out of cage

Chapter 887: Chapter 28 On Killing Efficiency

On Chuqi Planet, after the third year of communication between the underground giants and the traced human beings, the conflict began to escalate around the granite lake.

The battle of the giant beasts is not an organized action of native life, but more like a team of herdsmen in the lower tents of nomadic peoples hunting grass valleys.Disorganized and undisciplined.It seemed that it was profitable, and started the collective robbery of "on a whim" and "then agree with the same kind of people".

This kind of plundering behavior is euphemistically called taxation of outsiders on behalf of the planet.

According to the pissing nature of the rulers of the primary farming nation, it is reasonable to endure it for a while, and then let it be rampant to a certain extent, and become famous as a teacher.

But ~ Wei Keng is a troublemaker, not the consciousness of elementary farming civilization.

And Master Wei has been digging holes, no, it should be said: always keep the pressure and press hard step by step, waiting for the opponent to make a fatal mistake.

In the 24th year of the traceability calendar, in the abyss planet, the source tracer began a large-scale tunnel battle fifty kilometers underground.Competing for the surface with these behemoths on the planet, the growth period, and the mature form behemoths.

In terms of traceability, a five-meter-long beetle, as a single soldier, rushed along a narrow tunnel.These mechanical bionic watermelon insects drive "mapping spikes" along the standard scale in the tunnel

The heavy hammer ejection system of the Watermelon Bug Mecha knocking on the "mapping nail" is powered by the mixed deflagration of methane and oxygen. It can explode a 200-kilogram hammer connected to a metal chain [-] meters away. This thing is not only capable of hitting the ground During the construction, some biological armor was hit, and the internal tendons were broken.

Wei Keng is designed specifically for melee combat in tunnels.

Since the tunnels in the entire underground space of human beings are traced back to the specific geometry, the lengths are 200 meters, 160 meters, and 120 meters. The construction of triangular cross-section tunnels (3 hooks, 4 strings, 5) is just suitable for this kind of beetle stuck in the gap. in action.

Master Wei: "Mathematics is boring numbers on paper, but in reality it is art. Learning mathematics well is not only about being able to endure boredom and exercise computing power, but also having an artistic heart."

In this way, tracing back to the power of human beings, I gave these behemoths who "slept in hibernation for decades" a series of vivid mathematics lessons, telling them that at this age, they should not make full use of the "negative entropy in consciousness". "Regulation" ability, how can I sleep.

The deployment of the geometric tunnel, the human vanguard sitting in the exclusive tool, is based on the vibration of the opponent in the ground, constantly judging the position of the mature giant beasts in the tactics.

In those large tunnels, the section radius began to drill directly near the large underground lairs, building an enveloping net.Many mature monsters have experienced the tunnel deployment of this "giant pit".

These mature monsters, weighing no more than a hundred tons, slightly protruded from the tunnel with their desk-like heads, dizzy, then belched, and finally the chain hook was dragged up.

The traceability mechanical unit that made all this is like whack-a-mole. The gas power pushes the sledgehammer out of the steel cylinder. After hammering a biomechanical bug, the steel chain at the bottom of the steel cylinder shrinks back, waiting for the second outcrop.

Wei Keng: Have you ever seen a pig slaughtered on an automated assembly line? The pig exposed its head at the entrance of the electric shock, slipped down after being shocked, and then the second pig behind continued to stick its head out without knowing it.There was no fear in the whole process, and I didn't even know that I would die in the next moment.

The human beings who trace the source are carrying out such a "defense" in a specific tunnel, and start further searching after the giant beasts in the target area stop attacking

Batches of new machines appeared on the stage. After opening the blue, white and red snakeskin plastic tarpaulins on the body, one could see that the new combat machines were like gnats.

After these gnats moved their ceramic-metal composite joints, they rattled and revealed the green-painted metal structure.These are battle puppets.

After entering the underground space, use the shotgun to clean the small space directly.After the mechs were destroyed by the brutal weaponry of the attackers, a large amount of smart gel was sprayed, which quickly gathered at the cracks in the space, revealing those hidden gaps.

