out of cage

Chapter 884 Prepare to fight monsters

Chapter 884 Prepare to fight monsters
After returning to the dark plane, Wei Keng conducted a general investigation on the "abilities" of various finished products under his dark energy smelting system.Just like the market research after industrialization.

Of course, the first major standard is the traceability system!This is the basis for supporting one's own separation in this world, and to live is to practice the possibility of self. ——This is equivalent to the basic population of an industrial country and represents everything.

The second core standard is the study of the space-time system, which is a "lever" and a "material" - equivalent to the scale of a country's chemical and metallurgical industry materials.Represents the basis for controlling the extension of the universe in which it resides.

The third key to the operation, the dark energy of the Eternal Heart, is not only a kind of dark energy, but also a kind of discipline. By mobilizing the negative entropy of the movement of stars, it is carved in an orderly manner on the planet, forming a precise cycle of negative entropy,—— This is equivalent to the agriculture of a country, constantly transforming the disordered nature to benefit the order of self-life and ecology. This behavior is the "accumulation of civilization heritage", and the large-scale application of astral ecological technology in the "complete restoration of the body" Medical supplies, "organic compounding" food production.

In addition to the above-mentioned three major "civilization main businesses", the Wei Keng sects have explored strangely in the dark energy system.Made a lot of "civilized side jobs"

For example--

1. The will of the group.This is a standard god skill as a "commander". It sends dark energy information nodes and embeds them in every armor unit of the Interstellar Armor Group to achieve "I am the Legion" in the most efficient and cost-effective way. (First-order traceability, the training time takes four months)

2. Absolute space: Constrain a piece of space, so that the time and space inside can flow forward and backward. (Second-order traceability requires one and a half years of training)

3. Star-seeing eye: an observation system with multiple angles, not limited to light reflection. (Second-order traceability, ten months of training time)


When the foundation is stable enough, the Weikeng split body is very careful in the application and development of this "secondary system" dark energy.

It is not because of how strong and promising these dark energies are, but to fill a "development ecology" that can prove each other.

This is equivalent to Master Wei's national concept, there must be missiles, nuclear weapons, and giant fleets, and dams and railways must also be built.

But as an ordinary person's development interest, if you want to fly an airplane, assemble handicrafts, archaeology, explore geology, or even be a cook, that's all freedom.

All in all, you can't just because "being an official is the best", then everything is inferior and only reading is high. In that case, the group will lose hope.A cluster must guarantee the possible development of all clade diversity.

It needs to be emphasized: the diversity of development is not "innate" diversity.

Mr. Wei admits that he is born as a man, and he admits that some people are indeed geniuses in certain aspects.

But if someone says that Wei Keng "just deserves xx, only deserves xx", Master Wei's unruly attitude will not be convinced, dig a hole for these high-ranking people, and experience what it means to be "only worthy?"

...Civilization is to lower the innate barriers to entry and increase the possibility of acquired development in terms of development. …

20 years after the end of the Battle of Jiulan Star.

In all major regions of Xinghai around the world, Wei Keng has readjusted the development layout of the Traceability Group in this world.

The layout of the large-scale dark energy smelting industry is gathered in the empty positions of the upper and lower astrolabes of the Milky Way, which correspond to the regions on the astrolabe of the Milky Way.This layout is not limited to superstars.

Behemoth Nebula is one of the corresponding nodes of "Stellar Industrial Zone", here is the northeast corner of Jiulan Star

The Giant Beast Nebula, Wei Keng's first attempt to establish a star field for marginal exile targets.

Just like when humans built cities in the early days, it was necessary to eliminate the threat of wild animals before they could safely build roads and farmland facilities.

This is to think about war

In Starfleet, Wei Keng entered the database into the core crystal database of the spacecraft and checked it, and compiled 23 important planets. Among them, the No. [-] main fleet arrived at a planet occupied by giant beasts.

This planet is very strange, there is a carbon-based life ecosystem, but it is different from the traditional star civilization, and it also belongs to the cavity system star.But the cavity here was not dug out by humans, but by the interstellar behemoths.

The temperature in the Behemoth Nebula reaches as high as one million degrees and as low as minus [-] degrees.

It is impossible for the star catalog to have a temperature range that allows carbon-based life to survive.But there are adapted ways of life that have evolved here.

…Looking back, in the Behemoth Nebula, the history of life development and evolution before the arrival of the promised star humans. …

Four hundred million years ago, this planet was only the size of a Mars. In the state of the red giant star that experienced the supernova of the Behemoth Nebula, the surface of this star was roasted into a cracked ceramic earth. In the cracks reaching several thousand meters, natural water sources have already begun to be stored, and the first generation of interstellar behemoths evolved at that time.

The interstellar behemoths will climb out of these planets and enter the space universe when the gravitational force of the star is weakened due to being torn apart by massive stars.And over time, a unique life form that devours interstellar dust has formed.

According to the fossils that failed to hatch in some strata, it was [-] million years ago.

The original interstellar behemoths huddled deep in the cracks of the earth when they were at high temperature, and the outer layer formed a snail-like calcium shell to preserve the water in the cracks.

When the star enters the era of low temperature in the nebula, and the water generated by the oxide and hydrogen on the surface of the star seeps into the ground, in order to absorb the surface water, these proto-behemoths expand the underground tunnels to form a cave planet, and then accumulate layers of sand on the surface.

In this way, for hundreds of millions of years, the underground space was formed.

Then, the human beings from the promise star arrived and began to use technology to greatly expand the underground space, expanding the underground space to more than 20 layers.

