out of cage

Chapter 858 Chapter 19.29 Poma gave up his role in "Winning"

Chapter 858 Chapter 19.29 Poma gave up his role in "Winning"

At 5:26 on May 9, Liuina was in the central command tower of Osimar. At this time, various interfaces on the command platform displayed the joint command situation of the entire Osimar Sea Fleet, air transport aircraft and other 57 units in combat.

The current action is to respond to the return of the Holy Great Wall Corps after the attack on the southern front.

On the ground, she was immersed in the frontier battlefield screen projection projected by the projection.

Batch after batch of missiles galloped overhead, setting off intermittent explosions in the distance.On her screen was a picture of the light mech troops scouting along the roads and waterways.At this moment, she was sure that the formation of Land Cruisers standing in front of her had turned into pieces of burning scrap iron.

Judging carefully, the Land Cruisers deployed by Van Er in this rear line are all equipment decommissioned 200 years ago, that is, the master units that were originally lying in the armament warehouse. Added rivets.Of course, its aging concept field also took a lot of work to restart.

…Poma used Verne’s blood and courage, but did not prepare the conditions for these young people to “succeed”…

Nowadays, some constant changes in quantum tunneling and the advancement of nuclear power energy systems have made the latest generation of main battle equipment all land battleships with [-]-[-] tons facing up. Van Er’s land cruisers decades ago are now obsolete.

Don't analyze from a single indicator: old battleships can withstand small missile attacks, and then draw the conclusion that old battleships are not obsolete.

The radar information perception and speed of the old-fashioned warships, if they encounter an enemy warhead when they encounter an attack, they are definitely not "small-caliber" modern missiles, and there is a high probability that they are temporarily rough-installed guided air bombs.

Wei Keng: Your loopholes are so obvious that they can be penetrated, why don't I make them bolder?

War is about finding loopholes. The obsolescence of old equipment is not whether its strengths are still useful, but its weaknesses are too easy to be fatal under a more advanced system.

Faner military scientists did not understand this truth. These old military bureaucrats who were stubborn but refused to retire used a lot of old-fashioned equipment during the second mobilization.

Vernon's wartime propaganda department used long-legged beauties to stand in front of these large-caliber old-fashioned land cruisers to exaggerate the romance of war.It seems that the next battle with Iron Star is not "cruel", but that the young soldiers can do it as soon as they go up.

Politicians tend to ignore the consequences when they encourage young people.Let people who are inexperienced and easily deceived go into the wind and rain without an umbrella.

The second-hand land cruisers that Vaner barely started were all old guys 200 years ago, and they couldn't handle today's increasingly elite "hacking warheads".

...Multiple planes will record this historical moment, the people who have an advantage in numbers, laughing and laughing with stubbornness, arrogance, rushing to death...

Standing in the building, Poma watched his supporters climb into the Land Cruiser under the horn, and rode a motorcycle into the battlefield.

Narrator: As a time traveler, Poma is of course familiar with how to stand on the "skill" and learn from those historical celebrities on the earth to guide public opinion and achieve his own goals.Of course, this is an imitation of "shu", not "Tao".

Poma held the coffee with a sad expression on his face. All he did at this moment was forcefully hold Van Er's breath, waiting for the "miracle".In other words, when you cannot control your own destiny and wait for other people's actions to break the deadlock, then you have become a pawn.

At the same time, Poma didn't know that the "miracle" he was trying to summon had been sent away by Zhengnian and Su Ni's joint assault.

Poma looked at the "Youth Stormtrooper" laughing in and out of the roaring chariot, and began to reflect on "failure". Once upon a time, the "heavy armored cruiser" that was considered to be the characteristic of this plane was considered by Poma to be the key to the mistake. .

In the 1000-year development route of Land Cruisers, the "stacked armor" plan is a pile of "shit mountains" that are getting higher and higher. ("Mountain of Shit" is a special term for programmers, that is, bugs are not modified, and patch codes are continuously added based on bugs, so that it is getting higher and higher.)
Why haven't Anglo and Vail failed to change in this era?
That is, Iron Star's first-mover advantage is too strong, and Saint Great Wall is too good at being the top, creating a huge barrier to entry.

Wei Keng complained: Anglo and Vail require the armament of the "advanced opponent generation" to maintain their advantages, so when the Dragon Guard Corps cannot maintain their technological advantages and they have not been beaten, the old guard thinks this thing useless.

