out of cage

Chapter 891 Chapter 20.11 Wei Keng who is not afraid of the scroll

After Wei Keng and Qingsu also met, Wei Keng switched from "personal adventure" to "group strategy mode" when operating in the dark plane.

After 32 years of traceability, in the traceability system, the direction of human self-evolution has been re-gathered on the body.

Regarding the development of the "human carbon-based body", before the Battle of the Jiulan Star, all kinds of enhancement systems in the star sea seemed to be flourishing, but in fact it had already put an end to the "carbon-based body".

Famous 22nd Century Philosophical Quote: When human beings no longer have a clear development goal for a "thing", they will make opportunistic tricks on the old indicators. (This is a note for "The End of History of Democracy")

The development of the physique strengthening system by Xu Xingren is always just "strength", "defense" and "agility". These development routes are all short-sighted, regardless of the consequences, and destroy the taboos marked in the early long-term development.

In many corners of the planet, the body is strengthened to the end, either by introducing "behemoth genes" or "implanting nanomachine technology to devour madly".

Within a "circle", when judging the "level of development" it is based on "indicators" rather than goals.That is the fulfillment of "Learning from me, death from like me". None of the large numbers of countries imitating "democratic standards" in modern times were able to complete industrialization.

Before Wei Keng arrived in the dark plane, the dark energy of physique strengthening was just "responsible for doing chores". When high-end dark energy (gravity, matter transmutation) occupies the highest position in the universe's ecological chain, the dark energy of physique strengthening is just an insignificant link in the star sea .

Right now, on the Traceability School side: the new generation’s strategic goal of “growth in good health and stimulating higher possibilities” is clear,
Let the "sports" of the tracers become a road to the sky. This road to the sky will not refer to the indicators of useless "high-quality" attributes, but only seek the goal of "possibility"

Wei Keng: The body is the capital of innovation. Every part of our body is the accumulation of variables over and over again for billions of years. Good development is to inherit all these.Values ​​are fixed, variables are infinite.

Tracing the source in the Behemoth Nebula, the White Stick Star Area, the Six-Color Photon Area, and other star territories, there is no regionalization, but the competition of the human base is unified (rolled into) into a system.

As the chief designer of the Traceability School, Wei Keng: As a parent, what you study is "language and number style", and you will resolutely not engage in the "quality education" of other forces in Xinghai.

(Spiritual language, negative entropy checking, fine-tuning the body)

As an executor of social education, the emphasis is on Demeilau.

(Determine what is the moral view of the greatest possibility of social development, determine the aesthetic view of the same frequency between the self-life system and the natural negentropy (celestial system), and determine the proactive labor view that one should have when dealing with future crises)

...30 years after the expedition, the origin-tracing human race has begun to appear for the next generation, and each of them is starting to exert their strength on the starting line...

In the era of Homo sapiens, left in the genes of the people on earth, the boy held a stick and swept across a large area of ​​grass.

Now in the Tracing School, the new generation (carbon-based individuals under the age of 60) have also begun to have the habit of using swords.

In the battle of the Behemoth Nebula, it has been said that a Zhekong sword wiped out all the beasts in the sky.

Of course, in addition to using the sword, there is still a "slingshot". When constantly killing various other intruders in space, the Traceability School thinks that "shooting" is the most effective.

What the source-tracing human beings play is: after continuously emitting thousands of viewing angles, launch "particle beams", control the sub-light speed "particle beams" (sculpted digital particles) to flexibly maneuver in a huge space, and after hitting the target, choose Various attributes such as "blasting" and "tearing" are released.

Narrator: The return of consciousness on the mind plane is getting closer and closer, and there is a consciousness resonance in the dark, and Wei Keng's strategic inspiration for executing space warfare on the dark universe plane is also emerging more and more.

Wei Keng repeatedly thought about tracing the origin of human development: it is the most classic set of ideas of encountering the Great Wall of Saints in multiple planes!The body is refined, and the energy is refined to perceive.And officially divided the standard of "Fixing Body Technique" into three levels.