The shotgun's long-range (100 meters) output firepower.About twelve groups, four to five groups, form a large group, and such a combat group is controlled by a group of three.This means that although the "tracing human beings" are small in size, they are by no means "human sea tactics", but are consumed by giant beasts through continuous "enrichment technology" on inorganic matter.

The leaders of the first-order traceability verify this tactic, and then teach others how to find information and sum up experience.

In the tunnel, this generation traces the origin of the people from the Jiulan star area. When the underground exploration is completed quickly, various information perception methods such as "nano cloud", "detection bug", "ground vibration sensor" and "tunnel airflow sensor" are added. .

In the underground tunnels, the large corps cannot be deployed, and the terrain is very complicated, which limits the use of powerful weapons, but there are still ways to carry out "cost-effective" killing

In continuous attempts, humans gradually understand what the minimum material for standard weapons is

For example, in underground battles, although the heavy hammer is generally rusty, it can be smelted repeatedly and is the best material.

Biological tissue muscles are more reliable than mechanical muscles, so many small mechanical groups have been replaced with biological muscles

In the face of the chitin armor of the giant beasts in the mature stage, Benfang Chemical provided a large amount of FRP (that is, the bicycle shed) materials to make the armor, and its production efficiency was much faster than that of the giant beasts.

The "cheapest" industry of the traceability faction on the planet is also much stronger than the underground biological beasts.

In terms of sustainable consumption, the speed of manufacturing, energy consumption and cost performance are not as good as those of high-end native species, and it is an underground force specially restrained.

…Use cheap to beat cheap, and high-end ones are used to behead. …

Humans of the Tracing School are very sensitive to the battlefield situation, and there are humans mixed in the vast sea of ​​machines at the frontier.

The spiritual language has been greatly popularized, that is, to allow individual human beings to systematically describe the situation from all angles of the battle.

In the tunnel, the single human combat equipment is the mechanical battle suit of the interstellar age,

The first-order combatant of the Traceability School, which is equivalent to the fourth-level body art dark energy, can replace some muscles with mechanical muscles in this battle suit, and can also deploy shields.

When these underground individual soldiers encounter high-energy dangers, they can activate the space travel back at any time. (The dark energy smelting industry supports such a simple space technology).

Of course, no matter how powerful the technical system is, it is not so special in the combat team because it is covered with the same waterproof plastic sheet as other units.Among a large number of large machines, the blue, white and red plastic sheets, just like the zebra pattern in the whole group, can dazzle the eyes of the raiders.

Concealment, thick blood, and life-saving means, which made it extremely difficult to kill trace humans in this tunnel.Of course, not to mention Wei Keng's split body.

Wei Keng now has more than 60 fragments in the Behemoth Nebula.

According to the common sense that human beings are used to, if the quantity is large enough, there must be a lot of losses!But this kind of common sense is the same as the erroneous concept of "If you don't stack armor, you will definitely be injured" in the paleontological period.

In the front line of the underground tunnel, the frontier war zone, the sand and soil above the tunnel were constantly shaking, and Wei Keng was teaching his attitude to Yan Ming beside him.

Wei Keng: In the route guide, the goal is never "not to be injured", but "right or wrong". The winner can continue his development in the world, and the path of the wrong guy will end from then on.

Now, instead of being afraid of getting hurt, it's better to think about it, let the opponent lose the ability to attack, and if you don't want to end yourself, give priority to knocking out the opponent's reaction.

Wei Keng controlled the nano-cloud in front of him. At this time, a message came. The red dots formed a hazy outline of a giant beast in a field of several kilometers. These points that appeared in the nano-cloud detection were all giant beasts hidden in the mantle. Our energy sacs.

Wei Keng on-site teaching pointed to the terrifying monster hidden 87 kilometers below

Wei Keng narrated to his colleagues in the command system in the language of his heart: there is no need to die here.Just like human beings tearing down a wall, do they need to hit it with their own celestial cap?Just pry the corner of the wall.

Under the leadership of Wei Keng, the tracers immediately conducted an anatomical analysis through thousands of viewing angles of various detection equipment.Make sure you can focus on eating this behemoth

Wei Keng is the one who keeps the bottom line: the details of any part of the plan that may cause danger are clearly marked in the plan.

