out of cage

Chapter 862 Chapter 19.31 Wei Keng: Although younger than me, you are antiques

Gods, keeping secrets, and hiding information multiple times.

The process of divine descent is mysterious. Even if the divine descent is predicted, multiple "lucky people" descend at the same time to confuse the judgment. Already played a tricky rabbit and three caves.

But looking down from a higher dimension, all these tricks are ridiculous.

On Wanlun Star, the blazing star of the Phoenix constellation is locking everything.

... In the main world, there is Kong Rong giving up pears, but on the multiple planes, there are two people fighting for righteousness...

On June 6th, Iron Star's plan to shield Anglo was officially launched.On Iron Star's Dragon Guard mothership, Su Ni is discussing the shielding plan with Zheng Nian.

In the shielding plan, for Wei Keng at this time, it was already a bit of a card draw.

Because, God is also playing with the three caves of the cunning rabbit, and there is more than one descending point.

On May 5, Su Ni and Zheng Nian raided the "Land of Miracles" in the sand dunes on the Vail and Anglo borders at the same time.However, after destroying the core, he did not find the point where the "miracle" came, and it was the first time he failed to draw a card.

Henceforth, Wei Keng and Zheng Nian simultaneously began to lock on the arrival points of the other two "relics".

Wei Keng has his own split to explore the intelligence system.

For example, Demon Hunter Humanities [-] found the information collapse point of the ether world in Oxford Port, the largest commercial city controlled by the Anglo Navy.That's where the navy launched a large summoning ceremony to summon Carus. (In order to get together, the gods set up the villain's arrival point for disputes, wars, plagues, and hunger)
Wei Keng didn't know what the Anglo Navy had summoned, but the collapse of the etheric world was the largest here, and he was confident that the probability of this place was a little higher.

In the headquarters, Su Ni looked at the plane on the electronic chart and began to arrange tasks.After arranging the members of this group, Su Ni and Zheng Nian had a special dialogue, and very earnestly told Zheng Nian to "start again" after his own actions

Narrator: Master Wei is preventing Zheng Nian from finishing the attack on that side first, and then, in the name of support, he will take action on his side.

Su Ni used "repeated emphasis": at 5:20 on the evening of the 00th, you raided the port of Oxford by yourself, and then four hours later, you raided the city of Edin, the capital of the Anglo escort.

Zheng Nian tilted his head and looked at Su Ni.After a few seconds he nodded.

Compared with the actual investigation of the situation in the ether world by the Wei Keng branch in Anglia, Zhengnian is based on the ether world satellite launched by Osima, and has different conclusions based on mathematical calculations.

Zheng Nian is thinking about the latest algorithm about the possibility of divine descent in the ether world: According to the mathematical formula, in fact, another point, although not large in scale, may be~
In the final choice, Zheng Nian did not give Su Ni the latest calculation results of the arrival probability of Oxford Port and Aiding City. Anyway, for this assault mission, the two of them were able to complete the mission in two successive assaults.

... Su Ni was very happy for Zheng Nian's obedience.I finally have a sense of accomplishment as a big brother and calling the shots for my younger brother. …

At 5:20 on the [-]th, the second phase of Iron Star shielding operation began. Su Ni led the Dragon Guard troops directly to the port of Oxford, fired missiles from the sea, and smashed all Anglia's radars.Then Iron Star's arsenal-class airship began to enter the airspace to provide airspace early warning support for the Dragon Guard's ground attack

Five hundred kilometers away, another important Anglo port, the capital of Anglo, residents around the city can already hear the sound of a large number of artillery on the sea.

The defense in the city has also become stricter. A large number of mecha soldiers are patrolling the streets. These pairs of pure black electronic camera eyes strictly enforce the curfew management on passing vehicles, while warships of several thousand tons lie in the city harbor Covered with stone-colored cloth to hide.

With such an Anglo defense system, unless the army attacks, the normal offensive system cannot be taken down.

The Anglo military has concentrated all the troops that can be concentrated, about three or four garrison divisions. Of course, if the northern and southern fronts were not fully affected, they originally planned to concentrate ten garrison divisions.

With the arrival of blessings since June, the human settlements here have been baptized by the Holy Light, and many streets along the way are full of harmony and friendship. Such a pure picture makes people unconsciously think about it for a while. , which is fine, no need to break it all.Therefore, despite the strict war control, the residents of the accompanying capital are emotionally stable, and it is impossible to appear, the financial interests of the old Anglo capital are distracted, and the scene of Verle's current oppression and hostility in the southern industrial city,
However, in such a beautiful and sacred city, the unscrupulous people who echo the "acura" atmosphere here believe that if they let themselves do what they say here and maintain a beautiful foundation, then this beauty is not worth mentioning. - Diaomin: I was born to kick dogs and chickens.

