out of cage

Chapter 874 Chapter 19.37 Liberation, return

Chapter 874 Chapter 19.37 Liberation, return

About the cause of the "special" vacuum collapse of "multiple planes"?

A certain Pi Lingdong, known as the civilization of the outer dimension, blinked his eyes: When a certain space-time suddenly proliferates a large amount of consciousness, it obviously has a huge variable, but it is suppressed, which forms a huge variable dissipation in the dimensional world.That is, the trace of "bleeding injury".

Pi (kimbo): Then of course it is necessary to kick the jackal away and help him bandage
The "Variable Birth" in the empty dimension is the only thing worth noticing.

And to break the box that traps the variables, and to complete the “liberation” is the natural mission of the higher intelligence of the dimension.

…Life is right and simple, no need to “modify” with overly complex expressions, …

In this multidimensional plane, the gods have been silent for several epochs after completing the initial transformation mission, and now they seem to be enlightened, creating the code name, protagonist, and plot of "hope, bravery, and fearlessness".

But in fact, it is to treat this place as a "bonsai" in the hand, and then modify it arbitrarily.

When the "bonsai" didn't grow as they expected and exceeded the "pot", they didn't hesitate to pick up the scissors and cut the branches.The euphemism is "they provide the foundation, so they have the right to contain."

So when the "middleman" with great hope came to this world, he was overdrawn, controlled, and
The "development line" that was constantly pruned and discarded by the gods was labeled hostile and evil.

In this way, the process of "eating people" has been "normal" for many years, and finally encountered a hard bone, encountered a "shaft tendon" that made it stuck and stopped, and the machine began to be unable to handle it and ooze blood.

When "blood" oozes out of this time and space and attracts the attention of another person outside the box, the box will naturally be cut open with a fiery gun.

Narrator: In the rules of planes, blocking time and space will cause consciousness to overflow, so in the early days of the Great Traversal Era, seeing the approach is mostly the 21th and [-]st centuries, which is also a kind of "bleeding"

...This is the liberation of dimensions, the consciousness of self never giving up, and the hope of "breaking the rocks and breaking the waves"...

On the Wanlun Continent, it is now the 44th day after Saint Great Wall left, and the shining thing on the Phoenix constellation is not just a star, but begins to spread into the starry sky.

Su Ni is now at the observatory, observing the astrological chart at this time.

Now on the Iron Star Observatory, 87 places around the Wanlun planet are marked, and these marks are all surrounding black holes.And a literature index in the annotation is about the physical research of the "Wall of Unbelievers"
Now, Su Ni sighed in his heart: "So that's how it is."

In this universe, the neutron star and the white dwarf star are the material basis of the God Realm, and the wall of the unbelievers is the repelling layer of solidified quantum information on the photon layer of the black hole.

Why "build a wall" because for the "quantum trace" universe, the black hole is an information leak. "

As the existence of the most powerful information life in this universe, that is, the gods, in order to make their own "pool" deeper, they blocked the leak. The wall of unbelievers is the "blocking the loss of quantum information" built on the photon layer of the black hole layer.

In ancient times, the gods would choose the "impurity" consciousness with a texture different from their own, as bricks and tiles, and make a simple information isolation layer in the photon layer outside the surrounding black holes.

For the gods, except for the "impurity" consciousnesses in the ether world of various life planets, the gods can better control their beliefs, which is really a "dilemma".

When the "impurities" are almost eliminated, God will not allow ordinary people to add walls, unless there is an existence that is completely incompatible with God, such as a certain "axis.

The multidimensional "soul" is just the reflection of "consciousness". "Soul" is the quantum information trace of this universe.

The annihilation of the soul is the "disappearance of life quantum information" in this universe, but the consciousness is an eternal constant in the generalized universe.Conscious knowledge moved to other universes.

Just like in the main world, when a person dies, the quantum in the carbon-based nerve dissipates.But there is a steady stream of progress in human development and in the complexity of life.These are driven by "consciousness".

The multiverse, here is actually a closed "bubble" universe, blocking the black hole, and also blocking the consciousness from leaving this universe, operating as an independent ecology.

It can be said that Wei Keng lost his split body before, and all of them were frozen in this plane. Most of his consciousness was frozen on the "wall of unbelief", so that the scale was huge, forming a "sharp weapon" aimed at gods.
And now the wall of unbelievers in this universe is broken, and Wei Keng's obsession, or "scar", has finally fallen and can return.

