thousands of targets on the ground (locked intermittently every five seconds).

During this process, Zheng Nian suddenly accelerated, broke into the enemy's air defense circle, and then cut out before his radar locked on.

He swept over with a batch of missiles behind him, and saw outside Zheng Nian's cockpit that after his wingman began to circle around in the clouds, he pulled out a series of presumptuous wake clouds in the sky.

Tens of seconds later, all those air planes trying to catch up with the fart were all blown up in the air.

The aircraft that Van Er eliminated from the Dune factory were all biplane fighter jets decades ago. When the missiles hit, they never escaped the lock of the field beam from the beginning to the end, and just watched the missiles whizzing over.

Narrator: Out of political balance considerations, Poma dare not give the jet fighter technology to this "siliconization of life" force.

After the air power in the sand dune area exploded, a few minutes later, the steam vehicle team fused with the people on the angular sand dunes on the ground was swept away by the missile rain that swept across the ground power again.

It can be seen in the sky that a large number of slender explosion smoke columns rise from the entire land, just like bean sprouts. The range of this "bean sprout field" is seven or eight kilometers in diameter.Although there is no doomsday oppression of the kind of destruction that nuclear weapons deliver.

But in an instant, the earth was whipped, and a large number of pyramids were penetrated deeply by a three-ton tungsten steel ground penetrating bomb, directly into the heart of the underground palace. He bit his tongue in surprise.

Rescue is a one-time finish! The "God of Moment" won a rare divine drop point in the mortal world and was defeated.

And Su Ni made his own assessment. If he did it by himself, his firepower could only lock on to fifty air targets at the same speed as him and three hundred high-mobility land targets within five minutes, or one hundred targets at a time. A low-speed (airship) target, or two thousand ground fixed targets (military strongholds), right now, only black tigers have to worry about it.

The scale of the team led by Su Ni is much higher than that of Zheng Nian this time.Therefore, the radar traces of Su Ni's Dragon Guard team in the air will be more obvious, giving the enemy more time to react, and the war is changing rapidly, and every step is more variable.

Wei Keng had to admit that even though he chased for a long time, compared with Zheng Nian, who was also making progress, he was still behind. With this interspersed speed and rhythm, he was far inferior to Sheng Changcheng.

After the air strike was over, Iron Star's lightly armored troops landed on a glider at a distance of [-] kilometers, started the engine and began the assault, and the artillery fire wiped out the remaining troops on the ground.

Zheng Nian, who was free, said to Su Ni after completing the deployment of the task: "How about it, have you learned it? One day, you will also drive a high-speed mech, and get closer to this combat mode?" The look of the elder brother with the younger brother.

Su Ni glanced at this guy who had grown up in his other body, and couldn't help feeling: Now, what's the matter, I want to hold an umbrella for myself?
Zheng Nian: "By the way, Su Ni, let me ask you a question."

Su Ni: "What's wrong?"

Zheng Nian: "Well, can you see the stars between the three and four main stars of the Phoenix constellation?"

Su Ni paused, Zheng Nian had asked this question to the split body of Liusi.Including Su Ni, the individuals on the mainland raised their heads and looked in the direction of the Phoenix constellation, making sure that they couldn't see anything there.

A few seconds later, Zheng Nian also seemed to realize that Su Ni didn't know.

However, this time, Zheng Nian did not claim that he could see it (did not emphasize his specialness), but jokingly said: "Don't look, idiot, that's the gold star that popped out when you slapped your forehead!"

(End of this chapter)

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