The first level is that the increase and decrease of body bones and muscles are controlled on the micron scale, and the flow coordination coefficients in all blood vessels are on the microsecond scale, directly connected to auxiliary machinery, and the fingertip control can be stabilized at the "twenty nanometers" level .

Such a standard human pioneer can already adapt to the detection mission on the surface of the planet, and can drive a supersonic fighter in low-Earth orbit to conduct space orbital warfare.

If the "Commander" energy control system is implanted,
The first-order body fixing technique can micro-manage thousands of targets within a hundred square kilometers by sending nanometer information light spots,
The second level of body fixation technique, the body's daily variation range is within 0.1 nanometer precision,
At this stage, the carbon-based body is to fit into the “space particle carbon-based body” or the “energy body in the depths of Jupiter’s ocean” and other bodies.

As the "source of consciousness" of human beings, the carbon-based body transfers the fire of consciousness into the "hot carbon-based energy body wrapped in a large number of nano-energy layers"

This is often an "interstellar human body" ranging in length from one kilometer to three kilometers.
Compared with the current main fleet, this "celestial body" is an individual soldier, who can launch a "scattered group" charge mixed with nano-camouflage energy groups under the heavy firepower of the fleet, and attack close to the battleship.

The second level of the fixed body technique is often to match the scale of consciousness of the second level traceability

For such human beings, the Xinghai is equivalent to the hunting ground for ancient beasts on the star table.
The Era of Ancient Beasts: Both the mammoth and the wolves are stronger than the human hunting group, but humans can drive the mammoth into the cliff through the flames, as well as the interference of smoke and sound signals, and the wolves can encounter traps.

Such ancient and wild scenes are now appearing in every corner of the Behemoth Nebula.

One by one, the second-order source tracing began to besiege the new planet "behemoths" (level [-] dark energy) on all the planets in the Behemoth Nebula.Homo sapiens did a lot of this kind of bad thing of catching and killing "young organisms" in the early stages of development.

Now the second-order fixed body technique controls the energy body, and it can already start to erect a star-level force field structure just like repairing aqueducts on the surface of a planet.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for giant beasts to be interrupted by solar storms in communication (similar to the swarm of beasts filling the surface of a star), and then a wave of second-order body fixation humans directly beheaded the center, causing insect swarms to disperse .

...the dark plane, among the interstellar humans, after tens of thousands of years of history, the evolution of the universe finally set sail from the original carbon-based body...

Evolutionary strategy is not obvious on an individual, but the combination of the slight advantages of all individuals becomes a big advantage.

Let's put it this way, the Cambrian Revolution was actually the "eye" revolution of worms at that time, when a large number of weak chickens in Ediacara were eliminated.

It is true that the development of wisdom is diverse, but the direction will be determined sooner or later, but all potential stocks have to survive.

Master Wei, who was born in modern times, hated "quality education".

They are a group of "diversity talents" in the name of feeding meat, egg and milk to their own children, and "farm manure" to other people's children, in the name of providing diversity for the society.

Among all living beings of the Traceability School, Wei Keng is mixed in the middle-aged people in various environments of Traceability,

…In the interstellar era, human beings’ carbon-based life lasts for 100 years, which is “childhood”…

After 33 years of origin tracing, it is the most difficult time for the behemoths on the planets of the Behemoth Nebula. They have retreated from the cooled mantle layer on the star body to the core of the earth.

Tracing the source of human beings is getting smoother and smoother. In the underground dark energy system, veteran tracers have begun to sum up their tactical experience.Further optimize the underground tunnel network and strengthen the mutual exchange of information beams.

The source tracers now have more than [-] first-order source tracers fighting on various planets (this is not Wei Keng). Everyone is no longer afraid of giant beasts, but a joy of catching big fish.

In the large-scale encirclement of biological swarms by the mechanical torrent, these origin-tracing soldiers wearing information-based combat uniforms and equipped with folding swords are able to pay attention and move deeply.

