out of cage

Chapter 873 Chapter 19.37 Great disaster, great vitality

Chapter 873 Chapter 19.37 Great disaster, great vitality

Zheng recalled his "long" life, what exactly is the starlight that he saw on the Phoenix constellation?If you look at it from the perspective of dimensions, this is a vacuum zero-point collapse on the plane!
If we say that every universe is a bubble, then the vacuum zero-point collapse is just the process that the universe bubble is burst.As for how to burst this bubble?
The Overseer of the Main World is not clear.But according to current observations, the slower the time travels in the universe, the harder it is to form a vacuum collapse.

And those universes whose speed is getting faster and faster beyond the observation limit (about 1:10000000 or more with the time ratio of the main world) will have a high probability of "vacuum zero point flickering" in the calculation. Of course, there is no consciousness in the universe, and the traveler It is also impossible to traverse, so there is no need to worry about "high probability" events.

This collapse on Wanlun Continent is just a "small collapse", and the information emitted by it as a whole is only equivalent to a supernova explosion.

However, the breadth of the special "collapse" of this kind of starry sky with a large gravitational object far exceeds that of a supernova explosion.

If the supernova explosion is a non-gamma ray, the impact range is only thousands of light-years at most,
And this collapse of the ether world of Wanlun World and the reset of the quantum field can affect even the civilized planet on the other side of the galaxy.

In the end, the scope of influence will span the galaxy, perhaps beyond tens of billions of light years, or even farther.In short, all the ether worlds in the entire interstellar universe of the multiverse can be cleaned up once.

... Pi: I seem to have burst a big bubble...

On the Wanlun Continent, on July 7th, not only Wei Keng's split body, but also a few senior mystics were able to observe the change of the Phoenix constellation. As the amount of information projected in almost the Phoenix constellation became more and more obvious, Every mortal on the continent can see this "bright star".

Immediately afterwards, in the large underground pure water laboratory, it was detected that the planet had encountered a large-scale neutrino impact.

At the same time, Wei Keng (Steel Tyrant) on Siyang Planet also felt the baptism of this big star. The Abyss Star, which was originally restricted by time and space reincarnation, has been released from time and space reincarnation, and the demon has become a rough-skinned and thick-skinned creature. Those unreliable metals also fell from the flesh. At this time, if there is another killing on Siyang planet, it will truly be the end of life.As the steel tyrant, the Wei Keng split was the first to establish order.

On the other side of hell in the parallel time and space, the end of the red giant star eruption will be ushered in within 300 years.

Of course, before the eruption of the red giant star, hell can take a spaceship to leave the safe zone if he fights hard.

After the spacecraft moves away from the red giant star at the speed of light, the hell self-saviors will find that the helium flash star has disappeared behind them, replaced by a stable main sequence star.Because at this time, the spaceship has arrived at the time and space where the gate of hell was connected to the civilization of the mortal world.

Of course, it will be hundreds of years before these spaceships with a civilization doomsday technology appear from the perspective of Wanlun Continent.

…The endless cycle, and the eternal period will end.God can't solve the problem, now it's all gone...

With the existing observation ability of Wanlun Continental Civilization,

It can only be determined that the direction of the Phoenix should be a distant supernova (black hole eruption), which seems to come from outside the Milky Way.

From the perspective of God’s suffering: this is an awl piercing in from several million light-years away, and it punctures the “big balloon of the ether world” of the Milky Way, and the large information enthalpy of the galaxy is directly emptied.

As for how this "awl" got in so accurately?This is an unsolved mystery to the main world.

...The skin is based on the axis to locate the descent, and at the same time, after the collision of Zheng Nian Wuwei, after the sublimation of consciousness, it provides the positioning for the outer dimension...

At this time, after the collapse of the Pantheon, it was no longer possible to maintain the existence of the godhead, and the traversers such as Michaelena were falling into the mortal world, looking for mortals who could accommodate their consciousness.

They are not like Wei Keng, who can always exist as the most ordinary people.This is an important reason why they once disdained Wei Keng as an old-fashioned brat, because Wei Keng, a mortal individual with surviving consciousness, belongs to the honest people in society, and anyone can step on him.

But now when the "flood comes", they can't find a foothold and are dumb.

Because the consciousness of these king-travelers staying here is too divine, if there is no pre-planning, they will not be able to find a qualified mortal body to bear their divinity for a while, so they are the worst wave to bear the blow.Just like in the mass extinction, the largest body is the most absolutely destroyed.

Before the catastrophe, it was the gods who cursed and complained about why they encountered this innocent disaster.

Monath observed that this great collapse, that is, the great destruction of the quantum information world of the universe (the ether world, can also be called the subspace), came from an unknown special existence in the dimension, and arrived at the multiverse. (From the perspective of the plane, the skin is drilled from a black hole)
Before Monat's body of knowledge completely collapsed, he seemed to have obtained the truth, and murmured: This external unknown force (external dimension civilization,) is located by consciousness (resonance of the will to survive)!

In the mosaic Temple of Destiny, Michaelena's last message here, looking at the safe mezzanine area where the Bailing Deer is in the distance, murmured: Now is not the time to think about this, we have to think about living down.She let go of the complicated headdress, and the golden braids are very simple
(End of this chapter)

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