out of cage

Chapter 861 Chapter 19.30 The sunset is setting, and the star is twinkling

Chapter 861 Chapter 19.30 The sunset is setting, and the star is twinkling
On June 3254, 6 in the Fire Emblem calendar, the gods had already descended, and the high-level people in the decaying empire who knew about it were all rejoicing.Started one after another mass life performance of incomparable loyalty to the "sacred".

However, as the real hero of this era, he is sharpening his sword.

After Zheng Nian rested for a day on the Liaokuo, his Dragon Guard regiment was dispatched to the north again.

Oh, and of course it's just the air force moving north.In this war, the Iron Star Dragon Guards force was completely used in multiple directions from the north to the south, moving around.

This is similar to the fifth-generation aircraft in the 21st century, maintaining a scale of two to three thousand sorties, after dealing with operations on the Eastern Front.Just go straight to the West Front.

Of course, the air forces on the Wanlun Continent are more flexible. The Dragon Guards are multi-purpose. They can fight at high altitudes and air superiority, and they can also be replaced with low-altitude aircraft assault land vehicles.Or reach the offshore platform and start hitting the battleship with "Jiao bombs".At the same time, it cooperates with multiple services of sea, land, light armor, and heavy armor. Its organization is more similar to that of the rocket army in modern times.

And Anglo, Van Er at this time, after the sea and land were cut by the Holy Great Wall, did not believe in the hope of their own air force group's strategic victory.Fenzheng has been suspended for investigation.

Each Anglo army is preparing to independently develop its own Dragon Guard formation in each army.And in this way, not to mention the quality, even the quantity will be suppressed by Iron Star.

Zhengnian returned to the north on June 6th, but at this time he was not personally leading the rocket attack and cover in the north.At this time, he began to command, and commented on the recent battles of the novice Dragon Guard groups.

After the silver-haired young man took off the cockpit combat uniform, he looked extraordinarily gentle and general-like, but of course he was so young that it made people feel amazing.

Zheng Nian's command style is very different from Su Ni's. Su Ni's command style is "small fights and more circles, big fights and congealing".

The style of Zhengnian is: first determine the center of the enemy, and if there are many enemies, then insert shallower each time, divide it several times, and insert more.In short, if the enemy has no flaws, then pass quickly and accurately to break the enemy's flaws and insert them into the water spray.

...At this last moment, Zheng Nian began to fight for the lead everywhere, making the concept field quickly converge towards him, and Su Ni was frowning amidst a victory song in Iron Star...

At the fourth airport in Osima, there is a portrait of Su Ni hanging high in the airport, but it is obviously in the most conspicuous place, but it is not so conspicuous at this time.

A member of the aviation team, Xizheng (Wei Keng split) raised his hand, and a lens appeared on the tip of his two fingers, and the sunlight was directly focused.However, this is not formed by mass media such as water and glass, but a massless lens formed by the deflection of the photon propagation route in the void.

This is a skill that enhances observation. Unfortunately, as a separate body of Wei Keng, in the last month, even if it is open, it has to be squeezed into the team of Dragon Guards, just to be in the upcoming battle of "Facing the Gods". Adequate backup volume.

It can also be said that this cheating is for death.

So, from [-] to [-] points, suddenly got [-] points in Xizheng, and at this time, facing those Dragon Guard candidates who were already [-] points, squeezed out their places, I am not ashamed at all.

At the airport, Xi Zheng, who had finished training, raised her head and looked at the sky.

At this time, after the portable system (Wei Keng's own) detected the changes in the physical environment of this world, it brought definite news, that is, the information storage degree of carbon-based particles in the entire world has become stronger, and the magnitude of this increase is very fast.

To put it simply, the ether world of this world has become thicker.

The reason for the thickening is that a large amount of information was injected into the outer space, and quantum information life (gods) forcibly completed the basic conditions for physical information projection. They have a reason to do so, because intelligence shows that there have been divine descendants in Anglo.Among them, the scale of information radiation is directly approaching the age of mythology.

