out of cage

Chapter 896 Chapter 20.14 Farmer of Star Sea

Chapter 896 Chapter 20.14 Farmer of Star Sea

The North Pole ejection region of the Great Black Hole of Creation, 450 light-years to the east, in the interstellar dust belt with high sodium content
Extreme boiling star, this is a brown dwarf star with a mass equivalent to 24 Jupiters. Because the internal nuclear reaction is very weak, it is not even a planetary star. The surface temperature is between [-] and [-] degrees. It will be ejected to the surface, forming boiling water vapor beads, so it is called an extremely boiling planet.

And it was on this planet that Wei Keng carried out negative entropy carving through the "Eternal Heart".

Wei Keng, who initially landed on the surface of the planet, thought for a while, and first made two trillion carbon fiber balloons with a diameter of 300 meters, flowing along the circulation on the surface of the planet, as a solid network base point for stabilizing the atmospheric circulation.

Then, perpendicular to the star, a carbon fiber vertical stripe was built to link all the airflow skynets.

This step is not only to fix the atmospheric circulation in the outer layer of the brown dwarf, but also to establish a heat conduction network that falls vertically into the star, so that the heat can be evenly released to the periphery, so that the atmosphere of the brown dwarf will not form destructive convection.

The energy activity of the entire outer atmosphere of the combination of the first wave of projected star catalog building materials has suddenly decreased, but the establishment of stability is temporary. If the control system cannot be extended to the inner layer within three cycles of the star's rotation, this brown star Dwarf star's outer 'web' can still collapse

Wei Keng began to strike while the iron was hot, with a large number of nano energy wells densely packed one by one, penetrating the interior of the star like acupuncture, and gradually controlling the internal nuclear reaction system.

Wei Keng used the gravitational shunt technology to split the nuclear reaction center that was originally the geometric center of the star into two by gravity.This process is like when a cell divides in mitosis, the nucleus becomes two.

Then the stellar nucleus produces two, and two produces four.

Outside the planet, the very sci-fi and sophisticated Dyson ring flickers every time the chip information link is pulled by gravity, causing the star reactor to split.

The star expands slightly, but still maintains a sphere, but a large reaction core inside the star becomes multiple small reaction cores under the control of the outer man-made control shell.

With the "split of the reaction center in the star", the total intensity of the nuclear reaction in the entire extremely boiling star has decreased, and it is easy to be controlled.

...This kind of artistry of controlling stars, in the eyes of those who can understand, is very beautiful. Zhen Xun: He is so beautiful. …

Wei Keng reconstructed "large magnetic field circulation circles" one by one on the inner metal layer, and artificially activated the star energy adjustment device to balance the unevenness of the core nuclear reaction.

It is equivalent to installing a bicycle handle on a wheel so that it can always come along the "central axis" standard.The planet quickly entered a stable state of "negative entropy".

Under the thick atmosphere, a water belt with a temperature suitable for the existence of "carbon-based life" soon formed.

This belt of water surrounding the outer layer of the extremely boiling planet has become a hotbed of life.Master Wei has stocked many aquatic species here, including a one-kilometer giant tortoise and a three-kilometer moray eel.

The stability of the ecological world here depends on the adjustment of 4000 million fusion nuclear power plants on the metal layer of the extreme boiling star.On the contrary, if the ecological system appears unstable, it can also prompt the astral controllers that the entire astral control may appear unstable.

The maintenance cycle of star facilities is once every 500 years, and the damage of 20.00% can still maintain the stability on the extremely boiling planet.In short, as long as human civilization exists and is not destroyed by war madness, the situation on this planet will last forever.

When the "negative entropy" of the stars is stable and dense to the stage of supporting life, the eternal heart can absorb the "negative entropy" energy and repair all life losses.

...Wei Keng of the extremely hot star: the emperor and the empress are above, and my country and society have been completed...

Just as humans planted the first piece of farmland in ancient times on the earth, they will no longer be limited to the "hunting ground" in the past, but will turn all the fertile land next to the river into farmland.

The scope of Wei Keng's current astral negentropic engraving has also begun to expand "super-limited".

In this sea of ​​stars, the stars that (Wei Keng) can see are all waiting to sow their own seeds.

Looking back at the history of human civilization where Wei Keng is located: the positive cycle system of farmland is the key to the first human "substances" completely overwhelming other species in nature.When other animals are still marking the range with claw scratches in their habitats, human beings let the photosynthesis of the ground under their feet completely serve themselves.

"Astral Negative Entropy Sculpture" also has a similar meaning, the Wei Keng group is no longer at the same level as other dark energy users
Unlimited "negative entropy" can support Wei Keng, and make a grand cause to the dark plane Star Sea that the local dark energy practitioners here can't imagine. (Just as farmland allows man to build wonders that all beasts marvel at.)
One of the "science and technology research" is to map the "life field" of the last "matter field" of the universe.

Wei Keng's hypothesis: Matter has the form of "direct observation", and also has the form of "difficult to observe and can only be described by numbers". For example, electrons can be observed outside the nucleus, and inside the nucleus is a mathematical description "field".In the same way, "life" is a phenomenon that relies on matter, does it have a corresponding existence in the "matter field" in the universe?
Now Wei Keng is doing a big experiment to create a large number of environments suitable for the origin of life to observe the impact on the "field" in the universe.

The negative entropy environment is the origin of life. Under natural conditions, only a planet happens to have a stable negative entropy cycle, and after enough time, natural life can evolve.

