out of cage

Chapter 888 Chapter 29

Twenty-seven years after the Jiulan Star Expedition, the battle in the star sea is not a confrontation between repression and counter-repression, but a battle of "survival and alienation".

Back then, the interstellar empire urgently suppressed the humans of the "alienation route" in this area, and the strategic purpose of launching the war was to make the humans "dare not" here.

The interstellar empire only considered blocking, but did not consider the actual situation here, what plan should be used to replace the giant beast route.

Therefore, the "fighting will" of the interstellar empire here 4000 years ago is constantly being consumed.

Tracing the origin of human beings is to take root here, and the strategic purpose is not to replace the race, but to correct and break human beings from the evolutionary route of giant beast genes, and to request to replace the giant beast route with the "human civilization route".This is a human war.

In Wei Keng's words, those "people" in the "behemoth" camp = "possibility", that is to win over our route.

Narrator: The juveniles of the giant beast are in human form, Wei Keng is going to make this idea, and compete with the super star sea giant beast.

...The only ones that can be Wei Keng's prey these days are the highest-level interstellar behemoths. …

In the sea of ​​stars, after the sword formations were deployed one by one, they waited for the behemoths that had evolved into suzerains to enter the sets.

From 27 to 28, these interstellar behemoths tried to save their place of origin, but were ambushed by Wei Keng along the way. The 17 planetary suzerain behemoths were all severely injured.Among them, the three seventh-level dark energy behemoths were probably the weakest, and they were directly annihilated to death.

As soon as the giant beasts entered the sailing state, Wei Keng quietly followed them within the distance of light seconds, stared at their buttocks (where several groups of energy are emitted), and drew circles.

After several rounds of periodic observations, the shift system traceability school finally pinpointed and attacked in the sneak attack, and directly penetrated its vitals.

Because the dark energy of the "space-time system" is the most mobile in the star sea.This is the focus of the dark energy smelting planned by Wei Keng.

This kind of large-scale interception battle made this wave of interstellar behemoths not clear at all. How many seventh-level dark energy users came to encircle and suppress them this time, they became suspicious for a while.

That is to say, in the earliest and weakest dangerous link in the Behemoth Nebula, due to the slow scheduling of these behemoths, the seventh-level behemoths belong to different subspecies and lack "unified information communication" (similar to Ershi At the beginning of the first century, Indian warships and American Eagle warships performed military exercises, and communication relied on semaphore)

Under the leadership of Wei Keng, the Traceable Space Knights took the form of sparrow battles and constantly mobilized in the starry sky, allowing the farming team to pass the initial farming process.

...In the sea of ​​stars, humans and beasts, the patience of generations and the ambitions buried in ancient nebulae, rub hands against each other...

Taxi Qiduo, who traced the origin of the third level, has not returned to the seventh level of dark energy at this time, and has formed a very unscientific "confrontation" state with these interstellar behemoths between 27 and 30 years.It was like being in the jungle, the giant tiger saw the boy holding the stick, and finally turned around in three steps and retreated.

A sword is like a group of beasts, weak in strength and long in strength.Such a result left the observers silent!Because since the start of this battle, it has been certain that "Trace the Origin" has won.

When a force, the strongest, cannot protect the weakest, it will face the end of being replaced.

The earth-horrifying erect ape in the main world is not only comparable to the large species in frontal attack power, but also protects the young and weak. The earthen houses and thatched houses built are, to a certain extent, more important than spear stone tools.

Human male juveniles grow up from five or six years old to thirteen or fourteen years old to become the main force of the group. This period of time is actually longer than that of tigers, leopards, and wolf cubs, and consumes more energy.Theoretically, just this "evolutionary disadvantage" can make the dreaded erect ape eliminated.But here's the result: Humans have the upper hand in nurturing their offspring to reproduce.

As a bystander, Zhen Xun didn't react immediately, because Wei Keng didn't kill him in a single wave.Why?Jing Guyu and Qin Xiaohan praised with gorgeous rhetoric?Is it a little too much?
She admitted that Wei Keng was very bold and strong, and she wondered if the two supervisors "boasted" a little~"too nasty".

The female logic of Zhen Xun Xu Xing Xing is inevitably a bit similar to "Oriental women's rights in modern times were obsessed with each other, and always hoped that men would give everything at once. .”

But for most of the time on earth, women's strategy for men is "gentleness".

