out of cage

Chapter 894 Chapter 20.13 The Difficulty of Consciousness "Observing" Time and Space

Chapter 894 Chapter 20.13 The Difficulty of Consciousness "Observing" Time and Space
A dusty belt of stars 1345 light-years away from Jiulan.

This place is nominally under the rule of Le Xiaotian and Cheng Ting.But now it is the place where Taxi Qiduo represents the Traceability School and its second cooperation.

Don't look at Taxi Qiduo's rampage in the sea of ​​stars, so that in many star fields such as the Behemoth Nebula, a lot of seventh-level dark energy users are knocked out. It seems that the lower-level sixth-level dark energy users are also worthless. Should be all over the place.

But in fact, there is a conceptual error here.Master Wei is a "little star who has accumulated illegal crimes", and he has been publicly outraged by all the high-level forces in Xinghai.But in fact, when most people explore the starry sky, they will not frequently encounter level [-].

Wei Qiang did not have the situation of Wei Keng who provoked the disgust of the world back then.

...And in the sixth level of dark energy, there are not so many seed players of the high-quality dark energy system. …

For example, for a big force like Jiulanxing, there are only a few dozen seed players in the sixth-level dark energy players on the ranking list.

The upper level spared no effort to train them to become seventh-level dark energy users, and prepared battleships and energy stars for them to take power in the star sea in advance.Just wait for them to grow and transfer after they succeed.

In the early stage of the war between the big star fields, this group of people died the most in each war.

On the whole, the number of these seeded players is only about five times that of the active level 7 dark energy players in the galaxy!
Narrator: Those level 7 behemoths in the Behemoth Nebula are all inactive. It wasn’t Wei Keng who started to turn the Behemoth Nebula upside down. Under the battle of routes, the inheritance of behemoths is in danger of being cut off. This group hibernates in the nebula The behemoths are not coming out.

...The following is the dark plane made by Jing Guyu, a comprehensive power distribution report...

The characteristics of the seventh-level dark energy stage are basically energyized due to life activities.The basis of life is no longer the basis of dna, and the life activities of carbon-based organic matter are just a subsidiary of its own energy life.

Theoretically: Carbon-based bodies no longer limit lifespan.To become a long-lived species, as a dark energy body, the life span is often based on the concept of thousands or tens of thousands of years.

Most of the life activities of level 800 dark energy users are still carbon-based bodies.Although the aging of the body's life activities is delayed by dozens of times, the life span is [-] and [-] years.However, because the sixth-level dark energy people failed to completely transform their lives from the carbon-based state to "dark energy", the link between the carbon-based and the fire of consciousness became weaker and weaker.

Qin Xiaohan’s Note: If the carbon-based life wants to live forever, the process of weakening the fire of consciousness in the long-lasting carbon-based life foundation is irreversible. Only by repeated regeneration can life be maintained forever. However, repeated regeneration must It has always been about finding the meaning of being a carbon-based life.For details, you can refer to Wei Keng, who has a wide range of hobbies and can always find things to do in various social details.

Jing Guyu pushed Qin Xiaohan away, and continued to explain: the consciousness of carbon-based life depends on the foundation of nerve cells, and the existence of consciousness is due to the birth and development of this carbon-based life system in the process of understanding and affecting the environment. (Consciousness is born in the dynamic process from ignorance to knowledge, directly imparting knowledge will not give birth to consciousness)
In the sixth-level dark energy state, if the so-called carbon-based structure is forcibly copied, the process of consciousness growing in the carbon-based cannot be copied.
The consciousness in the carbon base will be weakened, and the dark energy, the life structure directly related to consciousness, also loses the basis of existence in the universe, and directly collapses.

…Life is like sailing against the current, if you do not advance, you will decline.However, from the perspective of power, the weak life is like a leek, constantly regenerating...

In the dark plane, the number of real seventh-level dark energy users is about the same as the number of sixth-level dark energy users.It is even possible that there are more seventh-level dark energy users.

Level 100 dark energy users live longer, of course much longer than the sixth level dark energy users of the [-]-year generation.But the seventh-level dark energy users are iron-clad camps in the universe!
For example, in the 21st century, people in the world are undoubtedly much more expensive than pigs. There are 21 billion live pigs in the 10st century, while the population is 70 billion, but there will definitely be more pigs than people born within ten years.

