out of cage

Chapter 875 Chapter 21 Look at that pit, it's pitch black and there's no sound

Chapter 875 Chapter 20.01 Look at that pit, it's pitch black and there's no sound
In the space interlayer, as part of the consciousness of Wei Keng who survived finally, he left the multidimensional plane.

Wei Keng's terminal consciousness group is looking at the last perspective of his own multiverse.

Each plane forms a "main world self-return system".

The first batch of planes where Wei Keng came to Diversity, a total of 1043, has basically been completed now.

The second batch is 6444, and it is also preparing to set off a fiery final change.

It is expected that the number of planes in the third batch will reach 344354.

Since Wei Keng of these planes will also travel to adjacent planes, this is an infinite expansion.

The tunneling crystal barriers blocked by the gods, for them, it is difficult to bring the memory back to the main world, and they have to wait for the plane nodes of the main world to re-measure the dimension area.

Master Wei is a traceability system. On the road of insisting on the meaning of life, the first-order and second-order individuals can still take long detours, detour through the dark plane, and the nodes of the Shenzhou plane to bring back the bottom pixel information.
Moreover, Wei Keng expands exponentially in the multidimensional plane, and with more self-information of these pixels, it is possible to roughly review the entire process of the current "dramatic changes" in the entire multidimensional plane.

Wei Keng, who returned in the dimension, looked at the variable stars descending from the outer dimension, which formed a prairie fire with himself below, and couldn't help but sigh: This drastic change will almost bring everything out of modern times. Everything in the plane of civilization and existence of gods will eventually end.

This is a long process. The main world is now in 3112, and it may take another century before this war zone can be completely defeated.

Oh, the fact that he cleared the entire super-large territory by himself, Master Wei is very calm now, but if this is confirmed by the Space-Time Administration, it will be frightening to death.

In a war, always being the only survivor is lucky in the eyes of outsiders, but as someone who has survived all the time, knowing the reason for his survival, he does not feel that there is anything special.

...After the third plane war, Wei Keng once again survived a group of old people, and now he has a long history in the main world

Wei Keng's Wanlun plane returns to the consciousness group, um, that is, individuals who have shed blood and sacrificed their lives for decades, such as En Ma, Zuo Cao, etc., are now reunited.

The assembled Wei Keng used information to create the final projection (incorporeal heroic spirit) on Wanlun Continent, before leaving to take a last look at the world he fought in.

On the edge of Anglo's compass tower, Wei Keng (Enma's quantum trace state) wearing a cloak looks at this once famous holy place of divination.

Wei Keng just watched in a daze.After coming out of the Wall of Unbelievers, all causes and effects are now understood, and those who used to be themselves have left cleanly.

The system turned on the display, and Bai Linglu appeared in front of Wei Keng's perspective.

Bai Linglu: "You have won."—Yes, after the initial excitement and trembling, Bai Linglu finally calmed down.

Wei Keng looked at her slowly: "It's not victory, but liberation."

Bai Linglu squeezed out a smile: "Yes, it's liberation. This time you are different from the past. You and those guys, I mean, where did they go?"

In the dimensional space, Bai Linglu with a smiling expression is behind Yan Beixiang who is sluggish.Bai Linglu couldn't get any information from Yan Beixiang, and wanted to get further information from Wei Keng.

Wei Keng paused: "They, maybe, some of them have survived, and it will take hundreds of years to reconnect. I might trouble you to stay here and pick them up."

Bai Linglu paused, looked at the thousands of destroyed planes, the [-] planes with extremely unstable signals, and the [-] planes that Wei Keng would continue to develop. She frowned. , felt that Wei Keng was hiding a very remarkable thing from her.

In this empty multiverse, Wei Keng handed over all the priesthoods to her for review. Every priesthood has mutual generation and restraint, and each other depends on each other. This authority is so great that it is in the sky, and this can be said to be a universe managed by tens of thousands of kings in the past. As for the territory, Wei Keng meant to let her manage it alone.

Of course, Wei Keng also stipulated the regulations of the gods, that is, the gods as the concept field must undergo a change of thinking every 300 years and accept the assessment of the General Administration. As for the assessment, this is also Bai Linglu's responsibility, of course Bai Linglu will also complete self-replacement through the regeneration of the main world.

In short, Wei Keng made Bai Linglu the "administrator of the Dao of Heaven" here, but it can also be said that Bai Linglu's workload will also be fixed in this space.

Some inconspicuous thought of Wei Keng: In this way, she, Bai Linglu, will not monitor me.

Perhaps—in this era when there was no rule of "supervisors and traversers in pairs", Wei Keng should have left alone long ago.

Right now, after Wei Keng's return, he will soon be held accountable.

There will be turmoil in the time-space system of the main world, and a large number of monarchs will lose contact. The Space-Time Administration will definitely investigate.

Wei Keng calculated: he left the rights of this territory to Bai Linglu, and Bai Linglu was his ally.