[In other words, at the beginning of the [-]st century, the culture between the sexes that prevailed in this historical period belongs to anti-human gene reproduction. This is not normal in human history, because only continuation has history, and giving up continuation will inevitably be short-lived. Nature is strange. 】

This is the evolution of the promised star, and women have long held the right to define in social development.That is also after completely taking control of men, it is considered normal compared to the promised stars.

Relatively speaking, "Jing Guyu" and "Qin Xiaohan" are women who were born under the normal development at the end of the 26th century.

Jing Guyu sensed Zhen Xun's puzzlement, and chatted lightly: "Sword light does not lie in how much blood is cut, but how much blood is cut, and sword intent does not lie in how much evil is killed, but how much it lasts." There is a lot of righteousness.”

She stretched out her jade hand: "I understand you, your kind, the joy of holding a strong and outstanding man on your five fingers. But a big man, a big hero, as the flame of a prairie fire, has never been able to be led away.

They have their own goals-and we, to distinguish these big men, will see how determined they are to their goals.Don't judge from your point of view, you have to follow his sword to see what he is pointing at.Then wipe the blade down. "

Narrator: Apparently Jing Guyu used to treat Wei Qiang like this.

When Wei Keng was fending off the crowd with his interstellar sword, he was also helping the traced human beings pass the "life and death test" at all costs on various target planets.

So when Zhen Xun saw Wei Keng's sword light pointing at the perspective of the giant beast, he was puzzled that "it didn't match what she thought was better".

What Jing Guyu and Qin Xiaohan saw was that Wei Keng was pushing back the monster with his sword glow.Taking advantage of the constant hesitation of the giant beast, he kept covering the details of the development of the new forces of the "Tracing the Source School".

And precisely when men on earth master violence, it is the most important thing to drive the development of the "organizational force" of their group with precision and tension.

…In the various planets in the Behemoth Nebula, the traceability cultivation of the human base stage is being stepped up. …

According to the current traceability system, the first stage of assessment is between "45 and 60 years old".

At this time, the life course of the first stage of being a carbon-based human has come to an end, the accumulation of knowledge system is almost the same, the world view is also stable, and we have our own set of persistence in facing the world, and we are about to enter the stage of mental aging. when.

At this time, human beings will be deployed in various high-risk links in the war according to the formation!
In these links, the personnel system is fluid.So the whole collective is at risk at the same time.

In the dying struggle, the human beings who were originally going to be aging, in terms of learning knowledge and action efficiency, without exception, all returned to the same state as when they were young. (This is like the review efficiency before the college entrance examination is the highest.)
In the organization of the source tracer, the sensitivity to combat issues is better than any human organization in the star sea.

On the other side, the "deception" used by the forces following the route of giant beasts in this war was quickly figured out by the traceability faction.

...The little tricks the giants play in battle, in the eyes of tracers, are as clumsy as tricking a three-year-old child with lollipops...

Scene 1: By the lake, a beautiful human medical staff is calling for help.However, before the sporozoite that mimicked a human beauty waited for its prey, the core personnel of the mechanical legion in the traceability area rushed up and directly tied up the "female" alien that came to the door, and then a whole set of mechanical "big health care" .

That is: intubation before and after (both upper and lower holes are fully inserted), the stylus pierced through and touched the internal organs, suppressing the dark energy gene in the body, and then all the "female body aliens" were stimulated to move up and down, and the silver wire dropped from the mouth When intubating, the "milky white" gene stabilizer is poured into the cannula. (The whole process needs to be completely coded and silenced,)
Scene 2: Batches of shadow praying mantises lie in ambush on the only way, waiting for the arrival of the transportation corps sent by the source tracer to stop them.However, before it got close, a group of mosquitoes that were modified by the human policy to "sour smell" flew over. When these mosquitoes danced the horoscope dance on the shadow mantis grass, the tracers immediately understood, and then the cloud bomb projected In the past, these "sneak attack" praying mantises were roasted to death in batches at ambush points. (The enrichment of mosquito transformation biotechnology is much higher than the gene mutation efficiency of giant beasts)
Scene 3: In the No. 8343 steel underground base of the Traceability School, after the third wave of large-scale insect siege was repulsed, humans began to patrol the battlefield. Suddenly, one of them was said to be a juvenile body of the local defection faction and claimed to be "advanced body" on the opposite side. persecution. (The juvenile bodies of the Giant Beast School were still in human form for the first 20 years. The Traceability School allowed them to surrender)
But this surrender is not. When this hidden fifth-level dark energy exists, after cheating the human base of numerous mechanical checkpoints, it came to the human logistics center and was about to jump back. When it turned into a massacre, the surrounding medical center scene suddenly switched to an ambush lock up.