Wei Keng uses thousands of points that can perform tasks to fight against dozens of key points that can move the giant beast, and the victory or defeat is over in a very short time. ——It's not desperate at all.

For Wei Keng, "First of all, we must confuse the opponent's perception, use a feint to complete the time difference attraction, and win time."

Wei Keng clicked on the nuclear explosion attack team. This team was going to make a frontal assault, making a "must die" posture, which aroused the tension of the giant beast.Then evacuate halfway, and the attacking groups in other directions took advantage of this opportunity to alternately complete the next hundreds of siege steps.

Yan Ming nodded in his mechanical helmet, Wei Keng knocked on him, and chose him to complete the most dangerous task of "attracting hatred" with him
Yan Ming was taken aback for a moment, he looked at Wei Keng blankly, he had been struggling with "choosing" all the time, and he couldn't connect for a while when he encountered this kind of "who should I give up".

...Wei Keng: Right and wrong, which seem unimportant now, will be major issues that determine the survival of life in the future...

The traversers, including Fanhong, are still debugging their substitutes.These new traversers quickly saw the professionalism of Wei Keng, a veteran traverser, in this large-scale war!
Note: So far, these traversers don't know that Wei Keng is the king, because the Wei Keng they can see are very ordinary individuals, and the system has not told them all the information about Master Wei here, including "seven The super dark energy system" is enough to be majestic in the star sea.The only thing they knew was that Wei Keng should be above the rank of "non-commissioned officer".

Of course, they already knew that when Wei Keng was at the Shangqing rank, they did not dare to approach him. Having experienced darkness, they were very vigilant, and they also knew that their consciousness had been damaged.Before returning to the main world to do any restoration (infusion), they were pulled back to perform tasks because of punishment (they also felt that they had made a mistake), and they thought that they might be used in this marginal universe. The "cannon fodder" for exploration, so there is a kind of resistance.

It's just that these travelers didn't know that what they encountered in this "unknown" plane was the top "best" leader in the entire Space-Time Administration.

In the eyes of the leader (Wei Keng), the "consciousness restoration" method they wanted to obtain in the past belonged to: "wrong route".

Wei Keng: "At this stage, the mainstream consciousness restoration is to inject spirits and animals, and then fill up the damaged aggressiveness. It seems to be repaired in the short term, but when encountering people and setbacks, can we continue to succeed in this way? Be a man! No! If you advance, you will retreat. You must stand up!" (This is what Qin Xiaohan jokingly called the "axis".)
...Human Sovereign's contempt for the line of demons and ghosts is from the inside out. …

After the third rotation cycle of the abyssal planet, with a series of explosions, and the battle of deep drilling
Tracing the source successfully seized 87 underground spaces.Although this is a reasonable counterattack from one's own standpoint, to the "natives" who are the entire Behemoth Nebula, it is an invasion!

As native beings, those behemoths dormant in the center of the earth just need an excuse to go to war!They started a broad mobilization.And trying to drag the existence of the planetary suzerain level will end up interfering in this kind of war.

In the 27th year of traceability, starbursts appeared in the places with the highest concentration of the Behemoth Nebula. This is a storm formed by a large amount of radioactive heavy element dust in the dust area of ​​the nebula, which began to crack after being stimulated.And this can also be seen as the cry of ancient beasts in the sea of ​​stars!

Large pieces of asteroids within dozens of astronomical units turned into dust in the vacuum, and then flowed across hundreds of thousands of kilometers like spun yarn into the giant mouth of the awakened behemoth, which is comparable to the Great Rift Valley of the Earth.

And the "beast cry" from the Giant Beast Nebula also made Qing Suyi (level eight) in the universe unable to help but look at the place where she almost fell. After confirming that it was "that person", she paused, as if it was Curiosity arose.

What would happen if that person broke into the place where she once fell into the sand?

Not only Qingsuyi, but also very curious in the supervisor space: because Wei Keng's way of doing things is often completely beyond their thinking.

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