Because it takes 150 days for live pigs to be slaughtered, and even in war-torn areas, the average life expectancy is more than 30 years.So there are fewer pigs than people.

In the world of dark energy users, it is actually a society where sixth-level dark energy users are surging. There is a generation in 100 years, and each generation has that generation of active sixth-level dark energy users!The current generation is Cheng Ting, and Le Xiaotian is very active.

Zhenxun added: Level [-] dark energy users are not active!Most of them are entrenched in the stars.And the dark energy users who are qualified to be active in the star sea are all middle-to-high-level dark energy users!

For example, Chang Hengxi, her dark energy stability can last for tens of thousands of years without any problem, of course she is active.

But most of the seventh-level dark energy users are not qualified to be active. They seem to have a lifespan of tens of thousands of years.

For example, the group that Wei Keng hit in the Behemoth Nebula usually lives in seclusion!These behemoths that devour the planet's energy sleep for hundreds of years. After waking up, they devour an asteroid and continue to rest. They absorb nuclear energy from the star every 1000 years.

Hundreds of years ago, the reason why Chang Hengxi was not in a hurry even if she was ostracized to the edge was because she was young and had a long lifespan.

As long as Chang Hengxi can survive those guys whose dark energy qualities are weaker than hers, he can survive and grow slowly for thousands of years and become a veteran.

Later, Chang Hengxi took refuge in Qingsuyi, got a battleship from the Star Sea Council, and went on an expedition to the hymn that established the "20 Stargate World" (level 7, zero star, soul sending force, captured).

The dark energy quality of hymn is much weaker.Even without that war, she would abdicate in 2 years.

…Human beings on the Promised Star rarely use war to solve problems, but use seniority ranking instead. …

Seventh-level dark energy users colliding with each other directly, that is a huge event!The representative color blocks of interstellar forces need to be changed.

The delineation of clear circles and boundaries in the vast area of ​​​​daily superpowers is a contest between six-level dark energy users.

Narrator: The top seven levels of dark energy, such as Vibration, can theoretically stay in this world infinitely, but that kind of rule is too low for them. For them, it is meaningful to directly explore the essence of the universe .

Summary: If it is not for pursuing a pattern that challenges the current order of the universe (that is, jumping like Wei Keng), the political activity of the entire galaxy is concentrated on the sixth-level dark energy users, and the general direction is controlled by the "middle-upper quality level seven" dark energy users in hand.

After Wei Keng was lightly marked down, Wei Keng said, "Yes, yes, right now, I don't have the power to reset the order. Follow your rules."

…As a person on Earth, in war thinking, in addition to using your own power, you must also win over potential collaborators in the opponent’s system...

Wei Keng has made good arrangements for his good nephew Le Xiaotian, and next, it's time to try to give some hints to another good friend.

On the Spindle of Time and Space, Cheng Ting is doing space checking here. He is already at the pinnacle of the sixth level, but there is always a slight gap in the checking node.

Cheng Ting's current distance from the integration of "time and space" is similar to that in ancient times, Einstein's theory of the grand unification of the universe, in terms of the four fundamental forces, there is no way to unify it.

A tiny difference makes a world of difference!Most likely fundamentally wrong.

The Centurium is opened, smoothing the spatial reference, which is the spatial field created in time and space on the marginal stars in the interstellar territory under my governance in recent years.

Now Chengting has imported his own time power to calculate a space axis, and then import the calculated space axis into the reference data in the universe, and in turn calculate everything that happens on the time axis. If his calculations can integrate time and space, The time and space orientation of all items correspond to reality, and this process is perfect.

for example
1: Xiaoming travels from his home to Xiaohong's house. He already knows that his speed is 4000 meters per hour. Xiaohong's home is five kilometers away, and it is 10 minutes away from the current time. May I ask where Xiaoming is now? (This is time and space)

2: Xiaoming is on his way to Xiaohong's house now, and it is two kilometers away from Xiaohong's house. How long has Xiaoming been walking? (This is how space counts as time)

If there is no unexpected interaction, the result of calculating space by time is perfectly corresponding to the result of calculating time by space.

But if Xiao Ming waits for the car in the middle of the time, the time in space is not perfect. Similarly, if Xiao Ming helps the old grandmother to cross the road at a certain point in space, where does Xiao Ming go in space?It's not perfect
Cheng Ting is importing the power of his own time to calculate the space of all surrounding objects, and he can roughly calculate where these stars, people and things are, but if he checks the space by himself, brings it into the real parameters and checks the time in reverse, then it is not sure about the reality up.