Therefore, with the coming of the gods, the Wei Keng split hidden in the city is gradually exposed, this?

Nowadays, the souls of almost all mortals are affected, but the split body represented by Wei Keng, although common, has different identities in different time and space. , and the split Wei Keng works in the factory next door. He is still thinking about what to eat tomorrow, and he is not affected by the gods, so he is exposed.

... The angle of view came to Oxford Port, 24 hours before the raid, Su Ni confirmed that the god would be here as one of the inside information. …

On the morning of the [-]th, in Factory No. [-], Old Sponge (Wei Keng Split) was at work.A detachment of gendarmes arrived.The head factory owner saw the gendarmerie breaking into the factory, in order to reduce the impact, he still comforted the old sponge that it was just an ordinary investigation.

An hour later, the leading military police brought the old sponge into the center of the city.

As a humble worker, the old sponge came to a secret altar "without knowing why", and the high priest communicated with the workers.

The priest: "My child, the god is watching you!" Such a magic stick naturally has no effect on Wei Keng, and the spiritual delusion in the language did not stop Wei Keng from thinking "who the hell is this god".

After finding that the old worker didn't respond, the priest lost his enthusiasm with a smile on his face, opened the scroll, and began to perform ritual movements, with his fingers moving regularly on his chest, as if exorcising a demon.

He didn't know why God wanted to meet such an unbelieving guy.He thought it was a trial of God, and let him choose this unbelievers to be probated, but now he is very annoyed when he confirms that this wretched guy knows nothing about divinity.

Just as the priest was thinking wildly, suddenly a radiance rose from the center of the altar.Bathing in the 'old sponge', this made the priest who was still despising the old sponge just now, no time to be surprised, immediately, immediately knelt down and prayed devoutly.

The message beam in the well began to communicate with Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: "Oh, how are you sure this (identity) is me?"

The God of Metal Refining: "It's really hard to be sure, but in the time and space of multiple planes, only your split body can remain calm in the realm of divine descent, and this is something that even the favored of the gods can't do." Metal Refining The god-favored person mentioned by the God of God is Poma, and Poma's double body cannot be stable in the concept field, because these doubles have no soul.

Old Sponge smiled cheerfully: "Now, you call me here to declare war. I don't think there is any need to talk about it at this time, just fight."

The God of Metal Refining: "Then can we make a deal? I can provide you with the coordinates of the entire galaxy." He opened the star map of the universe at this time.

As for the second half of the sentence of the God of Metal Refining, he didn't finish, but Wei Keng also knew that he would enter the era of exploration of the star sea and preserve a religion.A religion that believes in metal refining and specializes in machining technology.

At this time, the gods find a reason for themselves to survive: not all human beings have the ability to maintain their own personality, and the defects of human beings' normal growth require the injection of foreign beliefs to support and survive.

At this time, the pseudo-system (Angel Sissy) that Wei Keng carried with him also made a timely suggestion: "The exile is executed, it is used to punish sinners, or to colonize the planet. This information is very important, and it is recommended to obtain it."

So far, Wei Keng has not obtained starry data on different planets in multiple timelines, and some planets suitable for human habitation are hidden in the nebula and cannot be located.This is the last bargaining chip the gods place.

Of course, this bargaining chip was shown to Wei Keng on countless timelines, but as long as Wei Keng loosened under the benefit of one timeline, it was a different timeline.

This time, the old sponge raised his eyes and gave the answer: "The road to Xinghai needs to be walked by oneself." (This answer has always been a repeater in the dialogue between humans and gods in other planes.)
God of Metal: "It's impossible for you to insist on building a kingdom of unbelievers here, but you can do it there."

Wei Keng shook his head: "Civilization should not be coaxed and squeezed into the sea of ​​stars, but it should be a yearning after getting rid of self-interest." Wei Keng was quite critical of the society after the opening of the fourth stage of the interstellar era. The "deified" human rulers and emperors.Send humans who are still in the human base period (under 60 years old) to the Star Sea Expedition.

The conversation came to a standstill.God of Tempering: "In this world besides me, there will be other gods, besides me, the positions of the altars of other gods will also be given to you, and, in fact, there are still god believers in your team .”

The second purpose of this god is to use Wei Keng to cut a wave of his old enemies.

Of course, at this time, it is also reminding that eliminating beliefs is something that can never be achieved.

When the God of Metal Refining satirized: "Industrial" beliefs will eventually create gods, all of Wei Keng's persistence is useless.

