out of cage

Chapter 883 Chapter 26 Opening the way where there is no way

Chapter 883 Chapter 20.06 Opening the way where there is no way

Wei Keng: When a responsible leader leads everyone to do things, when there is room for trial and error, he should pin his hopes on the upper limit of people, but when accumulating margins and implementing strategies, he should think about the upper limit of people. lower limit.

In short, in social development, it is necessary to encourage and promote the upper limit of what the "middle man" can do.In the implementation process, it is necessary to take into account the minimum limit of the executor bureaucrats.

Wei Keng came to Le Xiaotian this time, seemingly insane, and the purpose of making a little joke with the Space Defense Force here was to remind his nephew "how to lead" when he was developing the outer star sea.

Wei Keng euphemistically reminded Le Xiaotian: Don't put your upper limit on all the people you lead. For example, Yu Xin, she just followed her plan, and the team's "lower limit" will appear.

Wei Keng is going to cooperate with Le Xiaotian. In order to prevent the cooperation from being unpleasant due to some "accidents", he "explained" in advance.

In society, any activity must be prepared to deal with "emergencies". Compared with crisis public relations after "the appearance of illness", Wei Keng tends to prevent the incipient. "

...Master Wei stared at Le Xiaotian: Good nephew, you have to learn more. …

Six hours later, the space chasing war had dissipated. After the original spherical sealing force field dissipated, the internal ion cloud gradually dispersed in space under the natural action of gravity. The top becomes "one stroke and one stroke", just like the dough on the chopping board begins to turn into ramen noodles.

Le Xiaotian entertained Wei Keng at the "Inorganic Fire".This is how he started.

Le Xiaotian: "In the entire universe, the announcements about how to deal with the discovery of you are like the frogs in summer, one after another."

Wei Keng was noncommittal: "I think this controversy can be shelved for now."—meaning: I don't want to pay attention to them now (Jiu Lanxing and other giants of the Star Sea).

Le Xiaotian paused, and Taxi Qiduo showed indifference. He didn't think that Taxi Qiduo would appear calm on the surface.But he couldn't find any flaws in his inner timidity.

Taxi Qiduo is now "notorious" among the superpowers in the Star Sea. No superstar power is willing to accept this unstable factor. It may be dormant in other places for a long time, and maybe it should not be wandering around for hundreds of years. .

...Master Wei, as a person from the earth and a person from the promise star, his thinking is not on the same line,...

Wei Keng: Why can't I come out and walk around?

On Wei Keng’s monitor platform, Zhen Xun (the seventh-level dark energy user of the space-time system who was captured after the opening of the Jiulan Star Zhuxian Formation) responded: "Because we are human beings who think in groups, and you are human beings who think alone."

Wei Keng couldn't help retorting: "Why do you say that you are a group, and we earth people also have group actions."

Jing Guyu intervened: "The concept of "group" you both refer to is different."

She projected to Zhenxun and said: "His group is an "active" group, and your group is a "communicative" group. Our racial and social status is different. He is a very gregarious guy with us, um, At least in non-aristocratic societies."

Zhen Xun stopped talking, because according to Xu Xing's standard, she didn't fit in well.

...Back to Le Xiaotian, Wei Keng also gradually realized how much sequelae he had caused after the Battle of Jiulanxing by Taxi Qiduo...

Seventeen years ago, Taxi Qiduo "suddenly" flashed his sword on Jiulan Star, suppressed 17 seventh-level dark energy users, and carried out terrible destruction.For the Promised Stars, Taxi Qirui is "unfathomable", which is equivalent to a moody psychopath.

This has never happened in the history of Jiulan Star, and even in the entire star sea, there are no more than one hand count of "level seven" walking alone, but there has never been such destruction as a super-large war.

So now, in the cosmic star domain, Jiulanxing and the Great Black Hole created by the North Pole and other related forces still don't know what attitude to use to face this destructive guy.
It is impossible to fight, and it is even more impossible to make peace. If you have no heart or courage, if you make radical moves in any direction, you can only maintain the status quo like a frog sitting in a well.

Therefore, Le Xiaotian wanted Taxi Qiduo to give himself a bottom line.