As for Mr. Wei's ability to resist interrogation: I'm just hobbling meat!
However, Wei Keng didn't know that Bai Linglu didn't care about this. As Wei Keng's old partner, Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng with some anticipation.Bai Cong's fingers intertwined under the supervisor's platform.

At this time, the dialogue between Wei Keng and another guy is also completed (the will of the holy gun who has reached the multidimensional plane)

Wei Keng said slowly to Bai Linglu: "Let's go back." Bai Linglu's face was as bright as spring, she nodded and said: "Welcome home."

... In the space of the monitor, in the tightly closed small black room, Yan Beixiang silently watched this scene. …

On the Wanlun plane, the last group of Wei Keng was about to return to consciousness. After walking through the places where he bled, he escaped from the places that were about to burn.

120 days of madness right in front of this Anglo-capital building,

Finally, with the cries of the brave, it was broken, and finally some sober guys in the military couldn't stand it anymore, and began to spin on terror theocracy, ignited the flames, and directly opened the prison of the empire to play the "Song of Freedom"

On November 3254, 11 in the Fire Emblem Calendar, the Anglos were undergoing military suppression, and an uprising might occur due to intense suppression.There are strikes everywhere on the streets, as well as businessmen holding signs to petition
In a theocratic country, the workers in the early days of hunger and cold have not yet had the ideological awareness of struggle, and they usually look forward to the kindness of the upper class.

In the era of abundant supplies, the upper class has always been doing propaganda like this to brainwash the lower class.Don't care about unfair distribution after you've had a full meal, benevolent gentlemen will distribute social wealth to more useful places.

Such an excellent means of establishing morality.There are many kinds of philanthropic activities of the rich that are common on Earth.

Charity organizations are mostly a service for the rich to seek psychological comfort when they seek alms, and they have never really solved the problem.

Real mass famine, when will charity be seen to make a difference?This way of shaping moral models for the upper class of the aristocracy can play a stabilizing role in peaceful times.

Citizens who petitioned in the imperial capital were influenced by the inertia of the above-mentioned model.They held up signs asking the Anglo royal family, as the people's baby daddy, to provide bread and cotton clothes.

This is what everyone thought, "Since the royal family claims that the gods have not disappeared, then the nobles should also be kind?"

But in fact, the upper echelons know that God has disappeared, and "God is still there" is just fooling ordinary people.Nobles who lost an eye in the war.Looking at the scene in front of him, he was worried that these nominal petitioners would rush forward to pierce his false coat, and finally ordered: "Shoot!"

After the bullets, the streets were bloody and quiet, seemingly resolved or perhaps replaced by larger problems, and ten days later a great uprising broke out in Anglo-Sour.

Before the big uprising, Wei Keng stood high in the air and shook his head.At this time, in the follow-up process of the Anglo uprising, there is no Wei Keng anymore, and it is full of speculators.

When it was time to solve the problem in history, the Angles did not solve the problem,

A few years ago, when it was time to formulate a clear goal of resistance, it was biased by the "neutral description method" used by media such as BCC.

Now all the "possibility" of Anglo is blocked, and any way out of resistance has been summed up by the "smart underdogs" as the best way to seize power and speculate at the "start of the tide".

At this time, no matter which "ism" the Anglo-Chinese capital contenders listen to, they will be led astray by those usurpers who occupy the leading position in advance.

The only result of waiting for Anglo is either anarchy or a diode of authoritarianism.

Wei Keng, who lives in Anglo, did not get involved in the uprising, and slipped away before the beautiful crazy scene affected him.

…Back to consciousness At this time, I was chatting with Bai Linglu, and at the same time I was talking to the "catastrophe" in outer space.

In the eyes of most people in the world, the twinkling stars that started from the constellation Phoenix began to end after August 8th, but Wei Keng has always seen November 4th.

The visible gamma ray in the sky finally arrived; when it arrived, it stretched across the starry sky, as if cutting the sky in half.

The sun still rises from the horizon as usual in the face of kisses from 2000 million light-years away.But in the radio telescope, every [-] microseconds in the solar spectrum, the spectral band changes, like a rhythmic singing.

Wei Keng looked up at the sky, the gamma ray beam from the star, the light of this ray beam, directly sank into the sun.For the mortal Wei Keng who stayed on the Wanlun Continent, all this is a new beginning.

For Terminal Wei Keng, this is a full stop.Consciousness was forcibly moved into the starry sky.

When Wei Keng saw that this existence appeared in the form of starlight.

Wei Keng: "Who are you?"

Interstellar: "Well, to be precise, the me who cares about the plane of the field and the me you see now are the same existence. To be precise, it is the self under the same consciousness and experienced in different time and space. "(Using master Wei's split understanding: the same will, the experience of selling eggs and fried rice is one, and the life experience of repairing cars is also one)
Wei Keng: "Spirit Field?" —— Sense Field has very little information for Wei Keng in the main world.