Of course Pomerania is not so self-reflective.

Poma looked through the materials of the "Swan Knights" on the Anglo side. The Anglos formed a dragon guard unit, but they were "unable to attack" and had no "defense", and could not even last a round.

Poma sighed, and resentfully said: During the four or five years since the Great Wall was unveiled, in the confrontation, the abruptly "pressed" Vail and Anglo technology trees were bent.

However, there seems to be a mockery singing in Poma's ear: If you want to get back, you must stop the war and truce, misunderstand, and pursue calmly.However, the "severance of colonial support" and the internal contradictions of "nationalist capital monopoly" will not give Vail and Anglo the strategic time to correct.

With a click, the coffee in Poma's hand fell to the ground, and Poma, who was hallucinating, turned around suddenly, as if he saw Kisuo who was killed by him, and Biao Ke who fled.

…where the Anglo-Vers meet, where the “miracle” of Poma’s hopes has come…

In the pyramid after being hit by firepower in the southern dune area, numerous sandstorm tornadoes are being generated.In this tornado is the wrath of the ancient "undead".

Four hours after the blow, a glass man appeared in the burning altar. After the glass man cooled down, a lot of cracks appeared in his palms. He thought for a while, looking at the human corpse sent to the side, That is Poma's stand-in, strands of red-hot glazed threads were inserted into the human corpse, and then a large number of particles merged into the skin. Finally, the human with lava cracks on the skin stood up.

The glass pupils looked at the world, but the king of the feast in ancient times sensed the breath of the gods in this world six seconds after his birth.Although it was [-] kilometers away, he looked in the direction of the Anglo temple.

In the area of ​​the Anglo Temple, Carus, who was reading a book, stared in this direction and snorted coldly.Fifteen hundred kilometers away, the king of the "undead" in the south was severely injured.

The entire carbon-based body that the undead just controlled was shattered on the spot, turning into a sandstorm on the altar again.But one hour later, the sandstorm condensed into a sandman again.

The sand man roared hoarsely: "Despicable xx!" (xx is an ancient curse word)

…Every ancient hero has a tragic story, of course, how can a story please the gods without a sad and ups and downs story. …

The man in the glass sand dunes was a hero in the Dharma-ending era. The ability that this hero is good at is contracts. In the Middle Ages, he could talk to various animals in the world and sign contracts. His contract does not occupy the amount , Unlimited, as small as the evil eye (a one-eyed owl that can release the death ray), as large as the dragon.

However, in ancient times, the God of Tempering and the God of Forging competed for the priesthood.

At that time, the hero who could summon all monsters in the mortal world was still in the old Forge God camp.

The God of Tempering used means, oh, it can be said to be disgraceful means, to lure him to betrayal, to steal the "flame" of the God of Forging.

In place of the real flame, the betrayed hero carries a "false flame" created by the god of precision (the goddess Wei Keng taunted at Osima).At that time the new gods were more united than the old gods
And that "False Flame" is also a fetish, and it is the item that Poma sends out to the priests to obtain.

In the history of that year, this hero who was originally qualified to be a noble person in the Kingdom of God.He was cursed by the God of Forging!Was turned into such an immortal appearance.At the same time, the God of Forging threw the "False Flame" to him, letting him bear it from generation to generation.

Back to the present, when Wei Keng and the new gods are in the battle of gods, when the God of Tempering believed in by Vul resumed his descent on this continent, because of Wei Keng, the originator of the "Industrial Godhead", It directly radiated all the "miracle" bearing points of his middle god, making it difficult for him to descend.

The "God of Industry" is the foundation of a series of "industrial extension concept" gods such as the God of Metal Refining. Although Master Wei ignores the Godhead of Industry, Industry is too close to Wei Keng after all. Many methods related to "industrial concepts" cannot be used.

The God of Metal Refining can only restart the "sacred objects" in the ruins of the old gods to perform divine descent,

...The topic goes back to the story of the hero's betrayal back then. …

A person's depravity is not only caused by temptation, but also because of his belief in the outside world, but he was betrayed in the end, so the evil seed in him burst out.

He changed his ability to contract with animal spirits, and began to target humans, and he could attach his will to any contractor.Of course, the contract can only allow him to be highly connected to each contractor, and it cannot make him omniscient about the huge number of contracted entities all the time.

