out of cage

Chapter 865 Chapter 19.32 The sky is the sharpest.

Just as Wei Keng spent the night beating Oxford Port, the city of Edin, the capital of Anglia on the other side, was also under attack.The air defense sirens kept ringing, and the anti-aircraft machine guns drew a series of red light chains in the sky

Compared with Wei Keng's forceful assault, Zheng Nian felt "moody" to the defenders in this battle.

Zheng Nian's strategy of "stunning in the first half of the night" accelerates the opponent's exhaustion, and waits until the second half of the night to launch an attack.

When Oxford City was beaten violently, the air defense network of Edin City was very good at intercepting and blocking the Osima Dragon Guard formation.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Shenqi faction in the first half of the night: Although Iron Star Dragon Guards (Salvation Troops) fired missiles at the edge of the city and destroyed many Anglo airships, they were not disturbed at the core of Aidin. They are still carrying out the ceremony in an orderly manner. "

So much so that when the governor of Edinburgh faced Oxford Port's request for help, he could still stand on the side of Oxford Port spiritually, sending words of support "I believe you can overcome the difficulties".

The core area of ​​Aiding City, which is the seventh bridge of the fourteen bridges running through the city's rivers, is the central coordinate point. A huge barrier is shrouded here. Inside the barrier, the fire ladder is on this large building, transporting people , all kinds of flashing lights cooperate with the on-site command personnel, making this place very busy.

A large number of large electrical equipment must be inspected. Under the operation of the mechanical engineer, the engineer's pliers lifted the half-meter-thick cable duct, and it was about to be inserted into the socket entrance under the altar for docking.

This scene is similar to World War II. The German army deployed the Gustav Cannon, and 500 people worked for the Gustav Cannon.A large number of people are gathered for each launch.Of course, there are more than 100 ladder trucks in this large building, and 5000 people are always on hand to work together, making the scale even bigger.

Xingci, who was wearing a military uniform, looked at the deployment on the altar, and it was estimated that it would take four to ten minutes.

Next to Xingci is a map screen, which just showed the battle situation in Oxford Port. The one-sided tactics made the Anglo officers in the entire temple despair after being shocked.

This incarnation of metal tempered in the mortal world fell into deep thought, because after the miracle, can he really grasp this plane?

...Wei Keng made God think about the second half, but fate followed a big cliff...

In the other part of the Great Barrier of Aidin City, in the industrial fortress, everyone, both men and women among the nobles, mobilized.

In Anglo, the former princess of the Sky Kingdom, and now the mother of Fenzheng, the lieutenant general of the navy, Xuelisi controls the digital crystal on the platform of the temple, and calibrates the heaven, earth and stars to make this industrial ritual chanting process go smoothly.

Of course, Shirley also saw the information that Anglo Oxford Port was occupied.

In the rest room of the temple, Xue Lisi, who was wearing a snow-white sacrificial costume, looked at the screen information coming from inside, and let out a sigh of relief: You are still here.At this time, she had already recognized the team that had been killed from the demon team a year ago.

Just as she was recalling the memory of escaping from the city ravaged by demons with these people, suddenly, two alarms sounded.Not only were the tunnels under the altar alerted of infiltrating troops, but also the breach of forward air defenses.

in this war.God focused a lot of attention on Wei Keng, even if he couldn't stop Wei Keng's big move now, he still tried to make a round against Wei Keng.

Wei Keng's obsession has been boiled into a fairy weapon, so these gods from the earth, facing the rebellion of their fellow earthlings, don't they have demons in their hearts?

...Xue Lisi didn't notice, the direction of Phoenix flashed, a star, very skinny. …

In the city of Aiding, Wei Keng's body is also undercover here.His name is Chong, and he is a car maintenance worker.

Of course, after the port of Oxford was gradually broken through, the auxiliary weight also just found a blank space in the city here.This blank space is the Great Barrier of Aiding City, but the auxiliary weight belongs to idlers and others, and it is impossible to find the entrance of this Great Barrier.

At three o'clock in the morning, I parked the truck with the auxiliary weight and turned on my system in a low voice: "What's wrong?" But then I got a message from the cluster, that is, the port of Oxford is not yet a drop point.Fu Zhong stared at the "city blank" he had just discovered and frowned.

However, just as the auxiliary heavy was frowning, a large amount of firepower appeared on the Anglo defense line in the distance, which was tepid, and the line that could have blocked the dragon guards seemed to be torn apart.

Fu Zhong opened his mouth wide, and when he saw the wing knife in front, he let out a breath and immediately started looking for cover.