What?The giant beast's copper skin and iron bones, as well as the ion radiation from its mouth, exploded with magnetic field power, and could it shatter the entire tunnel?
Tracer: Carrying a Zhekong sword does not mean that you will be attacked face to face, just like an aircraft carrier with a close-in gun does not mean that you will drive in front of the target to bombard it.

However, the behemoths have also changed. In the network in the core of the earth, the behemoth gene variant groups.At the beginning, it was forcibly matured, and then loaded with a large amount of mechanical equipment and the mechanical torrent of the surface traceability faction.

Wei Keng's investigation found that the new generation of ripened giant beast humans had chips implanted in their gene population to strengthen the mental power sending and receiving organs of the yet-to-be-developed giant beasts.

Of course, a giant beast is a giant beast only when it is fully developed. If a giant beast is not fully developed, when a large number of follow-up genes do not appear, it is a larva in human form.

Under the bombardment of underground cloud bombs again and again, a large number of "imperfect behemoths with mechanical fusion" were captured, and then underwent recovery surgery.

After removing their chips, the tracers asked them: "Now, what do you choose?"

The demeanor of these behemoth "larvae" is very complicated.

Narrator: Because after these fighters are matured, they cut off the possibility of growing into giant beasts. It can be said that the giant beast forces that persist in the core are competing because they have cut off the possibility of their own path.

The children of the golden blood in the core command room of the behemoths are not willing to waste their potential.Load the mechanical route of "depending on foreign objects".

The selfish behavior of the core individuals in the giant beast group makes their so-called "fighting for the hope of the race" nonsense.

Fanhong watched silently at the stubborn beast in the core of the earth: Your defense of tradition is just to ensure that you can stand tall and not let others have hope, so such tradition should be eradicated.

On Behemoth Nebula No. 7344, the carbon silt star, the source tracing faction knocked down all the [-] large and medium-sized underground spaces on the outermost layer of the earth's core, which should be the root of the behemoth inheritance.

...the dividing line between humans and demons...

Tracing back to the origin calendar for 34 years, one eighth of this year
Carbon stasis star, in this multi-layered cavity planet, is between the second largest crust and the third largest crust, among which the No. [-] crack area, where the source tracing faction occupies a large tunnel with a diameter of five kilometers.The tunnel leads directly into an important subterranean breeding sea for the behemoths.

The eight divisions of the Traceability Faction confronted the local (behemoth route) genetic super variant here.

Before fighting each other, a final negotiation took place.This time the negotiation was traced to sending human messengers to come underground on their own initiative.

Wei Keng patted Yan Ming behind him: "Of course I will do such a dangerous task. Just wait on the platform first."

This time Wei Keng didn't take Yan Ming deep into the enemy's rear. Yan Ming watched Wei Keng's back merged into the high-heat energy body, and remained silent.

In the central tunnel, a huge lighting beam appeared, dragging the shadows of the people on both sides long.

Layers upon layers of rocks are covered with biological creepers, which is the perception network deployed by the gene body to prevent raids in the tunnel area.

Wei Keng is on the top, and these giant beasts with a body length of several hundred meters are below. The formation is beneficial to Wei Keng
However, Wei Keng's "Eye of True Sight" has seen a large number of space transition points on the giant beast's body position. Some units can be enlarged at any time, and they are obviously prepared.
Although Wei Keng is in a high-energy state, 15 meters tall and wearing a white porcelain space battle suit, he is still in the shape of a human body, floating down from the tunnel, like a young knight.

The genetic bodies on the other side of the negotiation are roughly the same size, generally four or five meters tall, although some of them also have humanoid characteristics.And either have a huge bony plate on the forehead, or have bird-like barbed toes.This place is like a group of demons dancing wildly.

Facing such a scene like a lion and camel country, Wei Keng, who had seen bigger scenes, was not timid at all, his eyes swept across the audience indifferently, like the brilliance of sharp knives.Instead, it suppresses the scene with temperament.Let these genetically modified bodies feel ashamed.