Xizheng said to himself leisurely: "So, the gods have come down to match me."

Wei Kengqun: "First of all, you must know that I still can't destroy God. He is originally an information life, and he is here."

Unfortunately, due to the limited carbon-based body, some specific information is still unknown, so he asked: "And then? He has to pay a risk when he turns into a physical body."

Wei Keng: "Yes, he has paid a heavy price. He has become a reality and has lost his supremacy. Any refutation of his ideas will have a permanent impact."—that is, destroying the body of a god is not terrible The harm, terrible, is to kill the heart.

Hearing this, Xi Zheng raised his head and looked at the sky, showing a silly smile.

And just as the Wei Keng split slowly raised his head and looked at the sky in a daze, a person beside him came over and sat down side by side.

Xizheng realized that it was Zheng Nian, and immediately prepared to salute according to his military rank.

Zheng Nian stopped Xizheng, patted Xizheng on the shoulder, and then sat down with him: "Well, are you looking at the stars?"

Xizheng nodded nervously: "Um, yes, the starry sky is beautiful."

Wei Keng had to admit that sitting with Zheng Nian as an ordinary person was a lot of pressure.Some women in the base once privately envied Zheng Nian's skin as smooth as fat.Of course, none of them had a chance to do it, but Liu Si scraped Zheng Nian's nose with his fingers when he was young.

Zheng Nian accompanied Xi Zheng to look at the sky. After a few seconds, he admitted that the sky was blue today, but then he raised his finger and pointed to the east: "Well, by the way, the brightest star in the sky in Phoenix, you can see it now. ?"

Xi Zheng paused for a moment, this was the sixth time (including four separate bodies including Liu Si) that he heard Zheng Nian pointing to the Phoenix constellation.

But the three stars visible to the naked eye in that constellation are not first-class bright stars.The rest of the stars require a telescope to observe.

The brightest star in the whole sky that Zheng Nian pointed to Liu Si happily, even during the daytime?What the hell is this.

From hope to disappointment, Zheng Nian exhaled, and said in a very low voice: "It seems that only I can see it?"

After a long pause, Xizheng replied: "Head, I heard that everyone has a star of destiny that only you can see. Maybe that is your own star." After a pause, he added Said: "That should be the brightest in the whole day."

Hearing this, Zheng Nian couldn't help laughing, and murmured to himself: "If that is really my star of destiny, I hope everyone in this era can see it." (I hope the fate of all people in this world can shine.)
After looking at the sky with his hands on his hips, Zheng Nian turned his head and said to Xi Zheng: "Your dharma veins are following the most basic route, which is quite good. Although your domain beam is still somewhat lacking in accuracy, don't worry. Be discouraged, believe in yourself, and go on.”

Zheng Nian sees through Xizheng's dharma lineage system at this time, and has the interest of bringing newcomers.After all, Xi is the one in this generation who has pursued Zheng Nian the closest.

In order to reconcile with Zheng, Wei Keng trained the latest generation of split bodies according to the highest and strictest standards, but even so, they still couldn't keep up with this battle, so they had to hang up.

Zheng Nian stood up, without the slightest sense of being contested by others, but threw a crystal to Xi Zheng, which is a complete set of Dharma proofreading information database.

At this time, Zheng Nian was extremely sunny, and he said leisurely: "War, no one knows the outcome tomorrow, I hope the torch will be passed on."

However, forty hours later, this crystal burst out the "collection of concepts deposited by the Holy Great Wall", and it was only then that Xizheng knew that this was passing on the mantle.

Zheng Nian stood up, his slender figure stood upright like an iron tower, his back was elongated in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The big boy stretched out his hand with a smile, pulled Xizheng up, and said: "We must have full confidence in the cause of 'liberation' to the end. 'Liberation' is not only about liberating the oppressed world, but also ourselves."

(End of this chapter)

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