out of cage

Chapter 879 Chapter 23 The main world's "big change", was sent away "unstable&qu

Chapter 879 Chapter 20.03 The "Millennium Great Change" of the main world, was sent away "unstable"

If you look at the 37nd century from the perspective of the people in the "Xinghai Pastoral" era in the 32th century.

This is a crazy century, just like the twenty-first century 1000 years ago.

From the second half of the [-]th century to the first half of the [-]st century, when human beings separated war from development and rejoiced in the preciousness of peace, they discovered that the "peace disease" was terribly damaging to civilization.

There is no war to remind human beings to "survive first", and as a result, generations of people have begun to lose themselves in crazy material consumption and emotional overdraft.The generation that experienced two major wars in the early twentieth century could not have imagined how outrageous the "route" would be in a few decades.

At that time, human beings' self-direction was no longer based on mental health and achievements in their own interests, but an all-round material comparison.The number of real estate, the vehicles owned, and various deified tertiary industries, constantly employ people to pile up services in catering and entertainment, creating a variety of "new" taste demands, and these demands are likely to be only in personal media Leaving photos and showing them to others to satisfy an unhealthy vanity.

In the [-]st century, no one at the center of the right to speak has ever dared to ask "what is the demand, and how many people really need it!"

In the business myths created at that time, the so-called promotion of an industry's success is based on "promotion". It is necessary to lead the trend and make the public feel that they want to buy it.”

Under this trend, the leaders at the top are complacently claiming to have opened up the market, but they forget that the development of civilization is actually the core of truly serving people.Instead of unscrupulously "promoting the growth" of all kinds of weeds to support the improvement of productivity.

In the 24st century, the people took all kinds of "low tastes" and claimed to be "modern civilized life", and came to look at the conservative old antiques in the past with arrogance.Yet they are viewed with irony by the [-]th century.

…The fog of each era will eventually dissipate, but the important thing is whether you can see the fog clearly in your own era. …

From the end of the 31st century to the present 32nd century,
Wei Keng is wondering now: whether the human beings today have also forgotten their own essence.

Thanks to five centuries of advances in regenerative surgery, medical experts believe that everyone who "want to live" should be able to live.

But what is "wanting to live"?
At least in Wei Keng's era, it was very difficult for everyone to meet the standard of "wanting to live" during carbon-based aging.

There is enough precipitation in the thinking, and there is great hope. The flame of "consciousness" is ignited in the carbon base, so that in the process of continuous replacement of brain cells in regenerative surgery, repeated learning can be maintained.

Wei Keng: It requires a strong enough will to do what a person should do, such as earnestly learning a skill without giving up halfway, insisting on a regular daily work and rest, and maintaining oneself day after day.

It cannot be said that while you are "taking drugs", "indulging in lust", "drunk life and dreaming", you are indulging in "chaotic sex", and you have not shown any "consciousness" control over your life. In the end, at the end of your life, you still say that you have no Live enough.

All in all, in the 28th century, it is extremely difficult to be a human being. It is very difficult to gather enough firm "standards" during regeneration. Some people will always waste their lives. fade away.

After the 31st century, technology has developed, and technology can help people with weak consciousness to gather a sufficient scale of consciousness during regenerative surgery.

This is the root cause of the popularity of "injecting spirits into animals". Now medical technology can easily cultivate awareness.

Oh, the euphemistic name is "Zhuang Zhou's Dream".This method really allows people to find the meaning of life from the perspective of animals.Therefore, "substitutes" began to become popular.

It is as common as human mobile phones in the 21st century. After implanting some sensory cells in the cerebellum and brain, the part that could have given birth to consciousness is replaced by a cell chip and sent back to the main brain.

...The technology of the spirit injection is right, what is wrong is people's attitude towards the spirit injection...

This kind of assistance is problematic, and there is a gap between it and normal people. Just like the heart implanted in a foreign animal in the 21st century, it cannot behave like a healthy person. However, if a normal person pays attention to exercise, works regularly and is healthy, the coordination of the whole body is the same. No matter how good a medical transplant organ is, it cannot be compared!

Therefore, it is not because organs can be transplanted that normal people can overdraw all kinds of games and do not care about their bodies.

In the same way, it is also wrong to think that you are the same as those people who insist on themselves and ensure a strong will when you have determined that the total amount of numerical values ​​is sufficient.

…If you don’t understand the price of “acquired” compensation, and carelessly overdraw your innate conditions, you must be on the road to madness…

Wei Keng: "Back then, I was only in the virtual world, pursuing "three kills" and "running away" in one game after another, but the young people of this generation can play it!"

In this era, human beings use "infusion" to cultivate aggressiveness, and they are complacent even if they cheat to gather "aggressiveness".But forget that aggressiveness is used to be a human being. ——Being a human is far more difficult than being an animal.

