out of cage

Chapter 902 Chapter 20.17 The whetstone, who is the knife, who is the stone

Chapter 902 Chapter 20.17 The whetstone, who is the knife, who is the stone
The sixth year of the Hive Star War, the 55th year of the Jiulan Star Expedition.

At the periphery of the gravitational field of the honeycomb, there are hundreds of millions of individuals cruising at high speed. The speed of these individuals far exceeds the speed of the third universe, reaching a speed of [-] kilometers per second. It was thrown out under inertia.

These are the Celestial Knights individuals, "avatars" stationed in space.

Just as a person in the 21st century can have three or four houses, the individual in the second-order traceability state is not limited to one consciousness carrier.

Well, there is a set of self-carriers on the surface of the planet, and there are energy bodies waiting in the energy eggs in the stable area like “egg white” on the inner surface of the star.

For the human beings of the second level of traceability, the feeling of these multiple sets of splits operating at the same time is similar to listening to music, making tables, and eating snacks at the same time in the 21st century.Because it has changed from war to daily work, there is no need to maintain a state of concentration on something like operating a weapon.

In space, these high-speed "energy bodies" sail alternately in the huge starry sky, and in the background, dwarf planet-level warships are being "printed" in a grid frame comparable to a large planet.

The stellar force field sends the matter through the cloud, and the light particles in the space send out the smelted dark energy.As for human beings, they start to work and innovate in a negative entropy environment.

The sea sucker who came out of the planetary war is responsible for the extraction of solar prominences on the star element extraction platform.The elements of a group of light beams poured into the platform in the form of a double helix structure with a diameter of [-] kilometers.

The clock on the platform is on, prompting employees to "eat" immediately.

Narrator: The meals here are based on carbon hydroxide ions, supplemented with quantum active dynamic circulation substances.

While eating, Haisi confronted the "Old Dark Energy Expeditionary Corps" in the Arctic Creation Zone,
On the bright light area of ​​​​the star, the "lightwave" frequency band broadcast is broadcasting: Comrades, we are in the most dangerous moment!
...Qin Xiaohan's interpretation of Wei Keng: As long as the enemy is not dead, that is the most dangerous moment. …

If you really look at it from a third-party perspective, the traditional dark energy evolution system has been beaten in this battle around the great black hole of creation.

The number of dark energy users above level 20 invested in the Arctic Creation Zone has reached 600.In war zones such as the Honeycomb Star, there are [-] million first-order source tracers who have completed the "Eye of Reality" dark energy and the first-level body fixation technique in space.

The strength of the two sides can be approximately regarded as one to thirty.

According to the standard of the first-order tracer corresponding to the third to fifth-level dark energy (space knight), the battle loss ratio of the two sides is 1:6.

Please note that even a fifth-level body art dark energy user is an angel from the heavens in the eyes of the hive capital residents on the lower planet.Dressed in mecha and armed.In the cities of those dark asteroids, if these "gods" let go of dark energy to fight, it is like "a knight broke into a porcelain shop". Residential buildings are like breaking glass

As for the sixth-level guardians, the high-quality dark energy users who are expected to advance to the seventh level are the existence of gods.

They are driving battleships, compared to those five-level dark energy users who drive mechas, they are more equivalent to superheavy tanks to cavalry.

All the advanced technologies of the Promised Stars are developed in accordance with the "Dark Energy Level" standard.

Now the technology of the traceability school is developed according to the standard of "human development level".

The two sets of standards ultimately lead to the same goal in terms of "scale of consciousness" and "level of dark energy control". However, with different growth processes and different routes, the two factions compete for the human development model!

The battle represented by the Honeycomb Star is a milestone in the process of gradually improving the traceability school's line, and a qualitative change has begun, and it is a major event with epic significance.

Wei Keng, who made a statistical report from the overall perspective of the dimension: the traceability path represents that in the war, in a large number of barren areas, the number of middle and lower human beings in the hive area, which was considered useless in the past, has now become an important factor in determining the direction of human beings. strength.