Then, the promised planet people who arrived here quickly developed the function of strange carbon-based life forms in the scientific laboratory.

This kind of "group-conscious" life form soaked in liquid will transcribe the DNA of any other alien species, and then can switch species.

Humans discovered that they could change shape, and then change back. In the early days, everyone became very happy, and some even turned themselves into tentacle monsters, and hermaphrodite switching (this is an unsightly history).But then here are the human immigrants who started to get serious, pursuing strength.

Then, the promised stars who came here thought that maybe they could change their species to survive here.So they stopped being human.

About 1 years ago, the human population here developed a technical heritage of co-existing with the original giant beasts according to the laws of the cosmic runes in this area.

The Promised Star humans have started a special regional evolution.Even ideologically, it is becoming less and less close to the original human beings, and wants to play racial division.

Then about 4000 years ago, the conflict broke out completely, and the Star Sea Alliance fought against the orthodoxy of human blood, that is, the war that Qingsuyi (now level [-]) joined when he was promoted to level [-] dark energy.

…Actually, after the Promised Star humans began to choose to compromise towards regionalization, they became a regionally adapted species…

Now, Wei Keng is also wandering, bah, transferred to this planet.

As a master of the Human Emperor, in the Pandora plane, he has left a whole set of skills for the younger generations of human beings to use insect swarms as seafood.

In the multiverse, as the existence facing the "axis" of the gods, it also goes to the abyss of Siyang to personally reconstruct the carbon-based life and block the way of the swarm.

Wei Keng was born to be at odds with "innate transformation, blocking acquired hobbies".

Now, Wei Keng also feels that there is a lot of joy in releasing his nature as a terrifying upright ape, and he also feels the comfort of finding a "big vegetable patch".

Oh, this kind of joy, the native in the monitor space, Zhen Xun couldn't understand.

Qin Xiaohan said with great interest: "Well, I've gotten into the mood so quickly." Qin Xiaohan was twisting the plane in the air, and was tossed to death by Wei Keng's egg fried rice for decades.

For her, Wei Keng's off-road sex, the better.For Qin Xiaohan, who started the task of "monitoring cheating goods" again: he was afraid that Wei Keng would pretend to be stupid.

The No. 820 Fleet of Origin Tracers has arrived at the abyssal planet.After gravitational field scanning, [-] seven large underground spaces inside were determined, and these spaces are distributed in layers just like the sedimentary rocks of the earth.

Each space has a biomass structure nuclear fusion energy tower. Due to the closedness of the underground space and the lack of atmospheric circulation conditions on the earth's surface, all underground spaces have a tropical rainforest climate.In these spaces, not only are there hundreds of meters high shrubs growing below the space, but also hundreds of meters of vines are hanging from the upper ceiling.

The species communities of the interstellar behemoth groups are sleeping in them, as for the humans here?

After the Battle of Human Legitimacy, the crusade army of the Interstellar Empire withdrew.On this planet like a hornet's nest, human swarms have returned to their old ways.

It seems that the suppression of the interstellar empire has created a sense of rebellion, and the human race here has completely moved towards the evolution of giant beasts.

The humans in the Behemoth Nebula, except for their infancy (before the age of 30), are still in human form. After about [-] planetary rotation cycles, their feet become thicker and their backs grow wings. They become less and less human, and finally Become a colossal behemoth.

It can be said that in the current group here, the human form is just the larval form of these giant beasts.

Of course, humans have the opportunity to develop interstellar behemoths, which require dark energy above level four.

And to reach the state of interstellar behemoths, if you want to return to human form, unless the dark energy reaches level six and forms a space capsule, the tissues of the whole body can be hidden in the space capsule before you can change back to human form (refer to the transformation of a dragon into a human in the fantasy world).Otherwise, it will completely become a brute force interstellar behemoth.After reproduction, they die, and the cycle repeats.

Regarding this route, Qin Xiaohan asked Wei Keng knowingly: "Are you interested in becoming Kunpeng?" Wei Keng: "I'm a normal person, okay?".

After Wei Keng arrived on this planet following the human beings of the Tracing School, he started the human route.

...Human Emperor's Quotations: After the normal growth and development of the human race is guaranteed, the upper limit of the human race far exceeds that of the complex giant beast...

Wei Keng commented on the Promised Star Humans in the Behemoth Nebula who are developing towards the Behemoth route:

In the development of society, occasionally a child prodigy is a personal success, but if everyone is to become a child prodigy, collectively involuntary, and the development time of the early race is compressed, then it is a racial failure.

The human beings in the Behemoth Nebula, because they cannot guarantee the sufficient growth and development of the "human pedestal time", collectively made a decision to use biotechnology to promote development.The "development direction" here is not determined from top to bottom, but the outcome of all human beings who arrived at the Behemoth Nebula at that time, facing the next generation of competition, scrambling to take shortcuts with biotechnology
Wei Keng: This path is wrong, Wei Keng re-shoots on this evolution bundle.

Instead of becoming a giant beast, after Wei Keng started to establish the "spiritual language" education system, he was ready to start teaching the unworthy descendants of human beings in this world what hunting is!
Groups of metal cones stand on the uneven surface of the star. In the newly built base, near the glass windows in each corridor, broadcast to the planet-watchers, broadcast: start broadcasting this kind of music.

"We sat on the side of the high hill and listened to my mother's story of the past. At that time, my mother had no land; all life was on two hands..."

(End of this chapter)

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