Facing Le Xiaotian's repeated questions, Wei Keng sighed and issued his own conditions.

Just these conditions? (It's too much, there is no possibility of realizing it at all)
Wei Keng: "The side that created the black hole must plead guilty to the war, and the side that is Jiulanxing must make profound changes to the behavior of class separation that has been created for the past 400 years."

Le Xiaotian originally wanted to ask Wei Keng to come up with a plan to allow Jiu Blue Star to make concessions, but he didn't know that he got such an answer.

[Setting goals puts hope on the upper limit of people, but when implementing goals, it is to think about the lowest limit of people.Wei Keng's pursuit has always been the most possible hope. 】

Before Le Xiaotian could further discuss this topic, Wei Keng started talking about "small goals" with this nephew

Wei Keng raised his hand and played a group of images. These are a large number of memory images from the perspective of independent individuals in the war. In the first group, there is Jin Ling on the tourmaline asteroid. Killed screen.

Obviously, the high-level dark energy users in the dark plane thought that "Tasi Kairudder" was unpredictable, and that was because they didn't notice when they caused damage to Wei Keng.

As a small citizen, Wei Keng, each individual's request is very simple, but it is extremely difficult to gather together.

Just like the three sentences in Cao GUI's debate: "The people are not obedient before Xiaohui is everywhere." Little faith is not fulfilled, and gods are blessed. ", "Loyalty belongs to it.can fight. "

Wei Keng was scattered in the sea of ​​stars, and what he was after was not such small concessions as "clothing and food" and the etiquette and respect of "sacrificing jade and silk".

Wei Keng traced back to the essence of life: These so-called treatment by the superiors are useless at all, I can support myself, my feet are covered with mud, and I don’t need any flashy packages, as long as you stand on top and do your duty, " Small and large prisons, although they cannot be detected, they must be treated with emotion.” That’s enough.But you just haven't done your duty.

Wei Keng unfolded this group to Le Xiaotian, and the reason why he resisted.

Wei Keng gave her the scenes of a large number of dark space capsules that he walked through. Some civilians spend their entire lives guarding plant bottles in exchange for carbon dioxide, while some civilians spend their entire lives guarding the ocean, but they want to exchange things.These "possibility" are all kept in a cage. As a "person" who thinks from the perspective of the overall situation, he cannot ignore the sadness of this "possibility" being stagnant.Just like an ordinary person can't see a child crying.

Wei Keng smiled: "These things can be found out, and they will be forgotten by the high-ranking nobles. Unless the "unruly people like me" escalate the situation."

Le Xiaotian paused, he felt that Taxi Kairudder was different from the past.In the past, Tasi Kaiduo was somber and reticent about such matters, but now he can talk freely.

Le Xiaotian's impression was correct, Wei Keng experienced the Great Liberation.Returning to this plane again, it has changed from yin to yang!
Of course, the "masculine" Wei Keng's temperament has changed, and he has become much more handsome.

Oh, whether it is the split body of this world or Wei Keng's original body in the main world, Master Wei's basic value is very good.You know, Wei Keng's younger brother is definitely "the shade of the willow tree" when it comes to picking up girls.

In the supervisor's space, Jing Guyu was carefully slowing down, and Wei Keng was calling out the battle scene. Obviously, she also noticed Wei Keng's change.Of course, Wei Keng has always been secretive about the multiple planes, which made her unaware of the reason for Wei Keng's sudden "turning from cloudy to sunny".

Jing Guyu: "It would be great if I were his initial supervisor." - Obviously, she is a little envious of Bai Linglu now.

There was a fluctuation in the space, and Qin Xiaohan came out, his pure white clothes switched to pink.And Jing Guyu immediately closed part of the interface, obviously on purpose.

[Not so important details: She just came out of the interrogation room. The interrogator was Sun Guanxiu (11.01), the leaker who Wei Keng entered the multidimensional plane and provided Li Yishuang with some key information. Ghost]

After seeing Qin Xiaohan, Jing Guyu deliberately didn't pay attention to her actions.Of course, after Qin Xiaohan saw Jing Guyu for the first time, she became very vigilant.

