out of cage

Chapter 890 Chapter 20.10 "Hurry Up"

30 years after the origin calendar, on the silted carbon star of the Behemoth Nebula.

Those behemoths were gradually overwhelmed by the continuous attacks of the source tracing faction.The giant beasts tried their best to come to the surface, screaming at Xingyun to call for their mother's help, but they all fell to nothing.

The suzerain of the local planet has not participated in the war for a long time (in fact, it is impossible to participate in the war at this time), and all the local behemoth systems feel an unprecedented crisis.

As for the source-tracing faction, human beings have activated the Giant God Soldiers and began to carry out the final "heavy hammer" in the deep underground space.

...The contest in quantity is solid, but the contest in quality is fist to flesh...

Beginning in 27, the Behemoth Nebula's "swarm tactics" were immediately regressed by the bombardment of the machine group that "just" had the upper hand in size, firepower, and cost.

It has been 30 years now, on the dry root star of the Behemoth Nebula, deep in the earth, as a local dark energy user, Jiaota (earth armor system, level [-] dark energy), looking up at the trembling mantle plate above.

He is currently 20 years old, has not yet entered the state of giant beast, and still belongs to the natural form of "carbon-based human beings". Although some steely states have appeared on the skin, but now in order to fight, he has to inject gene inhibitors. Maintained the human form, picked up the human gene exchange equipment.

Oh, these devices are the human devices "captured" by these behemoth group systems, which can only be used when the human gene is active. If the behemoth is transformed, if the human gene is recessive, it will fail the genetic test.

In the battle of routes, when one side has to learn the fighting style of the other side, then it has already lost, because learning how to fight jealousy, it is found that it has to be matched with dumplings.

Jiaota wandered the battlefield where the air battle had just taken place, inspecting the wreckage of the helicopters on the ground.After half a day of research, it was discovered that the main structure of these helicopters is actually made of underground siliceous fungus as the main material. Simply put, it is wood.

Jiaota couldn't help complaining why his patriarch (the elder of the giant beast) didn't accept the new "artificial battery" production plan.

These things transformed from the original civilian "creator" by outsiders (tracing the source) have become the main construction of the "base vehicle" of the wartime squad.

The base vehicle is directly made of local trees, processed into plywood, and equipped with an electric fan-style propeller structure, to process tunnel self-explosive warheads.

These tunnel self-explosive warheads are powered by methane stored in gas tanks

The brain of birds and animals is used as the biological seeker. The total weight of the self-explosive warhead ranges from [-] kg to [-] kg. It can be fragmented shotgun shells or aluminum incendiary bombs.Can also be filled with thermite.

...Is it the faster speed of biological cubs, or the faster speed of assembly line production of consumables?Swarm strong?It's still raining densely...

A large number of man-made robots built by the tracers in the underground space stepped forward with spider-like slender rope legs, and collided with the swarm flying units in the tunnel.

One by one suspended ceramic aircraft set up a "spiritual language relay station" step by step in the tunnel

"The front is in a C-level firefight, and heat bombs are needed."

"In the eighth district, a large number of cyst monsters appeared, applying for the No. 8484 chemical warhead."

"Main Tunnel No. 4, confirm the extension of the enemy's creep, and apply for decontamination at point b233 in [-] minutes."


Complicated and cumbersome combat orders are communicated and fed back in each tunnel in an orderly manner.

That is to say, Ruo (a member of the Yanming team) is operating such an automated base weighing [-] tons underground, and the entire automated base is like a black beetle, constantly walking between maneuvering and deploying.

Sit down as soon as you are sure the forward position is safe.The [-]-cubic-meter vehicle production base is in a place where frontline explosions and herd roars can be heard.Give birth like a cub.

And Jiruo is operating a large number of mining machines like worker ants, performing screw crushing, chewing up tunnel minerals, and then melting electricity to "feed" the inside of the base vehicle like a mother worm, allowing the base vehicle to continue to produce cubs, various types of arms.

That is to say, if he has seen many "base cars", the dark plane definitely belongs to the high-tech world in his past world, but the characteristic of the current base car is not "high-tech".

Cheap, low population (low maintenance), is the main feature.That is, if you feel deeply about it.

When the next round of behemoth-burrowing cockroaches is about to attack, that is, if the production of an entire underground formation is completed during the entire campaign production phase, the process will take about four hours, and the scarab battle puppets will roll down one after another, and then unfold the golden The body stretches out the mechanical legs and enters the battle tunnel. The "combat beetles" in the large beetle state base vehicle come down eight per second.Faster than the hatching speed of the brood.

For a monster combat unit of the same size, it takes 24 hours for the brood to hatch "flies" of the same level of combat power, and there are only [-] of them in one batch.

Usually, human beings noticed a sudden increase in the number of troops of the swarm, and realized that there was a brood nearby. Now, the giant beasts sensed the influx of new troops, and began to suspect that there were base vehicles nearby.

…The war will make small individual human beings think from the perspective of the group, which is reserved by the basic genes. …

In the organic fleshy nests deep underground, swimming tentacles are wrapping each "young giant beast" (human form), busy transporting the organic matter of each cyst, ten meters, tens of meters when the huge cyst rolls, carrying The volume is comparable to a container, and the whole creeper is rolling in this way, and some of the creeper hairs have lost their hair due to bumps.

And in the core biological room like a large number of beating hearts, the new generation of Behemoth Nebula humans, such as Jiao Ta, have a desperate attitude towards this war on the Behemoth faction command system of Cinder Star.

In the perennial war of attrition, they thought they had the upper hand, but as a result, none of the foreign "proto-humans" survived, and all that could be defeated were low-end industrial products.

Occasionally, there are still some production and assembly materials.

This is a naked humiliation to those behemoths who claim to be intelligent!It means that you managed to design the evolutionary chain?I spend dozens of hours adjusting the production line.

The Traceability faction holds technological weapons in one hand and ideology in the other, and cooperates with the repeated propaganda "line" in the successive victories of the war

… Wei Keng is humming: Come back soon, you can’t bear it alone, come back soon, life is wonderful because of you, come back soon, bring back my thoughts...

After Jiaota left, Wei Keng, who was dressed in a battle suit, appeared six kilometers away, watching this "human with giant beast genes".

At this time, Wei Keng, who was configured according to the "Holy Great Wall", opened one after another information field beams and began to report the list of individuals appearing among the enemies.

After "washing his hands in the golden basin" in the universe, Wei Keng stared at the young humans in the brood on the planet: "Teach you how to be human!"

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