The hero who had been betrayed for a while felt betrayed by God, and began to act perversely. Like God, he did not care about the pain of the weak. He centered himself, and in this way tried to make God pay attention to the injustice he encountered.

His behavior finally angered all the order gods, and also gave the gods (superiors) an excuse to destroy him.

In the end, it was still up to the God of Metal Refining to solve it.For this liberal king, the promise of "faithfulness" does not need to be talked about to the weak consciousness of this plane. If the "things" that have been used are disturbed, they will be destroyed.

As a result, the first industrial prehistoric nuclear strike on the Wanlun Continent turned the "King of the Feast" and his city into glass sand dunes.

Because it is still immortal when it becomes sand, the glass sand dune seals these living "quick sands" underground.

Until now, Fan Er also wants to launch the divine descent, to find the "Precise Illusion Cloud" through the holy object, that is, the "false flame", so he was unsealed.

But before the revived ancient hero had any further thoughts, he heard a humming sound from the sky.

...Zhong Zhengnian, the dragon guard in the air, looked at the guy on the sand dune on the ground, and completed the bombing without hesitation...

This "invincible Lu Bu" in ancient times was overwhelmed by the contemporary cloud explosion.

The residents in the dune city are semi-inorganized, and their slow-start life state is weaker than Iron Star (Wei Keng) expected.

Batches of airships on the Osima Sea came to the shore with light armored troops to meet the Zhengnian air combat team that had just broken through the sand dunes.

However, after the graphite warheads paralyzed large-scale power facilities, Su Ni turned the retreat into a drilling and annihilating operation directly against the Vail defense line.

Su Ni: The back of the opponent is empty. If we dismantle a little more, Faner's troops on the front line will shrink their defenses on a large scale.

As a result, Su Ni changed the plan temporarily, and launched a wave of attacks on all strategic targets such as transportation and energy in the [-]-kilometer-long narrow strip, allowing Su Ni to respond to the task from [-] points to [-] points. carry out an assignment.

All the armored vehicles of Vail have been sent to the front line. During this operation, Iron Star's response troops who landed from the sea encountered the only fighting troops, which may be some lightweight bio-modified mechanical knights.

Facing the attack of the Great Wall of Saints, these Faner reformed troops are almost like "inserting bids and selling first".

In other words, Ver's reformed corps here are only engaged in security warfare, and have never thought about dealing with regular warfare.

These Vaer "knights" are all loaded with steel joints, two or three tons of four-legged steel war horses, and the whole body is covered with black bulletproof armor. Rifle weapon.In short, the vigilante forces of the region to suppress mountain resistance.

Such cavalry may still have a slight impact on the infantry of the jeep, and when facing the tank, uh, even if it is an armed vehicle of ten tons and a [-]mm machine gun, it will die in pieces.The wreckage creaked.The steel skin on the body is at most the thickness of a steel helmet, and due to technical issues, it is not manganese steel. When facing close-range shooting, it is directly worn from one layer to another.Judging from the lance worn, it can even be said to be for close combat.

The only thing is that the will to fight seems to be very strong, the kind that don't hide when they rush into the tank, but when they open the armor, they have a lot of wires implanted on their foreheads, connected to the chip, and they were directly shocked to death by the current before they were captured. And the code on the skin shows that they are felons!But in a country with a complete system and a violent machine, how can there be so many people who have committed serious crimes?What's more, they are all young and strong soldiers.

ps: In modern times of peace, under the absolute order, physical disabilities, even women and juveniles, accounted for a high proportion of felons, because these people are social depressions, lack positive guidance, and have even been suppressed for a long time, leaving little room for maneuver. That's why you break the law.

Relatively speaking, people with relatively strong bodies have a lot of leeway in themselves, and the crime rate is very low.

Of course, in troubled times, that's another story.If the crimes of young and middle-aged males soar, for the Dilong ruling group, it is necessary to "extremely" start a war.

In the past few years, the economic crisis in Vail has also seen a series of workers' uprisings, but they were all suppressed in the city. Presumably, they were brought here in this way.

When these poor people who are regarded as "human machines" unplug the wires embedded in the electrodes on the back of their brains, climb out of the broken puppet mechs, and no longer accept the orders of the "bosses", for them This is not a kind of "victory".

(End of this chapter)

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