Both of them were the "24 solar terms" combination tested by the standards of the generation of the Eastern Overseer Academy in the pastoral era. Qin Xiaohan was 23rd, and Jing Guyu was 5th. There was an 18-year difference between the two.But both of them belonged to No.1 in the standard assessment of the year. (Bai Linglu walked through the back door), Bingxue smart is the first.

Oh, for example, according to the current situation, both of them are kings, and when meeting between kings, they often talk about the "plane value" to which they belong.

But at present, both of them have brought their own identity as supervisors, not mentioning their status as plane controllers. Even with Wei Keng, they seem to have no plane at all.

In the current environment, the traverser and the traverser are natural competitors.

When Bai Linglu and the two of them were monitoring together, he could always inadvertently mention that Qin Xiaohan had his own plane, and Jing Guyu had his own plane, so they should be guarded against.

Every time Bai Linglu seals the data of the plane, he always catches the mantra "Don't have the heart to harm others, and you must have the heart to prevent others".

On the surface, Qin Xiaohan is "poor", "innocent" and "I don't have one", but secretly he hates Bai Linglu.

This is something that can't be helped.Compared with Bai Linglu's plan rights, they are all obtained from the joint operation with Wei Keng after the division of labor. Qin Xiaohan's plan is not jointly licensed with Wei Keng.

Oh, Qin Xiaohan also has a disadvantage against Jing Guyu now.

This dark plane is the plane of time and space explored by the late Wei Qiang.Wei Keng is the current successor.

So theoretically, in the dark area, the common relationship between Jing Guyu and Wei Keng is much closer than that of Qin Xiaohan.In this plane, Qin Xiaohan is an "outsider".

Of course, Qin Xiaohan didn't know that Jing Guyu had a dark history: Jing Guyu fell into Li Yishuang's scheme in the last century, and conducted fusion experiments on Wei Keng's consciousness in this plane.

If she knows about this, she will not be nervous and will turn defense into offense.

Of course, Jing Guyu will never expose her black material.

When these two monitors are in the same monitoring space, the atmosphere is subtle now, oh, it is more subtle than Qin and Bai in the empty twisted plane back then.

When Bai Linglu, Qin Xiaohan had to be the second pick, but now.Both "Xiao Han" and "Gu Yu" think that the other party is the intervener.

…Three epochs in the dimension, some things have become very open, and of course the competition has become more intense…

Jing Guyu inadvertently adjusted this monitoring area, reflecting that this is the "task area" she set.

Qin Xiaohan held Wei Keng's old database in the plane of "Kongtuo" and "Shenzhou" in his hand, and casually explained that it was her first.

Jing Guyu turned around and said, "Junior Sister, have you dealt with the matter of treason?" The solemn and elegant Jing Guyu carried out "Which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted" with a sense of caring.

Qin Xiaohan, who was full of spirituality, naturally did not have stage fright, so he responded: "Senior sister, how did you deal with it back then?"

"Back then" refers to when Jing Guyu and Wei Qiang were working together, Qin Xiaohan seemed to want to call Jing Guyu sister-in-law when he asked for advice.

It is said that the relationship between the time traveler and the monitor is no longer a traditional marriage ethics relationship, the two parties are just a "cooperative" relationship, and it is not so solemn to exchange genes to generate the next generation.

However, in front of some guys who can't turn around the tradition, such as Wei Keng, some things will become barriers invisibly.

For example, Qin Xiaohan keenly discovered that Wei Keng didn't even touch an NPC that was obviously beneficial to "Chang Hengxi" in this mission.

The reason is that Chang Hengxi admires Wei Qiang's status in this plane.Wei Keng doesn't eat grass beside the nest.

...In the 31st century, there are not so many feudal ethics, ...

Not to mention the Qin and Han Dynasties, women could remarry after three years of guarding.

At present, there are not many supervisors in the pastoral era, and of course there are even fewer traversers in the pastoral era, and re-matching is also very common.

The new generation of supervisors will even communicate with dozens of traversers to choose the best among them.As for the former traveler partner who no longer travels due to an accident, it is normal for the monitors to change others.