Wei Keng stared at the god.They didn’t say anything, because they didn’t listen, and they didn’t want to listen, because of their initial efforts to “not make themselves an idol” and everything else.Now that they have come to this day, they can't ignore their own flaws, and now they complain to themselves, can't they do it?
…Wei Keng: If you can’t do it, don’t do it…

These gods all rose up after the third plane war, that is, people born in the 28th century of the main world.

Wei Keng concluded: Since they were born an era later than themselves, they have always regarded themselves in the old era as antiques, but in fact, because they have not returned to the main world for a long time——

Now, Wei Keng thinks they are antiques.

Who the hell said that star sea exploration still needs slaves?Stubbornly oppressing slaves, and then accusing them of being ignorant, the slaves must necessarily need a false god belief?
Wei Keng has established his own "Star Sea Civilization" model in the dark plane.

With "possibility" as the goal of civilization, Xinghai civilization does not need "ignorance" to control people.Let people explore the star sea in ignorance.The main force of Xinghai exploration should be people who have completed their growth and development during the "natural person" period.

Generally, anyone under the age of one hundred, in the period of natural human beings, belongs to the state of learners!Only at the age of one hundred, when the human pedestal is over, the life consciousness breaks away from the traditional carbon-based form, and a new body form is constructed in space to participate in production activities, can one be considered an adult citizen.

Wei Diaomin: These 28th-century antiques are accustomed to "child labor" and have no belief in being responsible for their successors and keeping education abreast of the times.It is ridiculous to start discussing with Lao Tzu how to use addictive candy to control child labor production and maintain civilization.

...Wei Keng became more and more furious, and the last sense of commonality with these gods in the main world disappeared...

Wei Keng: "Since the 27th century, although I have returned to the Lord's world a few times, I also know that education is from university, to professional graduate students, and then to a full set of doctorate in applied technology. Education is getting longer and longer.

With the advancement of medical technology, the adult standard has also been raised from 20 years old to 60 years old. In the next hundred years, it is normal for all carbon-based life stages to be learning.

Faith is produced by deception in a society where interests are linked, and belief can be completely eliminated at the education stage.In the past, productivity was not enough to support education, but now you are unwilling to educate future buds.

The carbon-based humans who were supposed to be in the education stage were stuffed into the interstellar immigration ship and sent to the colony to be squeezed.

However, after it was determined that carbon-based human beings were out of the "planetary cradle environment" and had physiological brain and thought problems, they used the euphemistic name of "psychological counseling" to allow religion to play a role.hehe. "

Wei Keng is a middleman, and has always emphasized that he is a "middleman", but this "middle" remains unchanged, just like the axis in all changes.

Only the monitor who wanted to stay with Wei Keng for a long time knew why Wei Keng insisted on returning to the main world for a "vacation" after the time travel in order to maintain the middleman, and then read the earth textbooks for hundreds of years.

Wei Keng has always wanted to enter his own environment and the mainstream of the times, rather than climb up to authority and prevent people from thinking.

Wei Keng's understanding of individuals in civilization is that no matter how powerful they are, they always have to be replaced. It is necessary to admit that the old will grow old and the new will take over.So in the Pandora mission, Wei Keng didn't think of making gods from the very beginning!Instead, it pursues the possibility of species and sets a lifespan limit for Hui people.Let wise people break through from generation to generation, instead of creating a carbon-based shit mountain individual that can live for millions of years.

Now the gods of multiple planes are such "shit mountains".

They are impatient to wait for the healthy growth cycle of the new generation, and they are selfish and unwilling to train the new generation. They only want to use the newborn individual in eternal life.

Now, Wei Keng and the "gods" in this multiverse are people of two eras.

This Wei Keng individual named Old Sponge ended the meeting from the divine light, looked at the religious god, and said with a frown: "Right here, right now, you must end!" However, this arrogant behavior soon, He was pressed to the ground by the surrounding religious believers, his shiny leather boots stepped on his back in factory work clothes, and the old sponge was sent to the water prison for an exorcism ceremony.

…the doors for people are closed, and the holes for dogs are wide open…

The angle of view came to the other side, Su Ni pointed on the map, and now he has confirmed that the drop point of the god general should be at the port of Oxford
More than ten hours later, in the city of Edin (5:22 on the 12th) and the port of Oxford (23:11), huge transmitters were launched on the stadiums of the two cities, and the huge information energy began to aim at the outer space, guiding the outer space An unknown "information group" descended on Wanlun Continent.

On the Liao Kuo, Zheng Nian, who was taking off as the second wave to launch an attack on the Aiding city's drop point, looked at the sky, and exhaled a sigh of relief at the powerful light that shot from the target: "Oh, God? ?” Then the tone changed: “It’s you, right!”

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