out of cage

Chapter 878 Chapter 22 Wei Keng: Am I conservative, or is this place too avant-garde?

Chapter 878 Chapter 20.02 Wei Keng: Am I conservative, or is this place too avant-garde?
In the main world, in Qinling's personal suite, Wei Keng was yawning and writing a self-summary.

For a long time, Wei Keng wanted to forget the unhappiness of his previous life. Well, although he still remembered those things now, his heart was no longer heavy.NOTE: This is liberation.

After walking out of the gravitational well in Qinling Mountains, Wei Keng raised his head, looked at the haloed sun in the blue sky, and began his rare vacation time.

…Wei Keng: Regardless of the era, I am a middle-aged man, and I have to go with the flow…

In 3116, Wei Keng returned to the main world for three years, and his work and life have gradually adapted to the main world.

On the sun, my new batch of consciousness groups can barely reach the Xiaqing level.I have a lot of ideas about the Dyson ring of the sun, the impact of particles, and the material construction system.

Wei Keng has always been interested in working in Dyson Ring.Just like a child always wants to be an astronaut or a policeman.When these ideals were rushed to be completed by other people who were better than myself, I could only watch others complete these great undertakings.

However, after several centuries, those "excellent" talents stopped grabbing these positions, and Wei Keng finally stepped in.

…In the orbit of the sun, Wei Keng began to repeat the technical production line created by the previous solar engineers, and expanded it…

For example, "substance manufacturing production chain" technology.

Direct use of solar energy began to produce "various heavy elements".

This technology existed in the 29th century. Using solar energy to control the transmutation of matter is equivalent to the chemical industry in the 20th century. The chemical industry synthesizes a large amount of materials needed by human beings in chemical theory. It is the material industry of planetary civilization, but when it comes to stars In civilization, "transmutation industry" is the foundation of cosmic civilization.

Now on the Sun, Wei Keng's only expands these production chain systems "a little bit".

Let's put it this way, the modern steelmaking industry began in the 19th century, and was one of the big powers with an annual output of 100 million tons in the late 21th and early 10th centuries. " of the increase.

Wei Keng, who was liberated in the 32nd century, can naturally get rid of the shackles, join the new force of human productivity progress, and start the most habitual "accumulation".

The change from laying flat to being proactive is just like the people at the bottom of the East in the [-]th century from numbness to enthusiasm for construction.

...Liberation is to undo the shackles of people's will. This shackle has always been covered by the outside, but the people who made it all outside are always on the sidelines and it doesn't matter. …

For "the posture of a middle-aged man", "innovation" is often someone else's, but once the road is opened, if you push your head forward, then the big wheel will roll forward.

In the eyes of others, Wei Keng has passed through the quantum plane, and he has lost his lazy look and is full of vigor every day.

Master Wei in the main world is living a fulfilling life, but in the dimension, he has already "knocked on the bowls and chopsticks, urging Master Wei to pass"

On April 4th, during the Grain Rain season, greetings from the dark plane: "You have returned, why don't you ignore it?" This is a greeting from Jing Guyu.

Jing Guyu's mood this year was very ups and downs.

The multidimensional plane collapsed, and there was no survivor. She didn't speak on the surface, but she watched the dimension Xinghai for several days, and when her emotions were full of grief, oh, she still had an eyeliner to tell her that Wei Keng was here. The multiplane survived.And he is the only survivor, even now he is leisurely repairing the sun.

Jing Guyu immediately scratched several sets of clothes in front of him with his fingernails.Then curse yourself "I worry about him, why, uh, why should I worry about him, you idiot!"

Although he only spent one plane with Wei Keng, Jing Guyu has been worried for a century for some reason.

As that part of Wei Keng's consciousness rushed into the multi-dimensional plane, it was rumored that he would never return. Jing Guyu's heart was like a green stone being hit by rain in the Qingming Festival, but he was sure that Wei Keng was fine, and he was heartless, so he didn't tell himself he was safe. .That's the smell of vinegar.

So, with a different kind of anger, she sent this greeting to Wei Keng, urging to solve the time-space node of the dark plane.

As for how Jing Guyu got the news, Bai Linglu wanted to tear the hair of the inner ghost in the team, right, besides Yan Beixiang, there are other eyeliners, the way Bai Linglu controlled it, it was not the inner ghost The question is not, but when do you choose to be the inner ghost.

Bai Linglu, after finding out that there are leaks everywhere on his side.He decided to completely reshuffle his team.

Bai Linglu looked at the multiple planes she was managing, and was sure whether she should also engage in splitting. She was like a bathing girl who was about to hesitate by the river, stretching her feet to weigh the water to see if it was cold.

Bai Linglu didn't know that Qin Tianfang had already sent Qin Xiaohan there.