Qin Xiaohan is certain: Jing Guyu definitely has plans to re-lock Wei Keng as a regular partner now.Qin Xiaohan: If I don't mess up this matter, then I will lose a large area of ​​the plane.

In the monitor space, the first wave of confrontation came to an end, and Jing Guyu and Qin Xiaohan took their seats.

Jing Guyu made Qin Xiaohan a cup of green tea, and in front of him was a stalactite cup of white water.

Qin Xiaohan didn't care, he smelled the tea, poured in a small packet of sesame paste powder, and started to stir, just like mud.She doesn't drink but plays.

This can be regarded as learning from Wei Keng, you play your game, I will change mine.

After Jing Guyu glanced at it, he felt that he couldn't gain the upper hand, so he started to talk about business: "The feature of this plane is dark energy, but from the perspective of multi-dimensional space, it is a kind of hub that can tunnel and link multi-universe territories."

Qin Xiaohan also switched back to the state, thought for a while and said: "This marginal plane has always been underdeveloped. His coming here is indeed an opportunity."

Wei Keng is so far the No.1 in the main world's space-time administration, taking the "deep cultivation" route.

Although Qin Xiaohan was unwilling to let Wei Keng deeply cultivate the "field" of Jing Guyu.But judging from the information given by Jing Guyu so far, there is a lot to do here.

…The main world has developed a dimensional communication center, and this is also possible. …

Compared with the multiple planes connected to the main world, it is often necessary to switch a large number of particle forms. On this plane, the dark energy is connected to the constant of the "cosmic bubble", and there is a possibility of communication with many planes.And these connecting points are all near the supermassive black hole.

The focus of the conversation between the two returned to Wei Keng's mission in this plane.Wei Keng has built some facilities in the middle of the galaxy cantilever, and the space ripples that are several light years long are fluctuating, and the collapsing dimension tunneling experiment is underway.

Next to the two, a local professional wearing the uniform of a Shangqing-level supervisor took out a calculation model to assist.

As a native, Zhen Xun has a deep understanding of the plane in this area.After all, if the space-time system enters the eighth level, it will enter the deep layer of the cosmic network and reach other cosmic regions. (Example: Civilization suddenly appeared on the empty twisting plane.)
After the battle between Wei Keng and Zhen Xun, after discovering the theory of tunneling, they kept replicating the situation on other planets.

For example, on the planet Mingyi, an experiment was carried out in an area controlled by one light year. Under the shadow of the twisted light line, hundreds of thousands of emission points converged at one point at the same time across a light-year. The scene is very spectacular.Even the impact fails to meet the precision requirements.

When Jing Guyu and Qin Xiaohan were thinking

Zhen Xun rubbed his eyes, not irritating these two extraterrestrial humanoid women who looked like sculptures.He said to himself and sighed: "They have all become street pests, but they can still do their own thing."

However, there was no worry about Wei Keng in her tone. There were too many illegal areas ruled by the Xinghai Council.

Zhen Xun's taste for Wei Keng, an earthly man, has also been tasted.It belongs to the kind with strong "aggressiveness" and strong wildness. If you point to the east, he will lean towards the west.

After the earth monkeys got down from the tree, they started to fight with their companions with sticks and screaming in the original voice, and then developed in conflicts for millions of years. Most of the time, in human reproduction, the large-scale "natural selection" of males in wars Fierce, the ones left under this choice are all militant species

In times of intense war, only [-]% of the male genes survived.Pre-war information fraud, wartime organization and cooperation, always judging opponents, avoidance, defense and other modes, the males on the earth have shown a subjective initiative that far exceeds that of the promised stars.

Zhen Xun can see that Wei Keng is excellent, and he can also see that the two earth women are "feminine" competing for each other.

Oh, Jing Guyu and Qin Xiaohan are "reserved", Zhen Xun is very puzzled, Zhen Xun: "If you like it, then you have to stand up and choose. This is about genetic reproduction, of course it is to choose the best species. Why, so modest Woolen cloth?"

In short, Zhen Xun couldn't understand Qin Xiaohan and Jing Guyu's actions.

(End of this chapter)

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