It turns out that this medical center was just holographically projected, and the origin-tracing humans who were fooled by the fake defectors directly popped out the Zhekong sword, and when it transformed, it output four knives and chopped it into half blood (chopped off Half of the movable limbs), after its transformation was completely completed, it was found that it was suddenly transferred to the ambush circle, locked by a large number of particle cannons, and either surrendered or burned to ashes.

After the battle was won, the source tracer taunted the loser: Just practice with your mind.

"Soldiers, deceitful ways" The monsters will only give the beginning, but what about the end?

The complete sentence is: "Therefore, if you can, you can show that you can't; if you can use it, you can't use it; if you are close, you can show it is far; Angry and scratching, humble and arrogant, lost and toiled, relatives and separated, attacking the unprepared, surprising him."

...Handling the hatchet, digging a hole...

Giant Behemoth sent out one brain to play, and the Traceability School sent out more than 40 brains to play with them.

Implement the "brain" on the front line and the "brains" in the organization behind can rely on it. The backup team arranges a "guarantee" plan and comprehensive planning.

Not to mention that Wei Keng's split body was also mixed in among these people, and he played a leading role in it.

In the battlefield of the tunnels in the star, Yan Ming and her team followed the big brother who was matched with the "traversal system" to drill caves, trek underground and fly into the ocean, and "catch fish and shrimp". After opening the giant beast's head, unconsciously, the "barrier to joining the team" (social fear) in my heart was silently overturned.

"Humanism" is not only talking to the behemoths of the Behemoth Nebula, but also a refutation of those "spirit injection" routes.

Master Wei has a saying that is very thought-provoking in the traceability of human beings: it doesn’t matter if you are stupid, you can fly first, and it doesn’t matter if you are not good enough, make up for your own shortcomings, and don’t let others hold you back.promise to go on
The only thing is not to think that you are the smartest, take shortcuts, and regard other people as "retarded", then you will unconsciously lose your mind.

This group of people who follow the path of giant beasts belong to the category of "without personality", and naturally have no social communication.

Master Wei: I remember that although a true genius (Saint Great Wall) doesn’t care about his heights, he still constantly examines his surroundings. By judging whether people’s hearts are good or bad, he first clarifies his posture, and then fights evil with righteousness!
[If biological organizations are used to describe the efficiency and responsiveness of social organizations, the bloated bureaucratic system of the Star Sea Empire 4000 years ago was almost at the level of crabs, but now the frontier operations are traced back to the source, just like warm-blooded animals that always maintain "hotness"]

In the last year of 27, Wei Keng selected [-] confrontation cases in frontline and logistics links, pulled two small teams of traversers to study repeatedly (open a small stove), and emphasized to them which are the most dangerous links. , requiring attention, attention, and attention.

But after the meeting was over, Wei Keng heard what these young people said that made him feel heartbroken.

"Senior Wei Keng, is this teaching?" "It should be." "Damn, after fighting for a few months, he has been hit by bullets and bullets. I was worried about him at the beginning." "The so-called danger of Senior Wei Keng is , Scratch the skin." "What exactly is his plane support (envious tone)?"

These conversations seemed to bring the distance closer, but behind them were jokes. It can be said that Fanhong's group has not yet entered the "alive" state.Still see myself as a passer-by in this world.

Wei Keng had to ask the system for advice, Wei Keng: "Am I fighting like I'm playing?"

Qin Xiaohan explained patiently: "No, in order to reduce the war losses as much as possible, you have suppressed every ray of risk to the minimum. You have put in a lot of effort, but? The newcomers lack your growth process and cannot understand it. They can only praise you for cheating. "

Wei Keng: "So I am the teacher dancing on the podium, and below is a group of students who are dumb-headed, can you teach me to death?"

Jing Guyu interjected, "For some learning, you have to make mistakes to know the key. This—" The system wants to persuade Wei Keng, or let these newcomers understand the lesson "bloody".

Wei Keng was a little silent: "Understood, but I will not make mistakes. I have already tasted the price. They have their own way."

Wei Keng will never let his split body relax its vigilance, and pay blood and tears for others to teach.Prepare to find an opportunity to have a good talk with them, and use another method to wake up their "unexamined".

