out of cage

Chapter 895 Chapter 20.13 Before leaving, leave some backups for the children.

Chapter 895 Chapter 20.13 Before leaving, leave some backups for the children.

In the 35th year of the Jiulan Star Expedition, Yanshi Star, which is [-] light-years away from Jiulan Star, opened the space transition door again. on the circular berth.

Cheng Ting came to Xinggang, and met Le Xiaotian, one is a sixth-level dark energy user of the space-time system, and the other is a sixth-level dark energy user of the material structure system.

Together, these two are almost the representatives of the new generation.

Chengting has just returned from an expedition to the outer secondary star sea area. ——In the past few decades, Jiulanxing's fleet has been going out frequently.to regain influence.As a time-space-level dark energy user who can lead the fleet to the point of interference quickly, he is an important figure in maintaining the existence of Jiulanxing in remote areas.

The specific situation is equivalent to the French intervention army in Africa in the 21st century. Although there is no aircraft carrier or other troops, it is only a light infantry fighting vehicle airlifted by a large transport plane, but it is fast.

Chengting is equivalent to the role of a "large transport aircraft".After he ended the dark energy structure and returned to the core area of ​​Jiulan Star, he was frequently mobilized and given importance.

For example, in the past few months, after the friction with the light plow force five hundred light years away, the planet there has undergone huge political changes. This kind of change is as common as cola and potato chips. Most of the time, the Jiulan Star Center It doesn't matter.Therefore, the self-government atmosphere of each planet has become more "unknown to the sky and the earth is thick", and even started to build star gates privately.

But like now, Jiulanxing used Cheng Ting to suddenly start to declare its importance, and within two to four months, three large fleets were sent to the planetary battlefield!It is far better than seven or eight years to adjust the effect of hundreds of fleets.

On the dark plane, the central prosperous planet's control over the surrounding world is very slow.

When the managers of some marginal planets are in crisis, if the area still has a little resistance in the crisis, but if it only takes two or three months, will the advanced warships from the central planet come over? The area will persist in resistance, Wait for the arrival of reinforcements, but if the Central Planet Fleet will arrive after ten years, then they will not resist and choose to submit to the victor.

...The 21st century French chickens control non-regional areas, focusing on a "quick reaction"...

After Cheng Ting conquered seven or eight planets in a row, that star field suddenly became more honest, and began to honestly report the data of dark energy users, because they were afraid of becoming the next target of power.And Cheng Ting also stopped recently.

During this period of time, Jiulanxing's ranking authority for Cheng Ting rose from the original 16th place to the 3rd place.The promotion of this ranking has undoubtedly increased the importance.

Cheng Ting walked to Xinggang, and the officials from all over the place also greeted this seeded player with awe. ——But Cheng Ting didn't know whether this was a meaningful thing or not.

However, Cheng Ting paused slightly after seeing Le Xiaotian, because he was sure that Le Xiaotian was in the process of transforming into the seventh level, and he was still far away.Can't help feeling sad.

...The predicament of Cheng Ting made Wei Keng think of his younger brother Wei Qiang, whether he also fell into "maze" back then...

Wei Keng's comment: For meaningful things, I have to make my own comments. If the outside world can determine the meaning, then the meaning of the cake drawn by the boss, wouldn't I work overtime for it to death?This guy has also lived for more than 100 years equivalent to the Earth year, why doesn't he understand?This head lacks a string?

Seeing Wei Keng getting angry, Qin Xiaohan tried to persuade him, "It's not that there is a string missing in the head, it's the root of wisdom, who knows what he wants to do, and is determined to do it. In ancient times, only the sages could achieve this."

Wei Keng retorted: "I'm not some kind of sage."

Qin Xiaohan sighed softly: "However, you have faced life and death so many times! So you can tell clearly, others can't."

Wei Keng, who couldn't hold back when he got up, was dumbfounded.

After a long time, Wei Keng admitted that Qin Xiaohan was right. ——There is great wisdom between life and death, which can illuminate the real choice.

Qin Xiaohan sorted out Wei Keng's information here, counting from the plane of Pandora, Wei Keng has a desperate attitude in almost every plane.However, this has gone so far unknowingly that many people have to look up to it.

Qin Xiaohan himself was among those looking up.

Wei Keng had to rethink the definition of "middle man posture".

Wei Keng: If you want to change the world, you must understand the basics. Some standards cannot be set too high.

...A certain Pi said that only by making mistakes can one progress, but some geniuses who are born with high praise never have the opportunity to make mistakes...

The perspective switched to Yanshi Xing, Cheng Ting was already discussing with Le Xiaotian the major events in their perspective.

Under the light of this yellow giant star with three times the mass of the sun, there is a very large space fleet on the planet, which is now very small, and the sunspots (vortex regions) are artificially created on the lower star, and there are wisps of hot stellar power in the sunspots. Inject energy into the other 98 large warships along the space-time orbit.

This yellow giant star is a sub-prosperity planet.

What is sub-prosperity?That is, there are some advanced technologies in the industrial chain, but it lacks the overall industrial chain and has shortcomings.Relying on the interstellar order provided by the core to prosper.

Its status is similar to that of modern times. Japan and Germany have unique industrial chain advantages, but the United States, as the first echelon, maintains a generation gap with Japan and Germany in some key fields of electronic chemical industry, or even more than one generation.The region is prosperous, but there is no resistance, because the decision of the United States on "exporting fat electricity, or opening up GPS" can instantly determine whether they and other industrial countries are superior or inferior.

This star area has lived and worked in peace and contentment for a long time, and is very satisfied with its star sea status. It will not challenge Jiulan Star's core position, and has no willpower to fill the "generational gap" to challenge.

Lu Limu took notes on the side, and in her personal electronic system, she couldn't help writing a note: Now there are still some people who dare to challenge Blue Star Jiu with willpower under the huge generation gap, such as the one from Behemoth Nebula!
Of course, both Cheng Ting and Le Xiaotian are currently avoiding this name in public.

(End of this chapter)

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