The star-crosser seemed to react, bit his finger, and said, "You take me as your salvation."

Wei Keng: "You? Wait, the mind plane, if we meet, are you following me?"

Interstellar person: "I can't say to follow, I can only say that there is intertwining between you and me as a variable. I see that you have a heavy burden, so I will help you."

Wei Keng asked suspiciously, "Are you Zheng Nian?"

Yueyue Xing: "Yes or no, Zhengnian is me, but I am not Zhengnian. When I lock a plane, I am the initial pure white will when I arrive. Only after I leave will I know the cause and effect. Here (Wan Lun plane) is constantly growing, soul shaping, and healthy growth process, you have contributed a lot as a mentor companion."

Wei Keng said in a low and sad voice: "I didn't call, he went to die like this, what a bitch I am."

Interstellar: "Don't you want to meet him?"

Wei Keng: "Huh?"

Interstellar person: "(Zai Nian) memory and thinking are stored perfectly. Even the state of consciousness is still active, and I can adjust the state."

Wei Keng urgently said, "Quick!", because the white-haired boy really wanted to see him again.

Countless quantum fluctuation data in the starry sky converged into a silver-haired young man. After meeting, Zheng Nian stuck out his tongue at Wei Kengqun after he appeared: "I didn't expect that, I am also a descendant of heaven!"

When Keng saw this familiar person, he smiled, but with a smile, he felt like crying.He couldn't help reaching out his hand, wanting to reach out and rub his hair, but was avoided.

Wei Keng: "I am very lucky to meet you."

Zheng Nian paused: "In this world, there was no soil where I was born (the possibility of my fiery will flickering). But with you, I should appear."

When Zheng Nian said this, he opened up the other planes where Wei Keng was located, and there was also a sunny boy on those planes.

At this time, Wei Keng will continue to expand in the plane, and now Zheng Nian has given a promise: "Within the rules of the universe in this dimension, as long as someone (Wei Keng) is dancing with a shovel, then someone (me) is holding the holy gun .This war will be fought against the gods until it is completely won."

Wei Keng looked at this consciousness from a higher civilization, and realized that the high-level civilizations are not guarding against each other, but resonating with each other.There is resonance in cultivating hope.

Zheng Nian said: "Sorry, it's getting late, I have to leave."

Wei Keng: "Leave?"

Zheng Nian shook his head: "It was you who left, and I want to meet again." Sheng Changcheng marked a series of historical network diagrams. On the historical line of the lower reaches of Wanlun Continent, he will always come to all the historical nodes where development has stalled. past.

Soon Zheng Nian disappeared and turned into Starlight again.

Interstellar person: "As the initial consciousness, everything I experienced together with you is equivalent to the kindergarten of life. Next, you need to continue in the sea of ​​stars, proceeding to youth and adulthood. Of course, there is a beginning and an end. When you have insight into all the knowledge and cannot break through, you will Re-sharpen and go back to the beginning again.”

Through the communication, Wei Keng understood the growth mode of this interstellar person with a large number of sub-consciousness.

The star-crosser of the holy gun is composed of many "cell"-like consciousnesses.

These sub-consciousnesses penetrate all planes, start from the initial crossing, germinate, and then grow life after life in history (heroes are born once in hundreds of years), until they advance the history of civilization to break through the constraints of the universe.

Zhengnian is the first arrival of the holy gun in this time and space, which is only equivalent to the first child.As history develops, it will come again later.

The next time, the next time comes, Zhengnian will grow into a young man in the shuttle again and again. After civilization has stepped into the ultimate of the rules of the universe, Zhengnian consciousness will conduct a dimensional jump experiment on the steps of civilization, and then gather in the interstellar space. in the mainstream.

Wei Keng looked at the interstellar person who was talking.Understand that he is reminding himself, a development route that is endless in dimension.

Such a transcendent existence has found a "suitable" time and space (plane) to inject a pure white consciousness body, creating more "saving" like lovely people, thus forming a growth cycle. (The so-called "suitability" means that every time it burns hotly, the light of the fire can be remembered)

Interstellar: "This time, we are very happy to cooperate."

Wei Keng also smiled, waved his fist and said, "Okay, I hope we can still see it in other places in the future."

The interstellar person, like Zheng Nian, tilted his head and waved: "We will meet later."

…When we meet again, it may be cooperation or war. Wei Keng will roll with determination. …

After meeting with the holy gun, Wei Keng's time and space system recovered at this time.

System: "Your Excellency, just now your mental fluctuations suddenly collapsed by seven-eighths, which is much lower than the state of deep sleep. May I ask what did you feel just now?"

Wei Keng glanced at the questioning system.I see, the dialogue with the higher civilization just now is not under the monitoring of our side.

And now, for those who are asking questions in the name of the public system, Bai Linglu will probably prick up his ears in the back
So Wei Keng couldn't help but get nervous in the face of the various "curiosity" behind the system: he tilted his head: "Guess!"

(End of this chapter)

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