... Cheng Ting got stuck at this step...

The seven-level space-time system should be a perfect unity of "time axis and space axis".

Cheng Ting and Taxi Qiduo used to be "space-time twins", even his progress was a little faster than Wei Keng.He once wondered why Tasi was so slow to start the rudder.

When Zheng Ting really came to the door, he suddenly found that the difference between him and Taxi Qiduo was too far, too far. (Wei Keng recommended Cheng Ting to Zhen Xun, and this is the reason why Zhen Xun didn't like Cheng Ting at all.)
Cheng Ting sighed: "Where is the problem?"

He couldn't help but think of the vast space-time coordinate axis system that Taxi developed on Jiulan Star 30 years ago.Use space to convert time, use time to displace space, that shocking combat power.

The Wei Keng splits have been building stars here, and Cheng Ting also found these splits, wanting to find the "space-time ontology" Wei Keng to find out the problem.

But Wei Keng looked at him, and it seemed difficult to explain clearly.Just let him observe time and space patiently.

But Cheng Ting has been unable to realize it.

…Wei Keng: Man Tianxin, this system requires hard work. …

Time and space are not static. From a multi-dimensional point of view, they can become slower, thinner, and thicker.

And what is the connection between space-time and consciousness?Consciousness senses that space and time have meaning.

Wei Keng: The change of time and space can only be felt when the consciousness of life participates in it!

Simply describe: When a person is busy for himself all the time, he feels different about time than when he is busy for others every day.One is that one's own consciousness is trying to grasp time and space, and the other is being coerced by the inertia of time and space.

Sounds a bit idealistic.But the dark energy system controls time and space, and it just needs one's own consciousness to "observe" time and space.

Objectively recognize the cycles of various substances in space-time.For example, as small as the half-life of a hydrogen atom, as large as the main-sequence star time stage of a star, this is a "materialistic" attitude towards space-time.

But you have to subjectively determine what you can do in this time and space. When you have completed one thing at a time, this is the scale drawn by self-consciousness on time.

In short, before the birth of life on a planet, billions of years have nothing to do with life, but after the birth of life, every big evolution of life is a time scale.

The Cambrian, Ordovician, Devonian, Permian,…, these are life scales.

As the highest life, human beings have come into contact with the dark matter. If they want to grasp the time, their self-awareness must also mark their own scale in time and space.

Wei Keng couldn't tell him too much detail. Too much detail would interfere with his subjective consciousness's definition of the meaning of time and space. He could only tell him to earnestly complete his meaningful things in the world.

In this universe, "self-determined development of meaningful things" takes time, and this is "consciousness" observing "time".

If Cheng Ting can't find what he thinks is "meaningful", he can't determine the constant of his own consciousness.Then he will not be able to accurately observe the time and space, and then he will not be able to achieve the situation he wants.

...As for Wei Keng's hope for Cheng Ting, Zhen Xun did not repay his hope...

Master Wei's path on this plane of time and space can be described as "successful".

When every single body devotes all its energy to the great development of the world, every time I look back, I can feel the step-by-step promotion of the small self to history.Every step is a scale marked by consciousness in changing time and space, so Wei Keng's consciousness is perfectly established on the space-time coordinate system.

Jing Guyu recorded this precious "time-space" information in detail: "When the super consciousness has an inherent advantage in this area, because the super consciousness will always look for meaningful things, so when pushing to complete the review and look forward to the future with great hope , to establish the space-time coordinates centered on oneself."

Jing Guyu's record is almost certain, the dark energy plane basically does not need other "weak chicken traversers" to develop, and it is useless to come here. Wei Keng has been involved in the "high-end bureau" here.

As for Cheng Ting's current situation, Jing Guyu recorded it like this: Cheng Ting's thinking is trapped in a box, and the only thing he is sure of meaningful now is to break through the space-time system, but he cannot complete this.And to do it, he has to do something meaningful.This forms a closed loop.

This closed loop is also related to Wei Keng. Wei Keng showed the dark energy of the space-time system. After Cheng Ting saw this, he just stared at this and looked down on others.

At this point, Wei Keng will not fall into this pit, Wei Keng: "He is strong, and I will slowly accumulate mine."

Qin Xiaohan said with emotion: "He always says that he is a man, but it is actually difficult for most people to do it..."

(End of this chapter)

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