out of cage

886 Chapter 28 Contacting the "Giant Beast"

In the No. 13 survival base of the "Chuqi Planet" in the Behemoth Nebula, human beings are training their spiritual language.On the side, tens of thousands of tons of huge metal war weapons are undergoing pre-assembly inspections in a high-energy cube.

In the pure blue blue cube energy body with a height of 300 meters, a width of 50 meters and a length of 100 meters, the engineers are calibrating one by one, putting them into an energy tunnel, and completing the armed compression in the space in this energy tunnel.

When Fanhong was descending in the energy elevator, a heavy and sexy announcer's dubbing voice sounded on the radio in the base:

"The state of evolution is not to find a God and let God choose the goal instead of all beings."

This voice in the tunnel is like a guiding teacher with Fanhong.

He raised his head and looked straight ahead, at the bright end of the tunnel.Inside a huge metal skull with a diameter of 30 meters, energy lines are being connected. This is the head of the giant he will drive next.

At this time, the voice continued to speak:
"It's about determining the trade-off route by yourself, and practicing the correct way as a person who has experienced the route."

The head slowly began to dock with the larger body, just like the assembly of a battleship, the force field lifted various large components to form combat armor.

As the pilot, Fanhong looked up at the moment of this mecha.

The narrative continued to echo in his ears: "As a human being, whether we have chosen the most possible development, whether it is the path of the greatest possibility, we are still moving forward with mud and blood."

…Fan Hung enters this combat robot, consciousness expands within the carbon-based nervous system within this large construct, like a fire ignites…

In the underground space, human beings began to prepare for war, and arranged production according to the data of astral surveying and mapping.

Wei Keng is making the final negotiations with the humans of the interstellar behemoth: "As a civilization, we can merge, but as a species, it is life and death."

This kind of negotiation is not to be gentle, but to set a clear boundary for one's own war goals in the future.

Wei Keng: Because if you don’t control the boundaries, you have to target the extinction of another intelligent species and execute a war. Once the opponent has variables, the war will be forced to continue because of the opponent’s possibility. Even if you win, you will develop yourself Plant a glass ceiling, and then plant self-destructive contradictions.

In the abyss star, after the start of contact, the human beings of the traceability faction and the human beings of the giant beast gene faction are fighting for the route.

Wei Keng: Since it's a fight!Then make it clear.

At this time, those ancient giant beasts on the planet are still in a superficial dislike for the new Tracing Sect.

This group of human beings, who call themselves the Tracing School, are constantly drilling and mining in the granite area, and the noise produced interferes with the perception of the natural ecology here.

For sleeping behemoths, it is like the sound of the electric drill drilling the wall of the neighbor's house decoration, which is particularly annoying.

What's more, it is this annoying neighbor who has created wealth that is indeed enviable.

The large number of mineral pools and space energy networks of the traceability faction fully demonstrate the abundance of "farming civilization" for the accumulation of sustainable wealth.

...The contradiction between nomadic and farming is not only because of mutual disagreement in life, but also the unbalanced distribution of wealth...

Tracing the source in space, a magnetic filter with a scale of 420 Pacific Oceans has been completed.This kind of collection efficiency is far higher than relying on the gravity of the planet to naturally attract the nebula's matter.

This filter screen has captured a lot of substances from the space, among which water resources are the most. Eight streams of Amazon flow filled the No. [-] volcano crater within [-] days.

"Water", a hydroxide compound, is not considered a precious element in the universe, but due to its large demand, it has the attribute of a commodity.

In the past, the water source collected by the abyss planet according to its own capture ability, each rotation cycle, did not exceed 100 billion tons, but the current collection ability of the traceability school can completely create oceans on the surface of the planet.

Master Wei didn't intend to go to war in the early days, and he planned to use economic means, that is, to prepare water resources to trade with these giant beasts.

But, when it comes to pricing, buyers always want to set it lower.

In the age of ancient industry, although some countries had no productivity, it did not prevent them from picking and choosing.Because he sees your productivity and thinks you should be cheaper.

For example, these buyers said: "You guys are so small, you don't need so much water."

Compared with the monster-like human beings, the original human beings like ants at this time do not seem to need so much water resources to maintain basic life.If you live on your own planet, yes, you should pay tribute.

The behemoths didn't think about trading at all, and they felt that they were strong. In the exchange, they even regarded the items they gave as rewards to motivate the "weak" to work.

Narrator: In the ancient industrial age, the first industrialized countries developed by imperialism, the core of the so-called free trade is the same. It encourages countries that are not as developed as possible to support them in the downstream industrial chain. They seem to be equal in trade. In fact, it is a "reward" mentality.

That's the mentality of the behemoths now.In the values ​​of respecting strength, human beings have not used force to talk at present, so in the logical chain, they do not know "equality".

However, standing on the side of the traceability school, because as the party that produces resources, it should have the first right to plan resources.

However, in planning for the "weak farming humans", the giants believe that farming humans should not consume too much resources.

Modern times: This kind of logic that puts one’s heart on behalf of the producer has spread throughout every corner of the era.

For example, "bureaucrats think about how to stimulate consumption for young people", "capitalists think about how to make better use of time for workers", "pirate countries think about how to reduce emissions for developing countries", "the wave of people with the highest per capita meat consumption replaces People who just started eating meat think about how to be a healthy vegetarian and reduce damage to the environment"...

Master Wei: "Hey, I really think I'm not a villain enough to carry a shovel, but you are too confident in your teeth."

…The root cause of the contradiction between human beings and human beings lies in their different logics.But mistakenly think that the other party should obey their own logic...

The traceability party's hydrocarbon resource planning is not only the most basic use to maintain physiological needs, but also a larger and longer-term development plan.

Water is the most stable hydrogen-fixing material at human physiological normal temperature.To put it bluntly, this is a safe "nuclear fuel storage depot" that can be touched by hands.

The internal energy of the behemoth also extracts energy from the nucleus, and its energy storage organization also uses water as an intermediary to store hydrogen stably.

The Giant of Light that the Tracing School wants to create is based on the same technical principle. To create a physiological structure similar to a giant beast, it also needs to complete large-scale stable storage internally.Moreover, it can also undertake large-scale structural lubrication.

The application of tools in this area is to copy the evolution of giants.

Mr. Wei: "What's new in this field, we need to compete, no matter low-end or high-end, let us take a roll"

Wei Keng lists: energy efficiency, structural stability, overall balance, these core aspects

Wei Keng: If I lose the paper, I will admit defeat. If you win, I will stand at attention and be beaten.Deprive me of my right to development, and let us only serve as cabbage for you?There is something wrong with your attitude towards survival. "

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