At present, it seems that the 20 dark energy men sent by the Arctic Creation Zone are still a lot in number, but there is no reserve force that can be called after.

In terms of traceability, the mobilization of "600 million dark energy users" is undergoing mobile replacement at a rate of 10 people per month.

At this time, the planetary suzerains in the Arctic creation zone also intercepted this information and fell into a serious dilemma.

…The reason why the Arctic region of creation intervened in this war is to fulfill the obligation to protect the black hole of creation, and now this obligation is a bit "sinking"...

In the sea of ​​stars, the masters of the creation black hole planets in the North Pole are discussing the latest battle situation in the space network.

Su Jin Jumang watched the busy "Tai Shi" clan on his Internet channel adjust the remote communication, and he entered the group chat of the planetary suzerains.

Now the discussion process is "rotation in terms of traceability" information.

The so-called back-and-forth battle mode now makes the planetary suzerains in the Arctic Creation Zone very pessimistic.

After reading the discussion records for a few minutes, Jinqi Jumang quickly understood several key contents.

1: The battle around the Great Black Hole of Creation is not whether the Arctic Creation Zone will "collapse", but when it will collapse.Because the current forces of the Traceability faction are completely directly forcibly expelling the Arctic creations and interfering with the fleet. The reason why they are not attacking now is because their power is still growing under the current pressure, and there is no need to take the risk of "mass casualties".

2: The traceability faction continues to grow in this war. "And according to the latest information, trace the source to build a "dark energy combination" factory on the front line, which can also be said to be a technology laboratory, oh, that is, to build a large number of orbital accelerators with a length of [-] kilometers in the outer comet area.

3: The industrial products smelted by dark energy can not only be used by the traceability faction, but also can be used by the star knights of the party after they are captured.As for our dark energy ability technology system, the traceability faction cannot seize it. On the surface, this seems to be a good thing, but the fact is that when the traceability faction is getting stronger and stronger, there is a more universal dark energy smelting and traceability path. , so that the junior dark energy interstellar knights of those traditional factions who had no hope of advancing chose to surrender as an established system on some battlefields, or even surrendered directly.

Particles "filled" with primary dark energy collided with "singularities" one by one, and after being combined, they were staggered into "multiple singularities staggered and combined" and sent to various planets.It can also achieve advanced dark energy to easily ignite the nuclear fuel inside Jupiter planets, or allow quarks to split and combine "substance transmutation" and other advanced effects.

But the current dark energy combination mode is too expensive, only 11% to 34% of the efficiency of natural high-level dark energy users.

Wei Keng: Third-level traceability, the loss rate can be controlled to less than [-]%. Jing Guyu's note: Currently, the dark energy smelting industry that only belongs to Wei Keng is much more advanced than the traceability faction.

…quantitative change produces qualitative change, …

If the use of dark energy by the traceability school is too inefficient, if it is displayed in the past 100 years, it will be let go by the truly advanced dark energy at a glance.

Therefore, when Wei Keng experimented with this kind of "unstable dark energy", it was not noticed by Jiulanxing.Because from personal application, the effect is very small.

At that time, young heroes like Cheng Ting who saw this thing said: I will improve my personal strength first, and then promote it after my personal strength has improved.

Wei Keng: This kind of mentality has existed since ancient times. For example, in the biography of Jigong, the scholar is cynical. After Jigong fell into a dream and asked him to be an official, he also became greedy. He pretended to be a high-ranking official first, so that he could save the people better. In the water and fire.

In fact, life cannot develop synchronously when it comes to the development of two conflicting goals.Because if a project wants to evolve, it must devote all its energy, and there will be no retreat.

For any goal, if you put this goal behind another goal, the development potential of this goal cannot be high.