The new round of Wei Keng individuals has completed the basic education of this era. From the perspective of knowledge system, this generation of young people has gone through 50 years of technical education, and their understanding of various natural sciences such as electronics, machinery, and biology is still up to standard.

But a lot of knowledge comes from the projection of the chip in the brain, and very little is understood by the natural way of using carbon-based eyes, brain thinking, and hands.

Wei Keng: The effort saved will inevitably become a threshold in the future. Over the past few decades, the number of sergeant-level traversers has been promoted.but!Why is the number of Shangqing missing during the consciousness time travel?
Wei Keng touched the antique tablet in front of him, and said with emotion: You must know that in the 21st century, after the emergence of mobile phones, young people's real social skills have declined.Technology always has its downsides.

...Of course, criticism is criticism, Wei Keng still experienced the spirit injection...

Master Wei himself followed the "True Fragrance Theorem" and played dozens of "Spirit Boosting" in a row.From jungle elves, deep-sea whales, giant mine snakes, to space duckweed!

These substitutes fully reflected Wei Keng's wide range of hobbies.

Wei Keng argued: I am investigating.

Wei Keng learned more about Zhu Ling through participation. Any technology can be "high-end" or "shoddy", and the same is true for Zhu Ling.

The price of these "genetic technology is extremely high, and high-level consciousness activation chips implanted" customized by Wei Keng is very expensive.However, there are great hidden dangers in some spiritual substitutes. Although it will cultivate "awareness", it will make the consciousness paranoid.

It will probably become those "paranoid" and "crazy" geniuses by the standards of the 21st century.

Such a spiritual substitute obviously has not passed a serious safety assessment. If it is used by ordinary people, it will cause the consciousness to form multiple personalities.

…The spirit injection is very exciting, "minors" are easy to get addicted to it, but Wei Keng is not a minor, so he stopped after trying it...

Mr. Wei bought all the expensive doubles on the market, which made the operators pay attention to this high-quality customer.

Distributors in the Asian region found out that Wei Keng was a very rare "Qing level" plane traveler during the communication, so he changed the direction of his business and asked him to endorse him.Of course, Wei Keng refused.

These strange beasts that can "reproduce" and even change the regional ecology, Wei Keng tried something new at the beginning, and then he slightly forgot about it like a video game in the 21st century.

Wei Keng is sure that he has played video games in the 21st century, but every victory will not last long in his memory.Because that's not something worthwhile to be excited about for decades.And only things that are truly meaningful to "being a human being" are worth remembering.

In 3117, someone Wei returned to the task of traveling through, and needed to transfer to a new area for his consciousness withdrawn from the "multiple planes".

Well, in the solar system of the main world, Master Wei started to cultivate the sun with more than 6000 consciousnesses.

Master Wei really wants to regenerate his life, play with more than ten thousand splits every year, and project them on the sun for construction. This may surprise the allies of the main world.I wonder if some evil god has come to Earth.

Wei Keng: Take your time, as soon as the sun dies, sooner or later all the positions of the sun will be taken down.

Although there are some problems with education in the main world, it is not enough to let the sun, the "energy", "food" and "materials", the foundation of human civilization, fall into the hands of a minority.

Mr. Wei's position in Taiyang is also rotated every 60 years. In order to keep the position (staffing) of Taiyang, Mr. Wei has been working on scientific research projects.

For example, for nuclear transmutation manufacturing technologies such as "printing matter", Wei Keng conducts a large number of "nuclear chemical" experiments every year, resulting in many patents.

As long as Wei Keng is still working seriously and being a man in the main world, sooner or later the main world will have its own place.

Wei Keng: Of course, it is our well-deserved responsibility to bring newcomers into the production chain.

...As a "middleman", you must do all your careers for a long time...

In the center of the earth shuttle hall, Wei Keng looked at the materials of these two teams and felt that they were full of young people's personalities.

Wei Keng, started to sign up: "Metal Logic Team: Yan Ming, Jiruo,..." Then turned to another team: "Sunshine Mopan Team, Fanhong..." Wei Keng complained: You guys are named Zhenqi.

Wei Keng: "I have read the information. You have all been to the plane of dark energy. Come with me now, life or death is in your own hands."

…In the world of travelers, Wei Keng is a time-honored brand, and different from other pastoral era traveler, Wei Keng is still very "local"...

Wei Keng fought so darkly in the multidimensional plane that the gods were trapped in the pit and couldn't get out.

On the one hand, Qin Tianfang and the others were dispatching personnel to find the situation in the multidimensional plane, and on the other hand, they were inquiring about the plane that Wei Keng traveled to recently.

Of course, Jing Guyu guarded Wei Keng's original time, and Qin Tian let them go.You can only go to some timelines close to the dark plane.

Of course, due to the high risk of the dark plane, there have been some accidents, which have damaged the consciousness of some traversers.