…Right now, it’s not a battle between gods and gods to compete for priesthood, but an ecological reshuffle called “Infinite Calamity” where gods exist…

This wall of unbelievers is like the ozone of the earth to the quantum life of the gods
The early existence (ancient gods) born in this quantum information field is actually a kind of life evolution. In addition to adapting to the environment (quantum trace) in the process of life evolution, it will also change the environment.

This is just like in the evolution of life on earth. The early earth had no ozone. The strong ultraviolet rays on the surface directly destroyed the land. Cyanobacteria began to produce oxygen on a large scale. After the global oxidation, ozone gradually formed in the troposphere. The possibility of large-scale landing.

In the eyes of the gods, the construction of the "wall of unbelief" in the photon layer of the black hole is similar to the construction of the "ozone layer".

Wei Keng, who was filled with the wall, also slightly confirmed this "reality".But Master Wei has now finally confirmed another "reality", that is, "mass extinction" should also be a "reality".

All the photon layers of all the black holes are all pierced, which is the mass extinction of the gods of the advanced "quantum life" in this universe.It is equivalent to the rhythm of dinosaurs being directly smashed and collapsed by an asteroid at the end of the Cretaceous period.The ecology was directly cut off!
Wei Keng, who stayed on the plane, was obviously a little "jogging" in this disaster of complete destruction of the gods.

Wei Keng lost the link of the cluster and became scattered mortals on the plane, but their consciousness is still in this "simplest and most stable" carbon-based human beings. Strictly speaking, they are still alive on the plane. Embarking on the development path of civilization, one day they will gather in the starry sky.

In other words, in the civilized area of ​​Wanlun Continent, it is possible to complete the regeneration technology within 50 years. Even after the great destruction, the threshold of the technology tree here is still lower than that of the earth.

What is really unlucky now are those specialized gods, whose godhead system is the weakest in this kind of "super-destruction", and this destruction is too sudden, and the godhead is too special, corresponding to the "personality" that can accommodate consciousness completely. is not enough.In fact, if this kind of specialized "personality" increases in society, something will go wrong.

Return to the main world?The crystal wall is blocked, so it will take a while.

…Wei Keng: Maybe I’ll have to wait until I’m tired of cooking egg fried rice, so I’ll make fried noodles instead. …

After July 7, everything disappeared.The last record of the God of Knowledge is as follows:
If the aftermath of the quantum field dissipates, it may take thousands of years for the "significant quantum leftover phenomenon" to reappear.Yes, after thousands of years, the godhead will be allowed to appear again in the etheric world.Of course, at that time, it is not known whether there was a greater evolution than "gods" in the universe here.

On the entire Wanlun continent, the arcane system and conceptual structure were also destroyed.Iron Star's high-altitude energy satellites, as well as all arbitrary door technologies, have disappeared.The thermonuclear tunneling boundary still exists.Super nuclear power can be used.

The quantum interference of semiconductor materials has decreased, and commonly used chips can already adopt a [-]-nanometer process (due to the ice-based light wave heat dissipation rules, the chip can be a three-dimensional structure.)
Note: The application of chip technology below [-] nanometers requires the user to be mentally stable, otherwise mental fluctuations will interfere with the calculation. Chips below [-] nanometers are too good at carrying information, so they are good. Well, awakening independent artificial intelligence Smart possible.

Of course, in the interstellar era of Wanlun Continent, the technology of brain cells and silicon chips can be developed, and part of human consciousness can be left in the silicon crystal. limited longevity".

…the end of the myth after June, and the disappearance of magic in mid-July, such a drastic change finally made the most stubborn old-fashioned realize the truth...

The entire ether world on Wan Lun Continent almost disappeared, which forced the two warring forces to cease fighting.

On July 7th, the world was in silence, and Iron Star was stepping up the transformation of gas turbines, resuming power generation and production.Radio waves, like beacon towers, announce to the whole country that our side is now stepping up the pace of resuming work.

On the other hand, Anglo and Vail, at this time, production suddenly collapsed, various factories lacked energy and began to cut off power, and had to pull out the technology of the steam age 50 years ago.There is also a shortage of repairmen!

