out of cage

Chapter 892 Behind the Miracle of Evolution Chapter 20.12

Chapter 892 Behind the Miracle of Evolution Chapter 20.12

In the universe, the hydrogen atoms tens of billions of light years away are the same as the local hydrogen atoms, which is the embodiment of the universality of the rule.

And the development system of the Traceability School scattered throughout the Xuxing civilization is now also using a basic education system.

Eight hundred light-years away from the Behemoth Nebula, between Jiulan Star and the creation zone, inside an asteroid.

Even in the most remote areas, the teaching courses of the Tracing School are still in accordance with "6+3+4+4+5+7" (elementary school, junior high school, high school, university, first major study, first major intensive training year ) training process for teaching.

The stronger the life, the stronger the stable childhood development state, and the stronger the civilized individual, when the life span begins to increase, the individual's early thinking and physical development process are the same as the standard development of each stage of "October pregnancy". The most important thing is to practice hard, and there will never be a situation where development is prioritized over others.

In the artificial gravity inside the asteroid, in the environment of simulating a star catalog, the young teacher (Wei Keng split body) looked at the young students lined up in two lines in front of him, and looked at the watch in his hand: "Enter the preparation time."

The number of people in each team is 15 people, which is the range of the number of hunting teams when humans evolved, and it is also the range of adaptation for this age.

The content of the teaching is very interesting. This is a long and complex area with terrain similar to the tunnels on the surface of the planet and the underground dark sea. At this time, two teams of teenagers under the age of 17 are engaged in a two-way confrontation.

The students were divided into two groups, one had to cross the blockade, the other had to hold the blockade.

The combat clothing and helmets of both sides have used the spiritual language auxiliary system. According to the spiritual language ability of the tracers at the age of one hundred, these children who are still under the age of 50 are still in the period of "babbling".

Among them, the digital system visually reminds all students of the ballistic curves of the attacking and defending sides, calculation formulas, and the geometric lines of effective defense drawn by the confrontation positions.Of course, the speed of movement between the attacking side and the defending side is determined separately. Given an x ​​value, the previous historical data will be calculated.

…Physical education, but also math, language lessons…

With one order, the confrontation began.The students wearing the energy shield charged quickly, while the friendly troops on the side continued to fall from the front in a curved trajectory, bursting out piercing sound waves. When suppressing the opponent's stun guns, they could also inflict terrible damage on their own students, so it is Be extra cautious.

This shock includes a large number of "mathematical word problems".

Such a physical education class takes up almost one-third of the class time, and the proofreading of every step of the body after class takes up [-] to [-]% of the class time.

As a teacher, Wei Keng was on the away observation platform to watch this fierce offensive and defensive battle.

Although this is a competitive "game" with no risk of death, it has a strict scoring system.

When the teenagers get up, the "game" turns into a deadly "drill".

Among the falling weapons, whether it is the blasting range of mortar shells or stun guns, they can bring extreme discomfort of "burning pain on the skin" or "tremors" on the bones to the teenagers wearing information-sensing clothing .

The teenagers fought each other competitively, and they often rolled the pain to the highest level in the mutual stimulation before the final competition.

Note: In this kind of scene training, in the connection of linguistics, traceability is to emphasize the accurate and effective transmission of clear information under different time tensions.

In the confrontation, the language is mainly concise and clear, and the summary and records after the war are mainly detailed.

For example, the inaccuracy of digital ammunition, the environmental durability of thermal sensing systems, and the interference of enemy signals on the battlefield.

In this asteroid, to what extent is the top student team involved in the confrontation?The explosion range of each blasting ammunition can be adjusted after falling, ensuring a large explosion range when it falls near the enemy, and a small explosion range when it falls near yourself (opening friendly injuries).

Wei Keng has absorbed the disadvantages of the late stage of human spiritual language in the mind plane. In war and production, there is no emotion and pure digital rationality.

As for the emotional expression in language?It's under the "Aesthetics" description.

"What is beauty?" When the development of things conforms to the mathematical calculations in my heart, then it is beauty.For example, symmetrical petals, spiral elevators, huge buildings rising from east to west, shadows rotating like pointers, plants growing towards the sun to form waves like rolls, or explosion shock waves pushed to the building that one expected in one’s mind, these are all aesthetics .

Wei Keng: These aesthetics are worthy of praise.A stable environment is conducive to the recuperation of life.And recuperation is for the challenge.

...Life is one piece of one piece, one piece of relaxation, one piece of stillness and one movement. …

Basically, the generation led by Wei Keng will be able to accept the first dark energy awakening experiment after the age of 20.Of course, in peaceful times, most people will choose to live after the age of 50.Because it is really going to die.

In the periphery of the asteroid, in the "awakening" test of hundreds of light seconds.

In the sublimation site of high-energy life in space, the awakened person who traces the source will lie in the ion energy chamber, and the high-energy body will rush through the missile formation.In this process, the flickering of the carbon-based consciousness will flow into the “high-energy carbon-based life structure” along with the struggle.

To avoid missile hits, it is necessary to use the high-energy enhanced perception and thinking of the body to deal with it, or adjust the cockpit orbit, or use energy to destroy millions of shrapnel fragments of the missile.About [-]% of the high energy of the body, in this kind of dying struggle, the consciousness can sense the dark energy.

In the process of high energy and nerve quantization of the body, it will be unable to maintain the fire of consciousness brought from the carbon-based body.

In the end, it may avoid high-speed missiles in space, but the body may completely become an energy state, which is the state of a normal unstable spirit body. (similar to the white ball in the interstellar).

After the normal tracers successfully reach the first level, the energyization is reversible, that is to say, they can return to the carbon-based state from the "high-energy particle state". state, rather than carbon-based humans in the "infant stage".

At present, in the teaching of the origin tracing school in the major star territories, the success rate of the first level of origin tracing is above "90.00%".

A person can hit the first stage of traceability many times in the entire human base time. It may be unsuccessful at the age of 20, but the natural person stage has been unsuccessful for 80 years. It can only be said that the willpower is not fully developed.

According to Wei Keng's statistics: as long as young people work hard and recognize the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor, they can basically succeed.If people in their teens are immature, they worship idols, overdraw their health, and fail to establish correct values.That is, dead wood cannot be carved.

Consciousness is also called "variable", which cannot be directly observed at the low-dimensional level of the Xinghai universe, but it does exist. The speed of time and space, and the thickness of history are all changed by the participating human variables.

And as a human being, I can actually feel the "decisiveness" of my "consciousness" in my many natures.

Human beings are born with many natures, such as excretion, eating, mates, killing small animals, creation, etc., but consciousness is to choose the "most promising" nature to invest energy, and to control other low-development natures.

Wei Keng: Children are born to be bears, teenagers are born to want to play with fire, and stealing while bypassing the other party's eyes will also have a sense of accomplishment. These are all instincts.Nature cannot criticize its existence as evil from an extreme perspective, but it should be determined that in addition to upholding nature, people also need to have the ability to control their own nature.

Tracing back to the source, when the entire youthful period, 90.00% of the effort is devoted to self-related and meaningful accumulation for this life, this seemingly dangerous awakening of dark energy is basically 100% successful.

Narrator: According to the current data obtained by Wei Keng, the first batch of excellent students challenged the source at the age of 20, and the probability of passing the first level of dark energy awakening will be as high as 90.00%.

(End of this chapter)

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