The pros and cons are made out!
If it weren't for Wei Keng's willingness to talk, these monsters would never have the chance to meet the "trace the source" human race.

In these dozens of days of battle, these monsters with huge claws and white breath are only suitable for fighting with the mechanical sea. Occasionally they caught the base car and left the human race, but they were all hacked by the high-powered human race with the Zhekong sword If you go out, you won't be able to touch it.

Wei Keng looked at the group of beasts, and began to set the tone for the entire negotiation: the dispute over the route cannot be compromised, and others can be discussed.

Wei Keng collected the 30-meter-field sharp blade move on his waist: Respect the customs of the area, the giant beast can be preserved, and passed on to a few people, but most human races, in the period of the foundation of human beings, are the moral code of the human species. Before the age of one hundred, the original human form must be respected!Accept the basic compulsory education of civilized principles, and the clothing of basic society.

Under Wei Keng's oppression, the giant beasts in the earth's crust signed this agreement that they thought they had betrayed their "larvae".

Narrator: Behemothization also consumes resources. Of the more than 1 larvae (initial humans) spawned by behemoths in the entire abyss planet, only one or two may eventually grow into behemoths, so Wei Keng asked to stop evolving before the age of 100. After repeated weighing by the genetic forces, they thought that they could make concessions.

The process from larvae to giant beasts requires a lot of lore and fighting with each other before finally creating one or two,

It can be called raising Gu insects.The traceability force captured the bottom, and found a huge arena and an exaggerated number of bones, all of which grew up during the fighting.

Carbon stasis planet, the first war is over.

...In these days, everyone has a strategy. During the negotiation, Wei Keng knows whether the other party is taking advantage of his breath to carry out his strategy. …

After the negotiation, Wei Keng returned to the platform, and his body reappeared from the body energy pool of the high-energy field.

Then it was quickly cleaned up. During this process, some traversers were waiting outside the safety maintenance facility

Yan Ming couldn't help being curious after seeing Wei Keng: "Teacher, is this the end?"

Wei Keng: "Yes, it's over for now."

Yan Ming: "Behind the war is communication. They have established similar industries underground. They have been brought into our rhythm"

Yan Ming's dark energy structure is level four, close to level five, and the system is enthalpy entropy vision, that is, it can see which area of ​​a large mass of matter has higher energy.

Wei Keng: "Well, they were supposed to learn. Didn't we teach the captives here?"

Another traveler said, "However, we are teaching them technology for the sake of social civilization, and they are using mechanical technology to continue to maintain the hierarchy."

Wei Keng looked at these two people, as well as the other three candidates, and couldn't help nodding, then shook his head again.

They nodded because they began to really think about war and started to get started. They shook their heads because they could ask such a question, which showed that they still had a long way to go.

Wei Keng said: "This war is about the line, there is no need to rush for success. If the wrong side does not make all the mistakes, even if we win, they will still try to make mistakes."

At this time, the shuttle machine ascending and descending in the tunnel had already arrived at its own combat base.

Wei Keng pointed to the ground, and said slowly: "We must also be humble ourselves, and we must always be prepared for the possibility that they can come out. Now that we have won against them (genomes), what we teach is not necessarily true for them. That's right, they must develop on their own, and I'm pursuing the possibility, not external control, please be aware of it all the time."

Yan Ming was thoughtful.

In this mission, Wei Keng did not have such a strong "desire to control".

Narrator: People's conduct is the same in all things big and small, so you can get a glimpse of the leopard by looking at people.If a person, as a commoner, is not greedy for others, then as a public weapon, he will be more able to resist temptation.On the contrary, once they gain power, they ask maids to serve them, talking about selflessness and nobleness, and they want to take public weapons. Only ghosts believe that they will not play unspoken rules.

At this time, the auxiliary traverser system of the two teams had already explained Wei Keng's strategy to them.

Qin Xiaohan paced in the space, and began to personally help Wei Keng with the ideological work of the two teams, the so-called x sing x follow.

