out of cage

Chapter 903 Chapter 20.17 Why are you not rough?

Chapter 903 Chapter 20.17 Why are you not rough?
The space transfer of the Arctic creation zone is all in the "information investigation" of the interstellar theater of the traceability school
It is worth mentioning that the Arctic jet force's involvement in the war on the north side of this great black hole of creation is not just a commander who eats gold and gathers light.

So when Jumang is determined to end the war with "total failure", it is only his personal opinion at present. Although other people's personal opinions are similar to his "hero's opinion", they are still personal.

Narrator: For an organization, if there is something, even if everyone knows it tacitly, there is still a lack of coordination in terms of overall action.

Jumang and other seventh-level planetary suzerains expected in their hearts: In the final battle of the final defeat, if it is a unified action, they can counterattack, but now the traceability faction has begun to mobilize elites from each star area (second-level traceability) on the star map to gradually break through.

...On the eve of the second defensive battle of the Hive Star, after Haisu and other second-order traceability calculations, they came to the conclusion that "put it in and fight"...

Looking back at the hive planet, Tian Ruo came back with the fleet again, but he took a breath of air after returning.

The planet is now visually expanded to twenty times its original size, and of course the twenty times are due to the atmosphere confined by the outer layer of nanomaterials.

Its surface atmosphere is no longer transparent, but is composed of a layer of mirror film separated by 200 meters, and the flowing materials of each layer are lifted by the electromagnetic field.

All the strikes of beam weapons struck from outer space will be scattered.A physical warhead attack in space will be destroyed by the burning of the concave mirror surface formed on the surface of the film before reaching the atmosphere.

This is like a biological skin, with layers of mirrors.

Tianruo took out a data observation system on the battleship.

This system relies on its own sixth-level dark energy field to connect with its own warships and space perception drones.

If Tianruo was around "Lookout", he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be prying eyes all around.It feels like sensing the eyes of wolves in the jungle.

Before Tianruo launched a space counterattack, a beam of light was emitted from the direction of the stars, and under the guidance of the sky knights, "white rainbow penetrating the sun" poured into his center
Wei Keng: The defense system of Hive Star is a margin, and it must be there, but [-]% of it may be useless.

Tianruo's fleet finally sensed the beam strike firepower and kinetic energy warhead barrages going up and down in all directions. As for the impact cluster behind the barrage, they could no longer react.

This "defeat" war ended within six hours.

Most of the invading warships remained basically intact, but on the smooth skin, small holes like moths could be seen, and these were punched in by the assault group.

This is a gang war against all hulls of the entire "Arctic Jet" intervention fleet.

...5 minutes before the end of the war, Taxi Qiduo appeared in front of Jinqi Jumang. …

Biting gold and gathering light is like watching a child being abducted, almost directly violating the agreement, but then being reminded by other colleagues to pay attention to the phenomenon of "artificial symmetry" (the prototype of the sword array) that began to appear in the surrounding hundreds of light seconds, he Finally endured it.

Looking at this calm opponent, Wei Keng couldn't help expressing "regret".

Jumang looked at Taxi Kairudder, who was obviously still unsatisfied, and expressed silence.

The war must never be expanded. Now the planetary suzerains in the Arctic jet zone almost "can't afford to lose" and want to intervene. Taxi Kairuo "just happened" to appear to reiterate the rules.Or in other words, I want to see if I can "break the rules with one pass"

In the starry sky, Wei Keng said to his long-lost old friends: "It so happens that I am also tired, why don't we stop fighting, let's talk."

Jumang looked at the captured warships and people, wanting to say something.

Wei Keng said in advance: "Don't look at it, it's not yours anymore."

...After this war, the traceability and the traditional dark energy faction, the offensive and defensive momentum has changed...

After the battle of star strongholds on the periphery of the eight creation black holes, including the Hive Star, the war negotiations have already begun!

This time, Jiulanxing was the mediator.

The seven-level dark energy group, Xinzheng Hejiguang, Hanming Wangwang 1000 and the war two hundred light-years away, are communicating in private with dark energy fluctuations in "silence".

As early as when Taxi Qiduo was in Jiulanxing, Xinzheng had already paid attention to Wei Keng, and tried to pull this space system into his faction, and had a conversation about interests with Han Ming of Chengting (time system).

But then the Arctic jet area invaded, and he took the Ark-class warship on a long-distance voyage, and he was away all year round. When Wei Keng rebelled at the core of Jiulan Star, he was not there, and the two sides missed it.

It turned out later that it was a kind of luck to miss this "troublemaker".