As for the geniuses of Jiulanxing back then, when they saw the low-level path of "dark energy smelting", they wanted to let low-level dark energy talents spend their energy exploring, and in the end, as the existence of a high-level and excellent line, they came to directly lead This kind of result.

Wei Keng still said the same thing: Although I am unwell, you are not worthy.

...In the Arctic creation area, the high-level dark energy users still don't know how far they have been defeated. …

On the gravitational field of the mini-planet, here is the node of the confrontation between the creation area of ​​the North Pole and the Hive Planet.It is 87 AU from Beehive.

Here, on the space battleship, Tian Ruo, a level [-] dark energy user, saw the increasing pressure around him, and fell into a state of anxiety that could not concentrate.

There are more and more "standard space warships" in the traceability system.

There are more than a dozen types of space battleships of this kind, but they are all standard equipment.

For example, a frontal assault ship with a rhombus of [-] kilometers.

120 kilometers long, but flat rail gun fire delivery ship.

Compared with Tianruo's Arctic Creation School: a total of 24 battleships are still not unified, and they look like a motley crew.

More and more standardized warships indicate that the Traceability School has begun to find the optimal solution.The so-called battle, the eternal truth is to cover the charge with firepower and directly insert into the enemy's command center.In the rounds of battles, the source-tracing faction's firepower tactics are also becoming more and more mature.

The general routine is a wave of fire suppression, hit a wave, the second wave of fire suppression begins to guide the drone group to charge, detonate the traps in the space, the third wave and the fourth wave continue to deliver, the fifth or sixth wave of firepower At this moment, the assault group arrived at the center of the enemy battleship array synchronously.

The style of play is so "simple", but as long as the connection is good, everything can be broken with one sword.

…In space, the Traceability faction can take advantage of their strategic advantages to actively choose conflict areas, take advantage of the advantages of troop build-up, and determine the scale of the battle…

The standardized interstellar artillery bombardment and close-range armor charge cover by the Traceability War experts will make the dark energy efficiency reach 80.00% of the opponent's output in the same dark energy scale!
The "most efficient" plan for various impact and firepower warships is based on the mathematical matching of energy collection stations, material collection stations, and related efficiencies.

In short, the scale of material and energy collected by the space station, as well as the broadband of information and communication, and the power system determine the standard of large platforms.

On the energy incarnation of less than one kilometer, the ship-capturing equipment of the Traceability School is very flexible.Because the hard conditions are relatively loose
Just like the exoskeleton individual equipment in the 21st century, there are special types suitable for sniping to counteract recoil, there are support types for loading individual howitzers and medical kits, and there are also assault types that strengthen camouflage, strengthen vital armor, and strengthen leg power. .

...War command is arithmetic, Bing Shengyun: More counts to win, less counts to win...

After the dying battle broke out, Wei Keng finally realized Zhengnian's genius perspective: everywhere you look, there are mathematics.Use all your potential to the limit.

Tianruo was physically and mentally exhausted after another harassment battle. At this time, the projection of devouring gold and gathering light came from the communication of the Central Fleet.

Tianruo hurriedly walked up to the halo, and saluted. See: Senior, our defense in the ice-mixed ring (Kuiper belt) is now in a critical state. (He opened his mouth to support, but he was embarrassed to say it directly)

Su Jin Jumang looked at this young man, whose spirit had almost worn off at this time.I can't help but feel a little heartache.

Jumang opened the star map, and comforted Tianruo who was under the beam of light where he was: We launched the last attack, whether it succeeds or not, the war should be over.

On the planet map, the North Pole Creation Zone is scheduled to put the power of the Tianruo Corps on the Hive Planet again for the last "battle without calculation".

The purpose of Jumang is to end with a complete failure, the duty of guarding the edge of the great black hole of creation.

In short, the scumbags knew that they did not do well in the exam, so they started reading books a few nights before the exam, and at the end they told their parents "I did my best" after the exam.

(End of this chapter)

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