Qin Xiaohan's gentle and soft-spoken explanation made the two team members sigh with emotion: "The beautiful sisters equipped in the system this time have a good temperament."

Qin Xiaohan opened up the evolution route of the local humans (human larvae) in the Behemoth Nebula: "before the age of 100, the transformation of behemoths is not allowed. After acquiring a new view of values ​​and society in the teaching of the knowledge system, will you give up your social relations and civilization resources and follow the giant beast?"

In short, behemoths, to open up industrial chains and compete in big industries, this is going to roll!In the paper, Wei Keng, who has "the posture of a middle-aged man", did not hesitate.

Wei Keng's logic is: "There are a lot of geniuses who can outperform me, but if someone in the world is in the basic field, he is meowing, eating hot pot and singing, using three-point attention, and working hard for a few months. I just want to surpass my ten-year accumulation, I have read too many fairy tales."

Discussion: With the advancement of science and technology, and the idea of ​​having a complete industry, are you still afraid of these swarms that have degenerated to be worse than the Qing Dynasty?
Wei Keng has already carried out the second wave of plans, industrial production is upgrading, and technology is also soaring.

After the end of the first war on Planet Tanyu, Wei Keng completely let go.Begin to hand over the "open situation" to the new generation who can take responsibility

...but did Wei Keng really lie peacefully?Referring to the plane of Pandora, when the commanding army became independent, the content of each department decreased, but Wei Keng was still increasing the rate of descending...

In the starry sky, Wei Keng reported to the supervisor system according to the rules of the pastoral era, explaining the reason: "The road has already been revealed, and then I will leave it to them to walk. If I walk, then they will not have the freedom to choose their own road. .”

Jing Guyu: "They will make mistakes."

Wei Keng: "Yes, but they will correct it." Wei Keng will still tell the truth, but he will not say it now.

Qin Xiaohan tapped on the screen next door to tell Jing Guyu not to argue.

Qin Xiaohan had heard the point, because just now Wei Keng suggested that he wanted to evacuate the Behemoth Nebula.

Every time Wei Keng ran away, he almost found a new foothold for himself. Now that the "pit" has started to evacuate from the Behemoth Nebula, where should he go?

A few minutes later, Qin Xiaohan suddenly asked, "Where are you going to scramble eggs and fried rice?"

Wei Keng paused when he heard this, and then half-joked: "I've been trying fried rice noodles recently."

Qin Xiaohan heard the subtext, this is to change to a brand new project.

Jing Guyu coughed, because she was the third party in such a conversation, so her throat was naturally uncomfortable.

…Qin Xiaohan ended the topic, but shut up blushing, which puzzled Wei Keng, but made Jing Guyu's eyes sharp...

Wei Keng opened the interstellar map. After Jiulanxing came out, based on the war situation in the entire Star Sea in the future, Wei Keng had a very clear plan, that is to establish a base!Target the entire universe.

In such a super-large plane, all the traversers in the past basically stopped at the sixth level of dark energy, and there were only a handful of people who reached the seventh level.

Before Wei Keng arrived at this position, most of the information in the main world was "village" information, and he didn't know the situation of the big cities in this world. He once misjudged Chang Hengxi's "photosynthetic ecology" dark energy system as a supernatural system. As a result, after the fleet was fully equipped with equipment, it was an era of pure high technology.

However, Wei Keng's goal suddenly jumped to "the whole plane" spread, which seemed a little arrogant.

But new things do not depend on initial capital, but on whether they have developed vitality!A drop of water in the desert will soon evaporate, a flame in the room of dry wood!It rises in seconds.

Traceability and dark energy are two different systems with different development directions, and they are destined to compete.

…Zhen Xun was on the other side, shocked by this concept, she: Do you men on earth like confrontation so much…

Wei Keng: "I met a person in the multidimensional plane. He didn't care about the heights of the sky and the earth, but only thought about right and wrong."

Wei Keng looked at the sea of ​​stars. "I was not liberated in this darkness last time."

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