Five days later, through the multiple jumps of the space star gate, the new struggle to control the gravitational light cluster first came to the negotiation site, Nirvana.

At this time, Nirvana is no longer the devil of hell, and has a satellite system whose mass is one-fortieth of its own.

The satellite orbiting Nirvana is named "Wutong". Wutong is also very young, its rotation speed has reached an astonishing speed of five hours, and it has a strong magnetic field.

Xin Zheng looked at this once chaotic star area, which was only pirates, and now it has become harmonious, with star ports and space material farmland facilities, he couldn't help but be surprised.

Xinzheng was followed by a sixth-level dark-energy woman and said: This is not only to create a star, but also to turn the dead place here into a living place.

This young new-seeded contestant has little stars shining in her eyes, and she, who is "a young man without worries", admires the senior named Taxi Qiduo very much.

And in the canyon that occupies [-]% of the area on the Nirvana planet, it is already filled with sparkling oceans, and all the participants are in awe.

This kind of respect is the admiration of human beings for the art of "visible rules".

Wei Keng's "aesthetics" is not the kind of miscellaneous piles that cannot be understood in the 21st century, but a "negative entropy" complex with a lot of logical piles.

Narrator, ordinary people in the 21st century can't understand art.In fact, it was all created by the American emperor in the cultural desert to counter the cultural pressure of Soviet Russia, those Cthulhu systems that can make people "crazy".It is to let people say that they can understand it, but others cannot find art theory to refute it.Because American art is inherently "a trick to win without a trick" (sarcasm).

Around the Nirvana star, Xinzheng paused for a moment, he raised his hand, the dark energy field began to expand, and a huge gravitational effect flooded the planet.

... Xinzheng wants to try, how much power does this junior Taxi Qiduo have, and Wei Keng respects the old and loves the young...

On the Nirvana planet, Wei Keng controlled the dark energy field and had a confrontation with Xinzheng. The two sides saw each other, and the planet's gravitational field made the sea tide stronger than before.

Xinzheng was sure that his dark energy could "shake" the gravitational column of Nirvana, but he soon discovered that what he was shaking was not only Nirvana's gravitational force, but also slightly touched the "Sura Star" (that huge white dwarf). So, the range of his wavering is limited.

Backed by the white dwarf, Wei Keng is like a tumbler in the face of Xinzheng's shaking. It will shake, but it will not crack, and even the tidal law will not be disturbed.

In short, Nirvana Star seems to be a grape trellis built by a bamboo shed, which seems to fall apart when shaken, but a few steel bars on this "bamboo shed" are connected to the load-bearing walls of the adjacent building!This grape trellis can be shaken slightly, but if you want to shake the trellis, you have to demolish the building.

Anyone who can discover this scene, whoever can use two words to describe it, is "awesome".

After Xinzheng confirmed this scene, Youyou said with emotion: "At the beginning of Zhaoxing, the market is darkly extended"

This proverb means that the formation of a super-large blue giant star begins, and the huge original disk of the nebula (market) begins to rotate. Because the matter is flowing at the rotating speed, it cannot gather into new stars, so this piece looks dark, while Only when you wait for the giant star to twinkle, will you know how big this mass flow is!

In the language of the earth, the towering tree has taken root in the early stage of growth, so that its future cannot be shaken.

Has the dark energy of Taxi Kairudder recovered to "level seven" now?The new dispute is still unclear.

But he can be sure: just a seven-level, does not pose any challenge to Taxi Kairudder.

The new generation of Jiulanxing sixth-level seed players who are accompanying them: It is certain that he (Tasi Qiduo) will enter the seventh level. The only uncertainty is what level his seventh-level dark energy quality will be.

...unseen, already known, high and low...

Xinzheng saw "Tasi Kairudder",
Taxi Qiduo gave Xinzheng a very strange feeling. Among the many standard aesthetic faces in Xinghai, his appearance was quite satisfactory. The only special thing was that his eyes were very expressive.Different from his usual ones.

Males of the promise star are evolving, and they often bear the burden of "pursuing beauty" like a male bird.

Similar to some people who considered themselves underdeveloped areas in ancient times urgently needed external definitions.

Wei Keng has the mentality of an earth person. Earth men do not have such high standards for their appearance, as long as they can look.What I care more about is whether I can accomplish some "goals".

Wei Keng has obviously achieved his basic goal now, so he looks very confident.His eyes were shining brightly, and he began to regard the Xinzheng group as new targets.

Qin Xiaohan's note: This is the "aggression" Oh, I would be very embarrassed if he looked at me like this.

