out of cage

Chapter 901 Chapter 20.16 Shattered Like Glass

Chapter 901 Chapter 20.16 Shattered Like Glass

It is the fourth year of the Hive Star War, and it has been 53 years since Wei Keng was in the Jiulan Star in the Rebellion of the Stars.

In the direction of Jiulan Star, Xinzheng, the planetary suzerain, is in a large warship of the Ark level, looking at the distance of the star sea.The energy perception organs passively "listen" to the overly anxious discussions of other seventh-level colleagues.

The battle on the "Honeycomb Planet" gave these long-distance blue star planetary suzerains a sense of anxiety of "wealth and sorrow".

You must know that today, rows of large gravitational mirrors are maintained on the surface of the entire Jiulan star to check the internal conditions of its own star at all times. This is the aftermath of Qiduo's manufacturing.

The suzerains of Jiulan Planet held a meeting specifically for their old enemy, the Arctic region, which is now in deep quagmire. The final result of the meeting was to increase troops in the border region.

In the last battle between Jiulanxing and the Arctic Creation Zone, Jiulanxing was forced to lose control of some marginal star gates.Humiliated to keep fighting power,

Liguang (level [-] dark energy user): Send additional guardians (level [-] dark energy user) into the border area to correct the territory.

The Supreme Council of Jiulan Star finally approved about 24 guardians to lead the fleet to prevent the crisis of the spread of war in the border area of ​​the "big black hole of creation".

At the same time, Jiulanxing sent another group of planetary suzerains to the Xinghai Council to explain that their actions were in compliance with the rules.

Jiu Lanxing's "reporting" behavior actually wants to show his attitude, and he is willing to abide by the restraint rules set by the "eighth-level dark energy user" Light Speed ​​also on Taxi Kairuo. Qiangjiu Blue Star will not provoke "dark energy Level 6 and above" conflict.

Of course, Jiulanxing and the planetary suzerains want to know when the "Tasi Kairudder" will end.

...Qingsu has not made a sound for a long time, but everyone still defaults to her existence. …

An example from Jiulanxing: A hundred Jiulanxing years ago, Chang Hengxi went to suppress the hymns.Drive straight all the way, it is a high-intensity war.

Now our side dispatches 24 defenders, which is not a high-intensity war.

Such expeditions belong to the big operations of the Star Sea forces, but there is no planetary suzerain to lead them.

The rules that Light Speed ​​also set for Taxi Kairudder and Behemoth Nebula are gradually affecting all major interstellar forces in this era.

Including Jiulanxing, all forces do not want to directly face the intense confrontation of the bottomless "Tasi Kairudder".

...But as long as the Tracing Origin faction grows up, the war between the old and the new will definitely end with one side bowing its head completely...

In the fifth year of the Beehive Campaign, because large-scale siege warfare was useless, the guardians who rushed here on the star orbit of the Beehive planet were determined to create a "Star Refining Ring".

This is an energy ring with a diameter of 6 kilometers. The person in charge of this project is Zhangwei (Jinyan's fiancé, a level [-] dark energy user, a great black hole of creation, Xinfeng's successor, and his Taoist companion)
He has always thought that the long-term Blue Star battle was a disgrace, and it is even more a disgrace not to be able to take it down after three years of attack.

Zhangwei reported to his subordinates for the fourth time. After the attack was not smooth, he seemed to let go of the bottom line and shouted: "Then let this planet return to its original state!"

The so-called initial state is the state of the asteroid belt. He wants to heat up the planet, and at the same time change the asymmetrical rules of matter in physics, so that the specific heat capacity of all water molecules will be reduced to one-tenth, and they will directly explode into pieces.

I have to say that this is a good method, but the only problem is that this thing is too slow.

Wei Keng, who saw through all this four hundred light seconds away, said, "It's like women's self-defense techniques. Every move seems to be blocked in an orderly manner. In fact, in the world of martial arts, speed is the only thing that can't be broken, and strength can break skill."

…Wei Keng: In wrestling, it is to judge the opponent's movement, and strike at the weak center of gravity the moment the opponent moves. …

When this huge ring is formed, it also destroys the gravitational force of the original blockade planet, and will disintegrate the entire "honeycomb planet".

But on the other hand, the stargate inside the hive can quickly migrate out of the planet and jump directly to the enemy's facility, and the two sides really start hand-to-hand combat.

At this time, when Zhangwei started the final trump card,
Inside the honeycomb planet, rows of light paths are injected into the core warp compartments in each plate of the hive with the star gate as the center. In these core warp compartments, they are formally preparing to take advantage of the enemy's "release of gravitational tear" to reverse the gravitational beam Fighting second-order traceability fighters

...Trace to the source and decided to change the injury, if you are a man, don't be cowardly...

On the inner square of the hive planet, Hai Xi looked at his companions who came from other planets. These volunteers who came from the interstellar transition gate were all existences above the "second level of traceability". At this time, what entered the planet were all carbon-based bodies , and the high-energy nanobody is now floating on the backside of the star.

The second level of traceability that came was called Kewu. After saluting the person in charge here, we began to discuss the evacuation work.

Hearing this, Hai Shui took a deep breath, as if laying down a stone, because the biggest problem with the exchange-for-injury strategy is the casualties on the planet, and now most of the secondary personnel have started to evacuate, and this obstacle is gone.

Hai Xi is one of the members who stayed behind to fight. When he was sure that he was going to participate in such a dangerous battle, he no longer felt nervous. Instead, he started to "confirm" and relax without hesitation in this regard!
Only those who have never seriously prepared will panic when disasters occur, while those who have not wasted their lives will enter the arena with life and death when facing disasters.

Sea suction begins to integrate into the energy well, enters the nano high-energy body, and then migrates with the star gate to start the warp battle.