…Some roads cannot be walked for others, tracing the source is the task of life itself. …

In the 30 years of traceability, the three important planets (regions) of the Behemoth Nebula have been gradually taken down by the "source traceability" force.The behemoths in the star sea were restless again. These seventh-level planetary suzerains had a meeting near the central No. [-] white dwarf.

When these existences with a length of seven to eight hundred kilometers, which are comparable to interstellar warships, dragged the dust streams often tailed by comets, stepped into the orbit of white dwarf stars, and when they all arrived, a "gathering of beasts" began.

However, the monsters discovered that a group of light prisms suddenly appeared on the space layer of the white dwarf.

It's just that everyone in the inner circle is there now, and none of the behemoths in the nebula retreated.

Qiheng (a bright beetle with a length of one thousand kilometers) quickly shouted to the center of the white dwarf: "Outsider, it seems that you are really arrogant."

At this time, in the white dwarf, there are projections of "movie" projection light beams.

This projection is in front of every interstellar suzerain in the shape of a giant beast, and a young man with a long sword in his hand appears impressively.Of course, in the open universe, this long sword is a beam of particle shocks with a length of more than ten kilometers!

Taxi Qiduo took over the giant beasts and roared: "Young, of course, you have to be aggressive. If you are not aggressive, are you young? It is wrong for you not to take me to the meeting. Now I am also a part of the monster nebula. "

At this time, a super centipede with a body length of [-] kilometers and a total length of [-] kilometers with an obsidian shell refuted Wei Keng's words: "You are an outsider, of course, there is no place for you here."

Wei Keng immediately raised his sharp blade, and then a rhombus-shaped space door flashed out of the centipede's flanks, and a space cut immediately followed. Mans cut open.

The very precise strike within the range of thousands of kilometers means that fine interstellar dust has already completed the line deployment and precise guidance.These giant beasts are already in the formation at this time.

In space, thousands of kilometers of shields like planetary atmospheres were formed around the behemoths, and the already tense atmosphere was now on the verge of breaking out.

Taxi Qiduo said leisurely: "I live here sincerely. Since I am not qualified, then if I chop off a few guys, the position will be vacated for me, right? Do you agree? If you agree , just elect a representative, or, um, let me choose the weakest one to cut?"

Qi Heng: "Your Excellency is a high-level space-time dark energy user, why are you obsessed with our small place?"

Taxi Qiduo sang and said: "If the mountain is not high, there will be a name if there are immortals. If the water is not deep, there will be spirit if there are dragons. This is a humble room. Only my virtue is good. I think this place is very good. How can it be called a small place?"

At this time, Wei Keng, just like SpongeBob SquarePants and Pai Daxing, made the neighbors upset.

Although Wei Keng showed his willingness to talk, the interstellar behemoths did not welcome "Tasi Qirudder", because the traces of external power on Wei Keng's body were too serious, and the human forces under Wei Keng's command were trying to eradicate the inheritance of the behemoths here.

So, after 10 minutes, the talks between the two sides collapsed.

Wei Keng then showed the bottom line: "Battles below level seven must be resolved by those below level seven. Establish the way."

Lines of starlight are displayed in space, seeing such a "merger" is about to begin.

And at this moment, high-speed beams of light echoed in the empty white dwarf space.

Wei Keng stopped suddenly, looking vigilantly at the space above the North Pole.

There, a spatial shock came down, followed by a figure familiar to Wei Keng from the entire area.

Complex fluctuations appeared in the materiality of space in six light seconds, and only Wei Keng could feel such a huge change in the nature of space.And the corners of his mouth were open before, but now he is pursing it quietly.

The light speed that suddenly intervened here also looked at the opposing sides,
The giant beast called "Mingya" was once the target of Qingsuyi's encirclement and suppression 4000 years ago.On the other side, the little friend named "Tasi Qiduo" was the little villain she wanted to catch.

Light Speed ​​also chose to be neutral, and the soft voice warned both sides at the same time: "I think it makes sense, high-level and high-level confrontation, low-level and low-level confrontation, but I don't mind cross-level challenges"-the last sentence is obviously aimed at towers. West Kairudder.

Wei Keng's astral sword array is adjusting its direction, aiming at Qingsu and making "surplus" preparations.After hearing Qing Suyi's words, Wei Keng vomited in the space memo: "Don't worry about it, why do you think you are Zhang Wuji?"

bgm: life and death rivers and lakes singer Li Changchao

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