…Let’s go back to Wei Keng’s own description of his feelings about returning this time,…

The changes in the world make Wei Keng like a child trying to keep his balance in a turbulent river. ,
We must touch the "stones" carefully, and then step on the "basic point" of common sense in this era to understand society.

In the 32nd century, if a person in the 21st century suddenly watches such a world.It's like the eleventh century feels strange to the 21st century mobile electronics world.

The festival in the eleventh century was built on the basis of material scarcity, and people beautified it spiritually.In these sacrificial ceremonies, people need to bathe, go on a diet,
The development of productivity in the 21st century is richer than that of ancient times. The perception of these festivals is no longer "obeying certain rules" but consumption, and reasons for relaxation and happiness.

Therefore, the modern people's cognition of the ancient people's thinking is full of wishful thinking.Only see the atmosphere and forget the "constraints inherent in the times"

In the 21st century, many lovers of Song Dynasty culture believed that geisha were the stars of their own era who "sell their art but not their body". Constraint setting.

Even a man in ancient times could not marry a "lower family" as his wife, otherwise the family would not allow this branch to enter the ancestral hall.

This is to be set by the constant chain of complex "culture" and forget the "basic rules" of society, that is, equality is only established in the new distribution of responsibilities after violent confrontation.

...No matter what stage civilization progresses to, there is always the binding force of the group on the individual. Now Wei Keng wants to know where the binding force is...

In the 32nd century, Wei Keng came to the "ancient city" and saw the skyscrapers from 1000 years ago.

The underground is still constantly flowing, and more modern vacuum tubes have replaced the subway, but there are not so many people on the platform.

Between the building and the building, there are a series of deformable suspended titanium alloy steel bridges that only existed in the 30th century. It is really a seamless integration of multiple old periods.

Green plants hang down from the bridge, stretching rhythmically like the tree of life under the lifting of the mechanical arm.

And on the streets of the city there are all kinds of animals.There are tigers, brown bears, elk.These animals roam the city and live in harmony.

Wei Keng was very strange about this situation. He watched from a distance and inquired about modern materials.But I found that this is a culture that claims to restore "harmonious coexistence between man and nature after the 26th century".

Wei Keng: "Where in the 26th century did animals live in harmony in big cities? Oh, wait, yes, at that time, there seemed to be a fad in the 100th century, where small parks were opened in cities and some animals were kept in stock. Small animals with electronic collars, um, maybe the cultural memory left over [-] years ago has been processed and set in ancient times.”

Wei Keng preliminarily believes that with today's technology, these animals should be managed electronically, that is, chips are implanted in various parts of the animal's body.

For example, the excretion of those large saber-toothed tigers, sensed by the chip in the intestinal tract, will come to the sand pond in the city for processing.If hungry.Herbivorous animals will be prompted which plants that should be pruned can be eaten in the city, and carnivorous animals, such as tigers, will be prompted to cook at certain cat food spots.

As for attacking people?Oh, its whole body, at least 23 muscle nodes, can be fused with electrical signals at any time, making it paralyzed.

In the 21st century, training pet dogs to eat, defecate, not bite, and obey orders is a craft.Because of the complexity and difficulty, it is called art, and now it can be mass-produced with industrial technology, which is directly a "modern industrial work".

But two days later, Wei Keng saw the operating platform:
The perception of these animals can be connected with human beings, which is the feeling of "Zhuang Zhou turning into a butterfly".The brains of animals in these cities perceive everything, and they are rented out. Modern humans are just like going to a movie theater in the 21st century. They can connect with these leisurely animals in the city at any time and experience a different feeling of relaxation.

It took Wei Keng a long time to understand the novelty-seeking interest of contemporary people who "want to experience wild life".

Wei Lao persuaded himself: "It is equivalent to the 21st century, when women wear bikinis on the beach, it feels strange in the Song Dynasty."

…Chinese people just understand a new world, so they don’t know how to comment on the new world from a critical perspective, just like the Chinese in the early twentieth century, who just saw Europe and the United States, learned with humility. …

With the advancement of physiological science and technology, in the medicine of the 32nd century, consciousness has become an objective physiological phenomenon. After the sacredness is removed, it begins to break through the ethical restrictions.

Oh, in the ethics of ancient times, in the early days of medical science, the human body is sacred, and humans and animals cannot be mixed together.As a result, in order to survive in the 21st century, human beings first used mechanical hearts, and then completed pig heart transplants,

Transplantation of "animal organs" is a naked heresy in Muslims.

Oh, most religions in the old America will jump out,

Even the oriental tradition is very sensitive to the pig's heart and dog's lungs.

Because in the eyes of most natural people, the self is unique, and the body of the self is sacred. To admit the transplantation is to admit that part of oneself is not human.