As a group of Wei Keng, Fu Zhong knew that the leather goods came in now.

…God sets the script, the axis doesn’t follow the script, the skin smashes the script. …

In the early morning of June 3254, 6 in the Fire Emblem Calendar, the Osima fighter cluster started to attack head-on, but after several hours of tepid suppression, as if they were helpless, they suddenly exerted force.

In the direction of the feint attack on the flank, a small unit that was inconspicuous on the radar stacked up and suddenly tore through the three air defense nets of Aydin City.It is carrying a cluster of missiles and stabbing towards here.

Immediately after that, a large number of "information coordinate points" appeared on the Anglo radar screen.If you look at it with the naked eye, standard diamond-shaped space wrinkles appear in the sky, and within the wrinkles are "coincidentally" missiles.

The number of missile clusters in this group has reached thousands.

If we say that Wei Keng is playing tactical burst shooting with space-based particle cannons, Zheng Nian is playing the game of people following the bullets in order to maximize the tactics of the Dragon Guards.

Compared with Wei Keng, bit by bit positional warfare.Zheng Nian kept feigning, and then suddenly pressed the mobile force when he encountered a flaw.It stands to reason that the two have very different personalities and tactics, so they cannot be compared.

But what!Wei Keng felt that he was still stronger than himself at this time.

At this time, the Wei Keng cluster in the city communicated with the Iron Star Air Command, and found that all the communications are now focused on the spike of the air assault department. Wherever the spike goes, the red signs in front are all extinguished.And every red mark is a large target of the Land Cruiser class.

The strongest edge, he is here!

…At 33:[-] AM, the Ottirite's etheric satellite just passed over the Anglo sky and completed the lock. …

At 3:33, Zheng Nian was sitting in the mecha. At this time, in front of his pupils, a geometric body composed of golden light beams was rotating on both sides of his vision.

This is a highly information-based operation, coordinated with the missile data link and fighter aircraft behind it.

In the first two hours, Wei Keng, as the strongest on the ground, stabbed the altar of the Navy faction straight up. The entire Anglo provisional government couldn't calm down, but fortunately, the pressure was not on his head.

But they didn't expect that there were two extremely strong people in the world.Oh, there might be more, but they don't have a chance to know
As the rescuer who has been waiting for an opportunity in the air, in the new round of information tide in the ether world, the Anglos directly took action after revealing their position in a ceremony.

Zhengnian launched [-] drones in the sky, like a phoenix spreading its feathers, scanning the entire sky of Aiding City.

Brilliant lines radiating from eight points in the sky, like the spokes of a bicycle wheel.

Existing like a net of heaven and earth, hacking the key targets marked on all non-own fighter mechs in the airspace, originally used as a particle cannon for tactical fire support, after getting the territory of the Holy Great Wall, it became a "hacking , burn" integrated attack.

Due to the sudden movement of the knife, the mobile turrets and shields in the city did not have time to deploy when it was poured in as briefly as a beam of light as thick as a telegraph pole, and all the computing equipment smoked and gave off a burnt smell.

After hacking, there are sky missiles.

In the data system in Zhengnian's pupils, each element is completed one by one according to the priority, like the dingdong of spring water.

At this time, the airspace within 120 kilometers outside the Zhengnian Jijia was already full of smoke.From the 5000-meter high-altitude airship to the 2000-meter large floating warship, the early warning devices floating in the middle were all smoked by anti-radiation missiles and fell.

It is worth mentioning that a certain Anglo female officer tried to jump into the lake for shelter, but was burned to pieces directly in the water.The half-human, half-fish bones were exposed. This guy was the culprit who assassinated Enma back then.

...For a long time, Zheng Nian felt to Wei Keng that he "holds no grudges"...

Zhengnian's single-machine assault was hugely reflected in the etheric world, like a mechanical dragon roaring in the etheric world in the city.In a second, a huge number of ether beams descended together with the laser beams in space, and the surroundings of Anglo's capital were completely defenseless.

The Anglo Air Command is now like entering a weasel's chicken coop, with various alarms (chickens screaming) endlessly.

And these dignified officers, apart from sweating, can only pant helplessly like a hen whose throat has been bitten off.Of course, there are also those who are inexplicably giggling in the corner, oh, for example, Fenzheng who is currently deprived of command.

In the big enchantment, Xingci also saw this assault flying mech on the map.

On the holy white light map, this mecha marked red is like a sharp gun head, invincible.Approaching the city altar that is about to descend.


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