For example, in this timeline 15 years ago, Haotu arranged an "unofficial" survey of the dark plane.

The task of this group of teams is to investigate the adaptability of the sub-civilization area in the dark plane of the great universe.

A total of [-] teams were sent, and most of them returned safely, but a small number, namely the two teams in front of Wei Keng, arrived in the dark plane, and encountered the high-level forces (seventh-level dark energy users) in the dark plane. "Planet Arena".

One of the teams was seriously blackened, and after being infected by the mind, they pressed the destroy button on a continent of the planet.As a result, after I went down and saw this destruction scene with my own eyes, my heart collapsed.

And the other team fell into an empty vortex point during the space voyage.A ship must be sacrificed.In the end, I don't know whether it was a collective brain twitch or what. Everyone felt that there was a round of voting first, and they voted for "who should not be sacrificed".

Of course, multiple people were voted in the first round, but in the end, one person was always required to undertake the highest sacrifice task.Because the system judged it was unfair, the result was overturned, and then there was only a lottery, but it happened to be that person again.

In the end, that person died.Even though he questioned it at that time, the questioning was invalid.

Because the other lucky ones won't help him at the risk of getting themselves voted again,
And before this person left, he said a sentence: "I don't accept it." This sentence made the team's heart broken and planted the seeds of the team's collapse.

The environment in space is special. When there is a crisis, everyone is panicked. Everyone has to realize that their state is not good. At this time, it is absolutely impossible to engage in democratic voting one by one. All the bad roots are not restrained and stimulated.Everyone must be held accountable.

...doing unrighteous things, demons will start to breed...

Wei Keng knows that this team is one of the two teams, but which team it is, the information is confidential, Wei Keng does not know the specific team name, (Wei Keng can know, but Wei Keng does not perform "check-in" in order to ensure equal treatment. Wei Keng chose not to look at the "answer" for the time being, but to understand it during the contact process.)
And the two teams don't know each other what their fellow team looks like, one of them doesn't know that the team next door has a past of "fratricidal" insanity, and the other doesn't know that the friendly army is the "Blackened Mad Demon Team" .

In short, although the current culture of the main world is convincing that "everyone will restore their consciousness as much as possible", in fact this is the same as "encouraging righteousness and bravery in the 21st century". It must be done."

Most of the restoration of consciousness in the 32nd century is the routine of "injecting and merging spirits", that is, to let the thinking and consciousness be placed in "free animals" to be restored, and then these restored "consciousnesses" will be transferred into themselves.

How to put it, Wei Keng does not claim that "human consciousness" is supernatural.

Like, don't imitate 21st century religious people who claim the "natural body" is sacred.

Since the body is evolved from the lower level, the consciousness is naturally not created out of thin air, and there is also a replacement for the lower level.

But Wei Keng is sure of one thing, that is, there is still a difference between the "consciousness of being a serious human being" and the "consciousness of repairing within a beast".Human beings are not just a combination of "parts", but a system. (Ship of Theseus)
For example, there is a huge difference between the body of a natural person who has undergone body-fixing surgery, precise diet control, and well-educated education since childhood, and a human body that has undergone surgery and transplanted organs.

Although in the 26th century, transplantation techniques have been changed to clonal cell organ transplantation with minimal rejection, those with a little health awareness are still at the developmental stage of a 20-year-old natural person, try not to transplant any organs, because the body is a mutual body. Coordinated integrated structure.

And why not consciousness?

Wei Keng: If human beings can overcome the "frustration of frustrated consciousness" by themselves, then try not to use the consciousness cultivated by spiritual animals to make up for the loss of self-consciousness.But the higher the intelligence, the more systematic the thinking and will system is.

…At the mouth of the gravitational well, on the shuttle platform where people come and go, Wei Keng is like a tour guide waiting for guests, waiting for the members he leads...

When Wei Keng found these exploration teams.

When Wei Keng saw these colleagues whose uniforms were not uniform, with black eye sockets, or smoldering lips, he seemed to feel that he was "simplely arranged" in the same way back then, and felt empathy.

Master Wei couldn't help recalling old accounts: In the Pandora plane, it is said that if you don't lose [-]%, you won't be judged as severely impaired consciousness. In the Shenzhou plane, it was judged that "forced departure" was no big deal, so he was forcibly dragged away.

Wei Keng: No matter how much I think about it, I feel that the above (Time and Space Administration) is so unreliable.

Now Wei Keng greeted the two groups of people with a smile, and shouted: Everyone cheer up, and then enter the sea of ​​stars with me.

…After experiencing the Great Liberation, Wei Keng finally had the energy to help others. …

Before coming to the underground center, Wei Keng had checked the information, and he took the initiative to choose Yan Ming and Fan Hong.

