out of cage

Chapter 859 Chapter 19.29 The shaking of the building before it collapsed

Chapter 859 Chapter 19.29 (Extra) Shaking before the collapse of the building
At 4:34 p.m., complete the mission of destroying the "miracle" of Valer, and retreat to the safe area after success.

The armored troops who landed were teleported back to the ship, and then transferred safely from the Bohai area.Su Ni and Zheng Nian were based on the new battle situation and intercepted information about the connection between Vail and the Anglo mystics.Decided to get a big one.

The terrorist suppression of the Poma Group in Verne has been seen by the two guys from Iron Star.When facing the big mountain made by Poma.

The reason for the rescue action is: "If you have the conditions, you must actively strive for it." As for Wei Keng's motive: "Crime? Well, I am familiar with this activity!"

So, just like that, Iron Star ran thousands of miles across the Vernan Line, piercing through the southern line. It was not over yet, and it also pushed forward with the trend, the largest worker uprising in the history of Vernan.

On the night of May 5th, the frontal battlefield was beaten so badly that Val, who could not find the north, realized that the absolute rear of the southern line had been stolen. It was also in the rear, and the generals, including Poma, felt a chill in their necks. Hastily began to form "militia" units.

Oh, strictly speaking, the so-called "militia" is local armed forces.This is different from the second-line reserve that is directly affiliated to the center.

The public security forces in the Faner Neizhi area are not actually affiliated to the Faner Zhengfu, but the armed forces hired directly by the big company in Faner, similar to what Zeng Guofan and Li Hongzhang did in the late Qing Dynasty.This is not the same thing as the "militia" under the management of Iron Star.

Poma was drinking poison to quench his thirst, but Wei Keng sprinkled a lot of salt in it, so it wasn't thirsty.

After the city of Lyon, an important town in the south of Ver, followed the order from the center of Ver to form an armed force defense in the southern region, the local forces in this region excitedly began to recruit regional armed forces.

...Boma cannot see the suffering outside his throne, but Wei Keng feels the darkness of the rule all the time...

Lyon, as an important industrial town in Vernes, is a prosperous city with textile industry, paper industry, chemical industry, machine manufacturing, electrical machinery, artificial fiber, and dyestuff.It is also the city with the largest industrial contradictions under commercial and private governance.

On the North Street, rows of ground-powered walking mechas advanced in an evacuated formation.The chassis driven by the motor rotates the skull-carved turret, the muzzle of the black hole turns back and forth, and the square mechanical feet step out of depressions and cracks on the ground.But it is not so much a determination to swear an oath to fight against the outside world, it is better to say that it is an internal deterrent to express the ruling authority.

Because this is a force to suppress workers' uprisings.After such an armed parade, they did not drive directly to the front line, but the marshals selected by the regional chaebols stationed at the end zone to "protect" the factory.

Oh, by the way, in the name of tacitly acquiescing to strengthen the local defense during the war, these big companies seem to have raised the wages of the workers in these factories, but [-]% of the wages were "donated" to the local army.

How many reactionaries, in the name of "you must love a certain group", force everyone to pay for the benefit of the "initiator"
It is worth mentioning: In the column of "total donations", the factory owners donated more than the workers.

Diao Min: In fact, the workers actually donated their rations, but the factory owners exchanged "industrial support funds" in the name of "donations".

It is especially ironic that in the total amount of donations, due to the small amount of donations from workers, when judging "representatives of outstanding contributions", it is "a small amount" that is represented by factory owners.

It is very similar to the ancient times. Some bosses have sofas, chairs, computers, and Xiaomi in their offices.Take the lead in working overtime for twelve hours in such an environment.Lead the social animals with the attitude of a model worker, work harder and harder, struggle and struggle.

Back to the topic, after the city parade in Lyon, the entrepreneurs in Ver who waited did not wait to appreciate the militia armed forces they pulled up.

Alarms flashed in the city, and air-to-ground rockets broke through.

Before the anti-aircraft laser tower flashed in the city of Val, these rockets were shattered profusely, and a large number of catkin-like things were scattered.These are graphite fibers specifically designed to destroy electronics.The thickness specifications of the fibers are specially designed for the gaps left by the craftsmanship on the helmets of the Iron Knights.

This raid by the Iron Star Dragon Guards team did no harm on the surface, and the newly appointed regional commanders in the area have all achieved a major victory in repelling the Iron Star Demon Wings Flying Corps (Val's name for the Iron Star Dragon Guards). victory.

It's just that these local commanders didn't notice that the blue eyes of the metal armored mechanical soldiers of their security team began to flicker.

Vernay bureaucrats are now "Selina" (Willie's wife) style pompous bureaucrats.

The victory of Lyon City was quickly notified to the upper echelon, because other cities also encountered Iron Star attacks, and rushed to report, their first "defensive battle" victory since the formation of the local army.This rush to report victory is the comparison of enemy bureaucrats.When Iron Star was in chaos a few years ago, local bureaucrats rushed to report food production indiscriminately.What's more, various local cities in Val have greater interests, and the capital tycoons in these local cities want to right the military forces they control.

Under the pressure of public opinion in large parts of the south, the Vernon center has no time to investigate, let alone bear the consequences of the "false success report" scandal, so it can only compromise with reality.

After the "Le Monde" in Vanuil announced the victory, it was still very "modest" and "neutral" at the end and gave this sentence: Always be vigilant against the comeback of the devil.

As for where to be wary of the demons coming back from, well, when this passage was introduced in the Vanir newspapers and TV maps, it happened to feature the map of Iron Star, or Iron Star’s chariot and other things related to Iron Star. .

In fact, this is just a habit of stepping on the iron star. This is the arrogance that Faner developed when he freely criticized the sky after he hanged "Selina".

Under the instruction of Poma, the main purpose of Le Monde to make such a statement is to warn the local militia groups not to be blindly arrogant and not try to challenge their own authority after successfully suppressing the bandits.

...In terms of internal governance, Poma lost his confidence in his "kingly spirit", but he still didn't take the dust seriously...

It seems that in response to the crow's mouth of the "Le Monde", two days later, in these cities that announced the repulsion of Iron Star, beacons of uprising appeared one after another.

From the perspective of the big shots under the Poma administration: At first, it was just a "small group" of military forces rebelling, but less than ten days later, a large-scale southern uprising began.

It's just that at that time, it was after June 6, when all the "miracles" in Wan Lun no longer existed, and there were too many major events facing Val and Anglo.There is no way to control the bad things of this kind of local military uprising.

(End of this chapter)

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