out of cage

Chapter 864 Chapter 19.32 The surface is the strongest,

On June 6th, on the northwest side of the Anglo-Oxford City, the mass atmosphere in the city became more and more intense.Vehicles on the street are engraved with the symbol of "tears of metal"
Su Ni was sure that he should choose the "God's Descend" point. (It can only be said that Carus, a high-ranking traveler, is too resembling a fox pretending to be a tiger.)
This may be the most miraculous battle since the Wanlun Continent entered the industrial age. A certain villain has achieved the limit of the best soldiers.

It has been verified that in this era, with the concept of black technology, what is the highest level of star table armament in combination with air and ground!
It is a combat power that will not appear in countless evolutions in the world where the gods live.Because under the "protagonist system", "group beliefs" cannot be developed.

As early as the era of sword and magic, a battle team of less than 30 people was the norm. Once it reached hundreds or thousands of people, the battle began to lose its flexibility.The big lords fight against a large number of battles: they tend to let the miscellaneous soldiers "identify with glory" under the spiritual halo, and hold standard weapons to resist the line.

The gods didn't even think about it: But is there a way to maintain the diversity of combat flexibility while ensuring quantitative change?This is a goal that the "belief" system stubbornly maintained by the gods will never achieve.

At 0 o'clock in the middle of the night, this Wei Keng entered the urbanized street battle, like a sharp knife piercing the city center.Anglo's port naval guns have been unable to form a blockade barrier.

After four or ten minutes of fighting, Cyclonus rushed into the city for 10 kilometers, annihilating four regiments of land titans along the way. These bipedal combat forces in the city were either just exposed and separated by a thin wall with 150mm caliber tank guns. The body can be penetrated by a single shot, or it will be directly hit by the terminal sensitive bullet introduced by the dragon guards in the sky.

Under Wei Keng's ground operation, every tank can appear at just the right position, and every time the Dragon Guards provide air-to-air support, they just occupy the advantage of electromagnetic information, and all the firepower points in all areas along the way are all on the ground reconnaissance display screen.Immediately afterwards, ground infantry, chariots, and air firepower shot at the same time. These multi-level firepower were aimed at one point together, just like a few fingers pinching a bug and crushing it to death.

Anglo's force system in the city is dozens of times that of Iron Star, with a total of 5 people, but there is no single enemy!In the reinforced concrete, Wei Keng's swarm defeated the Anglo Marine Corps like a group of interstellar age Ultramarines.

The city of Oxford was originally a naval force, and there was a marine combat system, but it was limited to some small-scale combat missions. After all, the navy spent a lot of money on naval gun upgrades.

The gap between the two sides is like thousands of armed thugs with AKs in underdeveloped areas in ancient times, to besiege the superpowers. A platoon of combat teams fought back and forth. It's a case of one death and several injuries.

By 1:00 at night, Wei Keng had successfully reached the center of the city, and all 2384 people were intact without any loss of staff!

Such combat power is the same in all time and space.

Even on the parallel timeline, the gods tried to create a "story" and sent a large number of time traveler teams to interfere, but it was extremely difficult to kill Wei Keng.

In the words of these traverser teams, in this kind of street fighting, facing such a team of freaks is more terrifying than encountering an entire formation of aliens in a spaceship.

The alien can still see its fangs, and its disgusting flesh and blood being cut and exploded, but in front of Wei Keng's group, he can only see the people around him falling down.

And such Wei Keng's posture surprised even the gods.

When he first arrived on the plane, Wei Keng did not appear to be "good at fighting".And now many battle gods saw "Wei Keng's unique battle template as a veteran traverser" for the first time.

For the traversers who started to operate their own system, it is easy to open and crush ordinary characters in the plane.What is really powerful is the confrontation at the same level.

...The cluster system is not just a tactical limit. In the arcane (black technology) system, the upper limit of Wei Keng's group use is higher...

At 6:6 on June 1th, on the commanding height of the building in the southeast corner of the altar area, a combat team of Wei Keng launched the Austrian French Battle Factory under the guard of other team members.

Assembled by three Wei Keng in turn.Pieces of paper-like metal sheets appeared, and then folded and assembled into geometric suspended machines.One of the production lines is dedicated to "lightweight unmanned combat puppets".

A strange metal paper puppet, with a paper-thin blade popping out of its body, with a cold glow that can cut a rock in half like cutting tofu.And the armed militiamen below the building, who were trying to protect the sanctity of the gods, soon encountered this kind of thin metal sharp warrior code-named "Paper Sword".

As the steel blades gradually began to float on the building, the Anglo soldiers in the city who occasionally tried to slide down by ropes were unable to charge, no matter how thick the steel cables were, they would be cut by the thin metal paper blades.

And 60 meters away from the building, an Anglo Marine is hiding under the evergreen tree in front of the building.
With a sound of "hum", the obstructing tree was directly cut in half by the piece of paper.

Just when the Marine Corps soldier thought he was about to burp, a chaplain wearing a military uniform and holding a crystal energy staff came to support him. He raised his hand and released a sonic spell. In the resonance frequency, some paper figures began to Tremor occurs, the sharp edge of the cutting edge shakes unsteadily, and the edge curls up.

Obviously, this is a very good tactic to attack this type of "Arcane Puppet", but at this moment, a flash of light popped out from the building, and a second later, the soldier looked directly at it, and a shot shot out from the chest of the chaplain The big hole fell, and before the "Paper Puppet" approached, he immediately dropped his gun and surrendered,

And on the commanding heights of the building, Wei Keng with the appearance of a ghost agent flickered through the shadows, and appeared in the space ripples around him, holding a three-meter-long electromagnetic cannon gun, and according to the language of the soul, the multiple coordinate points of the three-dimensional space vision Make a kill.