For example, a planet with inherently high negative entropy like the earth.Amino acids are generated in a chaotic state. Under the accumulation of tides day after day, a large amount of "organic clay" is accumulated in resonance at a corner of a knot, and then the amino acids in the clay react back and forth under the temperature cycle and light cycle day after day, and gradually appear. The macromolecular protein is formed, and finally the "transcription molecule" is formed.The transcription molecule finally puts on a protein coat, and finally another layer of lipids, and begins to burst into life.

Wei Keng is now facing the threshold of advancing to the seventh level of the Eternal Heart, so he needs to understand a question: if the planet has stable negative entropy, life can be born, does it have an impact on all the carbon molecules in the surrounding interstellar, at the quantum level?
Ever since, Master Wei used the spirit of scrambled eggs and fried rice day after day, and began to repeat such a thing, namely: create a large number of negative entropy planets in the sea of ​​stars.

Wei Keng explained in the dimension memorandum: This is not to enjoy being the creator god, but to try to obtain the verification of the relevance of "life" in the "universe environment".

…From a utilitarian perspective, such “repetitive labor” is downright boring.Just like the senses of the ancient princes and generals towards the loess...

In the 43rd year of the Jiulan Star Expedition, when the negentropic system on the extremely boiling planet began to network with other negentropic engraving planets in the galaxy.

After Wei Keng once again activated the perception of quantum fluctuations of "carbon", "hydrogen", "oxygen" and "nitrogen" in the universe, he took a deep breath.

Wei Keng: "I finally sensed it!" A road to the sky appeared in the dark energy system of the Eternal Heart.

At this time, Zhen Xun, who was waiting quietly beside him, finally jumped out of the space layer.

Previously, in order not to affect Wei Keng's experimental data, she avoided it. "

On this plane, Zhen Xun is one of the few who can directly understand the existence of Wei Keng's target because he has been to the supervisor's space.

As a member of the space-time department, she had to admit that Wei Keng's mind was really magnificent. The dark energy system of Eternal Heart was now connected to the "top dark energy series" in the history of Xu Xingxing.

As a dark energy system that can observe the essence of life, the prospect may be comparable to the "creation system" and "space-time system".

The Department of Creation and the Department of Time and Space have been inherited for more than 1 years, and Wei Keng was still "opening up" a new system when he performed "The Department of Time and Space".

Zhen Xun commented on Wei Keng: "If it is a genius born in this universe, I am afraid that the original history of this timeline has reached hundreds of thousands of years, or even the end of civilization in a million years. There are countless timelines, and only one is expected to be caught.

Wei Keng is from another world. Although Zhen Xun has some regrets that are 'not mine', he still has to say: "Welcome."

[Note: The promised star civilization also has a fiery, extremely slow timeline.Such a timeline cannot be detected by the main world at present.And now that there is an existence like Wei Keng in the main world, it shows that the current main world is much more fertile than the current timeline of the dark plane. 】

At the end of the extreme boiling star test, Wei Keng had already begun to see the higher possibility of the "Eternal Heart".

The reason why such a seven-level dark energy structure has not been built yet is because Wei Keng wants to combine the two groups of dark energy of "Eternal Heart" and "Time and Space".

...The dark plane is currently in charge of Jing Guyu, and Wei Keng has unknowingly opened this plane of primary value to the highest level...

Narrator: If the three dark energies of "Eternal Heart", "Time and Space" and "Creation" are unified and combined, it is equivalent to a thorough answer to the ultimate question of "life", "time and space" and "matter" in the dark universe.

The theoretical upper limit is practically impossible to achieve.

And if he can do it.That is equivalent to holding the universe in the palm of your hand.

Master Wei is very good at himself.

Wei Keng: Those who are stronger than me (Zheng Nian high-dimensional body) seem to have failed to do it, and I haven't gone crazy to that point yet.And I'm just a passer-by in this cosmic area, just understand the link between life and time and space a little. As for the origin of matter in this universe, life, creation, and the existence of my life form (too low), you must be in awe.

In the extremely boiling star, above the North Pole, in the huge yellow-white life fluctuation area.

Wei Keng turned around at this time and looked at Zhen Xun who appeared, oh, since we had a fight 43 years ago, we are friends when we meet again.

Especially after Wei Keng clearly drew a mutual bottom line with her.Wei Keng unceremoniously divided the work with her.

Among them, the negative entropy system (farming and physical labor) of each planet is done by Wei Keng. Wei Keng takes root on the planets one by one, facing various chaos and disorder dangers, and straightening the planets.

The mathematical calculation of gravitational changes in various regions in the star sea (textile handicraft) is being completed by Zhenxun. Zhenxun has given priority to approving the space network channel for Wei Keng, so that the Wei Keng cluster can get data between various stars faster.

Now, Wei Keng let out a long breath and said with emotion: "Thank you."

Zhen Xun is very natural: "There is no need for Taoist couples, they are all looking for the Dao."

Narrator: "Taoist Companion" is a vocabulary that Zhenxun learned from the main world, and it may be the first time she uses this word flexibly.Well, maybe it was used accidentally, maybe it was on purpose.

In a broad sense, Taoist companions are fellow travelers who have mutually confirmed the Taoism, but in a narrow sense~~~
Zhenxun began to play with the Fengguan Xiapei she stole from Qin Xiaohan,
At this time, the system reminded her that it was very inappropriate to wear this outfit, but she didn't seem to know it, and began to ask Wei Keng innocently: "Does this dress look good?".

Wei Keng casually said perfunctorily: "It's very beautiful, and if you wear this (Oriental Phoenix Crown), don't wear a (Western-style) white (wedding dress)"

After finishing the perfunctory, Wei Keng shifted his attention to Jiu Lanxing, those "kids" he had befriended with were still standing still.As for the world of the dark plane, he had to put an end to the main world.

(End of this chapter)

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