Master Wei, who attended the meeting, was wearing a paint-peeled armored mechanical suit, which is the engineer's suit for extravehicular maintenance in the airborne cabin of the spacecraft.

Taxi Qiduo's body fixing technique is at the late stage of the third order, and he has corrected himself very precisely.But out of the habit of Zangfeng, the mottled clothes are used to give outsiders a visually asymmetrical feeling to hide the absolute precision of the body fixing technique.

The sixth-level guardians who participated in this meeting seemed to feel a little "disillusioned" when they saw Taxi start the rudder.

But the dark energy users above level six, with a slightly broken view of Wei Keng's disguise, can discover the extremely stable energy field around Wei Keng.What kind of "sharpness" is hidden under this "stable" "warmness" that does not see a single flaw.

Wei Keng had no habit of opening his tail to peacocks at all.

Wei Keng's logic: It depends on "opening the screen" to go to see the Holy Great Wall. This guy will "open the screen" every time he fights evil with righteousness. I am used to digging pits. You will know how "deep" I am when you fall down "

...The purpose of opening the screen of the Holy Great Wall is not to attract female elves, but to greet brothers to shoulder shoulders. …

The peace dialogue on the honeycomb planet has begun, although it is a peaceful talk,

In the process of talking freely, the traceability side is still stepping up efforts, trying to find the combat group of the creators of the Arctic to start the assault.

At the venue, Taxi Qiduo defended his side's attack: after five years, a full-scale counter-offensive has begun, and it's not just a stop.

Wei Keng's subtext: Could it be that, when you get angry now, don't you talk about it?Well, go ahead.

Now it's the arctic spray zone that wants to end this war they started unilaterally.

And other onlookers now also hope that this negotiation can reach the principle of "consensus" in the conflict with traceability.

Narration: After the negotiation between the Qing Dynasty and any of the great powers has broken through the bottom line, the other great powers can share according to the principle of unanimity.So even hundreds of years later, Europe still misses that time, and every time it trades with the East, it calls on European countries not to act alone.

At the meeting, the Traceability faction directly exposed the hypocrisy of the Xinghai powers: the past principle was to distribute according to strength.

Tracing the source of complaints: I can't beat you back now, do you want to seek understanding from the perspective of love and harmony now, and then "both parties take a step back"?

At the negotiation venue, Zhen Xun was dressed up as an ordinary female recorder, and she was not recognized by all parties at this time.

Wei Keng chatted with Zhen Xun: "A honeycomb planet is just a point of conflict."

Zhen Xun rolled his eyes at Taxi Qiduo, and then said inexplicably: "You have stabbed them to a very critical point. They are already crying, and you still want to go deeper?"

Wei Keng: Uh.My goal is to enter the great black hole of creation?If you don't poke, how do you get in?

…Wei Keng: Well, it feels like stabbing people, hey, the memory of the multi-dimensional plane has not been downloaded. (Bai Linglu's firewall)...

In the great black hole of creation, the jet region of the North Pole and other forces that guard the great black hole of creation have also started to connect in series.

The forces around the big black hole created by other parties in series demanded that the Arctic Jet Zone continue to fight, but the Arctic Jet Zone politely refused.

After the traceability faction on the northeastern front like Honeycomb star dragged down all the largest suppressive forces in the Arctic jet area in the past five years, so that the rest of the traceability star (base) flourished,

Although the Arctic jet area is very virtual now, it does not prevent them from using this false series to exert pressure at the Nirvana Negotiation Conference.

Xinzheng looked at the Great Black Hole Alliance of Creation, and began to worry about his own situation; "You mean, after the last conflict, do you still want to expand within the scope of our long-term blue star?" (Tracing the source The faction is now moving towards the fringes of all traditional spheres of influence.)
Taxi Qiduo counted his fingers, then raised his eyebrows: "I will not enter Jiulan Star, but you, Jiulan Star, are not qualified to establish absolute hegemony in these millions of star regions."

Xinzheng looked at the universe, and sighed leisurely: "Then this matter will be troublesome." (He was slightly threatening, threatening that the war would expand, and Jiulanxing would not compromise)

Tassie Qiduo looked at him with a half-smile: "If you have the heart, this matter is not troublesome. If you are careless and have illusions, then it is really troublesome" (the meaning is also very clear: deal with you with your heart, this It's not troublesome, but you are cheated and useless, this is really troublesome.)
Xinzheng stared at Taxi Kairuo, as if talking to himself: "Then the future is rough."

Wei Keng: "There will be no bumps in the future. The problem is that I am willing to take the bumpy road, and I don't want to be a stepping-cloth for someone who doesn't want to go the bumpy road."

(End of this chapter)

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