And when the guns killed the Anglo bearskin hat guard, Wei Keng's frontal assault quickly occupied this point.

In Anglo's Oxford Port, in another, the defenders pulled back a round, and the Anglo light blade fighters (forked soldiers with weapons similar to fists and swords) raised the electric heat light based on the principle of "heating up quickly" in boiling water Blade, start whirlwind.

The Anglo martial arts masters who stood out from the colony, after cutting the paper sword with the particle blade in their hands, encountered a particle beam falling from the sky, and the beam condensed to one point!A magnetic pulse erupted, and the charged "Ion Blade" exploded on the spot.

And on the northwest corner of the building, Wei Keng held a light blade in the same shape as a long sword, and took a closer look. These Anglo-inherited martial arts masters from the colony were a bit itchy for a while. If it weren't for the war, Wei Keng would really will make gestures.

Frontier Wei Keng holds an ion sword and has also practiced his skills hard, but now his military mission is to control the "unmanned puppet".

The task must be serious and not mess around.

Wei Keng raised his hand to the semi-finished paper puppet beside him, and looked at his paper puppet, which looked like a mirror shell. When it was cut by the particle blade, it was heated, distorted and burned.

The "Soldier King" (Wei Keng split) who had come here looked at the burnt paper puppet and whispered: "Four times weak fire, not enough special defense, and the effect is outstanding!" Afterwards, Wei Keng rebuilt a new puppet, this is A fireproof device constructed of glass wool.

…Wei Keng: Now that the enemy has found a way, let’s change to another one. I have many backup techniques…

2384 Wei Keng rushed into the city, facing tens of thousands of troops and a population of several 10, of course they had to use these puppet combat units.

For example, if some student soldiers with steam lances were to be sent out to deal with them, the Wei Keng group would not have enough manpower, so they had to use puppets to block them.

Naturally, these puppets should be easy to produce, simple and easy to produce and quickly replicated, so there must be fatal weaknesses, such as the "Paper Yujian", which is a fragile thing that can be sprayed to death with a spray gun.

Wei Keng is not just this kind of puppet.

On the other side of the building, a "wire puppet" assembled with a large number of wires and ceramic shells is also fighting. After throwing out a large number of lines, it can accurately cut Anglo soldiers.The weakness is that once the puppets get an electric shock, they will scatter into broken silver threads all over the place.

As a cutting-edge mass-produced weapon, no puppet is perfect. Wei Keng has never made any decisive battle weapons.The enemy can deal with the paper puppets with a spray gun, and the wire puppets with an electric shock weapon, but it is impossible to be ready for all of them at the same time.

For example, a spray gun, not to mention any special circumstances that will occur when looking for fuel on the battlefield. Even if you find it, a bullet will burn yourself directly, and find a power source to click, and with the spread of water mist, you can make the other party get an electric shock. .

Wei Keng's arcane puppets have backed up a total of 87 types!

The types of arcane arts that 2384 Wei Keng is good at are a total of 5583 arcane arts.

In the Pandora field, Master Wei faced the evolutionary route of the swarm, and the idea he adopted was to stick to the route of not reducing the type of protein.

Therefore, when the number of insect swarms is rampant, although the number of descendants of Pandora Queens grows slowly at the beginning, the complexity is extremely high in the later stage. Their populations were all extinct directly, fleeing out of the Milky Way.

Now Wei Keng is leading a large corps team of 2000 people, but in terms of flexibility, it is four orders of magnitude higher than that of a small adventure team.

...There is no lucky protagonist who can just solve the crisis for Anglo, unless God personally sends down a high-energy miracle...

At three o'clock in the morning on June 3254, 6 in the fire pattern calendar, the port of Oxford was basically completely controlled by Wei Keng. The tanks and combat mechas that had been killed on the streets were scattered all over the place, and ordinary combat puppets were patrolling.

In the sky, Su Ni led the Dragon Guard Corps to patrol again to confirm the situation, while Wei Keng, who was fighting on the ground, counted the seconds to maintain microsecond-level cooperation with the air group.

The moment the air force arrived, various unmanned puppets on the ground began to charge, suppressing the city's resistance forces, forcing the Anglo Army to aim its firepower at the ground.

When these urban camouflage-painted machine guns originally used for air defense began to lay flat and shoot at the unmanned puppets at the entrance of the alley, beams of hacking light penetrated from the sky into the cannons, and then other areas of TC City also collapsed in the blast.

This assault by the Wei Keng group!has evolved into siege warfare,
The combat forces of the three divisions guarding the city on the Anglo side were disabled within a given period of time, and their Titan mechas have been weakened by 70.00%, and the remaining twenty mechas are just hiding in dead-spot areas under some overpasses. , before dying.

Above the central altar area, Wei Keng's three-person combat team put on high-level stealth mechanical combat uniforms, led a large number of puppet combat teams along the elevator pipes and drainage pipes, and began to invade its interior.

At this time, on the altar, Carus started his own summoning ceremony, and a huge light rushed into the night sky, but winged knives were already flying around.

At this doomsday moment, he turned his head suddenly, and behind him was Wen San holding a light blade.

Three seconds later, Carus, who was holding a warhammer, saw the light blade emerging from his chest, and a self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "You! You have found the wrong person!"

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