Sensing his teammates who entered the state together, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Next, it may be uncertain whether I will survive or not, but the starry sky must be very bright."

…be so bright that the arrogant are dazzled. …

In the fifth year of the campaign, the revolution cycle is 343/360, and the epic battle has already begun.

From the beginning of the war, Zhang Wei, who was in charge of the big tear, entered the ring-shaped fortress of the Hive Star "Star Destroyer" and started the program of destroying the Hive Star. He watched the huge cracks appear on the large floor plate like an orange peel, and felt emotional. pleasure.

But soon the alarm sounded, and a large number of "light spots" flashed quickly in the vast starry sky. This was the scene of the large-scale assembly of the sky knights.

However, the suddenness of this gathering made even the seventh-level dark energy user Jumang feel horrified.

For this reason, on the star defense orbit, the North Pole jet zone, and some defense systems like the Great Wall of Space, a series of rail guns began to aim at the sky, ready to intercept the barrage.

In the fleet defense operations in the Arctic Jet Zone, all automated warehouses have an energy crystal with a diameter of 100 meters in the center. This energy crystal stores the remaining "quantum of consciousness" flames of the dead in the Arctic Creation Jet Zone.The entire thinking system has been strengthened to the extreme by computing.

This defense system is regarded as the peak barrier by the dark energy users in the arctic jet zone!But from Wei Keng's point of view, this huge module is still a bloated and huge structure!

This kind of defense looks indestructible, but it treats the opponent as a turn-based card.

However, in the eyes of the attackers of the traceability faction, it would be fatal if these defense systems cannot make up for the "gap" of real time in the scheduling process.

[Humanity’s own timer production activities set the time subjectively. When encountering the solar cycle, the natural cycle of the earth’s autobiography, errors will occur, and the leap year, leap month, leap day, and even leap second will be artificially called out to solve it. Now During gravitational fluctuations, time leap seconds appeared on some of the Hive Stars, and the traceability faction artificially disturbed part of the space, and also made some spaces appear "leap time".

The third-order traceability of the Wei Keng cluster took the lead in this attack. In the battle stage, it can achieve the connection of various departments in nanoseconds at a distance of light seconds.

Under Wei Keng's observation, in some areas, our own side can create firepower and counterattacks that far surpass the enemy's, and directly penetrate into the opponent's deadly acupuncture points.

...In space, at that moment, the huge aura that tore the earth was like a crane that couldn't bear the upper limit, and it collapsed directly...

Twelve hours later, the huge halo was still spraying cannons, but the spray of these particle cannons could not hide their helplessness, and the void scene was full of sighs of "It's over!"

At the moment when the sky knight hit, the palm that was originally full of confidence inadvertently caught a glimpse of a "flaw" on the ninth o'clock part of the big ring, and then this "flaw" spread all over the place like glass cracks and cracks. The entire "Ring of Destruction".As if waking up from a dream, a basin of cold water drenched Zhangwei's heart.

Such a highly sophisticated energy armament, if it is damaged a little bit, is like a small piece of the screen of a mobile phone is broken, and it will eventually spread to the whole.

The huge halo was destroyed, first it was broken into three sections, and then it was directly scattered into pieces under the influence of the huge magnetic field storm of Hive Star.

The guardians who originally wanted to clamor for the complete destruction of the "Honeycomb Planet" looked back at the scenes of "the masts and sculls flying into ashes" in the escape cabin.

Their pupils also reflected unwillingness and despair, and they did not have the open-mindedness of Cao Gong who looked up to the sky and laughed, which was a major spiritual setback.

After fighting for five years, I have used all means, but I still can't win. I can't find a reason to "do it myself".

The traceability faction will not stop here.After the halo strikes, it still spreads the gravitational fluctuations along the ocean waves, along the arctic jet zone, the escape capsule points to the space jump coordinates, and jumps to the "mass" point.

And these larger points are the guardian support warships around the halo.For these guardians of the arctic jet zone, it is difficult to tell whether the person who jumped to their own fleet is a "self-escape personnel" or a "tracing raider"

Taxi Qiduo once said: The most fun thing in life is to snatch other people's warships.Then after looking inside and out, transform this giant fleet into a look that suits your own preferences.

So the source-tracing faction was completing the first phase of the task. During the communication, they pointed to the enemy warship and said: Grab it.

Involuntarily started the second leap.As for the defenders of the arctic jet zone who just failed, the resonant sentence in their hearts at this time may be "don't come here".

...This scene made some people quietly watching the battle in the great black hole of creation, and couldn't bear to look directly at it. …

At the end of the fifth year of the war, the North Pole jet region completely lost control over other large planets in the star system where the Hive star was located.

On the largest gas giant planet.Tracing the source led the mechanical group to airborne into the hydrogen sea, and within 45 hours to complete the attack on the enemy's stronghold on the global star surface.

In this "Jupiter-like" core space station, the dark energy users in the Arctic creation area did not resist stubbornly, but handed over the control of the star gate at the touch of a touch. In this siege campaign, the encirclement of the star sea has been completely broken.

Three months later, at the beginning of the sixth year,
Thanks to the advantages of the traceability faction education, a large number of supporters quickly controlled these newly occupied stars.

In this interstellar war, only the production advantage remained in the Arctic Jet Zone. They began to retreat to the surrounding supply station stars, using solar cannons, space printing facilities, and these heavy equipment to continue to confront each other.

As far as the traceability faction is concerned, the team that has finished a guard war is already qualified to undertake the "dark energy smelting industry".

In the open space above the astrolabe, Wei Keng began to hand over the more advanced "dark energy smelting industrial equipment" to the "Tracing Source School"

(End of this chapter)

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