Oh, were the innovative and bold technicians in the early days of capitalism motivated by wealth growth?After entering the imperial monopoly, the production chain is solidified, and only cheap labor at the bottom is needed, and these technicians have been fired long ago.

And at this time when people's hearts need to be stabilized, only the middle and lower levels of the Anglo side are declaring that "God is there, and God is watching everyone", and they are still in a 120-day madness.

Ver is implementing a high-pressure policy of military terror.If you make a slight mistake, you will be reprimanded as an "Iron Star Demon" and enter the trial.Orr is quietly organizing personnel, preparing to launch an operation to protect the country.

Vail and Anglo bound light and justice to the gods. With the disappearance of the gods, their beliefs collapsed and began to become abnormal.

…Some people want the times to stand still, but the big wheel of history is rolling faster and faster under the impetus of most people…

At the beginning of 3255 of the Fire Emblem Calendar, Iron Star.

The power plants were opened one by one, and the electricity began to restore the night lights in many cities, and the gas turbine locomotives on the railway began to transport various materials.

On the other side of the war, steam engines were roaring in Vernes, fog was floating in the city, and batches of prisoners who were convicted of "not supporting Versus" were put in chains and entered concentration camps.

Although there is still mutual consumption of gunpowder and smoke in the steel ruins ahead, the people of Valer finally know that they are cannon fodder after repeated attacks to no avail.The spearhead began to target the once "hero" Poma.

…Admitting one's mistakes is very difficult. The higher the praise, the less willing to go down.In the end, I would rather jump off the building with the delusion of "I can fly"...

After August 3254, 8 in the fire pattern calendar, Liusi led Xuelisi to the south, Xuelisi saw Yunli again, and the two mother and daughter who looked like sisters hugged each other and cried.

Liu Si saw Biao Ke, and he saw himself, and now they are two people, but the "social" model practiced by Wei Keng Group in the Pandora era can be applied here.

Biao Ke and Liu Si exchanged chips and established a mutual supervision system.

Liu Si became a cook according to the assignment, and Biao Ke continued to be his own doctor.

This represents that the Weikeng cluster, after losing consciousness and connecting directly, began to rebuild a tight organization through "communication technology".This set of forms has already been used in Northern Weikeng. The current Weikeng group has set a transcendent goal in the Wanlun Continent, which is to step into space within 100 years, and then group itself away from the cradle and run to the universe.

Wei Keng, who has stayed in the multiple planes, will not lie flat next, but will burst out with the ambition of "dying struggle".

After confirming the twilight of the gods, Wei Keng proactively set up a grand and long-term civilization development plan: after 20 years, space exploration will be completed by Osima and the sky. Politically, the entire Wanlun continent will establish a community of industrial destiny. 50 The first batch of asteroid space stations will be established within the year.

At that time, almost the first stage, the Weikeng cluster may be very old, most of them will be transferred to chips, and of course some will be reborn in "regenerative surgery".

Wei Keng: As a carbon-based human being, after a whole life is over, looking back suddenly, when life is trying to fight for a magnificent cause, it is full of value.

Under the rules of Wanlun World, it is also possible to perform regenerative surgery, and memory and consciousness can be temporarily stored in silicon crystals, which means that the regeneration threshold is lower than that of the main world.

It can be seen that Wei Keng will continue to exist until human civilization enters the space age and technology advances to the interstellar age. At that time, the quantum collapse channel can be opened with star energy and reconnected to the main world tunnel.

Surely it will all go well?
…Ask what the axis of the world is, and stay until the next moment when the world changes color…

In 3256, the war ended, Si Dian Shao was left in the cafeteria, and Xue Lisi put on the clothes of a cook at this time, with her blond hair tied in a very simple big braid, she cleaned up the pots and pans, and worked together.And the two lived in a dormitory, with two quilts on one bed.

What Wei Keng didn't know was that on July 7th, when the confused Xue Lisi saw the stars, she saw a ray of light pouring into herself, and then she awakened part of her memory, which was the memory of sitting in the Temple of Destiny .

God has fallen, but God also saves himself.

Regarding whether she could return to the main world and leave the multiple planes, "Goddess of Fate" chose to rely on a thick vine.

 bgm: I, Jiang Hu! (Song for the [-]rd Anniversary of "A Dream of Rivers and Lakes"

  By the way, has anyone bought shares before?Did you win?

(End of this chapter)

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