Wei Keng raised his head and confirmed to the system: "Give me the two problem teams?"

The system sent out a message: "Your Excellency also has a lot of problems!"

Wei Keng's tone was raised, and he used the tone of reckoning: "Who? Who said it? Stand up, come on, don't use the official account, go to the personal account and line up with me. What's wrong with me, I'm so normal There is no problem!" At this time, Wei Keng had already recognized who it was.

Qin Xiaohan appeared here meanderingly.

As for Wei Keng, he welcomed her with a "surprised" expression, and even wanted to "hug".Of course, Wei Keng was forced to back off after Qin Xiaohan crossed his arms, raised his legs to his knees, and tried to kick someone, and there was no "half-push, half-obey" plot.

Of course, the "attempted" Wei Keng was very sorry, and Qin Xiaohan was even more "disgusted" (complaint).

Wei Keng: "Come to me, how can you be empty-handed?" Qin Xiaohan flicked the bundle of blue silk in his hand: "Oh, then what do you want?"

Wei Keng paused for a moment, and decided to admit it: "Speaking of the truth, what exactly is Qin Tianfang trying to do? In the Fourth Plane War, you, a younger sister, shouldn't care about his dangerous moves?"

Qin Xiaohan: "You are the most dangerous person now. Also, why did you fight the Fourth Plane War? Do you think it has nothing to do with you now?"

She looked at Wei Keng, and realized that this guy was pretending to be stupid, and was looking straight at herself. That gaze was not looking at his face, but slightly downward, looking at the belly pocket inside the silk shirt.So, Qin Xiaohan called the service robot to put on the brocade robe that had been replaced after entering the room.

Qin Xiaohan seemed to be covering Xiafei's cheeks too thickly.

As for Wei Keng, he reluctantly took it back, admiring the lotus root arms and tender breasts.

But I also know that my method of "diverting attention" that is effective for Bai Linglu is useless for Qin Xiaohan.

"Whenever Bai Linglu asks a key question", Wei Keng's intentional sex and soul teaching will cause Bai Linglu's cold face, and his attention will be "deflected".

As for Qin Xiaohan, it's the balance of "sentiment" and "work".With an attitude of "how bold you are and how productive the land is", anyway, if you really want to make "the peak falls into the valley", Qin Xiaohan has the means to hold Wei Keng responsible to the end.

...Bai Linglu is busy at this time, because Qin Tianfang is discussing important steps with Bai Linglu on matters related to Haotu. …

At this time, the balance of time and space in the main world was broken. According to the investigation from the multiple planes, all the kings of that wave fell into the pit, and there was no time to jump out to fight against the power of Haotu in the short term.

In other words, at this time, if Haotu does not "recover the lost ground" and treats the liberal faction with courtesy, it will be kicked in the head by a donkey's egg.

Qin Tianfang is more cautious than Haotu's new kings.

Qin Tianfang: Before taking action, we must determine some variables, and Wei Keng himself is the biggest variable.

You must know the vicissitudes of life, the idyllic era has passed, and the announcement of the multidimensional plane is ambiguous.

In terms of the main world Haotu, 99.999% of the new generation of traversers do not know that there is such a person as Wei Keng.

But for Qin Tianfang, a veteran traveler, he could pretend that Wei Keng didn't exist, but he couldn't really pretend that Wei Keng didn't exist.He has been watching Wei Keng's movements.

Now Wei Keng is going to the dark plane, as long as he doesn't come back for a short time.He pushed Haotu to counterattack.

To be on the safe side, Qin Xiaohan was sent by Qin Tianfang to follow him.

…In human society, as people survive from generation to generation, fewer and fewer people were originally traveling together, and the relationship between those who are still together will be as mellow as old wine. …

In Qin Tianfang's words: "We don't understand the multiple planes. He did hold back all these gods, but was he held back by hostility, or was there some other reason? Is there any other reason? What about the relationship, for example, he got involved with a certain goddess-level time traveler there."

Qin Xiaohan didn't take it seriously at first.Because of the nail of Bai Linglu, Qin Xiaohan didn't believe that Wei Keng could reach out the car window to pick red apricots.

However, the two documents Qin Tianfang brought changed Qin Xiaohan's attitude.

First, in the multiple planes, Bai Linglu was interrupted and blocked by Michaelena during the mid-mission.As for Michael Lena, that is, Mi Jia in the empty twisted plane, it happens that this plane is Qin Xiaohan who is in charge of Wei Keng's monitoring mission.

At that time, Wei Keng was constantly staring at Mi Jia's chest.

Qin Xiaohan couldn't help thinking in his mind: In the multi-dimensional plane, in the late stage of the battle, there is no guarantee that there will be a "resurrection".

And secondly, Wei Keng's current dark plane kicked away Bai Linglu, but the watcher over there was Jing Guyu.Not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

(End of this chapter)

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