Most modern people in the 21st century may not be so sensitive to such things as pig heart transplantation, thinking that this is only scientific and there is no need to make a fuss, but in fact, science has not yet touched its bottom line.For example, in the 21st century, it is impossible for human beings to compare "self-awareness" with the consciousness in animals.

As early as the 26th century, the main world medicine has thoroughly studied the origin of "brain intracranial consciousness" in the growth stage of a human embryo, and determined that the quantum phenomenon of consciousness spreads from several main neurons to the brain during embryonic development.

If a person's consciousness is not fully developed, it will lead to congenital personality defects. (The definition of this personality defect often makes other people in society feel uncomfortable, so the definition is imposed.)
In the 30th century, experts in the field of consciousness science discovered: what about defective personality, consciousness fluctuations, similar to the personalities of some animals!

That is to say, the part of human self-awareness is not unique.Humans have evolved biologically, and phenomena in humans can find their counterparts in other creatures.

For a long time, in terms of ethics, "human" and "animal" have a clear boundary in consciousness and no confusion is allowed. This involves the morality of human society. The standards for human beings and animals are different.

Human bodies can be transplanted with animal organs, and the boundaries are blurred at the time.

Human consciousness can also find corresponding fluctuations from animal thinking, which also makes Master Wei, an ancient man, feel that "morality has fallen."

Wei Keng said with emotion: Since the 21st century, every generation feels that they are open enough, but they never think of what the next generation can play and challenge their own ability to accept.

At the end of the 31st century, in modern human science, consciousness medical assistance has been widely used.

Many people with mental illness will implant part of their consciousness into some companion animals.

Therefore, in the 32nd century, all animals were infused with "spirit" by human beings. Through quantum injection, human beings injected part of the memory thinking information and this part of consciousness into wild animals.

…When animals have spirits and can cultivate, human beings have a major change in the moral theory of animals around them. …

Wei Keng, an old antique in the 21st century, now has to accept the difficult fact of scientific progress in the main world.

Wei Keng can use Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly to understand the current technology.But if you can't understand the diffusion and development of this technology.

When those vertebrate creatures in the whole nature have human consciousness and human nature, they lose their wildness.

However, the human nature of human beings matches the existence of human evolution, which may not be suitable for animals.

Animals are profit-seeking, and this profit-seeking is often seeking stability, and the aggressiveness brought about by too much human consciousness will bring risks to animals.

For example: In the 21st century, human beings who have no fighting spirit laugh at themselves.

This kind of situation is often seen in animals in the 21st century. For example, at that time, eagles would automatically fly to human homes, and giant pandas could not survive after being rewilded and ran back to human habitats.

Narrator: Not to mention the "wolf nature" of animals. If you lose a piece of meat every day, wolves will come over and wag their tails, competing for favor with Erha.

Animals cannot achieve the level of human beings, and the aggressiveness accompanied by human consciousness is superfluous for animals.In other words, the consciousness raised by animals as containers seems to be subject to innate restrictions,
…Life is restless and does not follow its own path, which will breed hidden dangers, but these hidden dangers are long-term. …

Now, Wei Keng looked at the phantom jumping in the sky, and then stopped in front of Wei Keng, letting Master Wei see that it was a "bird of prey", like an elf with a bow and arrow on his back, stopped in front of Wei Keng, A quick flash of hello.

Wei Keng made a judgment, this is the lineage of "Falcon".

This kind of thing that was supposed to be a small raptor seems to have gone through a special evolutionary route, and now it has a wingspan of three meters. This is the level of a large raptor!

This is impossible in nature, but now it appears, Zetmeow shows that in the past 100 years, this type of "bird of prey" has been deeply used by people's consciousness. After all, who doesn't want to soar into the sky?
The fighting spirit of human beings is superfluous for other species!This "excess" condition upsets the natural balance
Because these spiritual animals are closer to humans, after obtaining abundant food resources and autonomous exercise, they are huge in size, and soon squeeze other natural species. (Wei Keng: In order to sneak away, I started to be an animal, but as a human being, I couldn’t take it easy, so I killed all the other animals.)
Narrator: In fact, human beings have evolved very rapidly. In the 19th century, the height of ordinary men fluctuated at 1.7 meters, and in the 22nd century it started to jump to 1.8 meters.This upscaling is evolution.

In the 31st century human consciousness entered the vertebrates of nature.Human consciousness is too deliberately trained to choose the best cubs, so in just 100 years, the evolutionary route of his cats has become strange like all kinds of pet dogs in the [-]th century

"The boundary between human beings and animals has been broken, and the consciousness of humans and beasts has also gradually evolved. So how should human beings be positioned?"

Old Antique Wei Keng whispered after gradually understanding this era: "Destroy the body, unhealthy, let human beings live like animals, and their minds are underdeveloped, then maybe they become beasts."

(End of this chapter)

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